mshends Posted October 4, 2015 Report Share Posted October 4, 2015 [spoiler= Another early script (76)]Last Time’s Egao Count: 77Yuya: Principal. Futoshi. Ayu. Tatsuya.Mom.On that day, I vowed to save Yuzu and end the Interdimensional War, and began my journey…Right now, I’m participating in a tournament, hosted in a place called City in the Synchro Dimension.I know that no matter how much I speak, my voice won’t reach everyone.But even so, one day, I want them to know …What happened to us after that day.(Opening Sequence)Yuya: In order to fight the Academia, we headed to the Synchro Dimension.But I, Sawatari, Serena, and Reira were separated from our other friends.As soon as we arrived, we were surrounded by the police force of this city, known as Security.Jean-Michel: At first, I thought they were just two reckless teenagers who were pulling off a bunch of stupid antics…Jean-Michel: As I chased after these youths, something caught my attention.There were two girls with the exact same face.Yuya: Just as we were cornered,Crow Hogan and his friends showed up and saved us from that pinch.Yuya: Crow told me that there are two kinds of people in this City.The winners are called Tops, and the losers are Commons.The Tops have all the authority and wealth in this City,And if the Commons even show a small sign of rebellion…Shinji: It’s Security! Run for it!They’ve surrounded us!Jean-Michel: My men managed to capture some Duelists who came from different dimensions.The girl who uses Fusion Summon was separated from the others, in order that I can personally interrogate her.So that I can learn where she came from, and why did she come to this City.Of course, I’ll also have to capture the girl with the Academia uniform, sooner or later…Yuya: I learned that Security was pursuing Yuzu…Damon: You and some girl were running around and putting up some weird posters, weren’t you?The ones about invaders from a different dimension or something…Yuya: Yuzu is…Yuya: In order to help Yuzu, we joined Crow and his friends as they proceeded with their escape plan,And escaped from the Detention Facility.Yuya: Wait for me, Yuzu! I’m coming right now!Jean-Michel: When I arrived at the Detention Facility, there was a jailbreak going on.I managed to successfully recapture all of them, but…Grey: Akaba Reiji is from a dimension called Standard.With eight companions under his command,He entered our dimension.Azul: His objective is to oppose the Academia of the Fusion Dimension,Who is trying to take control of the four dimensions: Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, and Standard.Bordeaux: Since the Academia hasn’t invaded us yet, he wants to form an alliance with us.White Taki: However, we have also realized Academia’s presence…Gael: Ten years ago, after Enjoy Chojiro was arrested for cheating…The City was thrown into chaos,And the tension between the Tops and Commons became even more intense…Grey: In order to combat that crisis,The City Council carried out two plans.Azul: First off, we created a tournament held in the name of reconciliation between Tops and Commons, known as the Friendship Cup.Bordeaux: The other plan is strengthening the Public Security Maintenance Bureau, or Security, so that the dominance of the Tops can be maintained.White Taki: The weapon that we would need is a technology that does not exist in our world, Solid Vision with mass.Also known as Real Solid Vision.The man who brought that technology to the City was Jean-Michel Roger.Thanks to that, he was able to climb to the position of Director of the Public Security Maintenance Bureau in the blink of an eye.Gael: Of course, we were aware that he came from somewhere outside the City.Grey: Even if his plans are tied to an invasion…Azul: We can domesticate Roger, and use him as a tool to maintain the social order.Bordeaux: However…Akaba Reiji and his group then showed up,And told us about the menace of the Interdimensional War.Gael: If they make a ruckus,Academia will probably notice it.Grey: Then, if they went ahead with their invasion, we would be in trouble.Azul: At the same time, we cannot ignore what Akaba Reiji and his Lancers said.Bordeaux: As long as they have an infiltrator like Roger, Academia is indeed, a very real threat.White Taki: We were evaluating two options.That is…If Akaba Reiji and his Lancers are strong enough to protect us,We’ll accept their offer.If they are not strong enough, we’ll try to persuade Roger, and through him,We can enter a friendly relationship with Academia.Jean-Michel: I had a reason for choosing Sakaki Yuya as the King’s opponent on the eve of the tournament.I wanted to see how the King would deal with an opponent who uses the unknown Pendulum Summon method like Sakaki Yuya.The King, Jack Atlas, is an enemy that has to be defeated eventually.Yuya: The first Common who won the Friendship Cup,And reigned over his throne as a supreme ruler for three years straight, Jack Atlas.I was forced to fight against the City’s biggest superstar,And out of nowhere, he declared that he will defeat me in three turns,Causing me to completely lose my cool.Yuya: I’ll show them my Entertainment!Yuya: Here comes the finishing blow!Go!Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!Attack Jack Atlas directly!JACK: I believe you said something about Entertainment Dueling, right?JACK: However, your dueling is nothing more than self-satisfaction!JACK: It’s anything but Entertainment!JACK: Synchro Summon!The savage soul!Red Daemon's Dragon Scarlight!JACK: Then, I attack directly with Red Daemon's Dragon Scarlight!FIERY CRIMSON HELL BURNING!Yuya: I lost the Duel,And my self-confidence and pride were smashed to pieces.Yuya: While I was depressed,Tokumatsu-san suddenly showed up,And told me something shocking.The losers of the Friendship Cup will be sent to do forced labor in an underground facility, as if to serve as an example for the others.Just when I thought that Yuzu, Tokumatsu-san, and my other friends were safe and sound…Tokumatsu: AAHHHHH!!!Yuya: I don’t want to cause unhappiness to anyone.This tournament is just wrong.But when I tried to talk to the people of the City, nobody listened to me.If you win, you get everything.If you lose, you lose everything.The Tops is a given, but even the Commons didn’t have any problems with a competitive society like that.I was agitated by them, and…Yuya: No. This isn’t what I want.This isn’t the Dueling that I believe in…Yuya: Later on, Tsukikage, who fought in Reira’s stead and should be in the underground, came to me.He told me that Gongenzaka, Sawatari, and Tokumatsu-san are safe.He also told me Reira’s message and Jack’s words.Reira: We’ve come here to save this world.But the people of this dimension are not going to believe it.They won’t recognize the Lancers’ strength.The only way for them to recognize us is beating Jack!JACK: If you want to accomplish something…You must not falter!. Yuya’s letter: Yuzu. I finally understood.Why my voice couldn’t reach anyone no matter how loudly I shout.As well as why Jack called my Dueling self-satisfaction.In order to capture and charm the audienceAnd make them smile, (Egao Count: 77 + 1 = 78)I’ll have to get them to acknowledge me first.The only way to accomplish that is by beating Jack.Yuya: I will win.Using my Dueling!And I’ll make the people of the City regain their true smiles! (Egao Count: 78 +1 = 79)Yuya: After I made that vow, what I soon witnessed was the fierce duel between Kurosaki and Dennis, which turned the stadium into a battlefieldAnd then, Dennis revealed the shocking truth, that he is a member of Academia and was involved with the abduction of Ruri, Kurosaki’s sister.Gael: We don’t want to blow this out of proportion.Grey: We shall fight no one, and we shall ally with no one.Azul: We want to maintain the status quo and order of the City as much as we can.Bordeaux: Those are our wishes…Right, President?White Taki: Indeed.I would appreciate it if you don’t drag us into this troublesome Interdimensional War.Reiji: I see.However, confining me here and allowing Dennis to inform the Academia are two entirely different matters.White Taki: Yeah, we know.We’re not going to take any chances.He’s not the only Academia agent after all.Before the two of them team up and cause trouble,We’ll take Dennis into our custody.We’re not going to let him get to Dennis.Council Security: Hold on.Council Security: The City Council shall now take Dennis MacField into their custody.Please hand him over right now.Security: We won’t allow that!We’ll take Dennis into our custody!This is a direct order from Director Roger of the Public Security Maintenance Bureau!Council Security: The Council has decided to suspend Mr. Roger’s authority.Therefore, the order that you received is invalid.Security: Huh? Whoa!!Council Security: Dennis is gone!Security: What happened?Jean-Michel: We can’t let the Council capture Dennis!Find him, and secure him as quickly as possible!Jean-Michel: Suspending my authority…?If that’s how these old fools are going to play it…Then I’ll need to take some drastic measures.Jean-Michel: This is a directive to all of Security.It’s time to commence our operation.Jean-Michel: King’s Gambit!{Chess Commercial. Brb}Gael: Security!Grey: What’s going on?Azul: What are you trying to pull?Jean-Michel: “What are you trying to pull?”That’s what I would like to ask you as well.Bordeaux: Roger!Jean-Michel: To think that you would take away the right to command from me,The Director of the Public Security Maintenance Bureau…Do you think that you’ll be able to maintain the City’s peace by doing that?White Taki: The situation has changed.Who knows what will happen if you and Dennis join forces.Jean-Michel: You think I’ll contact Academia?That might be interesting, but there’s nothing in it for me.JACK: Don’t falter!Jean-Michel: If I contact them, the Duelists of Academia will just crush this City…You have no idea how much preparation I have to go through…Bordeaux: Preparation?Azul: For what purpose?Jean-Michel: Isn’t it obvious?To control this City!Gael: Controlling…Grey: …the City?Jean-Michel: No…perhaps I should say that this City is already under my control.Jean-Michel: The ones who control this City right now are me and the Public Security Maintenance Bureau under my command!Not the City Council!Jean-Michel: If the City is really a competitive society, it’s only natural that the one who possesses power should stand on the top!Isn’t that right?White Taki: You brought Real Solid Vision with you and used it to strengthen Security all for this purpose, didn’t you?Jean-Michel: Excatly.All that is left is overthrowing the symbol of the City, the King.I’ve prepared some pawns for that.Thanks to Dennis’s revelation and your actions, I’ll have to speed it up a bit.Don’t worry. The Friendship Cup will proceed as planned.Until everything is over, I’ll have you people sit there and