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[spoiler episode 75]

- Yuri must be one hell of a duelist to so confidently take on the 4 Yuzus. Wonder when we'll get to see his cards.





Likely when he appears in the invasion of Synchro or something.

We don't know when it'll happen, but probably at that time.


Eventually, they'll have to reveal his cards to us.


We do know about that one Fusion card he has, and the obligatory Dimension Dragon for him.



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Also Timeline15, the first 2 episodes of the dub were shown at worlds, not a YCS.


Anyways, finally got around to watching the episode

[spoiler=Thoughts on 75 RAW]

- We got to see more of Heartland in Dennis' flashback where we finally see Ruri, firstly being snatched by Trapeze Magician (or almost as it were) and then being captured by Yuri after Dennis attacked the Resistance Camp.

- AG Chaos Giant (and Satellite Cannon later) did a good job of wrecking the arena, almost taking out Melissa Claire and spooking the tops, not that anyone was actually concerned about the damage till the duel was over.

 - That being said, said destruction also prevented Dennis from grabbing Action Cards as the debris steered him off course at the last moment.

- Not surprised Yuya had a berserk mode moment given what had happened in the duel, but he seemed to mellow out eventually.

- I'm also not surprised Shun won (Most of us predicted that too), after seeing Satellite Cannon Falcon's effect earlier.

- I assume Shun tried to cardify Dennis, but was unable seeing as Reiji tampered with his Duel Disk to prevent this, then he tried to punch Dennis (wouldn't blame you Shun quite frankly), but the staff stopped that.

- Seeing Satellite Cannon Falcon attack was really cool and ofc it would attack from space.

[spoiler=76 preview]

- Great. so they're pulling an Officer Jenny/Nurse Joy on us with the Security and they ARE using Goyo Guardian now. About time I reckon, though it is still banned in OCG land.

- Also it appears JMR is up to something as well...





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-Plot twist: Shun will later fuse 3 Satellite Cannon Falcons into Satellite Laser Falcon Balsam

-RIP Shockwave

-*Reads comments* Melissa Claire? How much whiter can you get? Huh...Synchros have white frames...uber white people names...huh...

-That scene where Security storms the whatever that place is



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far too early to speculate, but what if Ruri uses Harpies <3 (the feather/wing theme is predominent in her design, and their ace is... an Xyz Monster, just saying)




someone mentioned a new intro/outro themes will kick in soon, also some info was posted about Sergei/Yuzu duel, where do you find these news?



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[spoiler=Watched 75 subbed]

~Oh my God, Yuya, please, just for one episode, shut the fuck up about the duels not being your terrible idea of entertainment.

~Satellite Cannon Falcon has to have one of the coolest attacks ever by anything, literally leaving the planet and all.

~Also Sora pls go away, standing there in that little tunnel sucking a lollipop trying to look cool and calculating or something. I really do not mind him not being in it and would prefer him to not show up again. Maybe other people like him, I got sick of him.

~Hopefully Dennis redeems himself, I still like him and want him to not be a dick.

~And since the preview just reminded me, Roger needs to stop moving chess pieces around the place randomly, it makes him look sad and strange not clever.


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[spoiler=Watched 75 subbed]

~Oh my God, Yuya, please, just for one episode, shut the funk up about the duels not being your terrible idea of entertainment.

~Satellite Cannon Falcon has to have one of the coolest attacks ever by anything, literally leaving the planet and all.

~Also Sora pls go away, standing there in that little tunnel sucking a lollipop trying to look cool and calculating or something. I really do not mind him not being in it and would prefer him to not show up again. Maybe other people like him, I got sick of him.

~Hopefully Dennis redeems himself, I still like him and want him to not be a dick.

~And since the preview just reminded me, Roger needs to stop moving chess pieces around the place randomly, it makes him look sad and strange not clever.



Yuya's not talking about entertainment. He's talking about not using it as a weapon. He's having an active 'conversation' with Yuto about it, and it's him learnign to control the rage that Yuto has. Yeah, how horrible.


How about you, and others, stop giving Yuya a hard time for wanting to make the world a better place. It's symbolic of both his immaturity in his ideals (the forcing people to enjoy his way part) and his desire to change the world, and he's steadily growing, as we saw him accept he can't just force his way.


Sora hasn't harmed anything. He was one of the better characters, especially in his duel with Yuya where we see development, and he's much better than sheet like Shun wasting space. This is just foreshadowing.


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Yuya's not talking about entertainment. He's talking about not using it as a weapon. He's having an active 'conversation' with Yuto about it, and it's him learnign to control the rage that Yuto has. Yeah, how horrible.


