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Actually, I don't think Shun knows that JMR is an Academia agent yet.



Yeah, likely not.

Eventually he will, though, but when that happens, we don't know yet.


I am looking forward to Sunday's episode, but to be fair, I kind of want Crow to win this one.


@Aman: We know it's anime, but looked at objectively, it is a slap in the face to everyone who helped him.

I probably could've worded it nicer, but either way, Shun didn't have to be an jabroni to Crow about his life.


That, and he really should save his rage for the Fusion Dimension (Obelisk Force, Professor, Yuri, Dennis if they meet again). 

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Yeah, likely not.

Eventually he will, though, but when that happens, we don't know yet.


I am looking forward to Sunday's episode, but to be fair, I kinda want Crow to win this one.

If anything, the only people who know thus far to my knowledge iirc are Gallagher, Chojiro, Gongenzaka, Tsukikage, Reiji and Reira.


I'm also thinking that Crow will win given what JMR said to Yuya that the winner will most likely be his opponent.

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[spoiler=Shun in Episode 81]


People said that Shun devolved here, and I disagree.


He didn't claim that the Lancers were his enemies, he said they weren't his COMRADES. That's subtle, but it's a very big difference. It's no different that having someone you don't get along with, but work with anyway because hell, you have to get this work done somehow.


Comrades are a big deal with Shun. He never really considered Reiji a comrade, but he worked with him anyway because they had similar goals.


If anything, this episode just showed that Shun has changed a bit. He was angry here, but he didn't condemn all the Lancers as traitors, he just said he didn't view them as his friends. He didn't stab them in the back, he didn't say anything they didn't already know. It's pretty clear he doesn't see them as his friends, they're just people who are against Academia as well. And that's completely normal in a war scenario.


I'll wait and see if he goes rogue again before I start to hate him more.



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[spoiler=Shun in Episode 81]


People said that Shun devolved here, and I disagree.


He didn't claim that the Lancers were his enemies, he said they weren't his COMRADES. That's subtle, but it's a very big difference. It's no different that having someone you don't get along with, but work with anyway because hell, you have to get this work done somehow.


Comrades are a big deal with Shun. He never really considered Reiji a comrade, but he worked with him anyway because they had similar goals.


If anything, this episode just showed that Shun has changed a bit. He was angry here, but he didn't condemn all the Lancers as traitors, he just said he didn't view them as his friends. He didn't stab them in the back, he didn't say anything they didn't already know. It's pretty clear he doesn't see them as his friends, they're just people who are against Academia as well. And that's completely normal in a war scenario.


I'll wait and see if he goes rogue again before I start to hate him more.



Lol, and you said both developed in Black's status. Stay on one side of the coin dude, otherwise yr opinions will just be a time pass read when bored.

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Lol, and you said both developed in Black's status. Stay on one side of the coin dude, otherwise yr opinions will just be a time pass read when bored.


I said nothing of the sort, and I literally only talked about Shun here.


I said people made a big deal over nothing in Black's status. The person who posted before me in Black's status was the person who said both characters developed. I said nothing about Crow at all.

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Yeah, the subs said the latter one if I remember correctly.

That's where that thing about Shun treating everyone else that isn't Ruri/Yuto, etc as an enemy came from.


Obviously I don't understand Japanese that well, so can't confirm if Shun really did say that about everyone else, or the subbers just added that on to emphasize his nature towards other people (and he just doesn't consider the Lancers as friends).


Shun doesn't have to treat them as friends (no one said he did); just be cooperative with them (and Reiji) in stopping Academia and that's it.

Just make sure he doesn't tear Yuya apart, because he still thinks he's responsible for Yuto's disappearance and has DRXD in his possession.


(I would hope that was cleared up long ago by now)

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[spoiler=82 thoughts]

You know that stuff I said about Shun last week? Suppose I'll be taking back what I said.

Hell, the two actually got along this time, which is surprisingly nice.


Now we know why Shun wanted to stop the duel (sort of), because Tanner fell off.

That, and guess they finally understood each other.



Crow won though (and he used an old generation BW for once).