stay quiet.Reiji: Controlling the City…In other words, you’re rebelling against Academia,And came to this Synchro Dimension to create your own kingdom, huh?Jean-Michel: Kingdom…There’s a nice ring to it!Exactly! From now on, I’m not going to take orders from anyone!Not from you people, or from Professor Akaba Leo!Jean-Michel: Akaba Reiji…I’ve noticed something since you showed up.You’re Akaba Leo’s son.But you hate your father.How about it?Since we have a common enemy,Why don’t we join forces together?Reiji: So, we can both control the City?Jean-Michel: Hehehe…Reiji: Nonsense.I have nothing to gain by joining forces with a guy who is satisfied because he obtained one city.Jean-Michel: What are you saying? Well, then…I look forward to the day I’m able to smack that big mouth of yours.Jean-Michel: The Council is now powerless…Even if their subordinates manage to find Dennis…They won’t be able to do anything!Right now, what I fear most is if Dennis crosses the dimensions, and tells Akaba Leo that Serena and Hiiragi Yuzu are in the City.If that happens, he’ll send in his forces to capture them for sure.And that boy named Yuri as well.If that happens, my plan to establish my own kingdom in the Synchro Dimension will be exposed…The outcome of my plan all depends on whether I’m able to capture Dennis or not!Dennis: This place is…Sora: Looks like you’re finally awake…Dennis: Who are you?Sora: Shiun’in Sora.A Duelist of Academia.Dennis: That’s right. I remember now.You’re a member of Academia as well.Sora: I was surprised to see you, as well.And to think that you were involved with Ruri’s abduction…Dennis: Abduction… I was just doing my job.All that’s left is delivering Yuzu and Serena to Yuri.Sora: I’ll take over for you.You should go back to Academia right now.Dennis: W-wait! What are you talking about?Sora: The Professor directly told me to take Serena back.This is my job.Sora: I know you hanged out with Yuya and his group in order to keep an eye on Serena.But right now, you can’t do that in your condition.If I didn’t save you, you would have been captured.So just go back.Sora: Go back to Academia and tell the Professor:I will carry out my mission without fail!Leo: According to Dennis’s report, it’s been confirmed that Serena and Hiiragi Yuzu are in a place called City, located in the Synchro Dimension.As soon as the Obelisk Force is ready, I want you to head over there.Barrett: Yes, sir.Thank you for granting me a chance to redeem myself.Leo: Yuri will be there eventually.Be sure to cooperate with him.Barrett: No.We’ll definitely capture Serena-sama and Yuzu and bring them back before he arrives.Leo: I’m counting on you, Barrett.Yuya: The Friendship Cup has now entered its third day.Today, the four matches of the second round will be carried out.I don’t know who my opponent will be.I can’t let another Duel that is filled with hatred like the one between Kurosaki and Dennis happen again.Using the Entertainment Dueling I inherited from my father, I will bring back everyone’s smiles. (Egao Count: 79+1 = 80)And then…Yuya & Yuzu: I’ll defeat the Academia, and put an end to the Interdimensional War.Yuzu: Let’s go home together. Back to where our friends are.Dad. Yoko-san. Futoshi-kun. Ayu-chan. Tatsuya-kun.I’ll definitely return home safely.Together with Yuya.Jean-Michel: Hiiragi Yuzu. She’s your opponent in the second round.She and Serena are the trump cards essential for my plan to establish my own kingdom.You have to defeat her, and bring her to me.Got that?(Preview for Episode 77)(New Egao Record: 80)Melissa: The Friendship Cup enters its third day!Since the course has been damaged during the Kurosaki vs. Dennis Duel,From now on, the Riding Duels will be conducted outside of the Duel Palace!Yuzu: Yuya tried to tell everyone about how wrong this tournament is…In order to tell everyone about the horror of the Interdimensional War,I’ll have to fight at my full strength, and win this Duel!Yuya: Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V:The Beauty of DestructionThe fun has just begun! (Yuya, stop being so happy-go-lucky and look at the bloody episode title) Thank DMC3444 for the translation Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aman Indra Posted October 4, 2015 Report Share Posted October 4, 2015 [spoiler= Another early script (76)]Last Time’s Egao Count: 77 Yuya: Principal. Futoshi. Ayu. Tatsuya.Mom.On that day, I vowed to save Yuzu and end the Interdimensional War, and began my journey…Right now, I’m participating in a tournament, hosted in a place called City in the Synchro Dimension.I know that no matter how much I speak, my voice won’t reach everyone.But even so, one day, I want them to know …What happened to us after that day. (Opening Sequence) Yuya: In order to fight the Academia, we headed to the Synchro Dimension.But I, Sawatari, Serena, and Reira were separated from our other friends.As soon as we arrived, we were surrounded by the police force of this city, known as Security. Jean-Michel: At first, I thought they were just two reckless teenagers who were pulling off a bunch of stupid antics… Jean-Michel: As I chased after these youths, something caught my attention.There were two girls with the exact same face. Yuya: Just as we were cornered,Crow Hogan and his friends showed up and saved us from that pinch. Yuya: Crow told me that there are two kinds of people in this City.The winners are called Tops, and the losers are Commons.The