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Likely due to him not paying attention to the conversations in this thread on a regular basis, because we theoretically found that out from the previews. If it were something about AU Aster and what sort of cards he's playing (in specifics, besides the obvious D-HERO stuff), that would at least be something that we didn't already know.

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OMG just found this thread! When is Yugo gonna get some more toys to play with? That's all I care about tbh.


Likely whenever he reappears in the series again. New opening hints at a rematch between the two, though. 


Pretty sure a few people would've wanted to see him with new stuff back in the Synchro Dimension when Yuri and him dueled, but that chance got shot after Yuzu appeared + made them disappear. 

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How else are you supposed to establish a character's strength?


That character has to be seen taking out characters already known to be strong to properly label them as a threat. Taking out nameless mooks isn't enough, because anyone can do that.


And really, I blame the fact Sawatari and Gogenzaka were butting heads early into the Duel and their strategies conflicted. There was obviously some emphasis put on the fact they were disagreeing over what approach to use, and by the time they started working together, they were already screwed.

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Really what I'm lamenting is the fact that characters like Sawatari, Serena, and others are built up to be good and enjoyable to watch, and many times they are, but if they aren't facing Yuugo, then they just end up being completely ineffectual. There are other ways to hype up a character's strength besides obliterating protagonists, only to have them be beaten/the protagonists be saved by the main character. This was an issue during WRGP in 5Ds, where almost every single duel came down to Yusei beating two or three people in a row. Granted, this is taken to less of a degree in Arc V (main character is not Jesus and slapped around into more growth, secondary characters actually do something, etc) but it gets to the point where it lacks satisfaction because you see Sawatari take the stage and you immediately expect he's going to lose, and specifically in Sawatari's case very easily. This duel in particular was actually a notable change from Synchro Arc, where he almost entirely kept getting randomly OTK'd by security, but it still wasn't a satisfactory experience.


I guess the point I made there and here is that we want to root for these characters and we want to see them win. Obviously not every duel is like that, but when it comes to a point that you expect they lose with no tension or drama, that's when it becomes annoying.


And as a nitpick, jobbing more refers to taking falls in professional wrestling, ("doing the job") back when people didn't know that pro wrestling was fixed.

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I dislike how Sawatari has been handled.

He started off as a jerk and a joke, but it looked like he was going to turn around after he used Yosenju against Yuya and earned some respect.

Then he switched decks again to contribute to the winning strategy against Obelisk Force, which was fine, but then he proceeded to have about 5 duels which were never shown in detail past the first turn, and apparently he lost them all.


Now he's just a blatant joke again.

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Sawatari is kinda flip flopping between his joke status and character development. It kinda seems like he resets at the beginning of every arc, but his development comes farther each time.


Beginning of first arc: Total jerk, more of a joke than anything, though.

End of first arc: Respectable character, if admittedly still comic relief.

Beginning of Synchro: Gets curb-stomped offscreen, reverts to joke status.

End of Synchro: Seems to have matured, is funny but has his own place in the cast.

Beginning of Xyz: The water joke says it all.

End of Xyz: ???

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[spoiler=101 thoughts]they got beat badly. but yeah, it was mostly due to them not working together. I'm not really a fan of the abyss actors, but it was nice to see a little more of how they function. i'm also hoping sawatari and gongenzaka can have a few winning streaks this time because they both really deserve one at this point. as foe kaito, i never watched arc-v, so i know nothing about his abilities, but i have to say that he's definitely got impressive presence, even though it was pretty much guaranteed that he would job them. the preview of yuya VS kaito looks like kaito'll lose concentration upon seeing dark rebellion, and if that's the case, then OERD might not be a jobber this time around!



[spoiler=102-104 expectations] alexis didn't really get to do all that much in GX, so i'm expecting her to actually shine here. not to mention we most likely will get support for cyber bladers and machine angels in an upcoming fusion pack as well. as for edo, i'm betting that he's from the fusion dimension, but opposes them in a similar manner to sora and serena. I'm hoping he gets Xyz and fusion monsters to work with, because that would make him an amazing threat.



also that one girl with the purple hair in the OP who was in that classroom with the readhead kid, not sure if it was discussed earlier, but is she going to be related to shun somehow? because she appeared to be put next to ruri alot in the OP, 

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I don't get it...


