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[spoiler=For the love of god Shinji]

Haven't seen anybody mention the fact that he was poised to activate his monster's big game-winning burn effect, and then Sora appeared, who he doesn't know or see, and he waited until they had driven for at least another 90 seconds before once again stating that it was all over and activating the effect. What the fuck? He doesn't say a word in the interim, all that happens is Yuuya and Sora's non-verbal communication and then Yuuya's inner monologue.


He literally waits for something he's not aware is happening to conclude before continuing his own totally seperate course of action, conveniently right as the only action card seen in the whole duel so far comes up. Yugi's Mind Control Revival Jam Slifer kill thing was bad, this is horrific. This can never be explained away. In fact thinking about it now is pissing me off so I'm going to back and check exactly how long he pointlessly stalls.


Alright so I rewatched the segment. He announces his intention to use the effect to burn for 3400 and win at 17:15. At 17:40 he is poised to activate it, At 18:00 Yuuya sees Sora, glancing up at him as he drives along casually with no expression on his face to indicate he's about to be sent to an underground work facility. Sora does his Mirror's Edge impression and Yuuya has some contemplation. At 18:55 Shinji activates the effect.


So for 1 minute and 15 seconds Shinji trundles along not a care in the world with his arm outstretched ready to discard his monster to win the game, and for no reason at all does not do so. What the actual fucking fuck. It's too stupid to ignore.



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I would consider some aspects of the event to not actually be occurring in real time, particularly if it involves characters thinking or brief, non-verbal interactions, even if the thought takes about thirty seconds of real time. But yes, you're right, he does take an abnormally long time to finalize the activation of that effect.

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Gonna put the posts I'm quoting in spoilers but everything I'm writing is outside of them~



[spoiler=Shinji's cards] Look guys, I know Shinji's cards aren't the best... But that's the point.

He's from the commons. He can't afford the best of cards. The ENJOY Man himself did say the tops buy their best cards. However, tops also make up 1% (or 10%, I'm sure it was 1 though) of the population. Basically, yes, the Commons could start a revolution by their sheer numbers, even the good cards of the tops can't take out the other 99% (or 90%) of the city.

His card aren't good, and it makes sense. Crow's on the other hand... No excuse.





That seems to be the general pattern, though the exception of Yugo being a commoner with a strong deck makes it a bit less intuitive.


[spoiler=Dramatic Crossroad]


To be honest, Shinji is becoming more of an eyesore, earsore and brainsore.

Is this how you really are? Being bullied for your cards and now you're doing it over again, while blabbering each and every duel about change, revolution and justice when you can't even grasp your situation cause of the elitism has soaked in, you wanna-be high class low-class citizen.


I'm starting to think Tuning Magician has some kind of "worst card" infamy status like Skull Servant or Zushin (wikia page) from 5Ds.


2nd time "trying to OTK" my opponent left Yuya in a pinch, although this time it's semi-justified cause his aishteru has crashed in a building. Well i'm curious to what those pendulums that we'll never see again do (he haven't used any of their effects yet).



Why didn't Sora just send Yuzu to Academia for her to get treated? Does switching dimensions put strain on the body, or his duel disk has a teleport limit? (he used it on Dennis once already). What is he playing with that?  -__-'' 



About MC: i'm not sure if she's required to have expert knowledge of dueling, but at least someone should have given her the basics, sounds really stupid now. We're not in the age of normal monsters anymore, most low stat ones have effects to make up for that. Sheesh!






I don't think Tuning Magician would have THAT bad of a reputation. I mean, yes, commoners generally have worse cards but that card fell from tops.




good catch now i wonder if they purposely make the characters from common to run bad cards (shinji, crow, tokumatsu) while the security and tops are using stronger cards for the sake of the story, although we havent see anyone from top actually dueling (not sure if jack still using the same deck than when he was a common, since he seem to have decent cards)





-Yuzu is saved by sora...but...why?

-Just like against jack, yuya start duel in angered state, attempt to OTK and failed

-Sora desperately tried to tell yuya that yuzu is fine...for unknown reason...again

-Another duel saved by the right action card, they really dont want to give yuya any new s/t huh....

-Yuya finally understand that he has to keep winning to change the system


biggest question in this episode is....sora's action, why is he saving yuzu and tried to tell that to yuya

instead of sending her to academia, and why is he in the synchro dimension to begin with (he's there before

professor knew yuzu and serena is in synchro by dennis's report)...does this mean that he's still consider

yuya and yuzu friend and not completely following academia, so far he's just showing hostility to people from xyz...






