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So Swashbuckle. Such Starboard. Much wow.


Good to see the old gang again, but didn't like how Sawatari and Gongenzaka got the short end of the stick once again. But Yuya didn't too much either. In hindsight, against the busted Captain Lock, none of them could really do anything (Sawa Pends, Gong Synchs and Yuya Contact Fuses along with with his other methods). Only way I could see them doing anything would be to discard and SS from grave.


Also am I the only bothered that Crow is a lancer? Never really disliked him, but something about him being relevant again is really... upsetting. Can't put my finger on it, maybe we were just in the Synchro Dimension too long.

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Yeah, after watching this week's episode, I'm convinced Captain Solo is a Granblue user



Also watched le subs (as the site I normally watch it on has 'em)

[spoiler=Thoughts on 115 Subbed]

[spoiler=Speedsubber errors I noticed]

- Serena saying ​acadmia at one point

- ​Every time Sora said Kraken (it was spelled Kracken)

- Diana saying: "If you want past" (this is more grammatically correct: If you want to pass)



- I liked Sora reminding Sawatari that he's a fusion user and explaining to him how Poly works as if Sawatari was a kid.

- Solo informed Sora that they have Serena and if Sora returned with him, he'd negotiate with the Professor (Negotiate ways to give Sora another chance I reckon)

- Reiji explains that after the wormhole incident, Security is no more, the city is pretty much equal. Crow even adds that they were gonna help with the city's revival, but Shinji and Tokomatsu said to leave it to them.

(I will say this though, I do find it weird that Reiji mentioned nothing about Shun)

- Sora mentioned that he remembered someone in Akaba Leo's inner circle that can do stuff with a person's mind, which explains Serena.



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Also am I the only bothered that Crow is a lancer? Never really disliked him, but something about him being relevant again is really... upsetting. Can't put my finger on it, maybe we were just in the Synchro Dimension too long.

Not just you. Saw it last night when I saw the cast for the episode listed on YGOrg, lamented to Nai. Poor choice.

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[spoiler=Thoughts about Lancers]

But...why is that a surprise? It was obvious that Crow was set up from the very beginning of the Synchro arc to be one of the "allies" that they were going to recruit. The disappointing part is that Jack does not appear to be one of them, too. I suppose as the strongest Duelist in the dimension, and a very level-headed person, he would see a need to overlook the City's social reconstruction, but it feels weird all the same, because that means, literally, the Synchro Dimension arc dragged on forever (and I do mean FOREVER. Like 50 episodes forever), and they only recruited a single Duelist (because Yugo doesn't really count, even though he is unambiguously an ally, due to having a common enemy in Academia and befriending Yuzu).


Also...the other Lancers seemed to have come out of nowhere. Did they deliberately go to the Fusion Dimension? Bear in mind that half of them got sent to the Xyz Dimension accidentally, only to eventually get a Dimension-port to Fusion. Did Reiji or the other Lancers have any idea any of this happened?


And again, the bizarre thing is that at the end of the Standard arc, Reiji explained they were going to Synchro to recruit allies, because they had no chance whatsoever of overcoming Academia with their current manpower and strength.


-Serena (re-captured by Academia in Synchro)

-Shun (incapacitated in Xyz)

-Dennis (traitor)

-Yuzu (she's not even being counted in the first place, because she has Damsel-in-Distress syndrome that's been going on ever since Yuri showed up in Standard)


+ Crow.

Yugo is not being factored in, because he got Bracelet-ported and no one knows where he is.

Kaito is not being factored in, because Reiji shouldn't know about him

Asuka and Yusho aren't being factored in, because YUYA doesn't even know about what they're doing, so how would Reiji know about them?


Yup. You guys are definitely ready.


Oh wait.




Never mind, you guys are good.


...I'm biased. *hugs Fluffal Deck*



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For the record, subs are out on other sites. 


