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[spoiler ep 112: The one where Edo takes of that ridiculous coat]

- seriously, that thing was ugly

- The Tyler sisters are ridiculously adorable

- Why the hell did Edo not go with them?! That would have been a HUGE help in the fusion dimension. Oh well, at least Kaito went. If we'd been reduced down to the lancer fun squad again I'd probably punch something, especially since they left Shun of all people behind this time.

- So the greatly hyped Dennis vs Yusho duel was a single turn... great

- Great to see Yugo helping out again, but really wanted to see him and Yuzu tag duel those academy mooks

- Speaking of which, remember when Yuzu used to be allowed to duel? Those were the days

- My only regret about the gang all meeting up with Yuzu again is that it poofed away Yugo. AGAIN. I'd happily trade Yuya for him at this point.

- Kachidoki is back. Wow. Now THAT was out of left field. Looking forward to next time, but after this duel, Yuzu and the others had BETTER be together from now on, writers!



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[spoiler=Thoughts on 112 RAW]

- So after Aster was defeated, it pretty much went tits up for Noro and his forces as Yuya (with some assistance) managed to get through to them and ended up helping those at the duel lodge. Though I defo prefer Aster with his overcoat off tbh, as it felt a little too big for him imo.

- At least Kaito decided he'd go with Yuya and co to Fusion. (I'm fine with having no Shun for a bit if we're gaining Kaito)

- I was disappointed that Dennis vs Yusho lasted like one turn, even then Yusho used that trap of his as a means of escape. On another note when Dennis Pendulum Summoned, the first card he summoned was erroneously shown as a level 3 monster instead of level 4.

- And ofc the moment Yuya and co show up, Banana disappears to who knows where. (I have a few ideas of where he might've ended up)

- Kachidoki is back, and I'd be interested in seeing what is up with the markings that appear on him in the preview of the next episode.



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That theory Pchi would require the parents to know what was going on with the invasion. As shown when Yuzu was at the pier where students were being shipped off, no one believed her when she told them. So I doubt Kachidoki's parents would be in the know enough to send him in as a spy before the Arc Area Project was even a thing.

If I'm not mistaken, she didn't even have a chance to explain herself properly; she wasn't even allowed to talk about anything Academia-related to the adults before they labeled her a deserter - their overall attitude seemed to imply they knew about the Arc Area Project to some degree and fully supported it, at least to me. Besides, Academia has a few adults among their ranks too, and it wouldn't surprise me if they used their children this way. TBH, however, I don't find this theory a whole lot plausible either.

As for Dennis helping Yuya defeat the Ryozanpaku duo contradicting my first theory, I reckon they might have been kept in the dark about the truth until the Lancers left Standard, when the chance to finally make their move arrived.

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[spoiler=112 thoughts]

Because the subs came out when I watched it an hour ago, this is it. (I liked the other subber better to be honest)

  • So yeah, am I supposed to believe that Phoenix, the Tyler sisters (well, Gloria needed nudging) and the entire Academia force in Xyz changes sides in one shot after the duel? I predicted Phoenix, but certainly not the others. 
  • Noro doesn't have a brain, does he? Tries to command the Academia students to attack, but he can't duel. 
  • Disappointed in Yusho vs Dennis; expected more out of the former. 
  • Way to ruin it, Yuzu's bracelet; we could've see Yuya and Yugo together, but nooooo.....you just had to teleport one of them away. 
  • At least there's a way to recover the people sealed in cards (does this apply for the guys Shun carded too?)
  • Oh look, violent Kachidoki returns. 
  • Sayaka gave Kaito her card (uh, how will that help his Deck?) Allen gives Yuya his shoes (ok...)

In all, kind of disappointed with this episode. 




[spoiler=general stuff for 113]

Kachidoki appears to have a new ace monster, but I'm expecting him to beat the crap out of Yuya again (and probably more violent). Still, I think Yuya's going to win. 




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My complaint with this episode's developments is that it feels a bit rushed. Like...in numerous areas.


[spoiler=Episode stuff]


While several of Academia's forces I can certainly accept changing their viewpoints, such as the Tyler sisters and Edo (since he was clearly just in denial), and I can even accept Academia's footsoldiers switching sides, who are more following orders and know full well that they can't just stop following orders, or else they'll be labeled traitors and probably carded themselves, my complaint isn't with Academia.