Still, I kinda expected more ATK off of a Level 12 Synchro; at least 3500-4000 to be honest (if Scar-Red hasn't set the standard for that).


As for Shun, new Rank 10 seems nice; though I expected something far more epic regarding its attack sequence (you know, at least at Satellite's level).


That, and the smiles in this one.

Jack even had one after his picture got shredded.



As for Yuya, I don't know what happened to him, other than now he's a prisoner.

Wait for subs to say stuff.



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[spoiler=EP 82]Judging by that edgy name, we won't get a Rank 12 RR..... yet.... "RR- Ultimate Satellite Genocide Falcon", Coming Soon. But I'm just Glad Level 12 Synchros are becoming a thing now, just wish we had some in the more generic section instead of just trying to go for Quasar.

Cards aside, all I can really say is that it's good to see Shun soften up a bit..... And nothing was destroyed. Sounds like a win in my book.


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[spoiler=82]-So Crow used his "Phantom Synchro" technique and Synchro Summoned his ace from his graveyard. In the preview, the visuals were way better than in the episode. Why they changed it?

-Shun went crazy with his Rank Ups. I noticed Raidraptors are getting a lot of RUMs in real life and Anime lately.


-I wasn't expecting Rank 10 Raidraptor this episode or Level 12 Blackwing. I wonder if we'll see Rank 12 in the future.

-Crow's kids were cheering on Crow and wanted him to crush Shun, until Tanner somehow fell and landed on Crow's monster, in which Shun had to save him while riding his monster like a bad ass.

-Crow won the duel. I wanted Shun to win, but oh well. A lot of people were expecting this outcome. Shun and Crow became friends!

-JMR noticed Yuzu on the bridge and, after the duel, ordered the Security to capture her, while Yuya tried to stop him, but poor tomato got imprisoned.


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-Shun went crazy with his Rank Ups. I noticed Raidraptors are getting a lot of RUMs in real life and Anime lately.

-I wasn't expecting Rank 10 Raidraptor this episode or Level 12 Blackwing. I wonder if we'll see Rank 12 in the future.




Yeah, there are no other Archetypes who even come close to the number of RUMs they have.

Hell, even ZEXAL characters didn't Rank-Up THAT much, well bar Eliphas anyway recycling Astral like mad.


Maybe we will get a Rank 12, but I don't think that would be ideal for them (unless Konami really wants to turn them into a mass RUM deck with Shave/Skip Force).



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[spoiler=Thoughts on 82 RAW]

Ok so I was incorrect about Phantom Synchro, the monster you summon comes from the Grave, everything else stays the same.

- Not surprised Crow won tbh, I expected this after the events of last episode during JMR/Yuya's conversation.

- Dat bromance between Crow/Shun. I'll be shipping them now.

- At least we know why Shun wanted to cancel the duel, when Tanner ended up on Raikiri and almost falling off. At least Shun was able to save him with him and Crow managing to understand each other and enjoy the latter part of their duel which was nice.

- Jack smiling when his picture got shredded? Ok, I'm sure it was because of the duel though.

- Yuya tried to stop JMR from ordering security to arrest Yuzu and became a prisoner so that he doesn't interfere.


onto the preview:

Tsukikage/Sora encounter. No doubt the ninja will want revenge after Sora cardified the red ninja during the battle royale.




On another note, at least we see Crow use a good BW; Bora even if it was for a Synchro Summon.

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[spoiler=Script 82]

Last Time’s Egao Count: 92

Jean-Michel: He will turn on you, eventually.
I know that better than anyone.
I used to be a member of Academia, after all.

Jean-Michel: The time I spent with the people of the City has changed me.
I whole-heartedly desire to build an ideal world.
I need you in order to make that a reality.
Believe in me, Yuya!

(Opening Sequence)

Melissa: Crow has no cards on his field!
How will he counterattack!?

Crow: It’s not over yet!
I’m just getting started!

Kurosaki: Then make your move already!
I have a lot of opponents I need to defeat besides you!

Crow: I won’t tolerate you looking down on the Commons’ bond!
It’s my turn!

Frank: Go for it, Crow!

Amanda: Kick his butt!

Tanner: Do your best!
This won’t do! He can’t hear us!