[spoiler=115 stuff]

  • Serena kidnapped Yuzu and appeared to turn traitor, but given Sora's explanation, she's probably brainwashed by someone in Leo's inner circle. If I recall, she hated Leo after finding out what happened; would take quite a bit of effort to persuade her manually. 
  • Sawatari forgot that Fusion / ED summons can get around Captain Lock, and Sora is capable of Fusion Summoning to begin with. (Memory loss much?)
  • Would've liked to see Fluffal Octo's effects and stuff. 
  • Well, it appears Crow will be here for a while, which is probably a good thing. (Suppose Jack had to stay back and watch over the City's reconstruction)
  • Gongenzaka and Sawatari aren't doing much nowadays; then again, Yuzu hasn't dueled since she got OTK'd by Sergey back in Synchro (though at least she had more duels than Kotori)
  • Wondering how Reiji, Crow, Reira, etc got to Fusion. 

Rest of the sub thoughts are my RAW. 


Captain Solo more/less had pirate speech, which fits his character.




[spoiler=My hopes]I still think Jack and Edo will arrive with reinforcements during the Lancers' darkest hour.




They probably will, but at this point, they are dragging in a ton of people for this final battle.


We shall see though, but hopefully Jack returns (although having Crow is sufficient, even if some people tire of seeing Blackwings)



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[spoiler ep 115:Unleash the Kraken]

- OH COME ON! How many times is Yuzu going to get kidnapped or otherwise written out of the plot? They're not even pretending she's a main character at this point.

- actual duel was so-so. nothing really to say

- it's SO nice to see Sora duel again though.

- So Crow is our new Dennis. No complaints here.

- Almost the whole gang's together now. Just missing Yuzu and Shun (and arguably jack, but hopefully he and Edo will show up with 2 dimensions worth of reinforcements in the final couple of episodes or something).

- Kaito and Yugo duel in the same episode next time. We're not far now from finally seeing Ruri and Rin in action.



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I'm gussing the final lineup of the Lancers during the final battle will be something like....









Jack ( Given he is shown to be getting a new card, he'll likely show up )






Yusho ( Maybe )


Yugo ( Provided he doesn't get absorbed by Yuya or Yuri )

Shun ( Since I doubt we've seen the last of him, and he'll likely return for a Big Damn Heroes moment )



The Bracelet girls are tricky. Serena is brainwashed currently, who knows what will happen to Yuzu, and as of this being written, we haven't seen Rin and Ruri outside of flashbacks.


It would be kind of cool if Meiru, Masumi, Tokamatsu, bee guy, and X-Saber guy showed up, or even 227, but at this point, I kind of doubt it sadly.




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Let's not forget that all Yu-Gi-Oh series tend to have a large number of protagonist casualties prior to the "final" battle with the antagonist. Or in 5Ds' case, they arbitrarily exclude half the protagonists.


So the raid on Academia will probably wipe out a chunk of them. Sawatari and Gogenzaka are probably screwed, because the writers seem to hate making them look useful. Tsusikage is almost definitely screwed because he's not that useful as a Duelist, more as a ninja. Sora's probably screwed because Academia traitor all but ensures he'll lose a fight with a significant opponent as a way to prove his resolve to changing sides. Reira could go either way, but I expect him to be taken out by Leo personally, because that would piss Reiji off.


Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Yuya, Crow, Kaito, and/or Reiji were involved in the final Duel(s). Someone from Standard, Synchro, Xyz, and Dimensional Dragons.



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Let's not forget that all Yu-Gi-Oh series tend to have a large number of protagonist casualties prior to the "final" battle with the antagonist. Or in 5Ds' case, they arbitrarily exclude half the protagonists.


So the raid on Academia will probably wipe out a chunk of them. Sawatari and Gogenzaka are probably screwed, because the writers seem to hate making them look useful. Tsusikage is almost definitely screwed because he's not that useful as a Duelist, more as a ninja. Sora's probably screwed because Academia traitor all but ensures he'll lose a fight with a significant opponent as a way to prove his resolve to changing sides. Reira could go either way, but I expect him to be taken out by Leo personally, because that would piss Reiji off.


Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Yuya, Crow, Kaito, and/or Reiji were involved in the final Duel(s). Someone from Standard, Synchro, Xyz, and Dimensional Dragons.








Sad but true. Also surprised you didn't mention Edo.


I feel it will come down to Yuya, Reiji, and the five from the previous series who will probably all either team up against someone ( likely Yuri or Leo ), and lose. Or they will still be around.


