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Bree and I went "SHEEEP!" in unison, because


However, we both backpedaled upon seeing Leo. Creepy funker.


Also, towards the dimensional dragons;

3 have 2500/2000. 1 has 2800/???.

3 are DARK. 1 is WIND.

2 are even (4/8, 4 is equivalent to 8 according to Ptolemaeus). 2 are odd (7).


There is some semblance of a cycle here, and I'm sure there's more to it.


Starve Venom looks like the three mashed together into something horrible, honestly.

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[spoiler=93 preview]

Jack needed more duel time, because he and the 5Ds version we know/love are two separate entities. 

That, and it was inevitable that Yuzu would get captured (if she had stayed where she was supposed to; probably wouldn't happen). 


Should be interesting to see what he runs (since all of his stuff will eventually come to us). As much as I'd like to hope he has some equivalent of Burning Soul, I doubt it'll happen.


Oh wait, Sergey needed some duel time too since we only got a full match against Yuzu (which a lot of us had negative reactions to because he slammed her off the highway) and only a game-ending move against the Obelisk Force. 


Hopefully we see more cards from both of them, and make it a full length episode; thx.


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Bree and I went "SHEEEP!" in unison, because <3 sheep.


However, we both backpedaled upon seeing Leo. Creepy f***er.


Also, towards the dimensional dragons;

3 have 2500/2000. 1 has 2800/???.

3 are DARK. 1 is WIND.

2 are even (4/8, 4 is equivalent to 8 according to Ptolemaeus). 2 are odd (7).


There is some semblance of a cycle here, and I'm sure there's more to it.


Starve Venom looks like the three mashed together into something horrible, honestly.


Wasn't something like this said earlier on somewhere?  I can't remember who'd said it though...  Anyways, all the dragons seem to have a distinction unique only to them vs their counterparts.  However, Starve had 2 main distinctions, the fact that its level was off and its corresponding stats.


3 originate in the Extra Deck (Odd-Eyes excluded)

3 have levels (would have said they were level 7, but Starve...) (Dark Rebellion excluded)

3 are DARK (Clear Wing excluded)

3 have 2500/2000 (Starve Venom excluded)


[spoiler=Random Theory Time]However, I'm convinced there needs to be a different distinction for Dark Rebellion.  If the Yu's are indeed parts of one being, and that being is Ritual-based (yes, I am in that club), I'd think that the Ritual Yu's Dragon would have each of the distinctions of the other dragons, Main Deck, level 8, WIND Attribute (Pendulum?) monster with 2800/???? stats.  As it is, that leaves Dark Rebellion out.  The only other distinction I can see off the top of my head is the name.  Dark Rebellion is the only Dragon whose second part of its name is a verb rather than a noun, but that seems like a small distinction vs the others'.



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Wasn't something like this said earlier on somewhere?  I can't remember who'd said it though...  Anyways, all the dragons seem to have a distinction unique only to them vs their counterparts.  However, Starve had 2 main distinctions, the fact that its level was off and its corresponding stats.


3 originate in the Extra Deck (Odd-Eyes excluded)

3 have levels (would have said they were level 7, but Starve...) (Dark Rebellion excluded)

3 are DARK (Clear Wing excluded)

3 have 2500/2000 (Starve Venom excluded)


[spoiler=Random Theory Time]However, I'm convinced there needs to be a different distinction for Dark Rebellion.  If the Yu's are indeed parts of one being, and that being is Ritual-based (yes, I am in that club), I'd think that the Ritual Yu's Dragon would have each of the distinctions of the other dragons, Main Deck, level 8, WIND Attribute (Pendulum?) monster with 2800/???? stats.  As it is, that leaves Dark Rebellion out.  The only other distinction I can see off the top of my head is the name.  Dark Rebellion is the only Dragon whose second part of its name is a verb rather than a noun, but that seems like a small distinction vs the others'.



yes, i'm the one who said it, i think in the status bar (and on skype)


I forgot the originate in the ED thing, which I had said before.