Leo doesn't tell anyone else the whole plan. Sora doesn't know he wants the Yuzu counterparts so no harm in saving her life. He might have said they are not friends anymore because he cares about what he thinks his leader's ideals are, but this episode showed that deep down he still worries about them. To me, this was the one part of the episode I liked... Maybe just seeing Sora again at all felt refreshing, actually. The moment speaks for itself IMO. 


Sora may be willing to leave them behind for the Fusion goal, but he won't allow them to be hurt for no reason just because some psycho has a weird fetish. Serge isn't even an ally of his soooo.


In short... I think it was kinda sweet *shrugs*




Yeah, the reaction of that burn effect was awkwardly slow. There's scenes not done in real time, and then there's the ones where they allowed a full turn into another street and a sequence of Sora crossing several buildings to pass before that burn resolved.

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We don't really know Sora's exact motives at this time. He seems to at least know he needs to retrieve Yuzu and Serena, but I notice in rewatching his conversation with Dennis that Sora explicitly says he was tasked with retrieving Serena, and says nothing about Yuzu (but Dennis mentioned Yuzu, so Sora knows she's also a target). But even if he plans to retrieve both, he'd want credit for it if he would go ahead and go through with that goal. Teleporting Yuzu to Academia wouldn't give him credit. Alternatively, teleporting Yuzu when she's unconscious would be a dick move towards someone he actually likes (he was really close to Yuzu, and taught her Fusion Summoning. No matter what he says about not being friends with them anymore, I believe he still is fond of Yuzu and Yuya, at the very least).


Because if Yuzu regained consciousness at Academia, injured and captured or whatever, she'd probably have a major panic attack. Reo has mentioned before (if Yuri hasn't) that the Yuzu counterparts aren't supposed to be harmed, and Yuri seems to want them to go with him willingly (as seen with Yuzu), and I could see Sora possibly encouraging Yuzu to go with him willingly, but no guarantee. Then again, she doesn't know yet that he's fiercely loyal to Academia, since Yuri was chasing her around the time Sora was carding people and stuff.


As for why Sora's trying to help Yuya...I have no fricking clue. There is almost literally no advantage to doing this.

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As for why Sora's trying to help Yuya...I have no fricking clue. There is almost literally no advantage to doing this.

One of the people in MyAnimeList discussions about the current episode said: "In an interview with the director, he stated that Sora actually truly and still considers Yuya as a friend, but he suppresses his feeling because of his loyalty for the Academia."


This might be true, because I have no idea why Sora would inform Yuya about Yuzu's condition.

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One of the people in MyAnimeList discussions about the current episode said: "In an interview with the director, he stated that Sora actually truly and still considers Yuya as a friend, but he suppresses his feeling because of his loyalty for the Academia."


This might be true, because I have no idea why Sora would inform Yuya about Yuzu's condition.


This was more or less my theory from the moment that Sora was revealed to be depraved and psychotic back in episode 34+, when people compared him to Vector- an evil twisted sadist character that pretended to be a good guy to get close to the protagonist before some stabby-back action.


Sora never really showed any malicious desire to harm Yuya and friends. And I more or less concluded this to be the case during his rematch with Yuya, because while he verbally stated they're not friends, he still seemed more or less reluctant to be in the situation.


So pretty much the only logical reason for Sora's actions here is because he considers Yuya and/or Yuzu to be friends so he wants them to be safe so long as it won't drastically interfere with his role, and he probably wants to keep them out of harm's way and prevent the Obelisk Force from being sent. He did tell Dennis to tell the Professor that he (Sora) would definitely fulfill the task. But...Reo's sending the O-Force anyway.

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Strap in, this is a long one... Like Expanding Dong long.


[spoiler=78 thoughts, story writing, and theory time!] Okay, am I the only one getting sick of the Action Cards? I mean, it feels like they have these because they keep writing themselves into a corner and can't think of a way to get Yuya (or whoever) out. It makes the duels less... Tense for me, I suppose... If Yuya is about to lose, "Oh well, he's gonna get an action card that gets him out." It's almost (ALMOST) as bad as... sheet, what was his name again...? Yuma, yeah, him. It's almost as bad as Yuma creating cards on the spot. It's just... Ugh!! Sure, Destiny Draws are bad, but at least they are (apparently) a card within the deck, and not just literally plucked out of thin air... Anyways, moving on.