It's with the Resistance.


Kaito's change of heart was WAY too fast. For the last several episodes, he was shown to be a rage-filled dick, possibly excessively. And while he did waver after Dueling Shun, and chose not to card him, this at least seemed reasonable, because carding an ally would be stupid as hell, even for a rage-filled vengeance-seeking jerk.


And saving Yuya and beating the Obelisk Force is the first good step of a change of heart, including that he didn't card the Obelisk Force even though he'd be justified in doing so. But now...we're supposed to accept that Kaito fully remembers the value of friendship and smiles and isn't the least bit concerned or hostile about Academia's change of heart?


Too fast. WAY too fast. They built him up as being almost irrationally unyielding in his goals of revenge against Academia, and now he's just totally cool with Academia offering to make reparations? Even if he accepted that, he's acting like he has to atone for inflicting fear in Academia's soldiers. Except I don't feel he has to. Like Shun early on, he had been in a warzone, where survival trumps morality. I did theorize that one day, further down the road, Shun might regret things like carding LDS staff and students just to get to Reiji, as they were innocents unrelated to Academia, but I don't feel that Kaito was ever unjustified in hunting down Academia soldiers and carding them. His motive may have been revenge, but they were still active threats to him and the rest of the Xyz Dimension. Maybe wanting to make amends in some form is AFTER seeing their change of heart, but it's not perfectly clear that this is what happened.


Yes, forgiveness is the first step to ending conflict, but he didn't know YET that there was a way to undo the carding process. This change of heart should maybe have happened AFTER Edo told him this. But not immediately and with such a drastic shift.


It's just a sign that Arc-V is abruptly aware it only has like 40-50 episodes left, and it still has a lot to cover, so the Xyz Dimension arc, while I didn't expect it to be super long since there's only so much to accomplish in Heartland, feels now like it was just quickly rushed through so they can move on to the more significant finale arc(s).


It's the consequence of the Synchro arc taking forever and a half to get anywhere. But the real cost is that it makes characters like Allen and Sayaka almost literally irrelevant. They barely did anything in the first place, and now the plot is moving on without them. I guess as a bonus, Kaito is going on to the Fusion Dimension with Yuya and such, so at least the visit to Heartland wasn't completely wasted, even if Shun is out of commission.


I can best justify things with the fact that Edo doesn't have much battle experience, which has been emphasized repeatedly. He's not a hardened soldier, so it would be easier to get through to him when confronted with the error of their ways and methods. That makes him a little more trustworthy in a sense, because it's so unlikely he'd be planning something outright insidious.


Also, I expect that any Academia soldiers suddenly wanting to go after the "traitors" or Resistance would find themselves facing someone much stronger than they are, like Edo or the Tyler sisters, whose shifts seem sincere, and while Noro is more a slimeball, he clearly isn't a good Duelist, if one at all, so...yeah.


I am super curious to see how the non-combat Resistance reacted to a whole legion of Academia soldiers, the Commander-in-Chief, the Tyler sisters, and the newcomers that came out of nowhere (Yuya and co) showing up at their headquarters, though.


So far, the rules of Yuzu's bracelet seems to be that the Yuya that ENTERS the range of Yuzu's bracelet is the one that sticks around. So theoretically, if Yuri approached Yuzu again when she's near Yugo, Yugo would disappear. Yuya himself is probably immune, since he's ALWAYS the one who sticks around. When all 4 had been gathered, only Yugo and Yuri disappeared when Yuzu showed up.


I'm so glad that Kachidoki really is showing up, if only because it demonstrates they didn't completely forget the implications back in 39 that Kachidoki might be a relevant character in some form again, even though it took like 75 episodes.




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[spoiler=Thoughts on 112 Subbed]

[spoiler=Speedsubber errors (3)]

Aster: I may have accidently sent ​you father to another dimension (missing an "r")

Sawatari: Well ​that shall we go (should be then)

Dennis: ​You're duel against Sawatari... (should be your)



- So Noro thinks that because Aster (and the Tylers) were defeated, he declares himself the commander-in-chief. How cute, he can't even duel

- Aster admits that Yusho was right all along and reaches out to the army in helping to restore smiles to the Xyz Dimension and even said that anyone could return to Academia if they disagreed.