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Such a cool episode! Can't wait for the next, where we'll get more pieces of the puzzle involving the Yu boys. And hopefully Starve Venom's effect. A new monster that Yuya summons, maybe? Explanations for the bracelets? There's so much I want to know.

Yuya's chained up by Barrett's card and can't move. It seems to make sense; he shouldn't need to move, because he can't play anything. But he can still draw! And set cards! And Flip Summon! How's he gonna do that if he can't move?

Maybe he busts out of his chains in berserk mode. And then deals with the trap card. By like, I dunno, throwing down a handtrap. Or grabbing an action card. Sumthing.

Maybe Crow swoops in to save Yuya. Pun not intended.

These Obelisk Force members always come in threes. They should stop. It's giving Reira a heart attack. They should travel in fours or something.

Reira needs therapy. Or a hug. Someone give him a hug.

Selena, get up already.

Pretty stupid for Roget to have only one soldier.

And how are we going to work the Yuya v Jack duel into all this mayhem and chaos that's going on?



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Such a cool episode! Can't wait for the next, where we'll get more pieces of the puzzle involving the Yu boys. And hopefully Starve Venom's effect. A new monster that Yuya summons, maybe? Explanations for the bracelets? There's so much I want to know.

Yuya's chained up by Barrett's card and can't move. It seems to make sense; he shouldn't need to move, because he can't play anything. But he can still draw! And set cards! And Flip Summon! How's he gonna do that if he can't move?

Maybe he busts out of his chains in berserk mode. And then deals with the trap card. By like, I dunno, throwing down a handtrap. Or grabbing an action card. Sumthing.

Maybe Crow swoops in to save Yuya. Pun not intended.

These Obelisk Force members always come in threes. They should stop. It's giving Reira a heart attack. They should travel in fours or something.

Reira needs therapy. Or a hug. Someone give him a hug.

Selena, get up already.

Pretty stupid for Roget to have only one soldier.

And how are we going to work the Yuya v Jack duel into all this mayhem and chaos that's going on?



[spoiler=Response (to certain things)]

I am curious myself about how Yuya is going to draw a card if his limbs are chained up. Though, since he's in Berserk Mode, I'd imagine he'd just break the chains with sheer force. Also, this is a regular duel so Action Cards are out of the question (even if it were an Action Duel, he's still barred from playing said card). Most Yuya can do is just activate hand traps.


Obelisk Force members ALWAYS fight in multiples. Not once have they been seen fighting solo matches.

Fighting in fours would add more to their combos and make matters worse. 


As for Reira, he really needs to forget about his war memories because they are dragging down his capacity to fight against the Academia. I'm not saying that it'll be easy for Reira to just forget what happened, especially after whatever he went through (and seeing Starve Venom already creeped him out further), but those flashbacks are doing him a lot more harm than necessary. At least he's trying to fight back though, so there's that.


Blame JMR/Security for forcefully sedating her with gas. If they hadn't interfered, pretty sure she would've crushed some of them by now.


As for Yuya and Jack's (eventual) rematch, I'd assume it'll take place after the Academia is dealt with in Synchro (and if the Friendship Cup is still going on, despite this).


Next episode will likely reveal most of the stuff that we've wanted to know for a while (and Starve Venom should have more of its details fleshed out by then).



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[spoiler=Theory Time]

Starve Venom has 2500 DEF, same as Odd-Eyes Absolute.


Inverse theory holds up decently well- Yugi was relatively level-headed and absurdly skilled even pre-Atem, Yuya has a 50/50 win/loss rate at the beginning of Arc-V. Yuma was incompetent and didn't handle pressure well, Yuto was a relatively intelligent strategist and rather level-headed. Yusei was extremely mature, and despite the reputation of 5D's spent more time off his Duel Runner than on it, Yugo is brash and immature, and has very few scenes actually standing up. Jaden didn't take well to authority but was generally well-meaning, Yuri is apparently a stickler for rules and a completely irredeemable shitweasel.