This duel... Is kinda... Okay, am I a bad person for saying I want SHINJI to win? I mean, yes, Yuya is the main character and he wants to make everyone smile, etc. etc... But, okay, so he wins... Moves on, gets to Jack, wins, maybe get Synchro Dimension on his side, go to the Xyz dimension, and then goes to Fusion and wins! Yay... Okay, but there's a problem. Synchro Dimension is still sheet, and he is offering no solutions or even an idea on how to change it. See, at the end of the day, it isn't his problem, and honestly, I think he knows it. He keeps pointing out it's wrong, but wants to do nothing but preach words at the crowds. Granted, he is only a kid, and he has no idea what to do. Buuuuut... He's about to stop someone who is actively working on bringing about real change. At the end of the day, Yuya is going home back to Standard, maybe never to see Synchro again. Shinji and the others have to live there, for the rest of their lives. It's not like he's the ONLY person still in the Lancers... Oh god, the only other person is Shun. Screw you plot armor for throwing Gonenzaka out!


Story writing idea time.

Maybe Yuya should actually lose. Like, legit lose, not stopping the duel or some plot device. Let Shinji move on up to Jack, and... I guess win, I have no idea how with those cards.... But... Anyways. Shinji is friends with Crow. They can overthrow this corrupt system, and some Synchro people can tag along with The Lancers. That is the reason why they are here, to get support, so I think if things went like that, it could work.


And theory number 1.

Sleepy pointed out Yugo had a strong deck for a commoner. But does he really? Take out Clear Wing. Do you think he would win as many times as he did without it? I honestly don't think he's had it his whole life. I believe at one point during the tournament arc, after driving through a tunnel that teleports, Yugo stated that he got that card, which implies he made that deck before he got the card. Which would explain why he randomly has a dragon in a deck about... Toys.

I propose the dimensional dragons were created out of a pre-existing card the person had, similar to how Yuya's Odd Eyes Pendulum Dragon was made from Odd Eyes Dragon. The dragon only manifested itself during a time of great need, like when Fusion attacked the Xyz dimension, or when Yuya was fighting Strong. Just some food for thought, more than likely does not affect the story at all.


Theory number 2.

I think the pendulum Yuya is wearing is making brand new cards still, like right now. (The Extra Deck is excluded from this, because let's be honest, the Extra Deck has been iffy since the original series.) I mean, minus Odd Eyes, most of Yuya's deck is based around the circus (although honestly I can make the argument that Odd Eyes could be like the star attraction of the circus, like an elephant.). From what we saw in the first episode, it turned existing cards in his deck into pendulums.

Okay... But that doesn't explain the Magicians. There doesn't seem to be anything in his deck that warrants 3-4 different Magicians. On top of it... They seem to only first appear when Yuya gets absolutely serious. So, maybe this pendulum reacts to his will or emotions, and makes these cards.


I dunno. I bet someone else said this earlier, and I just never saw it.


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Strap in, this is a long one... Like Expanding Dong long.


[spoiler=78 thoughts, story writing, and theory time!]

Okay, am I the only one getting sick of the Action Cards? I mean, it feels like they have these because they keep writing themselves into a corner and can't think of a way to get Yuya (or whoever) out. It makes the duels less... Tense for me, I suppose... If Yuya is about to lose, "Oh well, he's gonna get an action card that gets him out." It's almost (ALMOST) as bad as... sheet, what was his name again...? Yuma, yeah, him. It's almost as bad as Yuma creating cards on the spot. It's just... Ugh!! Sure, Destiny Draws are bad, but at least they are (apparently) a card within the deck, and not just literally plucked out of thin air... Anyways, moving on.


This duel... Is kinda... Okay, am I a bad person for saying I want SHINJI to win? I mean, yes, Yuya is the main character and he wants to make everyone smile, etc. etc... But, okay, so he wins... Moves on, gets to Jack, wins, maybe get Synchro Dimension on his side, go to the Xyz dimension, and then goes to Fusion and wins! Yay... Okay, but there's a problem. Synchro Dimension is still sheet, and he is offering no solutions or even an idea on how to change it. See, at the end of the day, it isn't his problem, and honestly, I think he knows it. He keeps pointing out it's wrong, but wants to do nothing but preach words at the crowds. Granted, he is only a kid, and he has no idea what to do. Buuuuut... He's about to stop someone who is actively working on bringing about real change. At the end of the day, Yuya is going home back to Standard, maybe never to see Synchro again. Shinji and the others have to live there, for the rest of their lives. It's not like he's the ONLY person still in the Lancers... Oh god, the only other person is Shun. Screw you plot armor for throwing Gongenzaka out!


Story writing idea time.