Yuzu: Hey! Don’t do dangerous stuff!

Tanner: Don’t lose to that Kurosaki guy!

Kurosaki: If you’re not making your move, then I’ll go ahead with mine!

Crow: Like hell you will!
When I have no monster on my field, I can Special Summon this card from my hand!
The Tuner Monster, Black Feather – Gofu the Hazy Shadow!

Kurosaki: Tch…

Crow: When Gofu the Hazy Shadow is Special Summoned, I can Special Summon two Hazy Shadow Tokens in attack position!

Crow: The preparations are complete!
I’m tuning the two Level-1 Hazy Shadow Tokens with the Level-5 Gofu the Hazy Shadow!
When Gofu the Hazy Shadow is used as a Synchro Material, I Synchro Summon not from the Extra Deck, but from the graveyard!

Kurosaki: From the graveyard!?

Crow: Spread your jet-black wings,
And charge through your enemy with thunder!
Slash through the lightning!
Rain down your attacks on them!
Assault Black Feather - Raikiri the Sudden Shower!

Melissa: My God!
He resurrected his ace by Synchro Summoning from the graveyard!

Crow: Unlike the Tops, we Commons can’t put many Ace-Monster-level cards into our Extra Deck.
However, we won’t simply let our cards die on us!
We Commons live through our days, treasuring every card we have!

Kurosaki: No matter how many times you resurrect it, I’ll just send it right back into the graveyard!
I’ve evaded death itself many times!
I won’t lose to the likes of you!

Jean-Michel: You’ll cooperate with me, right? Yuya?

Yuya: No. I…

Jean-Michel: Why not?
Allying with the City to stop Academia’s Interdimensional War is the Lancers’ goal, no?

Yuya: That’s true, but…

Jean-Michel: Right now, the City Council won’t be able to do anything.

Yuya: That’s because of you!

Jean-Michel: I had to take drastic measures, simply because I have no time to waste.
Academia has already made its move.
That boy, Dennis Macfield, has already…

Sora: In order to separate him from Serena, I sent him back to Academia.

Yuya: Dennis is at Academia…
By now, he probably already told them about Yuzu and Serena’s whereabouts…

Jean-Michel: That is the undeniable proof that Dennis and Sora are cooperating with each other.

Yuya: That’s not true!
Sora is my…

Jean-Michel: He’s not your friend.
He’s a member of Academia. He was raised so that he would never disobey the Professor’s order.

Sora: Yuzu!
She’s gone…
Where did she go?
I knew I shouldn’t have taken my eyes off her…

Sora: So many Security…
Are they searching for Yuzu, who’s lost in the tournament?
But for what purpose?

Three Kids: Crow!

Crow: These kids!
They went up to that dangerous place!?

Three Kids: Crow!

Yuzu: Don’t fall down there, okay?

Tanner: You’ll win for sure!

Yuya: Yuzu!?
Why is she there?

Crow: I activate Raikiri the Sudden Shower’s effect…

Kurosaki: Stop this right now!

Crow: Say what?

Kurosaki: This Duel is over!

Crow: Are you kidding me!?
You think I’ll just let it end like this?
I activate Raikiri the Sudden Shower’s effect!
Once per turn, for every Black Feather on my field, I can destroy one of my opponent’s cards!
I’ll destroy your Blaze Falcon!

Kurosaki: Counter Trap, Raidraptor – Desperate!
When a Raidraptor is on the field, I can negate effects that destroy cards, and draw one card!

Frank: Maybe it’s still a bit too early for this match to be settled…
Huh? Where’s Tanner?

Yuzu: Wasn’t he just here?

Amanda: Maybe he needs to use the bathroom?

Jean-Michel: If you want to protect Hiiragi Yuzu and Serena, you should join forces with me.
You can entrust their safety to me.

Yuya: Entrust?

Jean-Michel: If both of them are with me, Academia won’t be able to lay a hand on them.

Yuya: Are you planning to use them!?

Jean-Michel: The same can be said about Akaba Reiji.
He made Serena a Lancer, despite knowing that she is from Academia.
So that he can use her as a bargaining chip against his enemy.

