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The left looks like it has Bruno and Jack Atlas/Rafael, a weird adult Yuma, and someone else.
The right looks like it has Trudge, Rio, and then I can't put my finger on it who is in the upper right.

Someone help me out here: Who looks like who in this lineup?

Bottom left looks like Zane. 

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I'm personally more invested in the fact that Yusho's hand is in a Vulcan salute.


That guy in the upper right could be III... maybe. Definitely getting Usio and Jack vibes off of the ones you guys pointed out, though.


Bottom left looks like Zane. 

looks more like bruno


I'm personally more invested in the fact that Yusho's hand is in a Vulcan salute.


That guy in the upper right could be III... maybe. Definitely getting Usio and Jack vibes off of the ones you guys pointed out, though.

thought so too but boobs

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The subs are out now


[spoiler=Additional thoughts on 14 Subbed]

So the kids are now calling Sora a weakling and saying that YSDS don't need him (How rude)
It's also clear why Masumi was worried about the attack on Marco, as Marco is also a Fusion user, and that the attacker was using Xyz summoning.
Shuzo saying to Yuya that LDS developed Reiji's Pendulums and that more Pendulums will appear is saying that Yuya needs to be prepared for that, and also says that he needs to set an example for Pendulum summoning.


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Man, everyone acted immaturely at the start of this episode with the kids b*tching at Sora and Yuya about to run off :/

But they ARE kids, so that behavior should be expected from time to time.


Shuzo's deck...2010/2011 Fusion would totally use that.


That screenshot with the shaded duelists in the back really makes me wish we had an updated timeline for the animes.

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I'm interested in Jin's connection to Yuya more than anything. I wonder if we'll see tag action duels when the tournament starts.

Also these kids are saying "we don't need weaklings anyway" but they don't even have cards let alone wins.

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Strikes me as very odd that they called Sora a weakling; They've only seen him duel once when he NEARLY BEAT Yuya, and WOULD HAVE won if he had attacked Sword Fish before attacking Odd-Eyes, only losing because of not knowing an aspect of the Pendulum Monster's effects that none of them had the slightest clue about until then. Maybe they resent him for backing out of the duel against Yaiba?

So now we have TWO dark mysterious dudes who use Xyz Summon... I hope his deck is sufficiently different from DD's deck, otherwise that could be very repetitive and boring. And frankly, I'm glad a tournament arc is upcoming, I always enjoy those.

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New info from V-JUMP:

Meet Kurosaki Jin, the new enemy from Arc-V! He’s an Xyz Duelist who suddenly appears in Maiami City! He’s after LDS and knows the mysterious Dark Masked Duelist!


He looks quite badass tbh.

I smell a Rival here or at least a person that will Duel Yuya on a few occasions. Then again isn't Shingo kind of a Rival? Last we saw of him was in hospital though. Worried that they haven't even shown him once in a few episodes.

I'm interested in Jin's connection to Yuya more than anything. I wonder if we'll see tag action duels when the tournament starts.

Also these kids are saying "we don't need weaklings anyway" but they don't even have cards let alone wins.

The kids are entitled brats. Hated the Shivering kid enough as he is and the girl is "Hey look at me! I'm cute!" Stupid cheerleaders....

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Watched the episode now in subs.


So apparently the motivating call is to become to leader in the one who masters the Pendulums by setting an example and becoming better than anyone else...so at this point we'll see if Yuya will ever get pissed off at anyone else using Pendulums; His selfishness towards the summon concept really makes him step backward in what he wants t obe.


The kids were unnecessarily worse in this episode. I get that Sora can be suspicious and tend to judge You Show vs LDS a lot, but really, calling him a weakling and saying he's not part of LDS at all? He nearly beat Yuya a while ago and they became friends shortly after...I get that these kids are only existing only to emulate explanation of what's going on and to have a sample young for Entertainment Duels, but in relaity, minor characters that actually have personal goals and aspiration for skills like Yuya would be worth cheering for and supporting. Maybe something along the lines of Sora but cheerleading children here are naturally immature and don't seem to be that qualified for even You Show's standards, even if they are defending it. Honestly we got nothing out of them but SHEEBERU.