Pretty soon, Arc-V might officially have more on-camera Fusion Summons than GX.


Starve Venom probably evolves in some way, as it doesn't resemble its silhouette from the end of the Maiami Tournament. Either that, or Yuri has two dragons kicking it in his Deck.


I have a bad feeling that we're going to see an on-screen absorption soon. Place your bets: Starve Wing or Clear Venom?

Other names we might see:

Odd-Eyes Winged Dragon

Odd-Eyes Venom Dragon

Dark Venom Dragon / Starve Rebellion Dragon

Dark Winged Dragon / Clear Rebellion Dragon


I had an odd thought- every "last Duel" pays homage to important cards in that sub-series, with the final blow usually being struck by a monster introduced in the first season, if not the first few episodes. Arc-V might actually end with Yuya's Pendulum Scales being Stargazer and Timegazer, with OEPD on the field.



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[spoiler=EDIT: Previews for February:]Episode 93: 破滅のデュエルマシン - Hametsu no Dyueru Mashin
(The Destructive Duel Machine)
The City is thrown into chaos due to the Commons’ riot. As a countermeasure, Roger decides to carry out a second semifinal match! The match is between the King, Jack Atlas, and Sergey!!

Episode 94: 魂を刻んだ右腕 – Tamashii o Kizanda Migiude
(The Right Arm that Carved Souls)
As Jack and Sergey’s intense Duel continues, the City that should have fallen into chaos becomes silent. Sergey gradually drives Jack into a corner, forcing him to make an ultimate choice. What is the answer that Jack poured his soul into? Meanwhile, Yuya and others manage to reach the Public Security Maintenance Bureau, where Yuzu is being held.

Episode 95: 己の信じるデュエル- Onore no Shinjiru Dyueru
(The Duel You Believe In)
The moment Jack and Sergey’s Duel reached its conclusion, the Commons begin their riot once again. Roger, who has lost his trump card, has led the City into chaos once again. Meanwhile, as Yuya is shaken after listening to Yuzu’s desperate wish, he received a certain message from Sam. It was a message from Jack.

Episode 96: 借り物の言葉 – Karimono no Kotoba
(Borrowed Words)
Yuya arrives at the Duel Palace, where Jack is waiting, and shows his resolve to Jack. The final match of the Friendship Cup, Yuya vs Jack, is then carried out at the Duel Palace. Roger then sends his Security troops to the Duel Palace, and the Commons follow them. While the citizens of the City watch on, Jack and Yuya begin the Duel that they believe in!


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[spoiler=Thoughts on (possible) new previews]

93: Already said

94: Judging by this, I'm assuming Banana is gonna get absorbed, presumably by Yuri, anywho MORE Jack action

95: Ok, so Yuzu was caught by Sergey/Security that followed him, and the bit about JMR indicates that Jack will win.

96: Yuya vs Jack, this should be interesting.



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93: So, Yugo got screwed of his own semifinal match (and his chance to beat Sergey).

Then again, he's already dealing with Yuri and I suspect that he's a much greater threat than Sergey will ever be to him. 


94: I'm probably anticipating something very similar to 5Ds 111-113 (the one where Jack fights Scar-Red Nova + attains Burning Soul). 

But we shall see. 


(ARC-V version of Scar-Red Nova Dragon, please)


95: Let's assume Jack wins at this point, but let's see what Yuzu has to say. 

She should've stayed with the others, but she didn't.


Guess they still have the guts to carry on the tournament, despite the Academia's invasion. As for JMR going crazy again, not really surprising.


96: Alright Yuya, show us that you've learned from the last encounter with Jack (and make it interesting to watch). 