Yuya: There’s no way I would make a deal with Academia like that…
I’ll stop the Interdimensional War with my Dueling!

Jean-Michel: I think that’s the best course of action as well.
If you can stick to your method and guide the world to peace, then that would be very wonderful.

Crow: If you want to stop this Duel, why don’t you just quit!?
I’ll see this Duel through to the end!
I equip Raikiri with the Equip Magic, Supreme Blade of the Blue Sky – Sky Excalibur!
The monster that equips it gains 400 ATK!

Kurosaki: Stop this! Listen to me!

Crow: Shut up! Battle!
I attack Blaze Falcon with Raikiri the Sudden Shower!

Melissa: He took out a huge chunk of Kurosaki’s Life!
His resurrected monster certainly made a big impact!

Kurosaki: Tch…Then, I’ll do this through force.
Quick-Play Magic, Rank-Up-Magic Raptor's Force!
I Special Summon the Blaze Falcon that has been destroyed in battle this turn!
Using it as material, I overlay it, and Xyz Summon a Raidraptor that is one Rank higher!

Melissa: He’s going to rank up again?

Kurosaki: Prideful falcon.
Spread your wings dyed in the blood of heroes.
Advance through the road of revolution!
Rank Up, Xyz Change!
Come forth!
Raidraptor – Revolution Falcon!

Melissa: Against Crow who has resurrected his destroyed monster, Kurosaki has also resurrected his monster and increased its Rank!

Kurosaki: When Revolution Falcon is summoned by ranking-up a Raidraptor,
I can destroy one of my opponent’s Special Summoned monsters,
And inflict damage equal to half of that monster’s ATK!

Crow: The monster that equips Sky Excalibur won’t be affected by my opponent’s card effects!

Kurosaki: You idiot! You still haven’t noticed!?

Crow: Tanner!

Melissa: Ah! This is certainly unexpected!
A little boy is desperately holding onto Raikiri’s back!

Frank: Tanner was actually on that monster!?

Tanner: I’m gonna fall off!

Melissa: What do we do? They can’t stop while the Autopilot function is active during the Duel…

Crow: Tanner! The hell are you doing, you idiot!?
I’ll drop you off where Frank and the others are somehow!
Just hang on! Tanner!

Crow: Just a bit more! Hang in there!

Frank: I’ll catch Tanner for sure!

Tanner: I can’t hold on anymore…!

Crow: Tanner!

Tanner: Kurosaki!? Why?

Kurosaki: Because…

Tanner: Kurosaki, thank you!

Yuzu: Kurosaki…

Yuya: To think Kurosaki would do something like that…

Tanner: “Because I had kids who cheer me on as well.”
That’s what Kurosaki said.

Frank: He…

Amanda: He did it because…

Yuzu: Kurosaki…

Tanner: Maybe Kurosaki is not that different from Crow.

Tanner: He looks scary on the outside, but he doesn’t really hate children like us.

Crow: You noticed it from the very start…That’s why you were acting like that…
I owe you one.

Kurosaki: I owe you one as well.

Crow: Eh?

Kurosaki: When I saw you and your kids, I remembered what I was fighting for.
For the sake of the children of my hometown, I will annihilate my enemy.

Crow: So you also have important people, whom you want to protect at all costs, huh?
But the Academia that you’re fighting against is a pretty powerful enemy, right?

Kurosaki: You should keep fighting against the Tops, too, even if they’re powerful enemies.

Crow: Sure. We’re quite similar, aren’t we?

Kurosaki: I guess so.

Crow: I end my turn with this.
All right. Show me all you got!

Kurosaki: You don’t have to tell me.

Yuya: Those two…

{Chess Commercial. Brb}

Melissa: Two zealous Duelists have saved a child who fell onto a monster!
I’m sure this Duel will get even more intense as well!

Kurosaki: It’s my turn!
I activate Rank-Up-Magic Skip Force!
Using Revolution Falcon as material, I overlay it, and Xyz Summon a Raidraptor that is two Ranks higher!

Melissa: Two Ranks higher!?

Crow: As expected from a Duelist who has experience on the battlefield!