- Kaito's change of heart came a bit too early, when that happened, he didn't know that there was a way to undo the cardifying process.

- Aster says that there is a way to restore everyone who was cardified; once the Academia's utopia is created. One question though, he mentions that the cards are sent to Academia, does that mean those that Kaito and Shun cardified were also sent to Academia?

- I have to admit, Yusho having a magic card that is treated as monster in the player's hand preventing Dennis from doing any damage was clever.

- Yusho claimed that Dennis hadn't grown, but he's unaware that Dennis ha been around and learning new skills; like Pendulums.



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[spoiler= Episode 112: Revenge of the Shipping]

Dear lord, I'm gonna need a blush counter. And a Foe Yay counter. The shippers will have gone absolutely mad.


Edo being predictable, what else is new? Seriously, I called he was going to switch sides episodes ago.


Well, at least Yuya gets those silly roller skates from the OP. That's . . . something.


So, Kaito will be carrying that Fairy around. Um . . . does he have generic LIGHT support? At all? Because so far, he's only run a pure Cipher Deck. Also, twenty bucks says he'll wind up using it in his very next Duel.


Still no sign of Reiji, Reira, or Tsukikage, evidently the only ones who are entirely sure of what's going on. Maybe they'll call in the cavalry with Jack, Crow, and maybe even bee boy later? And Sora (please)?


Yusho: Officially just Smile Yugi.


Unbelievable plot element #47 in Arc-V: that really easy side switch.


NO DON'T LEAVE THE SISTERS BEHIND! Oh, and Shun. If you want to sell more RR, you'll need him, too.


*sarcasm* Oh, joy. Punchy McNoFun is back. */sarcasm* Meh, at least it's follow-up. More than I can say for just about everyone else from Standard who isn't a Lancer!


Maybe Yugo will get to Duel Yuri. He might even get to win, I dunno. I'm just wondering how Yuzu's bracelet knows to send the bike with him.


Speaking of the bracelet, can we get any explanation on that, please? It's dictated the pace of the plot like five times now. No? Hrm.


If Yuzu and Yuya separate one more time, I'm punching somebody.



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[spoiler= Episode 112: Revenge of the Shipping]

Still no sign of Reiji, Reira, or Tsukikage, evidently the only ones who are​n't entirely sure of what's going on. Maybe they'll call in the cavalry with Jack, Crow, and maybe even bee boy later? And Sora (please)?




Yeah, we haven't heard from Reiji, Reira, Tsukikage and Sora for like 2 and a half months. Though I suppose one way they could come back is if Yugo ended up back in Synchro and explained things to them. Ofc there is the fact that Yugo hasn't had any interactions with any of them (and has only seen Reira and Sora when he was last in Synchro before warping), but Reiji would enquire where he just warped from which in turn would bring up Yuzu and her whereabouts. I mean it'd give them an idea of where to go (working them back into the plot), but he'd still have no idea about Yuya and co's whereabouts.



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[spoiler=Episodes 114-117 Previews]

Episode 114: 闇に輝く超銀河 - Yami ni Kagayaku Chouginga
(The Supreme Galaxy Shining in the Darkness)

Yusho and the others board the ship heading towards Academia. On the ship, a match between Kaito and Dennis begins. The two duelists, who were both Yusho's students, fight fiercely for what they believe in and the people they want to protect.

Episode 115: 決闘(デュエル)海賊キャプテン・ソロ - Dyueru Kaizoku Kyaputen Soero
(The Duel Pirate - Captain Solo)

The ship that Yuya and co. boarded, with the "help" of Serena, turns out to be a pirate ship. Even though they find out that it is a trap, it is already too late. As Yuya and his friends are shaken by this sudden turn of events, they are assaulted fiercely by the Duel Pirate, Captain Solo. Suddenly, they hear a familiar voice...?

Episode 116: 太陽と月の守護者 - Taiyou to Tsuki no Shugosha
(Guardians of the Sun and Moon)

Yugo learns that Rin is being held captive on one of Academia's towers and heads towards there immediately. Standing before him is the "Keeper of the Eastern Tower". At the same time, the "Keeper of the Western Tower" stands before Kaito who is trying to save Ruri.