Maybe Yuya should actually lose. Like, legit lose, not stopping the duel or some plot device. Let Shinji move on up to Jack, and... I guess win, I have no idea how with those cards.... But... Anyways. Shinji is friends with Crow. They can overthrow this corrupt system, and some Synchro people can tag along with The Lancers. That is the reason why they are here, to get support, so I think if things went like that, it could work.


And theory number 1.

Sleepy pointed out Yugo had a strong deck for a commoner. But does he really? Take out Clear Wing. Do you think he would win as many times as he did without it? I honestly don't think he's had it his whole life. I believe at one point during the tournament arc, after driving through a tunnel that teleports, Yugo stated that he got that card, which implies he made that deck before he got the card. Which would explain why he randomly has a dragon in a deck about... Toys.

I propose the dimensional dragons were created out of a pre-existing card the person had, similar to how Yuya's Odd Eyes Pendulum Dragon was made from Odd Eyes Dragon. The dragon only manifested itself during a time of great need, like when Fusion attacked the Xyz dimension, or when Yuya was fighting Strong. Just some food for thought, more than likely does not affect the story at all.


Theory number 2.

I think the pendulum Yuya is wearing is making brand new cards still, like right now. (The Extra Deck is excluded from this, because let's be honest, the Extra Deck has been iffy since the original series.) I mean, minus Odd Eyes, most of Yuya's deck is based around the circus (although honestly I can make the argument that Odd Eyes could be like the star attraction of the circus, like an elephant.). From what we saw in the first episode, it turned existing cards in his deck into pendulums.

Okay... But that doesn't explain the Magicians. There doesn't seem to be anything in his deck that warrants 3-4 different Magicians. On top of it... They seem to only first appear when Yuya gets absolutely serious. So, maybe this pendulum reacts to his will or emotions, and makes these cards.


I dunno. I bet someone else said this earlier, and I just never saw it.



1. To an extent, yes.

Yuya got his ass saved again by an Action Card; otherwise he would've been blown up.


I said this earlier (and another member decided to get nutty because I explicitly chewed Yuya out), but yeah Yuya is naive to the ways of Synchro. 

Sure, he doesn't like how the Synchro Dimension works (we get it), but all he does is preach "duels should be smiles" and offers nothing to fix the situation in Tops.


Indeed, Shinji actually has plans to change how the dimension operates, so at least he's doing SOMETHING.


You know that saying "Put your money where your mouth is"? That applies to Yuya here; if you actually want to change how the tournament works, then DO something instead of whining "This isn't right" or whatever derivative of this statement that he uses.


I wouldn't blame you for wanting Shinji to win; he indeed has a goal in mind to change Synchro, something that Yuya lacks at the moment because he doesn't get it.

Yeah, Shinji doesn't have a coherent theme at the moment, bar for swarming, but he'll probably get something later.


Yuya, you're a stranger in a dimension with living standards that are vastly different than what you grew up with for the past 14 years of your life.

Maybe if you had a similar life in Standard or actually LIVED in Synchro for your life span, you could probably understand why Shinji and Crow are fighting to change their society.


(Look, I know that Yuya acts this way because of his upbringing and his promise to Youko, but with all due respect, he indeed has no plans to change the Synchro Dimension. He hates the way it's being run, especially with the Friendship Cup, but what exactly does he plan to do?)



Back to the Action Spell stuff, it would probably help if Crow/Shinji utilized them as well.

Jack certainly wised up to their usage, and he beat Yuya afterwards.


T2. That's probably the case here.

Yuya does have a lot of cards that only get played like...what, once or twice, and that's it.


I guess you can argue that the Pendulum is Yuya's equivalent of Shining Draw, and makes stuff up at the moment.



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Leo doesn't tell anyone else the whole plan. Sora doesn't know he wants the Yuzu counterparts so no harm in saving her life. He might have said they are not friends anymore because he cares about what he thinks his leader's ideals are, but this episode showed that deep down he still worries about them. To me, this was the one part of the episode I liked... Maybe just seeing Sora again at all felt refreshing, actually. The moment speaks for itself IMO. 


Sora may be willing to leave them behind for the Fusion goal, but he won't allow them to be hurt for no reason just because some psycho has a weird fetish. Serge isn't even an ally of his soooo.