Tops have all the authority and wealth in this City,And if the Commons even show a small sign of rebellion… Shinji: It’s Security! Run for it!They’ve surrounded us! Jean-Michel: My men managed to capture some Duelists who came from different dimensions.The girl who uses Fusion Summon was separated from the others, in order that I can personally interrogate her.So that I can learn where she came from, and why did she come to this City.Of course, I’ll also have to capture the girl with the Academia uniform, sooner or later… Yuya: I learned that Security was pursuing Yuzu… Damon: You and some girl were running around and putting up some weird posters, weren’t you?The ones about invaders from a different dimension or something… Yuya: Yuzu is… Yuya: In order to help Yuzu, we joined Crow and his friends as they proceeded with their escape plan,And escaped from the Detention Facility. Yuya: Wait for me, Yuzu! I’m coming right now! Jean-Michel: When I arrived at the Detention Facility, there was a jailbreak going on.I managed to successfully recapture all of them, but… Grey: Akaba Reiji is from a dimension called Standard.With eight companions under his command,He entered our dimension. Azul: His objective is to oppose the Academia of the Fusion Dimension,Who is trying to take control of the four dimensions: Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, and Standard. Bordeaux: Since the Academia hasn’t invaded us yet, he wants to form an alliance with us. White Taki: However, we have also realized Academia’s presence… Gael: Ten years ago, after Enjoy Chojiro was arrested for cheating…The City was thrown into chaos,And the tension between the Tops and Commons became even more intense… Grey: In order to combat that crisis,The City Council carried out two plans. Azul: First off, we created a tournament held in the name of reconciliation between Tops and Commons, known as the Friendship Cup. Bordeaux: The other plan is strengthening the Public Security Maintenance Bureau, or Security, so that the dominance of the Tops can be maintained. White Taki: The weapon that we would need is a technology that does not exist in our world, Solid Vision with mass.Also known as Real Solid Vision.The man who brought that technology to the City was Jean-Michel Roger.Thanks to that, he was able to climb to the position of Director of the Public Security Maintenance Bureau in the blink of an eye. Gael: Of course, we were aware that he came from somewhere outside the City. Grey: Even if his plans are tied to an invasion… Azul: We can domesticate Roger, and use him as a tool to maintain the social order. Bordeaux: However…Akaba Reiji and his group then showed up,And told us about the menace of the Interdimensional War. Gael: If they make a ruckus,Academia will probably notice it. Grey: Then, if they went ahead with their invasion, we would be in trouble. Azul: At the same time, we cannot ignore what Akaba Reiji and his Lancers said. Bordeaux: As long as they have an infiltrator like Roger, Academia is indeed, a very real threat. White Taki: We were evaluating two options.That is…If Akaba Reiji and his Lancers are strong enough to protect us,We’ll accept their offer.If they are not strong enough, we’ll try to persuade Roger, and through him,We can enter a friendly relationship with Academia. Jean-Michel: I had a reason for choosing Sakaki Yuya as the King’s opponent on the eve of the tournament.I wanted to see how the King would deal with an opponent who uses the unknown Pendulum Summon method like Sakaki Yuya.The King, Jack Atlas, is an enemy that has to be defeated eventually. Yuya: The first Common who won the Friendship Cup,And reigned over his throne as a supreme ruler for three years straight, Jack Atlas.I was forced to fight against the City’s biggest superstar,And out of nowhere, he declared that he will defeat me in three turns,Causing me to completely lose my cool. Yuya: I’ll show them my Entertainment! Yuya: Here comes the finishing blow!Go!Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!Attack Jack Atlas directly! JACK: I believe you said something about Entertainment Dueling, right? JACK: However, your dueling is nothing more than self-satisfaction! JACK: It’s anything but Entertainment! JACK: Synchro Summon!The savage soul!Red Daemon's Dragon Scarlight! JACK: Then, I attack directly with Red Daemon's Dragon Scarlight!FIERY CRIMSON HELL BURNING! Yuya: I lost the Duel,And my self-confidence and pride were smashed to pieces. Yuya: While I was depressed,Tokumatsu-san suddenly showed up,And told me something shocking.The losers of the Friendship Cup will be sent to do forced labor in an underground facility, as if to serve as an example for the others.Just when I thought that Yuzu, Tokumatsu-san, and my other friends were safe and sound… Tokumatsu: AAHHHHH!!! Yuya: I don’t want to cause unhappiness to anyone.This tournament is just wrong.But when I tried to talk to the people of the City, nobody listened to me.If you win, you get everything.If you lose, you lose everything.The Tops is a given, but even the Commons didn’t have any problems with a competitive society like that.I was agitated by them, and… Yuya: No. This isn’t what I want.This isn’t the Dueling that I believe in… Yuya: Later on, Tsukikage, who fought in Reira’s stead and should be in the underground, came to me.He told me that Gongenzaka, Sawatari, and Tokumatsu-san are safe.He also told me Reira’s message