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[spoiler=Response to previews]

93: Okay, so we did get previous info about Jack vs Sergey with slightly different context, but this is going to be an official semi-final match?! What the hell happened to Yugo? I'm...genuinely intrigued. I assume that Yuri absorbed him or something, because it's too early to eliminate Yuri as a threat, and unless Yuya absorbed Yugo instead (perfectly possible), that seems like the most likely outcome.


94:No idea what to think here. Maybe an upgrade of Scarright?


95: Sounds like Sergey loses. Shocking.


96: Ooh, Yuya vs Jack? About time.



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[spoiler=Script 92]

Last Time’s Egao Count: 99

Yuri: From my hand, I activate the Magic Card, Fusion,
And fuse the Predator Plants - Fly Hell and the Predator Plants - Moray Nepenthes in my hand together!
Beautiful flowers that tempt insects with your enchanting fragrance,
Become one now,
And let the hell locked within your petals give birth to a new nightmare!
Fusion Summon!
Come forth!
The starving dragon bearing venomous fangs!
Level-8! Starve Venom Fusion Dragon!

(Opening Sequence)

Yuzu: Something must be happening to Yuya!
Please tell me! Where is Yuya!?

Reira: No! No! NO!!

Serena: What in the…What on earth is going on!?

Sora: Yuya!

Yuya: I…I’ve been waiting…

Yuya-to: I’ve been waiting for this moment.

Yugo: Finally…
Finally, it is time for our resurrection…

Yuri: We shall become one!
We shall become one!

Yuzu: This way? It has to be this way, right?

Green OF: What’s going on in the sky?

Red OF: The weather is getting abnormal all of a sudden.

Yellow OF: Yuri-sama!

Red OF: Yuri-sama!

Yuri: Become one…
Become one…

Yugo: Become one…
Become one…

Yuya: We shall become one!

Yuya-to: We shall become one!

Barrett: Just what in the world is going on!?


Yuzu: Yuya!


Yuzu: Yuya!

(Bracelet Antics)

Obelisk Force: Y-Yuri-sama!

Yuzu: Yuya!

Sora: Yuzu!

Serena: Yuzu!

Serena: It stopped glowing…

Yuzu: Yuya! Please be all right!

Yuya: Yuzu…Why are you here…

Barrett: You’re Hiiragi Yuzu, huh?
Since our prey has presented itself to us,
There’s no point in continuing this Duel anymore.

Serena: This is not good…Run, Yuzu!

Barrett: Hiiragi Yuzu, Serena-sama.
I’ll take you both back to the Professor.

Yuya: Don’t get ahead of yourself!
I won’t let you take Yuzu or Serena!

Yuya: I’ll fight until the very end!

Yuzu: Yuya!

Sora: Goddamn it!

Barrett: Due to the effect of my Beast-borg Crimson Chain Medal,
You can’t use any Magic or Trap cards,
Nor can you summon any new monsters.
And yet, you still plan to continue this match?

Yuya: I will keep fighting…
I won’t give up!

Barrett: If you are willing to go that far to protect your friends,
I must commend you for your resolve.
As a Duelist…
And a soldier, I’m honored to face you.

Barrett: Then, as you wish,
We shall settle this match!

Yuzu: Yuya!

Yuya: My opponent is from Academia!
I swore that I won’t let Academia take you or Serena!
So please, stay back…Yuzu.

Barrett: Sakaki Yuya!
I recognize you as a proud warrior,
So allow me to go all-out!

Barrett: Battle!
I attack Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon with Panther Predator!
Due to the effect of Beast-borg Crimson Chain Medal, I can’t destroy it.
But you will still take damage!

Barrett: At this moment, Beast-borg Iron Chain Medal’s effect activates!
When my opponent receives damage,
The ATKs of all monsters on my opponent’s field will be reduced by the same amount!