Kurosaki: Valiant falcon.
Unleash the flames of rage,
And become the light that will scorch the earth!
Rank Up, Xyz Change!
Take flight! Rank-8!
Raidraptor - Satellite Cannon Falcon!

Melissa: Both now have monsters with 3000 ATK!

Crow: Their ATKs might be equal…But I wonder what he has in store?

Kurosaki: It’s not over yet!

Crow: What!?

Kurosaki: By sending Rank-Up-Magic Raid Force into the graveyard, I can add a Rank-Up-Magic card from my graveyard to my hand!
I add Rank-Up-Magic Skip Force to my hand, and activate it!
Using Satellite Cannon Falcon as material, I overlay it!

Kurosaki: Most supreme and powerful falcon!
Inherit the dying wishes of your many comrades,
And fly off to the sky of victory!
Rank up! Xyz Change!
Come forth! Rank-10!
Raidraptor – Ultimate Falcon!

Melissa: Its ATK is higher!
An intense development has unfolded in this Synchro vs. Xyz match!

Kurosaki: I activate Ultimate Falcon’s effect!
By detaching one Overlay Unit, until the end of the turn, the effects of all cards on my opponent’s field are negated, and all their monsters’ ATKs are reduced by 1000!
I attack Raikiri the Sudden Shower with Ultimate Falcon!

Tanner: That was awesome, Kurosaki!

Frank: Give it your all, Crow!

Crow: The Raikiri that has been Phantom Synchroed with Gofu the Hazy Shadow as a material will return to the Extra Deck when it leaves the field!

Kurosaki: During the end phase of this turn, if Ultimate Falcon was summoned by ranking-up a Raidraptor, the ATKs of my opponent’s monsters will be decreased by 1000!
However, if there are no monsters on his field, my opponent will receive 1000 damage!

Melissa: If that happens, Crow will run out of Life!

Crow: I activate the effect of Sky Excalibur, which has been sent to the graveyard due to Raikiri’s destruction!
I can Special Summon a Winged-Beast type Tuner Monster from the graveyard!
Come forth! Oroshi the Squall!

Kurosaki: However, due to Ultimate Falcon’s effect, its ATK will be reduced by 1000!
I end my turn!

Melissa: Crow managed to hold out somehow,
But the monster that he managed to Special Summon only has 0 ATK, due to an effect.
He has no cards in his Magic/Trap Zones, either! Nor does he have any cards in his hand!
His next draw will decide everything!

Tanner: You can do it, Crow!

Crow: It’s my turn! Draw!
Here it is!
When there is a Black Feather on my field, I can Special Summon Black Feather - Blast the Black Lance!
I’m tuning the Level-4 Blast the Black Lance with the Level-1 Oroshi the Squall!
Pitch-black gales!
Become a favorable wind that creates bonds!
Synchro Summon!
Fly away!
Assault Black Feather - Sohaya the Early Summer Rain!

Crow: When Sohaya the Early Summer Rain is Synchro Summoned, I can Special Summon one Assault Black Feather from the graveyard!
Come! Sayo the Hidden Rain!
When Sohaya the Early Summer Rain is Synchro Summoned with a Black Feather monster, I can treat it as a Tuner Monster
I’m tuning the Level-2 Sayo the Hidden Rain and the Level-5 Sohaya the Early Summer Rain!
Synchro Summon!
Rain down your attacks on them!
Assault Black Feather – Raikiri the Sudden Shower!

Melissa: Crow’s ace monster, Raikiri the Sudden Shower, has been resurrected once again!

Crow: I activate the effect of Raikiri the Sudden Shower!
For every Black Feather on my field, I can destroy one of my opponent’s cards!
My target is, of course, Ultimate Falcon!

Kurosaki: If that’s what you’re gunning for, then tough luck!
Ultimate Falcon is not affected by my opponent’s card effects!

Crow: I figured as much.
You’re not rushing for an Action Card, so I thought something must be up!

Kurosaki: Then what are you going to do?