[spoiler=Gogenzaka]Couldn't he have destroyed Cipher Shield, then killed a Cypher Wing, and ended the Duel in a draw?

Wasn't that what he was trying to do anyway?



[spoiler= Gogenzaka]tbh, that would be good decision to end it peacefully. When I watched the sub, Gogenzaka was initially pissed at Sawatari's action then, Kaito kept going on that they're the enemies which riled him up knowing that they are not here to hunt him ,so he wanted to win him over by winning instead of ending it in a draw. So his steadfastness became unsteady as the argument goes on.



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[spoiler=101 subs]

Yup, Sawatari has a big mouth and blatantly declared Kaito an enemy. This will sound harsh, but Sawatari probably deserves to get sealed into a card; he intentionally provoked Kaito by saying that. While I commend him for actually being smart enough to deduce that Cipher Dragon would be in the ED, if the two of them had worked together from the start; maybe the two of them wouldn't have gotten OTK'd (and Cipher Dragon may not have come out).


I would say that Kaito is being a hardass about whether or not the three of them are really enemies (just because they don't use the same summon methods as what he's used to seeing), but you can't really blame him considering his family was sealed into cards (and they apparently lied to him). He wants the Academia dead; we know he hates the crap out of them and wants them eliminated. That's what Yuya and the rest of them are trying to do too. 


[spoiler=General criticism of Yuya]

Yuya, just realize that like your run-in with Shinji and some other people in Synchro, you preaching egao will NOT always work (and Yuto even told you that with Kaito; he's overcome with enough rage that you'll have to muscle your way to him). I'll say this again; unlike Crow, Shinji, Shun and now Kaito, you've not had to deal with either your city getting massively wrecked, your friends/family getting carded [i don't necessarily consider Michio and that other guy to be "friends" for you] or otherwise having to live on the streets for a good part of your life). Understand that Kaito is the way he is because Academia made his life a hellish nightmare. 


Next episode, you probably get him to stop being anger-driven, but I doubt it will last long.




Before a certain member decides to rant about me grilling Yuya about his egao again, let's make this clear. 


I haven't forgotten that he was trained to make people smile with his duels. BUT, he must understand that for some people (especially now), smiles are not enough to solve all of their problems given circumstances; ones that he himself has not had to face and that force is necessary to survive. 




In any case, Ciphers appear to focus on same name stuff (like early RR); hopefully it gets developed into a more cohesive Deck later on. Come to think of it, Kinetic Soldier is technically a "Cipher" monster too b/c of its Japanese name; unless any support just says LIGHT Ciphers, in which case, that small issue is moot. 


But yeah, Gongenzaka had a good strategy (presumably) but Sawatari just had to ruin it by dealing a small 600 damage with an Action Card.



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Right now, there doesn't appear to be a Ritual dimension (all of the known ones are based on ED summon methods; something that Ritual isn't).


Not saying that it isn't possible, but kinda doubting that even if ARC-V did have a 5th dimension that focused on Rituals, it won't be totally like the original DM verse. Then again, not that many people really Ritual Summoned in DM.

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Right now, there doesn't appear to be a Ritual dimension (all of the known ones are based on ED summon methods; something that Ritual isn't).



On the contrary




Pay attention to those colors. We got orange for Standard, Purple for Fusion, Green for Synchro, Black in there for Xyz (I assume), and Blue...


Now, it's possible this is a complete misinterpretation and Blue is just there for Xyz because Black does look lame in front of other colours. Ritual is hinted at; although it's incredibly unlikely it would be the DM universe if it arrives at all. In fact, if Ritual comes into play, I doubt it would be any kind of civilized/populated dimension like the rest, if its lack of inclusion is anything to hint at.


Also, DM wasn't the "Ritual Series" compared to everything else. It had like 2 ritual summons in Season 1, and like maybe one or two here and there. Basically, no more than something like Zexal or GX.



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