Episode 117: 牙をむく鈴の音 - Kiba o Muku Suzu no Oto
(The Sinister Bell’s Chime)

Yugo and Rin happily reunite. But, suddenly, Rin challenges Yugo to a duel! Despite being childhood friends who grew up and dueled together in the City, Yugo senses that something is wrong with the monster that Rin summoned.




Update: Previews confirmed real

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[spoiler=Episodes 114-117 Previews]

Episode 114: The Neo Galaxy-Eyes that Radiates in the Darkness

Yushou and the others board the ship heading towards Academia. On the ship, a match between Kaito and Dennis begins. The two duelists, who were both Yushou's students, fight fiercely for what they believe in and the people they want to protect.


Episode 115: Duel Pirate Captain Solo

The ship that Yuya and co. boarded, with the "help" of Serena, turns out to be a pirate ship. Even though they find out the truth in the end, it is already too late. A shaken Yuya and co. are assaulted fiercely by the Captain Solo. Suddenly, a familiar voice...?


Episode 116: Guardians of the Sun and Moon

Yugo learns that Rin is being held captive on one of Academia's towers and heads towards there immediately. Standing before him is the "Keeper of the Eastern Tower". At the same time, the "Keeper of the Western Tower" stands before Kaito who is trying to save Ruri.


Episode 117: The Threatening Toll*

Yugo and Rin happily reunites. But, suddenly, Rin challenges Yugo to a duel! Despite being childhood friends who grew up and dueled together in the City, Yugo senses that something is wrong with the monster that Rin summoned. 


*Episode 117's title is a pun. 牙をむく means "to bare one's fangs". The latter 鈴の音 part can be literally translated into "Rin's Voice" or "bell toll".







I'm pissed cause it seems that Kaito is just Shun with Cipher instead of Raidraptors. Replace Kaito with Shun, and it even reads better. Jeez.

Hey, Rin finally duels! Epic, specially since the only card we've seen her with is a Gemini monster, who's wielding an instrument.

You know, that familiar voice could be Sora or someone FINALLY RETURNING TO THE PLOT.

Yuri still hasn't got an important duel yet ORZ.



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[spoiler=Reaction to the previews]

114: So Kaito and Dennis are duelling? Meh, I'd have preferred it if it was Shun (but he's recovering though), should be interesting nonetheless

115: Familiar voice eh? Last time we had this was at the Friendship Cup and that was Sora. I wouldn't be surprised if this familiar voice ended up being JMR for some unknown reason (I mean we haven't heard from him since he fell through the wormhole). The Pirate thing seems intriguing though.

116: There goes my earlier theory. So it turns out Banana warped somewhere else in Fusion. Anywho I believe those towers that the previews were on about are the ones we saw in the opening.

117: Cool, we finally see Rin duel, it'll be interesting to see what that monster is though tbph. It'll probs be a Fusion.



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[spoiler=Preview thoughts]

114: So Ciphers vs Ancient Gear Performages; hmm, this should be interesting. Hopefully we see Kaito go into that new Rank 9 he has now. But yeah, guess they're off to the Academy. Serena probably returns though.


115: Can't really say what'll happen here, but pirates? Remind me that there was an admiral character in Season 1 of GX somewhere. But yeah, suppose more duels and stuff.


116: Wondering if title is joking about something else in four months, but otherwise I expect Kaito and Yugo to clean them out well enough.


117: Rin FINALLY appears outside of flashbacks, but given the blurb, either she's brainwashed or something else happened to her; thinking the former.



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Are there new rules or something? Where would I find them?


[spoiler anyway, episode 113 stuff]

- Ah, new pre-opening monologue. That was quick.

- duel was so-so. I will never be entertained by the daft antics Yuya does instead of duelling.

- nice to see Kachidoki again after so long

- Yuya and Yuzu are actually still in the same place at the end of the episode. Hopefully this means we're done with the stupid separation plot.

- Kaito gets a new dragon next time. cool.



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[spoiler=Thoughts on 113 RAW]

- Huh, didn't expect to see a new pre-opening monologue. Though I then expected a new opening since we're no longer in Xyz.

- Ofc Dennis used the duel as a means to make a getaway, though with Kaito in pursuit.

- Kachidoki got new toys, one of which resulting in him getting weird markings on his body every time it damaged him.