Aside from Yuzu who could have a good sub-plot to justify her character development, the kids might need some importance too.


Also, Jin looks pretty badass; He looks as if he's not created in the same YGO style but some other anime instead.

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Jin looks interesting, guessing he'll be the new Kaito or whatever.


As for the kids, I've learned at this point not to expect anything from the cheerleaders in YGO shows and only care about the rest of the cast. I like Shuzo more after this episode, Yuzu has potential, and everyone outside of You Show seems good for the most part too.

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Jin looks interesting, guessing he'll be the new Kaito or whatever.


As for the kids, I've learned at this point not to expect anything from the cheerleaders in YGO shows and only care about the rest of the cast. I like Shuzo more after this episode, Yuzu has potential, and everyone outside of You Show seems good for the most part too.

Er...I mean... Reiji pretty much has that spot... For some reason I only see Jin as a Reaccuring/Supporting character tops, maybe rival, but only time will tell.


Don't count the kids out yet. I feel like they'll serve some kind of plot relevance. ESPECIALLY Tatsuya.

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New info from V-JUMP:

Meet Kurosaki Jin, the new enemy from Arc-V! He’s an Xyz Duelist who suddenly appears in Maiami City! He’s after LDS and knows the mysterious Dark Masked Duelist!


He looks quite badass tbh.


This just means we have two suspects for the latest LDS attack, the Dark Duelist and Jin (or Shun as they translated on YGOrganization), I'm just curious what he will use since he's an Xyz user.

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If the "cheerleaders" were to ever Duel, it would probally be a 1 off episode when Yuzu or Yuya are feeling down and out (I doubt that we will see Shuzo Duel again) Little girl will use a fairy Deck or something, Shivering Kid will use crap and the boy with Blue Hair would use a more primitive Pendulum Deck because he idolises Yuya a lot.


I can see the Shivering Kid now.


"I Draw! SHEEBERU! I lay 1 card face-down! SHEEBERU! I play Cotton Candy in Attack Mode! SHEEBERU! Your turn Yuya! SHEEBERU! SHEEEEEEEEBBBBBEEEEEERRRRUUUUU!"


Shivering kid would then collapse forcing the Duel to end.

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Watched the episode now in subs.


So apparently the motivating call is to become to leader in the one who masters the Pendulums by setting an example and becoming better than anyone else...so at this point we'll see if Yuya will ever get pissed off at anyone else using Pendulums; His selfishness towards the summon concept really makes him step backward in what he wants t obe.


The kids were unnecessarily worse in this episode. I get that Sora can be suspicious and tend to judge You Show vs LDS a lot, but really, calling him a weakling and saying he's not part of LDS(?) at all? He nearly beat Yuya a while ago and they became friends shortly after...I get that these kids are only existing only to emulate explanation of what's going on and to have a sample young for Entertainment Duels, but in relaity, minor characters that actually have personal goals and aspiration for skills like Yuya would be worth cheering for and supporting. Maybe something along the lines of Sora but cheerleading children here are naturally immature and don't seem to be that qualified for even You Show's standards, even if they are defending it. Honestly we got nothing out of them but SHEEBERU.


Aside from Yuzu who could have a good sub-plot to justify her character development, the kids might need some importance too.


Also, Jin looks pretty badass; He looks as if he's not created in the same YGO style but some other anime instead.


I believe Yuya will be fine now after Shuzou taught him a lesson.

I'm sorry, but I'll have to defend the kids here. Sora was a total jerk to both Yuzu and Gongenzaka, not giving them any credit for You Show's victory, in spite of all their hard work, only because they didn't win, not to mention he simply abandoned You Show and left his job to an outsider just because he was "bored". He was clearly not doing it out of consideration for Gongenzaka, but rather because he was too lazy/uninterested to do it. While he might be strong as a player, he is definitely lacking in moral fiber.

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