In short... I think it was kinda sweet *shrugs*




Yeah, the reaction of that burn effect was awkwardly slow. There's scenes not done in real time, and then there's the ones where they allowed a full turn into another street and a sequence of Sora crossing several buildings to pass before that burn resolved.



hmm true, the only order leo was given to sora was to bring back serena, order to retreive yuzu is given to yuri instead (i wonder why though.....leo should knew serena is stronger since she's from academia and a trained duelist, he should order yuri to bring back her, and sora and obelisk force for yuzu)


[spoiler=Ridiculous Theory]

What if all the yuyas are originally one of evil being, and  the true goal, of akaba leo collecting all the yuzu counterparts (which is also one being originally that is opposite to the yuyas true being), is not for rule the dimensions or something like that? but to prevent the yuyas counterpart to become one? or to unite the yuzus to make her original being to counter if the yuyas happened to unite, some clues:


-When 2 yuyas are in 1 dimension, there's a chance that one more yuya will also be transported to that dimension by their dragon (Yugo transported to standard when yuto appeard in standard to help shun search for ruri, Yugo Transported to Xyz when yuri goes there to retrieve Ruri, and When yuri goes to standard to retrieve yuzu, Yugo also transported there again)


-When 2 yuyas are dueling, the dragons force them to kill each other, and probably to absorb each other, until all four is united 


-During Yugo vs Sawatari, its seen that yuya and yugo's consiusness temporarily...merge? and the combined personality doesnt seem to match either yuya's or yugo's, but more like supreme king, similiar thing also appear when yuya enter berserk mode when both he and yuto is angry


-Yuzus Counterpart all has bracelet, Yuzu bracelet seem to have special power to prevent 2 yuyas to be close to each other by teleporting one of them, its possible that the other bracelet has same or similiar effect to prevent the yuyas to unite


-Mieru saw a dark third personality inside yuya after he absorb yuto.




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[spoiler=Long reply]

Ok, I'm going to talk.

Yuya did have a plan. He was going to tell everyone about the truth behind the Friendship Cup, they'd revolt against the Council and stop the bullshit... problem is, it blew up on his face spectacularly, and he was left with nothing else to offer afterwards beyond crying for them to stop this madness in desperation, not knowing what to do. And that was the ONLY time we saw him preaching to the public - the rest of the time, he was locked on his room. Sure, he might've thought about that a little (or a lot) while there, but he wasn't throwing the same old speech at the crowd over and over again as many accuse him of, and he did rationalize it further, recognizing that he acted little different from City's denizens during his duel against DC227. And he did acknowledge he had to change his mentality a bit in order to succeed in his mission, like actually winning in the tourney and gaining the audience's respect, as twisted their logic may be, before preaching his cause to them like everybody else was doing. The next time we see him in front of the crowd, he's too distracted thinking about defeating Shinji as soon as possible and go helping Yuzu to make any speeches.

That said, I agree with you guys that Shinji is the only character in the show to propose a long term solution to City's endemic problems - the problem is that he's got pretty bad timing, since the chaos generated by his revolution would only help Academia further their goals and take over City, and then everyone, Tops AND Commons, would be screwed. If only Mr. Tooth Decay hadn't sent The Menace back to Academia to inform Professor about the whole situation at Synchro Dimension...

Now it's time for an unpopular opinion:

Yeah, Action Cards may be plot device-y and a little boring, but I'd still take them anytime before s*** like what Yuya did in his first duel against Shingo - that is, to apparently main deck a card that will only work a very specific situation, which you'll conveniently topdeck in response to that very same specific situation happening (what are the odds?) and never use or mention it again. I mean, he played a card that steals 2 cards from the opponent whose effects are being negated, even though he doesn't have ANY cards to negate effects, so he had no way to pull it off consistently, relying exclusively on the opponent when self-negation isn't that common in the first place. At least with Action Cards there is the implication the system selects the card you'll get according to your needs at the moment you pick it up. Maybe I'm trying to apply too much of my TCG player and RL logic to the show, but...

Also, Episode 1 implied he already had at least SOME of his Magicians back when Pendulums didn't exist, since we saw his pendant changing his regular Magician monsters into Pendulum cards. So it's not so much that the Pendulum creates new cards out of thin air as it changes the ones already on his deck.



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There's also the matter that Shinji's idea of how to change the system is encouraging an all-out rebellion of the Commons vs the Tops. This can only end violently. People would die, property and buildings would be destroyed, people would get arrested and imprisoned, if not outright shut down by other means by Security. Ultimately, the Commons probably would win.


But then what? Then they have to try to rebuild society as the victors of a civil war. Odds are, the former Tops will just get shoved down into the role the Commons played, and Commons would next start fighting amongst themselves to get a larger piece of the inherited wealth.