- Not surprised Yuya was a bit wonky when he first used the boots, but he got the hang of it quickly.

- At least he didn't smack Yuya when the latter offered a handshake.



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Wow, that was quick

[spoiler=Thoughts on 113 Subbed]

[spoiler=Speedsubber errors]

Yuya: ...formed from he pitch-black (Where's the t in "the"?)

Yuya: Ladies and Gentlem​a​n (Pretty sure there's more than one man here)



- I like how Yuzu was; "I'm fine. Gongenzaka and I can fight." She must think Sawatari is that much of a hinderance or she forgot he was even there for a moment.

- Kachidoki revealed that after his loss to Yuya, he was pretty much ex-communicated from Ryozanpaku. I suppose that's what happens when you disgrace their duelling style. Still, he sure went to an extreme, almost killing them both when he used that trap card of his. (Luckily Yuya's saved them)



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112: Everything I thought was pretty said by evilfusion, but I didn't care that much that Kaito had a sudden change of heart. Probably because I personally was done with the whole "Number Users are evil, gimme your soul for my family" Edge Kaito from Zexal. I just assumed he had time to think after Shun's duel and whether to trust the Lancers as comrades and such. But Edo and the Tylers aside, I can see how the acceptance of all those Academy Students should at least warrant caution and/or suspicion.


113: Guess Ryozanpaku isn't a Standard-Grown extension of the Academia like I thought it was. Dennis just snatched Kachidoki for the purpose of hindering Yuya. But isn't weird how he said he thought he'd never see Yuya again, yet got Kachidoki for this sole purpose? Did I miss something? Either that's kind of a plot hole, or Dennis (and Writers) has a bigger plan involving using him.

EIther way, Kachidoki is kinda stuck here, don't know where he walked off to lol.


Also I really enjoyed the duel, despite Kachi's weird new cards. I want to say he got them from Dennis, and I also think they were messing with his mind? With the whole "die with me" thing, maybe the monster made him darker.

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Are there new rules or something? Where would I find them?


I believe it has something to do with posting links to sites that stream anime illegally. GoGoAnime and Animefun.io should be fine though, but may need to check on it. 


(A little reminder that Smear's also an Anime/Manga mod now; may need to bring up his stance on this.)


[spoiler=113 thoughts (subbed)]

  • OK, so Kachidoki wanted revenge from getting creamed way back then. He's still resorting to hitting Yuya though to prevent him from getting Action Cards.
  • New monster screws over Xyz now that I look at it, although his new Main Deck kills his LP. 
  • Yuya summons DRXD, but unlike before, it doesn't work. Instead, he resorts to some gimmicky plays to make Shura a lower Level and make DRXD be able to fight with some attack. (Kachidoki is surprised that you can even do that in the anime)
  • Kachidoki apparently was shamed after his loss [well, you lost twice] before Dennis approached him for revenge; then again, he kind of softened up at the end. 
  • Allen's skates appear here, but Yuya almost crashes the first time. 
  • New opening is cool.
  • Sawatari gets ignored (then again, I don't see Yuzu with her Deck anywhere)



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[spoiler=113 thoughts (subbed)]

  • Sawatari gets ignored (then again, I don't see Yuzu with her Deck anywhere)



[spoiler=About that...]

When I was watching the episode, I had wondered about Yuzu's deck. Whilst it is true Yuzu was shown with her duel disk towards the end of the Kachidoki/Yuya duel, until that point I kept thinking that her deck was still in Synchro.



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[spoiler=Episode 116 informations]


Yugo and Kaito have snuck into Academia ahead of the rest of the gang. In order to save the kidnapped Rin and Ruri, both of them have to fight the guardian of each girl’s tower.



The Western Tower
The Duelist guarding the western tower where Ruri is held. She Fusion Summons “Moon Protector” and attacks Kaito.
A Duelist from the Xyz Dimension. He’s taken over for the severely injuried Kurosaki, making it his mission to save Kurosaki’s younger sister, Ruri.
The Eastern Tower
The guardian of the eastern tower where Rin is being held. By Fusion Summoning “Sun Protector”, he attacks Yugo.
A Duelist from the Synchro Dimension who is Rin’s life-long friend. He fights Apollo on the way to the room where Rin is being held.




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