Barrett: Furthermore, Wolf Kampfer’s monster effect activates!
When I inflict battle damage to my opponent, it can inflict 300 damage!
And then, Beast-borg Iron Chain Medal’s effect activates once again!
The ATKs of your two dragons will be reduced!

Sora: The ATKs of Yuya’s dragons are now zero!

Barrett: You have 600 Life left.
I’ll be able to shave it all off by my next turn for sure.
You don’t have any chance of victory!

Barrett: I end my turn with this.
Now then, brave warrior.
If you can still see the light of hope,
Aim for it and grasp it with your hands!

Yuya: Hope…
Is this card really my hope?
Dad, Mom…

Yuya: I can’t see it…
Right now, how am I supposed to see any hope beyond this point?


Sergey: It’s my turn!

Yuya: He’s…!

Yuzu: Sergey!

Duel Disk: Intrusion Penalty. 2000 points.

Jean-Michel: Hiiragi Yuzu…
To think that I would also find Hiiragi Yuzu while hunting down Serena…
Hahaha! Sergey, capture them!

Sergey: From my hand, I activate the Field Magic, Earthbound Prison!

Yuzu: Heh!?

Yuya: Yuzu! Are you all right!?

Yuzu: I’m fine! I’m fine, but…

Yuya: Hang in there! I’ll get you out of there!

Jean-Michel: Haha…Well done.
All that is left is eliminating Academia, and capturing Serena.

{Chess Commercial. Brb}

Sergey: The field magic, Earthbound Prison, negates any effect that would modify ATK.
Any player that destroys this card will have their Life halved, and the effects of all monsters on their field will be negated.

Barrett: You…You dare interrupt us?
I won’t approve of you intruding an earnest battle between me and Sakaki Yuya!

Barrett: Are you listening to me!?
I don’t have the time to fight against you!
Release Hiiragi Yuzu, and get lost!

Sergey: When I have a Field Magic on the field, I can Special Summon Earthbound Prisoner Stone Sweeper from my hand!
Furthermore, I summon the tuner monster, Earthbound Prisoner Line Walker, from my hand!

Barrett: You bastard…You’re not going to back off, are you!?

Sergey: Then, from my hand, I activate the Magic Card, Underworld Resonance - Synchro Fusion!
With its effect, I can simultaneously perform a Synchro Summon and a Fusion Summon using the two monsters on my field as materials.

Barrett: Say what!?
Simultaneously performing a Synchro Summon and a Fusion Summon!?

Sergey: I’m tuning the Level-5 Stone Sweeper with the Level-3 Line Walker!
Be revived from beneath the earth!
Grand beast that deals out punishments with its wings!
Synchro Summon! Come forth!
Earthbound Servant Geo Griffon!

Sergey: Then, I fuse Stone Sweeper and Line Walker together!
Prisoner who crawls on the ground!
Merge with the prisoner who is walking on the road to his execution,
And become a grand beast that punishes all!
Fusion Summon!
Come forth!
Level-8! Earthbound Servant Geo Kraken!

Jean-Michel: Did you see that!?
This new tactic is a hybrid between Academia and the City’s Dueling!
I’m the only person who is capable of inventing this new-era style of Dueling!
Come on, get him! Sergey!
Crush the Academia’s outdated Duelist!

Sergey: Battle!
I attack Wolf Kampfer with Geo Kraken!

Barrett: Ahhh…Don’t be naïve!
When Wolf Kampfer is destroyed in battle,
I can Special Summon the monsters that were used as its materials from the graveyard!

Sergey: I attack Panther Predator with Geo Griffon!

Barrett: When Panther Predator is destroyed in battle,
I can Special Summon the monsters that were used as its materials from the graveyard!

Barrett: But at this moment, since I don’t have any Beastborg monsters on my field,
The Continuous Traps, Beast-borg Iron Chain Medal and Beast-borg Crimson Chain Medal,
Will be destroyed.

Yuya: Yuzu!

