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A couple of interesting things I screenshotted from the new opening.

[spoiler=Leo Akaba (?)]2rxjryd.jpg

The ominous red glowing eyes he has are asymmetrical (the other side is round, the other isn't), I assume he has some sort of a device over his other eye for whatever reason. It could actually have something to do with Reira's Persona Shutter series of cards.


A silhouette of his ace monster is seen, plus a closeup of his face. The fact that he's in this suggests he'll make a proper entrance relatively soon. I wonder if we'll get to see an actual Turbo Duel outside 5D's lol.

[spoiler=Mystery character]othezm.jpg[/spoiler]
Could this be another alt version of Yuya similar to Yuto and Yugo, or an entirely different character? I can also see this person as having something to do with Sora and his side of things.

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whoever the mystery person is, he seems to have stolen Yusei's clothes. 

My thoughts exactly.

I have hopes on other main characters at least being mentioned in this series at some point, then hopefully we'll someday see the day where a clear timeline is shown.... including alternate realities.



Let's see... I think Arc V is the first to deal with parallel worlds actually... ZeXal had other dimensions, which were just different than their world and somehow had a relationship with one another in the form of Heaven/Hell/Earth. GX had more or less "higher planes" with dimensions stacking each other up to the highest 12th. 5Ds had time travel and Butterfly Effect. DM just developed its plot in good old fashioned Earth, and D&D playsets....

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Pardon me for posting twice-
Anyone find it amusing how Yuto was against Poly? But if you think about it, nobody in ZeXal era used Poly(Correct me if I'm wrong, plz).
Also it's rather amusing how Yuto is a mysterious, blue-haired, D-wheel Turbo Dueler:

'Course, Arc-V makes as much sense as Build Fighters, in the sense that it just references everything, but still...

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Anyone else thinks Yugo's mystery ace monster bears a slight resemblance to Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon?
I dunno, maybe it's just me...

That's kind of an obvious parallel (the kind of the animes are a fan of). Yugo's dragon, Dark Rebellion and Odd-Eyes are all meant to be counterparts much like their owners (although appearance-wise Odd-Eyes is not really similar to the others).
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Watched le subs, on the same site as the RAW. Dunno why I didn't do that yesterday as the subs were up then.


[spoiler=Thoughts on 31 Subbed]

- As Yuya walked onto the battlefield, some people were wondering whether Pendulum Summoning was real and if his duel against Strong was bogus.
- Sawatari accuses Yuya of stealing his Pendulum cards (Even though he stole them from Yuya) and also other disgraces to him in the past (ofc Yuya replied that he didn't do it)
- Naming yourself "Neo New" really is redundant as it does mean the same thing.


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[spoiler=31 subbed]

  • Sawatari's still spouting lies, I see. Then again, he was stuck up as hell in his introduction; even more so now. Also talks too much. (Reminds me of the occasional newbie in CC at times)
  • New name (or habit for doing it) sucks (even Masumi pointed that out). Neo New is the epitome of redundancy.
  • His friends/"cheering squad" are still lame TBH.
  • People still doubt Yuya's win against Strong was legit; now they've seen it.
  • Reiji taught Sawatari how to seal Pendulums; go figure. (Will be fun to use once the rest of the Yousenjuus comes out).

Yeah, most of the sub review on my end is directed at calling out Sawatari's character. But then again, he's winning right now so...


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To be fair, most players are usually in a winning position in Arc-V because their decks specifically counter their opponents. Take Michio and Meiru; both their decks revolved around countering swarm tactics, which Yuya happens to use. The field used by Eita countered Yuya's intelligence level.


And take how Yuzu beat Masumi. She filled her deck with cards to counter and make use of her opponent's Fusion cards, and how Masumi's Fusions usually had very high ATK. And that Ano guy's deck could take advantage of how slowly Gogenzaka filled his field by stealing his monsters before he could amase enough for Steadfast dueling. And now, Sawatori is countering Yuma with an archetype that is frankly broken by anime standards. Since Yossenju are some kind of tier deck when compared to what everyone else uses.


Arc-V really is all about countering the opposing player's deck strategy for cheap wins, and by countering the counters by ass pulling new strategies.[/spoiler]

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I dunno, I kind of like Sawatari. He's got a flair for the dramatic that gets criticized in-universe, but it still rather amusing to watch BECAUSE it's so unnecessary even by the show's standards. His cheering squad is annoying as hell, because they're blatantly just ego-boosters who take up screen-time and have no personalities of their own.

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Yeah, we'll forgot about those three when Arc-V ends; or probably when the next arc comes around.
As for Sawatari/anime, at least they're using already existing stuff instead of doing their usual and making Decks that probably won't see the real game for a long time (if ever).
@Broke: Yeah, that's essentially what most of the Yugioh duels have essentially resulted in lately; lucksacking some new combination and other things. (Which, of course, translates to real game in a few months)
Some notes on 33; Sora duels Shun.
Heartland City/ZEXAL makes a cameo of sorts at that point (if new ending didn't imply it to some extent).
The heated battles continue in the Maiami Championship. Next up facing Sora is the mysterious Xyz user Shun Kurosaki. Kurosaki is quite shaken when he learnt that the chosen Action Field was "Future Metropolis Heartland". On the other hand, Sora duels Shun in his usual self.

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aww yeah, the dimension crossing is finally gonna heat up. Can't help but laugh at the image of a ruined heartland though, after Yuma's decision to let the Barian world live after the end of Zexal (yeah, I know the damage was kost likely done by the fusion faction rather than barian world, but I just like to think everything is Yuma's fault. it's a believable enough story).

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Yuya will probably win this one; again, main protagonist thing kicks in + he lucksacks something to cream Sawatari with. (And how many times has this happened?)

But yeah, Sawatari needs to be get humiliated; especially at this stage.


Probably won't get eliminated from the cast, but probably reduced to some filler/lesser one at later parts; we shall see.


(Of course, I'm tempted to try Yousenjuus on DN/whatever program I can use them on at the moment, because of this.)

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I've been using them lately, they're actually really good, I've found a lot of success with them, they're my new favorite deck right now.


I doubt Sawatari is going to poof after this duel, and I hope he sticks around; he's one of my favorite characters in the show right now, I love him for how over-the-top and scummbaggy he is.

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