and Jack’s words. Reira: We’ve come here to save this world.But the people of this dimension are not going to believe it.They won’t recognize the Lancers’ strength.The only way for them to recognize us is beating Jack! JACK: If you want to accomplish something…You must not falter! . Yuya’s letter: Yuzu. I finally understood.Why my voice couldn’t reach anyone no matter how loudly I shout.As well as why Jack called my Dueling self-satisfaction.In order to capture and charm the audienceAnd make them smile, (Egao Count: 77 + 1 = 78)I’ll have to get them to acknowledge me first.The only way to accomplish that is by beating Jack. Yuya: I will win.Using my Dueling!And I’ll make the people of the City regain their true smiles! (Egao Count: 78 +1 = 79) Yuya: After I made that vow, what I soon witnessed was the fierce duel between Kurosaki and Dennis, which turned the stadium into a battlefieldAnd then, Dennis revealed the shocking truth, that he is a member of Academia and was involved with the abduction of Ruri, Kurosaki’s sister. Gael: We don’t want to blow this out of proportion. Grey: We shall fight no one, and we shall ally with no one. Azul: We want to maintain the status quo and order of the City as much as we can. Bordeaux: Those are our wishes…Right, President? White Taki: Indeed.I would appreciate it if you don’t drag us into this troublesome Interdimensional War. Reiji: I see.However, confining me here and allowing Dennis to inform the Academia are two entirely different matters. White Taki: Yeah, we know.We’re not going to take any chances.He’s not the only Academia agent after all.Before the two of them team up and cause trouble,We’ll take Dennis into our custody.We’re not going to let him get to Dennis. Council Security: Hold on. Council Security: The City Council shall now take Dennis MacField into their custody.Please hand him over right now. Security: We won’t allow that!We’ll take Dennis into our custody!This is a direct order from Director Roger of the Public Security Maintenance Bureau! Council Security: The Council has decided to suspend Mr. Roger’s authority.Therefore, the order that you received is invalid. Security: Huh? Whoa!! Council Security: Dennis is gone! Security: What happened? Jean-Michel: We can’t let the Council capture Dennis!Find him, and secure him as quickly as possible! Jean-Michel: Suspending my authority…?If that’s how these old fools are going to play it…Then I’ll need to take some drastic measures. Jean-Michel: This is a directive to all of Security.It’s time to commence our operation. Jean-Michel: King’s Gambit! {Chess Commercial. Brb} Gael: Security! Grey: What’s going on? Azul: What are you trying to pull? Jean-Michel: “What are you trying to pull?”That’s what I would like to ask you as well. Bordeaux: Roger! Jean-Michel: To think that you would take away the right to command from me,The Director of the Public Security Maintenance Bureau…Do you think that you’ll be able to maintain the City’s peace by doing that? White Taki: The situation has changed.Who knows what will happen if you and Dennis join forces. Jean-Michel: You think I’ll contact Academia?That might be interesting, but there’s nothing in it for me. JACK: Don’t falter! Jean-Michel: If I contact them, the Duelists of Academia will just crush this City…You have no idea how much preparation I have to go through… Bordeaux: Preparation? Azul: For what purpose? Jean-Michel: Isn’t it obvious?To control this City! Gael: Controlling… Grey: …the City? Jean-Michel: No…perhaps I should say that this City is already under my control. Jean-Michel: The ones who control this City right now are me and the Public Security Maintenance Bureau under my command!Not the City Council! Jean-Michel: If the City is really a competitive society, it’s only natural that the one who possesses power should stand on the top!Isn’t that right? White Taki: You brought Real Solid Vision with you and used it to strengthen Security all for this purpose, didn’t you? Jean-Michel: Excatly.All that is left is overthrowing the symbol of the City, the King.I’ve prepared some pawns for that.Thanks to Dennis’s revelation and your actions, I’ll have to speed it up a bit.Don’t worry. The Friendship Cup will proceed as planned.Until everything is over, I’ll have you people sit there and stay quiet. Reiji: Controlling the City…In other words, you’re rebelling against Academia,And came to this Synchro Dimension to create your own kingdom, huh? Jean-Michel: Kingdom…There’s a nice ring to it!Exactly! From now on, I’m not going to take orders from anyone!Not from you people, or from Professor Akaba Leo! Jean-Michel: Akaba Reiji…I’ve noticed something since you showed up.You’re Akaba Leo’s son.But you hate your father.How about it?Since we have a common enemy,Why don’t we join forces together? Reiji: So, we can both control the City? Jean-Michel: Hehehe… Reiji: Nonsense.I have nothing to gain by joining forces with a guy who is satisfied because he obtained one city. Jean-Michel: What are you saying? Well, then…I look forward to the day I’m able to smack that big mouth of yours. Jean-Michel: The Council is now powerless…Even if their subordinates manage to find Dennis…They won’t be able to do anything!Right now, what I fear most is if Dennis crosses the dimensions, and tells Akaba Leo that Serena and Hiiragi Yuzu are in the City.If that happens, he’ll send in his forces to capture them for sure.And that boy named