How about you, and others, stop giving Yuya a hard time for wanting to make the world a better place. It's symbolic of both his immaturity in his ideals (the forcing people to enjoy his way part) and his desire to change the world, and he's steadily growing, as we saw him accept he can't just force his way.


Sora hasn't harmed anything. He was one of the better characters, especially in his duel with Yuya where we see development, and he's much better than s*** like Shun wasting space. This is just foreshadowing.




Whatever his point is I stopped caring and listening when he went off on it for the thousandth time. He's just standing in front of his bed and finding everything that happens in every duel terrible, and great if he wants to improve the world then get out there and do it but it's been 75 episodes and he has yet to really do anything significant bar talk about doing significant things.


He's talking to Yuto this time, sure, he wasn't on any of the previous occasions he spoke about people dueling incorrectly. Maybe it's because I watched episodes 1-50 in a week or 2 but I do not see Yuya as being all that different from his original self except he's now a bit angrier and less entertainer-y.


You leave Shun out of this he has done nothing but be a great character using a wonderful deck and he does not have to sit here and take this kind of abuse.


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[spoiler=Recent Yuya/Shun dispute]

I can side with you both at a certain degree - Yuya is against excessive violence and destruction in duels which is a nice thing, but he's been written in a bit of an annoying way most of the times and comes off as a bit bias, since he had minor growth and occasionally breaks the rules he set for others to follow (smacking the sh*t out of 227 and OTK dueling vs. Jack).


Also, Shun is a great character, he's epic in every duel we've seen him, even if flying off a case of stairs to break his neck and die supposedly. That's what the writer staff made look cooler, but we can't deny his violent side and overexertent hatred (pretty normal for a teenager gone through the stuff he did and losing his sister). 



Even though we have 75 eps out, i think we've yet to see what the characters will become, so we just have to bare through and like them he way they are right now. 



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Whatever his point is I stopped caring and listening when he went off on it for the thousandth time. He's just standing in front of his bed and finding everything that happens in every duel terrible, and great if he wants to improve the world then get out there and do it but it's been 75 episodes and he has yet to really do anything significant bar talk about doing significant things.


He's talking to Yuto this time, sure, he wasn't on any of the previous occasions he spoke about people dueling incorrectly. Maybe it's because I watched episodes 1-50 in a week or 2 but I do not see Yuya as being all that different from his original self except he's now a bit angrier and less entertainer-y.


You leave Shun out of this he has done nothing but be a great character using a wonderful deck and he does not have to sit here and take this kind of abuse.


I'll give you that it's a bit grating now, but people have been complainign about it for 20 episodes, when the tone of it each time has shifted. IT was originally smiles, then he grew past just that to the City's competitive nature being awful (Which it is to that degree), and now it's back to him disliking it as a weapon. Which makes total sense, and it led to him steeling himself against Yuto's rage.


It's not even every duel. I don't remember anything in Crow v Gong, definitely nothing in Yuzu v Chojiro, and so on. It happens when things seem out of whack.


He hasn't had a real chance to change anything, either, so you can't hold that against him. The couple of times he had a chance, he did try. His chance against Jack ended in him letting Jack get the better of his emotions, so that was a bust. He tried to take on Reiji, but similar happened, and he was also simply outplayed. He has tried, he's just a kid at the same time, though.


Yuya's original self was a depressed clown. There's a lot of obvious change from the start until now. Seriously, until episode... idk, 24~ or so, he was extremely prone to getting extremely daunted, if not depressed, even mid-duel. He moved past that, with the only time he gets really down now is when HE does something wrong, or if someone he cares about is harmed. Yes, he still is given to getting sad, but it's due to losing people or fear of it, not near as common as before.


He has grown a lot, and he recently grew; Both with Tsukikage and Yuto. The change is there, it's just gradual for the most part.


yes, shun is clearly the pinnacle of good characters. he has an entire personality of rage and edge

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[spoiler=Thoughts on 75 subbed]

- We knew that Reiji had assumed that the enemy had already wormed their way into the city and that the Exec Council have assumed that he had identified said person (although it was a matter of narrowing it down), and then went on to say to let the duel continue otherwise there'd be disorder, well it'd be easier than dealing with the implications of cancelling it.

 - Then they prevented Reiji from going to see Dennis because they didn't want the dimension to be involved in this war. Thing is though I suppose they can't really stop the war from being dragged into the dimension at this stage, the dimension will most likely be invaded eventually anyway. (Noone knows that Sora was watching the duel and he'll probs orchestrate an invasion)

- So Dennis liked doing street performances , but as soon as Trapeze Magician chose Ruri to duel, he knew that he had to green light the hunting game.

 - Speaking of Dennis, he believed the reason why he was unable to grab any action cards was because he had given up his entertainer role. We know that's bullshit due to the destruction of the stadium veering him off course at the last moment.