Yuzu: Yuya!
Thank goodness…

Yuya: What are you saying?
You shouldn’t be worrying about other people when you’re locked up in there…
Damn it!
There’s no way I can get you out of this thing like this!

Barrett: Don’t worry.
I will defeat this man.
And get her out of there.
Although, you two will have to part ways soon after that.

Yuya: I won’t allow that!

Sergey: You…defeating me?
Are you…

Jean-Michel: …sure about that?

Barrett: My monsters are all Fusion Materials.
With the Continuous Magic, Beastborg Fusioner,
On my next turn, I can just Fusion Summon my Beastborg monsters again!

Sergey: There’s no next turn for you.

Barrett: What!?
Stop acting high and mighty!

Sergey: Geo Kraken’s monster effect!
It can destroy all monsters that were Special Summoned to my opponent’s field on my turn!

Barrett: What!?

Yuya: All of them!?

Sergey: And for every monster that is destroyed, you will receive 800 damage!


Reira: Ah!

Serena: B-Barrett!

Yellow OF: Commander Barrett!

Barrett: S-Serena-sama…
If I can do it, I want to personally take you back to the Professor!

Serena: Barrett…

Sora: Stop it!
Don’t send Serena back!

Sora: STOP IT!

Yuya: Serena!

Barrett: Serena…sama…

Yuzu: Serena is…!

Yuya: No…

Yellow OF: T-the Commander is…!

Jean-Michel: That damned fool!
He let Serena get taken away right under his nose!

Jean-Michel: You’d better make sure that you capture Hiiragi Yuzu at all costs!
I won’t tolerate any more failure!

Yuya: I will…
I will definitely protect Yuzu!

Yuya: You were the one who pushed Yuzu off the Duel Lane in her last Duel.
I will not let you get away with something like that!

Yuzu: Yuya…

Sergey: I set one card facedown and end my turn.

Yuya: It’s my turn!

Yuzu: Please, Yuya!
Don’t give in to your anger!

Yuya: I activate the Magic Card, Magical Thunder!
I send one Magic Card from my hand to the graveyard,
And destroy one card on the field!

Jean-Michel: I see.
He’s planning to destroy a monster with that Magic Card, huh?
Sergey’s set card is Earthbound Demon Seal.
When the opponent activates a Magic Card,
This card can negate that card’s activation, and destroy it.
Sergey can see through what you’re trying to do with his brain.

Yuzu: Yuya, your face is so scary right now…It’s like you’re a different person.

Yuya: Huh?

Yuzu: It’s as if you’re already turned into a different person, Yuya.
I don’t want to see you being like that!

Yuya: Dad, Mom…I…I…

Yoko: Listen! No matter where you go, you must never forget your smile! (Egao Count: 99+1=100)

Yusho: Dueling can bring joy to people!
It can make everyone smile! (Egao Count: 100+1=101)

Yuya: Right now, I can’t make everyone smile… (Egao Count: 101+1=102)
But if there’s one person…
If it’s for Yuzu…

Yuya: I send Smile World into the graveyard, (Egao Count: 102+1=103)
In order to destroy one card!

Sergey: All right! Which card will you destroy, then!?
Is it Geo Griffon or Geo Kraken?

Yuya: The card that I will destroy is the Field Magic, Earthbound Prison!

Sergey: Huh?

Jean-Michel: What’s wrong, Sergey!?
Use Earthbound Demon Seal!
Hurry up!
You’re going to miss your chance!

Sergey: Earthbound Prison’s effect activates!
Any player that destroys this card will have their Life halved, and the effects of all monsters on their field will be negated.

Yuzu: Yuya!

Sora: Even though he knows he’s going to take damage,
He did it to save Yuzu…

Yuzu: Yuya! Ehehehe…

Obelisk Force 1: Hold it!

Obelisk Force 2: You shall come with us!

Yuya: Yuzu!

Tsukikage: Hazy Shuriken!