Yuya and Reiji are for sure going to be in the final battle. Though I expect Tsukage will probably sacrfice himself to save someone, Gongazaka I hope at least if he were to fall in battle falls to someone important.


I could actually see Sora lose to Yuri. That would be a cool battle to see. 


At most, the Lancers and allies ( not counting the Bracelet Girls, but counting those I mentioned in my last post, and Sayaka and train kid stand at a team of 25....against an entire school....


Though I highly doubt ALL of them will show up. Be interesting to see, all things considered. 



However wasn't it mentioned Yuri was only helping Academia for shits and giggles essentially?


....And because he's an ass.



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I was only trying to count those who explicitly were Lancers or were unambiguous allies to the Lancers. While Edo, Grace, and Gloria COULD make an appearance, I really don't expect them to. They may just as easily not show up to a final battle, and instead just focus their efforts on reparations to the Xyz Dimension. They could still show up, but again, not expecting them to. Well...actually, Edo has the biggest chance of showing up because of his connection with Yusho.


So I suppose that if Shun recovers, Edo might go with him to Academia.


Honestly, I want Yuri to fight Sora. And I want it to be epic, not just Yuri OTK with Starve Venom.


But we are still expecting a Yuri vs Yugo match that actually plays out the whole way. And yes, Yuri only works with Academia because it's fun. But because of that, I cannot imagine him turning against Academia, even for egao. He would probably need to lose to Yuya or Yugo (the former is more likely) and be absorbed.



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[spoiler=Theory]It was mentioned that someone on Leo Akaba's inner circle can brainwash people. Yusho is heading to Academia to try and reason with him. Does anybody else expect Yusho to get brainwashed and forced to duel Yuya?




I would think Yusho is smart enough not to let them do it, but you never know. Would be interesting though, as we haven't seen Yusho duel at all [and I'm not considering that little get-away thing he had with Dennis a proper fight]. 


Probably thinking no at the moment. 



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I was thinking about Celina or Serena or whatever we call her. Let's review brainwashing for a bit:


Bandit Keith and Joey Wheeler had blank stares on their faces.


Alexis, back then, had the standard parts in her eyes except the white part when she used White Night.


Akiza, same thing when Sayer took control of her.


And let's not forget the Barians and the emblem on their victims foreheads.


Celina, none of that. Methinks


[spoiler theory]

She is being blackmailed.



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I just thought of something;


So when Reiji was chatting about what had happened in Synchro since the wormhole incident, he didn't ask about Shun's whereabouts. So maybe the reason he didn't ask about Shun was that they went to Xyz first and found out Shun was recovering and came to Fusion via the transporter.



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[spoiler=On the Lancers' state of affairs]

Getting really tired of Sawatari being a complete idiot. He was a legitimate threat when he had Yosenju, and really seemed to be turning a corner.


Now he and Gogenzaka are on the Hardcore Job Squad. Like, straight up they only function as bodies to stand in the way of enemies for all the good they do...Even Shun, who started out very credible, and continued to be credible for a long time started to job - and with Ultimate Falcon no less.

He's gonna need to Digivolve his Falcon into Mega, if he ever recovers.




Meanwhile Kaito can beat an entire platoon of Academia soldiers by himself in under a minute. I get it, he's supposed to be good, and I like him and all, but at this point, he and Reiji should just two man the entire Dimension.


Tsukikage is nothing to write home about in terms of Dueling ability, but he's literally a ninja that actually proves himself an incredible asset everytime he appears.

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Not Sartious. Leo. 



Leo beats them in a duel, and they become brainwashed.


"If you beat me, ( which you won't ), you can leave."


And when they lose, Leo uses whatever power he has to brainwash them. I doubt Sartorious will appear as well. I mentioned him because...well...Acadmia = GX, and you see where I'm going with this.

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Not Sartious. Leo.



Leo beats them in a duel, and they become brainwashed.


"If you beat me, ( which you won't ), you can leave."


And when they lose, Leo uses whatever power he has to brainwash them. I doubt Sartorious will appear as well. I mentioned him because...well...Acadmia = GX, and you see where I'm going with this.

Wasn't ~BS~'s point that Leo was never stated to be able to brainwash, only one of his inner circle?

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