Yuri as well.If that happens, my plan to establish my own kingdom in the Synchro Dimension will be exposed…The outcome of my plan all depends on whether I’m able to capture Dennis or not! Dennis: This place is… Sora: Looks like you’re finally awake… Dennis: Who are you? Sora: Shiun’in Sora.A Duelist of Academia. Dennis: That’s right. I remember now.You’re a member of Academia as well. Sora: I was surprised to see you, as well.And to think that you were involved with Ruri’s abduction… Dennis: Abduction… I was just doing my job.All that’s left is delivering Yuzu and Serena to Yuri. Sora: I’ll take over for you.You should go back to Academia right now. Dennis: W-wait! What are you talking about? Sora: The Professor directly told me to take Serena back.This is my job. Sora: I know you hanged out with Yuya and his group in order to keep an eye on Serena.But right now, you can’t do that in your condition.If I didn’t save you, you would have been captured.So just go back. Sora: Go back to Academia and tell the Professor:I will carry out my mission without fail! Leo: According to Dennis’s report, it’s been confirmed that Serena and Hiiragi Yuzu are in a place called City, located in the Synchro Dimension.As soon as the Obelisk Force is ready, I want you to head over there. Barrett: Yes, sir.Thank you for granting me a chance to redeem myself. Leo: Yuri will be there eventually.Be sure to cooperate with him. Barrett: No.We’ll definitely capture Serena-sama and Yuzu and bring them back before he arrives. Leo: I’m counting on you, Barrett. Yuya: The Friendship Cup has now entered its third day.Today, the four matches of the second round will be carried out.I don’t know who my opponent will be.I can’t let another Duel that is filled with hatred like the one between Kurosaki and Dennis happen again.Using the Entertainment Dueling I inherited from my father, I will bring back everyone’s smiles. (Egao Count: 79+1 = 80)And then… Yuya & Yuzu: I’ll defeat the Academia, and put an end to the Interdimensional War. Yuzu: Let’s go home together. Back to where our friends are.Dad. Yoko-san. Futoshi-kun. Ayu-chan. Tatsuya-kun.I’ll definitely return home safely.Together with Yuya. Jean-Michel: Hiiragi Yuzu. She’s your opponent in the second round.She and Serena are the trump cards essential for my plan to establish my own kingdom.You have to defeat her, and bring her to me.Got that? (Preview for Episode 77)(New Egao Record: 80) Melissa: The Friendship Cup enters its third day!Since the course has been damaged during the Kurosaki vs. Dennis Duel,From now on, the Riding Duels will be conducted outside of the Duel Palace! Yuzu: Yuya tried to tell everyone about how wrong this tournament is…In order to tell everyone about the horror of the Interdimensional War,I’ll have to fight at my full strength, and win this Duel! Yuya: Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V:The Beauty of DestructionThe fun has just begun! (Yuya, stop being so happy-go-lucky and look at the bloody episode title) Thank DMC3444 for the translation lol , why did you spoil everything ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blake Posted October 4, 2015 Report Share Posted October 4, 2015 lol , why did you spoil everything ?it says early script and it's posted every week (yes, I realize you're new, but the former remains) no one has to read it, so don't complain Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aman Indra Posted October 4, 2015 Report Share Posted October 4, 2015 it says early script and it's posted every week (yes, I realize you're new, but the former remains) no one has to read it, so don't complainExcuse me you a mod or something ? i can be rude if you want as well ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blake Posted October 4, 2015 Report Share Posted October 4, 2015 Excuse me you a mod or something ? i can be rude if you want as well ?I wasn't rude in the slightest. I explained a situation, where you reacted negatively for no reason. Don't get mad at me for explaining. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hallohallo Posted October 4, 2015 Report Share Posted October 4, 2015 You could always read the script while watching raw. I once did it and it wasn't that bad experience. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maeriberii Haan Posted October 4, 2015 Report Share Posted October 4, 2015 Rather than debating about silly things, let's discuss about the wonderful OTP that is Sawatari x Serena. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hallohallo Posted October 4, 2015 Report Share Posted October 4, 2015 Rather than debating about silly things, let's discuss about the wonderful OTP that is Sawatari x Serena.Yea.. no. Yuri x Serena for me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