You can't change a class system just by encouraging revolt. You also can't change a system just by preaching about how it's wrong. Neither Shinji or Yuya have solutions to this problem. Shinji's goal is more destructive than it needs to be, and while this seems appealing to jumpstart SOME form of change, it will not make the City better. The competitive society sucks, but it is overall STABLE compared to what a rebellion or war would probably change it into.


This is the same sort of problem with race systems and class systems in real life. These are deep issues that can't be changed just by complaining about it, but can't be changed while it's ignored. Rising up in mass and rioting will draw attention, but it will damage the cause.

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On another note, now I really, really wish they'd give Melissa some development. She's not horrible as a MC IMO (she's got her moments), but she's far from being as entertaining as the original 5D's MC; so the only way I see the writers could compensate for that is giving her the character development he never got. I was filled with hope that she would act as the White Sheep of the Tops, being the only significant character among them who's not a complete douchebag to add more shades of gray to the conflict; however, while she proved not to hold the same prejudices against the Commons the majority of her fellow elite members do and to genuinely encourage cooperation between Commons and Tops, that seems to stem more from her naïvete and obliviousness to how the real world works than from authentic regard for other people's well-being. She also doesn't see any problem with the losers of the Friendship Cup being enslaved, and while she probably includes the defeated Tops on that policy and a large portion of the Commons agree with that too, it still makes her nice girl persona seem more shallow than anything. She also showed concern for Yuzu's safety at first, but quickly moved on to the next match in order to stick to her job, which she takes more seriously than anything else in the world (for ethical rather than selfish reasons, but still...) In the end, she comes off as a mere pawn used by the City's authorities to manipulate the masses, and that feels absolutely frustrating. Dunno, maybe I was just placing my chips on the wrong number. She's still got some time to redeem herself, but my hopes fade with each episode aired... :/

I was actually wondering if she isn't a Joo Dee sort of character, in that she was either raised or brainwashed into acting as the corrupt government's approachable spokesperson.

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I don't really understand why Melissa was made a recurring character when she appears clueless about the game she's presenting and commentating on and also gets disproportionately panicky whenever there's the slightest unrest in the crowd. If you're going to have her in basically every episode at least give her some sort of arc.

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I don't really understand why Melissa was made a recurring character when she appears clueless about the game she's presenting and commentating on and also gets disproportionately panicky whenever there's the slightest unrest in the crowd. If you're going to have her in basically every episode at least give her some sort of arc.

To be fair, most of the cast isn't particularly savvy about low ATK Effect Monsters either, and it's been like that since DM. And there's also a serious risk of the Commons revolting and crushing the Tops at any moment, so it's not surprising she would be wary of the crowd's agitation.

On another note, does someone else suspect the show might end leaving the conflicts at City unresolved? I know it's not something we'd expect from YGO, but then again, there's so much we wouldn't expect from YGO happening in this show already that wouldn't surprise me...

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About Action Cards...

I think it sometimes just compensates for buffs that'll put them up to level IRL but that they don't want to give the cards in the anime universe.

I can't think of a situation off the top of my head but at least one time I did see a duel where I thought "If those cards had the IRL effect that character wouldn't have needed Action Cards to survive in this duel". Of course, they are not perfect translations (we don't see any cards with built-in Action Card effects in them when coming to print) but I'm talking more as in the overall duel results....


I still don't like them, though at least I've never seen anyone fail at an Action Card and go for another one right then and there so I guess there's either a limit to how often you can activate them per action/chain/whatever, or they imply it is too hard to immediately succeed at getting another one in time to get out of the pinch.... but I'll guess the former.


Destiny draws vs Action Cards preference is debatable though.... ZeXal is the most crap example of all since Yuma never used a single ZeXal Weapon twice (save for discarding Tornado Bringer on a certain situation as filler, but that pretty much doesn't count) and there are too many of them, which always led to going for an OTK.


On DM we had more destiny draws that got used again like Swords of Revealing Light, Lightforce Sword, Dark Magic Curtain, and sometimes the destiny draws from godly nature failed (look closesly and you'll see Timaeus failed at least twice but I'll roughly state about half the times he was brought out) even if you say the rules were too vague and a lot of other things, at least for its time I think it worked...


5Ds did use Savior Star at least once more, Draco-Equizte was said to be influenced by the time he spent with Jaden in the movie before going up to use it in the WRGP. Then even the more plot-device-y like Zero Force somehow didn't feel out of place, though these last ones I fail to be able to explain why they didn't really bother me...


GX: Jaden's Neo Spacian deck was nothing but plot device so I cannot even compute examples from this one....

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[spoiler=Scale 3's script]

Yuya: Sorry for the long wait!
I’m the man who aims to be the best Entertainment Duelist in the world!
Sakaki Yuya!