Crow: Just watch!
I activate the effect of the Sohaya the Early Summer Rain in my graveyard!
By banishing it, I can Special Summon the other Sohaya the Early Summer Rain from my graveyard!
When Raikiri is Synchro Summoned with a Black Feather monster, I can treat it as a Tuner!
I’m tuning the Level-5 Sohaya the Early Summer Rain with the Level-7 Raikiri the Sudden Shower that is being treated as a Tuner!
Jet-black wings!
Wield the power of lightning, and let out a thunderous roar!
Synchro Summon!
Tear everything to shreds!
Assault Black Feather – Onimaru the Divine Lightning!

Melissa: Wow! A Level-12!
He Synchro Summoned a monster with the highest Level!
With three Synchro Summons in this turn, he managed to upgrade his ace monster, and summoned a Level-12 Synchro Monster!

Crow: Battle! I’ll destroy Ultimate Falcon with Onimaru the Divine Lightning!
When Onimaru the Divine Lightning attacks, for every time I has Synchro Summoned this turn, its ATK is increased by 1000!
Let’s settle this!
Feel the power of the Commons’ bond!

Melissa: The winner is Crow!

Three Kids: He did it!

Melissa: Crow has triumphantly returned!
Everyone, give him a big round of applause!

Crow: All right!

Commons: I can’t just watch this!
I’ve gotta do it as well!

JACK: Hmm…

Crow: Ahahaha! Hmm?

Kurosaki: I will fight my way back to the surface,
And exterminate my enemy.
Make sure that you defeat your enemy.

Crow: Sure. I’m gonna kick their asses.

Crow: Kurosaki!
You’re my friend now.

Yuya: Crow…Kurosaki…

Yuya: As I thought, I can’t…

Jean-Michel: Hiiragi Yuzu was on the course. Capture her at once.

Yuya: Stop it!
I won’t let you do that!

Yuya: I won’t hand Yuzu over to you!
Sora won’t hand Yuzu to Academia, either!
The three of us are all friends!
I will believe in my friends!

Jean-Michel: So you mean I can’t be trusted? Quite a shame.

Sora: I have a bad feeling about this…
I have to find Yuzu, and quick!

(Preview for Episode 83)

Security: We’ve found Hiiragi Yuzu!
We’ve got her completely surrounded!
We’ll capture her at once!

Yuzu: Security is after me!?
Don’t tell me…They’re going to send me underground!?

Sora: Fusion Summon!
Come forth!
Death-Toy Mad Chimera!

Yuzu: Sora! Why are you here!?

Sora: Save that for later!
Getting out of here is our top-most priority right now, isn’t it!?

Yuya: Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V:
The Bond Between Teacher and Disciple
The fun has just begun!


Thank DMC3444 for the script!

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[spoiler=82]Being a shun fanboy, i'm a little disappointed shun lost, but it was for the greater good because....

1. Shun made a friend
2. BW + RR
3. Now maybe BW & RR fans can put aside their differences and not sheet on each other's deck.
4. Hell Kurosaki didn't even seem mad he lost.

I want skip force and Ultimate Falcon (which will probably get a nerf).

Most importantly crow didn't use trash cards (and even used bora) to win like he did vs gon which is all I was hoping for if he did win.

GGs Crow and Shun :p


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-okay that was an intense duel , the last 2 turn suprasses my expectration and prediction, and neither side is action card depended, so pretty good

-didnt expect skip force to be reusable twice, i'm expecting for a RUM with more rank-climbing power

-I expected crow to topdeck something like multi draw/revival card, but its just bora...of course! he's going for sohaya, then revive another sohaya from grave for level 10....wait, not that either?

-Ultimate Falcon is pretty decent already...having neo galaxy clause + 1000 reduction and effect immunity, not to mention that its likely to get boost irl

-Onimaru is....as expected for common's card....why is raikiri the only good one

-Yuya is imprisoned.....i really cant see where this is going....

-Preview is hilarious....sora do his old entertainment duel with.....mad chimera?....after all the vector display he's finally going back to the good side?



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I for one I'm a little disappointed that Crow's boss was presented as a regular Synchro. I wanted Accel Synchro and the like to come back just like Rank-Up-Magic evolution came back for Xyzs.

Other than that, they handled this pretty well IMO.



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