Tsukikage: I shall cut you down if you come near her!

Yuya: Tsukikage!

Green OF: I thought that we’d be able to secure another spoil…

Red OF: But since both Commander Barrett and Yuri-sama are no longer here,
There’s no point in staying here any longer.

Yellow OF: Yeah. Let’s withdraw!

Sora: Ah…

Reira: No…Please, don’t go.

Tsukikage: Yuya-dono, don’t worry, just focus on your Duel.

Yuya: Thank you! Tsukikage!
Using Xiangke Magician’s Pendulum Effect,
I’ll convert Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon from Rank-4 to Level-4!

Yuya: Then, by using Xiangsheng Magician’s Pendulum Effect,
I’ll make its Level equal to Odd-Eyes’s Level! 7!

Yuya: I overlay the Level-7 Odd-Eyes and Dark Rebellion!
Dragon with dual-colored eyes!
Shake your wrathful black scales…
And annihilate the enemies that oppose you!
Xyz Summon!
Come forth! Rank-7!
Dragon with glowing eyes of wrath!
The Supreme King Black Dragon!
Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon!

Yuya: Battle! I attack Geo Griffon with Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon!
Revolutionary Wrath!
Strike Disobey!

Sergey: At this moment, Geo Griffon’s monster effect activates!
When an Earthbound monster is destroyed,
I can destroy one of my opponent’s monsters!

Jean-Michel: With this, your turn is over.
You can’t defeat Sergey.
All right, do it! This is the last turn, Sergey!

Sergey: Using Geo Kraken,
I attack directly!


Yuzu: Y-Yuya!

Tsukikage: Yuzu-dono!

Jean-Michel: Capture her, Sergey!

(Sergey decides to go Jose on everyone)

Sora: Yuzu!

Tsukikage: AH!

Sora: AH!

Yuya: Y-Yuzu!

Yuya: Yuzu!


(Preview for Episode 93)
(New Egao Record: 103)

Melissa: Since Yugo had refused to participate, there will be a change in the semifinal’s matchup!
Sergey will be facing against the City’s star, Jack Atlas!

Jean-Michel: Jack Atlas is both the Tops and the Commons’ hope.
I will use Sergey to crush him in a Duel.
What awaits them is despair,
And the prologue of a new hope!

Yuya: Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V:
The Destructive Duel Machine
The fun has just begun!


Thank DMC3444 for the scirpt!

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[spoiler=92]Yuzu = Fans who want to see Starve Venom's effect.
Yuzu's bracelet = Konami.

How long shall I suffer until I find out what Starve Venom can do.

-Yuzu stopped from Yus becoming "one". If she didn't, something would've happened to Synchro Dimension as the sky looked very ominous.
-So Sergey interfered with Yuya's duel and defeated them both. At first I thought Yuya could Pendulum Summon Rebellion Dragon back from the Extra Deck, but it seems anime doesn't include that effect.

-The last Yuzus are captured. Didn't expect Serena to actually be captured, and by Academia. Yuzu's captured as well, but at least she's in the Synchro Dimension. Tomato Force shall rescue her (I hope).

-So I guess the invasion is over?

-I hope we'll see the conclusion of Yugo vs Yuri in the near future.


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[spoiler=92]Yuzu = Fans who want to see Starve Venom's effect.

Yuzu's bracelet = Konami.


How long shall I suffer until I find out what Starve Venom can do.


-Yuzu stopped from Yus becoming "one". If she didn't, something would've happened to Synchro Dimension as the sky looked very ominous.

-So Sergey interfered with Yuya's duel and defeated them both. At first I thought Yuya could Pendulum Summon Rebellion Dragon back from the Extra Deck, but it seems anime doesn't include that effect.

-The last Yuzus are captured. Didn't expect Serena to actually be captured, and by Academia. Yuzu's captured as well, but at least she's in the Synchro Dimension. Tomato Force shall rescue her (I hope).