Reiji: He finally showed up!

Yuya: Ladies and Gentlemen!
The fun has just begun!

Yuzu: That’s…!

Kurosaki: This is Phantom’s true identity!

Sora: Ho…

Reiji: That’s Sakaki Yuya!

(Flashback sequence)

Reiji: The Solid Vision System throughout Maiami City can create objects with mass.
It’s not only used for creating Duel Fields,
But also for rescue missions and reconstruction work during disasters.
The System is already an inseparable part of our daily life,
But right now, Sakaki Yuya is using it for his own personal goals.

Kurosaki: What is he trying to pull?

Reiji: We’ll know when we capture him.
But don’t let your guards down.
His Pendulum Summon is very dangerous.

Sora: Pendulum Summon!?
Just what kind of summon method is it!?

Reiji: I wanted to demonstrate that,
But we still haven’t obtained the cards necessary for that.

Reiji: Right now, a different team is doing all they can to search for them.

(And now, back to the Duel)

SAWATARI-SAN: I have no idea what this Penguin Summon or Frenulum Summon thing is…
But he’s no match for me!

Yuya: All right, everyone!
I shall bring joy to you all
With my Entertainment Duel!
Here I go!
It’s my turn!

SAWATARI-SAN: (The remaining Action Card is over there, huh…
I know what that card is…
Action Magic, Pandemonium Pair Card,
It can increase a monster’s ATK by 200 points.
But if you don’t have two of them, you can’t use that effect,
And there’s no way anyone could reach it…)

Yuya: Are you sure about that?

Yuya: All right, may I have your attention, everyone!?
The last Action Card that can influence fate itself is hidden in the sky…!

Yuya: But watch as I, the magnificent Sakaki Yuya, steal it from the sky!

Yuya: The fourth Action Card is mine!

SAWATARI-SAN: A pigeon!?

Yuya: Ta-da!

Yuzu: Phantom! Please let me have your signature!

Yuya: Hehe! There’s even a fan of me in this place!

Yuto: Now is not the time to act so cheerfully!
We only have a tiny amount of Life left!

Yuya: I know, I know.
I’ll have to end the Duel first, so just give me a moment, okay?

Yuzu: You have to win, okay?
The future of Shuzo School is in your hands!

Yuya: Eh?

Yuzu: Ohohohoho!
Don’t worry about it!

SAWATARI-SAN: All right, then!
Since you already got the Action Card, come and face me!

Yuya: Sure!
Well then…

(Yuya teleports behind Sawatari)

Yuya: Sorry for the wait!


Sora: Ho…
An Entertainment Duelist, huh…?

SAWATARI-SAN: You’re quite a crafty bastard, aren’t you!?
I might have let you have that Action Card, but now, I shall activate my Trap Card,
Reawakening of the Monarchs!
This card allows me to reactivate the Tribute Summon effect of a Level-5 or higher Monarch!!

Yuto: Be careful, Yuya! Erebus the Underworld Monarch can return one of your cards to the deck!

Yuya: Then, I’ll be using your card, Yuto!
I activate the effect of Phantom Knight - Tomb Shield from the graveyard!
By banishing this card from the graveyard, I can negate the activation of a Trap Card!


Yuya: Here we go!
It’s show time!
I shall set the Pendulum Scale!
I set Odd-Eyes Persona Dragon into the left Pendulum Zone!
And then, I set Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon into the right Pendulum Zone!

SAWATARI-SAN: Pendulum Scale!?

Kurosaki: Pendulum Zone!?
What on earth is going on!?

Yuya: Swing! Pendulum of Fate!
Cut through space and time,
And swing across the future and the past!
Pendulum Summon!
Come forth! Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon!

SAWATARI-SAN: What the hell is this summon method!?

Kurosaki: He can instantly summon a high-level monster!?

Sora: This is a pretty cool summon method!

Reiji: So you finally used it…
Pendulum Summon!

Yuzu: A summon method no one has ever seen…
And a magnificent dragon no one has ever seen…
If this guy comes to our school…
That’ll be lovely, for sure!

SAWATARI-SAN: But that monster’s ATK won’t be a match for my Erebus’s ATK!

Yuya: Whoa there!
Did you forget about these two Action Cards?

Yuya: These two cards can only be used if you have both of them at the same time!
Both of them can increase a monster’s ATK by 200 points, so my monster’s ATK will get a 400-point boost!
With this, Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon’s ATK will become 2900!

Yuzu: He did it! Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon’s ATK is now higher than Erebus’s!