King K. Azo Posted October 4, 2015 Report Share Posted October 4, 2015 Yea.. no. Yuri x Serena for me.Sorry, you all are missing the true picture of Gongenzaka x ALL THE LADIES!!! ... Pffftt... Nope, even as a Gongenzaka fan, I couldn't type that with a straight face. Renji x Serena. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted October 4, 2015 Report Share Posted October 4, 2015 Nah, Sawatari-x-Serena is a much better ship Rewas514. Anyways;[spoiler=Thoughts on 76 RAW]- Didn't like the fact that like half the episode was a recap of everthing in this arc thus far, though JMR was seeing profile Serena- The new opening/ending were ok. Liked the Yuya(s)/Yuzu(s) focus in the opening though, oh and Sawatari-x-Serena OTP- So JMR's "King's Gambit" activates implants on the security's heads and charges in on the council when they take custody of Dennis- Well, Sora whisked Dennis away from the Council/Security only to send him back to academia so that he can be dealt with. We won't be seeing him for a while given he's not in the opening/ending.- Interesting to see Barrett again, undertaking orders from the Professor. Will wait for le subs for some things as it was pretty much a talky/recap episode Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackBeartic Posted October 4, 2015 Report Share Posted October 4, 2015 [spoiler=Ending & OP 4]Opening was pretty cool, Yuri vs the World XD. So yuya summons Enlightenment Paladin with the Tuning Magician instead of a new Odd Eyes. I personally like this a lot more. Yugo vs Yuya and Yuya vs Jack :D.The Ending I loved.1. Serena looks cute AF sleeping (and punching sawatari XD)2. Does anyone else think Ruri looks a little older than the other yuzus? Like a year or 2.3. Lmao @ Dennis getting kicked out of everything now.4. Shun could pull off being a girl if he always slept like that (At the very end of the opening). Honestly idk if it's me but Shun has moments where he looks like a girl.5. Ending is AWESOME. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aman Indra Posted October 4, 2015 Report Share Posted October 4, 2015 why do i feel black wings will somehow one up the much better raptors just cause of those 5d and crow fans. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackBeartic Posted October 4, 2015 Report Share Posted October 4, 2015 why do i feel black wings will somehow one up the much better raptors just cause of those 5d and crow fans.More like, because Crow's deck is utter ass. His duel with gongenzaka proved that. Honestly if Shun loses vs him I will be upset. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dramatic Crossroad Posted October 4, 2015 Report Share Posted October 4, 2015 why do i feel black wings will somehow one up the much better raptors just cause of those 5d and crow fans.please don't have these feelings. Shun needs a scolding like we established, Yuya's job is to do that after defeating Shinjusei:P LOL, jk, so Kurosaki needs to win, i'm kind of sick of Crow right about this moment (never liked the character in 5Ds and i got annoyed he had this 'comeback'),.. On opening first: Congratulations on the animators, they finally made Yuya look like he's having fun and conveyed his feelings, if any. I'm fangirling over the Yuzu quadruplet, they are bound to have 4x times the BFFness. Also fan-boying over the opening with the Yuya & Co,congrats if you noticed Yurii's dragon-slit-eye under the manga/linework filter. Ending is,.... to be honest, so fun. It's the first one i actually enjoyed and made me smile/laugh even after multiple viewings, it's so... cheerful and light, the grass swaying in the wind and taking a casual nap... kind of reminds me of GX's last ending, the ones with opening vocals that made my ears bleed, seriously it was so bad, sorry Hiroshi Kitadani... (thank god they have stopped hiring Masaki Endoh, his songs are annoyng as hell). [spoiler=it was bound to happen]Is Sora Shun'in an exile (which was bullied and mocked for using Fusions) from Synchro that got took-in by the Professor? Y/N.(someone noted it earlier, he's in the synchro-nap-club in the new Ending) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aman Indra Posted October 4, 2015 Report Share Posted October 4, 2015 Those who think black wings are better than raid raptors are free to duel me or any raptor user and get their opinion changed Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackBeartic Posted October 4, 2015 Report Share Posted October 4, 2015 Those who think black wings are better than raid raptors are free to duel me or any raptor user and get their opinion changed 1. I have utterly bodied BW users with Raptors. You'd be no different.2. Regardless if you win, crow sucks ass in ARC V. Hell he wasn't that much better in 5Ds. I'm not going to start thinking he's good because you win a duel vs me.3. He uses s*** cards.4. If you REALLY want me to change my opinion, tell the writers to give crow better cards and make him not so s***. Shun's won many duels and have only lost 1. Crow's one duel was literally the writers picking him over Gong because lets be honest, Gong had the better cards, plays, etc. Crow used against the wind lmao. Luckily when time comes crow can get bodied by shun and we can get to yuya vs yugo5. Shun uses good cards :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shadowsapex Posted October 4, 2015 Report Share Posted October 4, 2015 Those who think black wings are better than raid raptors are free to duel me or any raptor user and get their opinion changedThat has absolutely nothing to do with the anime and the duel's outcome, you're just putting down Blackwing users and bragging about your skillz. Your one sentence posts are starting to get annoying at this point. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Toffee. Posted October 4, 2015 Report Share Posted October 4, 2015 You know it just occurred to me that Arc-V is just a re-telling of Majora's Mask/Black knew this all along. That has absolutely nothing to do with the anime and the duel's outcome, you're just putting down Blackwing users and bragging about your skillz. Your one sentence posts are starting to get annoying at this point.No, see, hes using that shitty "Duel me to prove it" logic, which honestly never solves anything. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shadowsapex Posted October 4, 2015 Report Share Posted October 4, 2015 It solves stuff in the anime.Which just makes it more immature.But I would love to live in the anime. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aman Indra Posted October 4, 2015 Report Share Posted October 4, 2015 1. I have utterly bodied BW users with Raptors. You'd be no different.2. Regardless if you win, crow sucks ass in ARC V. Hell he wasn't that much better in 5Ds. I'm not going to start thinking he's good because you win a duel vs me.3. He uses s*** cards.4. If you REALLY want me to change my opinion, tell the writers to give crow better cards and make him not so s***. Shun's won many duels and have only lost 1. Crow's one duel was literally the writers picking him over Gong because lets be honest, Gong had the better cards, plays, etc. Crow used against the wind lmao. Luckily when time comes crow can get bodied by shun and we can get to yuya vs yugo5. Shun uses good cards :Dwtf ? i said raptors are better than blackwings ? you took my statement in reverse kid . i wreck black wings with raptors . Atleast learn to read. I meant anyone who thinks raids are superior to blackwing are ? i said raptors are better than blackwings ? you took my statement in reverse kid . i wreck black wings with raptors . Atleast learn to read.pretty sure i can back my every one word statement unlike any of you ? how can you even compare black wings with raid raptors ? black wings would get solo by any decent raidraptor deck. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jord200 Posted October 4, 2015 Report Share Posted October 4, 2015 wtf ? i said raptors are better than blackwings ? you took my statement in reverse kid . i wreck black wings with raptors . Atleast learn to read.pretty sure i can back my every one word statement unlike any of you ? how can you even compare black wings with raid raptors ? Then you clearly need to work on wording things, provided that is a true statement. Either way, it doesn't change the fact your words are irrelivant, and do not pertain to the discussion at hand. On a serious note, part of me wonders if we'll see some varient of Black-Winged Dragon. Though I kind of doubt it at this point. It solves stuff in the anime.Which just makes it more immature.But I would love to live in the anime. What, and run the risk of dying from playing a children's card game- oh wait, that's every Yugioh. And I agree, it is immature. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dramatic Crossroad Posted October 4, 2015 Report Share Posted October 4, 2015 Listen to your Level 4+ senpais and follow the forum rules. (i've been warned and punished and it's not cool, believe in my experience). This train is so derailed i need to spout a bunch of non-sense to take the discussion back to Arc-V: My last theory that JMR is not with Akaba Reo (as Sakura likes to romajize him) almost proven right. He might try to protect his newly established "kindgom" and use security drones to fight the Obelisk force, but will he succeed without the Lancers? I think his latest scheme (after failing to persuade Reiji to his side) is to side with Yuya (and use him, since he's still the antagonist, be it tier2 or whatever) ... Also .... i literally have no idea what JMR hates about Jack, but maybe flashback will be shown soon enough. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jord200 Posted October 4, 2015 Report Share Posted October 4, 2015 Listen to your Level 4+ senpais and follow the forum rules. (i've been warned and punished and it's not cool, believe in my experience). This train is so derailed i need to spout a bunch of non-sense to take the discussion back to Arc-V: My last theory that JMR is not with Akaba Reo (as Sakura likes to romajize him) almost proven right. He might try to protect his newly established "kindgom" and use security drones to fight the Obelisk force, but will he succeed without the Lancers? I think his latest scheme (after failing to persuade Reiji to his side) is to side with Yuya ... Also .... i literally have no idea what JMR hates about Jack, but maybe flashback will be shown soon enough. I personally feel like he's grasping for straws. Win or lose, an invasion happening wouldn't make him look good, since he either will have failed to stop it, or failed to stop it in the firstt place. Needless to say, I doubt Reo will be thrilled hearing JMR is essentially planning to betray him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aman Indra Posted October 4, 2015 Report Share Posted October 4, 2015 *Imagines JMR using Yang Zings*lol that would be interesting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shadowsapex Posted October 4, 2015 Report Share Posted October 4, 2015 I don't think anime characters have ever used any duel terminal archetypes before though. Except for the LDS trio, but those were the previous duel terminal. And JMR would probably use chess monsters.And personally I thought the old man would be the one to use Yang Zings. It'd be interesting to see those two duel, wouldn't it? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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