-So I guess the invasion is over?

-I hope we'll see the conclusion of Yugo vs Yuri in the near future.


[spoiler=Response to odd eyes' effect.]He can, however don't forget that he'd have to wait til his following turn.


Sergey ended him before he could pendulum summon it back.


Edit: Eh... i'm actually not so sure now... from what i'm seeing on NAC it seems like you're correct, i'm going to look a bit more into it.


Edit 2 : You are indeed correct, for some reason I never noticed that lol. I was thinking about the pendulum effect it seems (I'm like half awake lol sorry)




[spoiler=92]I loved this episode oh so much. From Berserk Yuya to Angry Normal Yuya, to Earthbounds, to Sergey beating both Yuya and Barret


I was surprised Yuya lost that however....


I can't wait til next episode.


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[spoiler=Thoughts on 92 RAW]

Definitely an eventful episode that's for sure.

- With all the YUs in one place, the sky looked very ominous indeed, and the YUs were chanting something in unison

- Am I surprised we learned nothing new about Starve Venom? Not really, I didn't think we would anyway, and ofc it was all down to Yuzu and her bracelet causing Yuri/Banana to sod off... and slamming Yuya on the ceiling; releasing him from Berserk Mode.

- So Sergey interrupted the Yuya/Barrett duel so that he can mow down all obstacles between him and Yuzu, and boy did he do that when he pushed Sora/Tsukikage out of the way. Needless to say after his defeat, Barrett sodded off with Serena back to Academia (something that pissed off JMR); I suppose that'll be the last we see of her for a while.



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[spoiler=Response to odd eyes" effect.]He can, however don't forget that he'd have to wait til his following turn.


Sergey ended him before he could pendulum summon it back.




Anime effect doesn't include Pendulum Summoning of the card. Plus, Yuya didn't Pendulum summon this episode and Odd-Eyes Rebellion was destroyed during Yuya's turn.


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I can't hold all this tease...

I will probably not worry about keeping up with the new episodes for a while and just watch when the arc is over (when yuya vs jack happens at least).

How come we don't know a thing about Starve Venom yet!? (I want to know its materials at least! 2 DARK monsters pls).

I have to say, when they were talking about becoming one, that was real badass/cool, gave me shivers (seems like no one got absorbed tho, guess Yuzu's role is to slow down the plot), we will have to wait a bit to remotely begin to understand what they are (it seems they merging isn't a good thing after all, I was actually expecting it to be the a good thing in some way, but I guess it would release the final boss or something). By the way, I'm still wondering if Selena's bracelet even does something at this point, it just shines but nothing happens.

Anyway, the way Yuya was "saved" by Sergey and then lost to him afterwards was... kind of pathetic (seems like he wouldn't be able to defeat Barrett anyway, although that trap card was nonsensical after all). I was expecting some thing with Rebellion and Pendulum, but I guess the irl version is stronger? (how come we never saw that it is also a Pendulum Monster in the anime? Using its Pendulum effect would be so badass). Nevertheless, I didn't quite get the Smile World part (did he acknowledged his inner egao or discarded it in denial? And is this somehow related to the error message?).


Also... that Synchro + Fusion spell...

I WANT IT. It may need something like they are destroyed in the End Phase or something, but its just... BEAUTIFUL. Made me heavy breathing.

Or even better: A spell that lets you Summon 1 of each Xyz, Synchro and Fusion by using 2 monsters (2 monsters with the same level, while 1 is a tuner and they can fuse, may need a bunch of restrictions, but a man can dream).

Although it probably wouldn't be very useful in existing decks (can't think of many ways to properly use it, except maybe one of those "Archetype + attribute" fusions using a Tuner as the attribute one, or guess D/D but they are fine already with their cards).

Just make generic fusions a thing and its problem solved. *wink *wink

(If Starve Venom really is 2 DARK monsters, I will celebrate so hard).



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