Yuya: Phantasmagorical Spiral Flame!

SAWATARI-SAN: Damn…But I still have some Life left!

Yuya: Not for long!
The fun has just begun!
I activate Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon’s effect!


Yuya: When Phantom Dragon inflicts battle damage on the turn it is Pendulum Summoned, it can inflict damage equal to the combined ATKs of the Persona Dragon and the Mirage Dragon in my Pendulum Zones!

Yuya: Feel the power of phantasm!
Atomic Force!


Reiji: Use brute force if you have to!
Do whatever it takes to capture him!

Reiji: Notify all our forces!
Rush in there as soon as the Action Field disperses!

(Kurosaki and Sora jump down from their helicopters)

Sora: Seriously…
You talk big, but your performance is just pathetic!

Nameless Mook: You’re under arrest!

Yuya: Did you all enjoy my Entertainment Duel!?
Well then, that’s it for today!

(Yuya teleports away)

Kurosaki: This is…the Phantom’s card!?

Nameless Mook: Where did Phantom go!?

Nameless Mook: Search for him!

Sora: Look over there!

Yuzu: Phantom!?

Yuya: Well, it’s pretty obvious that these guys are planning to capture me as soon as the Duel ends.

Sora: When did he get there!?

Sora: Oh, I see…

Sora: That time, the Action Field actually covers a bit of the nearby building.

Sora: Maybe the real Phantom was hiding somewhere, and used cards to create Solid Vision projections of himself to fight against Sawatari-senpai….

Yuzu: Phantom! Please sign this!

Yuya: Sure thing!

(Yuya then summons a paper plane)

Sora: A Duelist that can freely manipulate Solid Vision, huh?

Yuya: All right, bye-bye!
See you again!

Sora: He’s an enemy, but an interesting one for sure!

Yuya: Huh?
Isn’t this thing a bit heavier than usual!?

Yuto: Yuya! Behind you!

Yuzu: Looks like I accidentally hopped on!

Yuya: Don’t “Teehee!” me!
This plane can only carry one person!

Yuzu: HEHHHH!?

Yuya: WHOAAA!!

(Cuts to Yuya’s hideout)

Yuzu: Where am I?

Yuya: You’re finally awake, huh?
You sure are reckless.
I guess you’ll be the first outsider that I’ve brought to this hideout.


Thank DMC3444 for the translation



Raw Scale 3: http://imgur.com/a/pFPE2

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Finally got around to watching le subs.


[spoiler=Thoughts on 78 Subbed]

- Yes, we know Yuya is worried about Yuzu and wants to help her, but Shinji is right, there isn't anything they can do about her at the moment and he left Yuya to assume that no one would help her after he loss. (Ofc we know that the Security wants her, so that technically isn't the case)

- Although with what Shinji is trying to do, yes he has a plan to try and change how things work in the dimension, but syirring up the commons to start a revolution, I do believe it will end badly for both parties. Hey at least he's doing something, unlike Yuya who is merely preaching about how this tournament is wrong.

 - Having said that, when Yuya tried to OTK Shinji, the tops were like "with this we'll be rid of that obnoxious Shinji." and I agree, Shinji can be obnoxious at times. (Actually he's been getting obnoxious since the facility mini-arc)

- Serena definitely noted that Yuya wasn't concentrating and correctly assumed it was to do with Yuzu. Though you'd think that after losing to Jack, Yuya would've learned not to recklessly try for an OTK.

- I did originally think Sora had gone rogue with his appearance in the Synchro Dimension, but I'm starting to think otherwise. I do think he's still loyal to the academia, following his interractions with Dennis, but I believe he still considers Yuya a friend.

- With regards to Yuya having his ass saved by an Action Card again. Whilst it is true that it is getting somewhat annoying, it is better than having a gimmicky, main deck card whose uses are limited to a particular situation.



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Why didn't Yuya overlay Salutiger and Silver Claw after the failed attack? Was it lack of thinking from the whole Yuzu incident, or did he actually think it would be strategically better to leave both on the field? Maybe it was because the plot demands it, I dunno. Making DRXD would have prevented Yuya from taking battle damage and losing one of his monsters, leaving him in a winning position. Heck, Shinji probably wouldn't have even summoned his Synchro if Yuya had DRXD on the field.

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He might still not know how to Exceed Summon at all... Didn't he only ever Summon DRXD while in berserk mode?


On a not so different note, haven't Yuya's (imperfect) forays into Extra Deck summons (Fusion and, to be seen, Synchro) happen due to Yuzu in some fashion?

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