  - And speaking of said entertainer role, Melissa believed that Dennis was playing the role of the villain when he faced Gongenzaka earlier when Dennis was being brutal.

- Yup JMR is going rogue with wanting to secure Dennis which leads into the Exec Council/Security disagreement we knew from a few weeks ago.



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Yuya has his moments where he overemphasizes on things, but this is not a case of that. If anything, I found it weird that it took him like 3 minutes to accept that Dennis was from Academia. Dude, you befriended Sora. Who turned out to be from Academia. How is Dennis being from Academia impossible for you to believe until Yuto gets pissed. Dennis using the ace card of the archetype you SAW Academia mooks using kind of seals the deal.


And Yuya being against Duels fueled by hatred and rage...uh...how is this weird? Or annoying, even? We, the audience, are used to the idea of Duels being used in this way because Yu-Gi-Oh. Now imagine that your favorite (sports) game in real life is used by some people as a means to hurt and kill each other, and get revenge on people. That would funking suck to witness:


"Hey, they're playing basketball. Oh my god, they're slamming the ball into each other's faces and laughing about it. What the hell are they doing? This isn't how you're suppposed to play!"


I can see both ends of the Sora/Shun fanbase/hategroup.


Keep in mind, I hated both of them originally. Shun for using the same play every single Duel, and Sora for being annoying. Then they Dueled, and I found Shun...still kind of grating, but ADORED Sora. Then Sora won the rematch. What happened? I found Shun infinitely more likeable, his cards cooler now that they were actually being expanded on, and Sora was still awesome because I like his cards and character. (But I genuinely hate that their rematch was off-screen except for the first move and the ending move, because I can't for the life of me figure out how the Duel got to that stage)


And Sora vs Yuya's rematch was epic, even with no conclusion.


Episode 33-34 (Sora vs Shun) is probably one of the best Duel in the series. I've rewatched it numerous times and remember how pissed I originally was about Shun using boring counter cards and Sora not having time to play his Action Card before losing. However, on rewatching, I LOVE this Duel more than ever. Shun timed his counters in a specific way - he only countered Sora's Action Cards and such when taking the offensive. He wasn't literally doing the meta "you can't play Yugioh" type of counters, he was countering intended stops to his attacks.


Which segues into my next comment nicely - I like Dennis. He's got shades of being a bit of an jabroni, but he's not quite Sora 2.0 (an Academia agent masquerading as a friend). He doesn't seem to be sadistic or psychotic, and actually several times showed some sort of hint of remorse at how things turned out. He didn't really want to have Heartland destroyed, he wanted to keep doing his entertainment shtick. He seems to genuinely like Trapeze Magician.


He also wasn't "believing" that Action Cards had turned on him, it's more he acknowledged the irony. He threw away the persona of Dueling Shun for the entertainment, and in exchange, he's unable to reach Action Cards because his own monster's destruction of the arena is interfering.


A fun little contrast between Dennis and Sora is how they reacted to Shun beating them respectively. Dennis acknowledged Shun's win as such. Sora, on the other hand, went into denial, claiming that the match wasn't over, and that there was no way he could lose. Sora also became increasingly unhinged in his desire to rematch Shun.


Also, Sora's reveal was intended to be a shock for the audience and characters alike. We knew Dennis was a mole almost right away. Like 2-3 episodes after his debut.

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My problem with Shun is that his character doesn't evolve. At all.


Like, it looked like it was going to happen when he lost to Sora... But it immediately reverted. He has been an almost static representation of hate and rage, and it just doesn't work.


Someone compared him to book 1 Zuko from Avatar. It's not exact, but there are quite a few parallels to draw.


But this just shows the flaws. Zuko, even in his rage and charging forward, is shown to be a deep character, with episodes like The Storm and the Blue Spirit.


Shun doesn't have this. He's just a ball of hate played totally straight. And his deck is just getting more and more plot devicey.


Hell, Dennis developed more in 30 episodes than Shun did in 55~60.


Like, even this duel, Dennis mostly seemed pissed that he was exposed. Why? Shun forced him to be out of rage, instead of being logical like Reiji. And this is ALL Shun has done from the start.


Speaking of Reiji, looking forward to him laying down the law.

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People can't blame Yuya for acting the way he's been acting. There is so much opposition to his ideals in the entirety of this dimension that even without his internal dialogue with Yuto, I'd still understand him trying to keep reminding himself what his base is.


It is also worth noting that Yuya repeating it is not akin to the series shoving it down the audience's throats. For one, the show itself doesn't fully acknowledge Yuya, having him pass off as a tad immature and even constantly failing to achieve delivering the message he wants to convey. 

This is contrary to, say, ZeXal, where Yuma would have his way against any odds with asspulls, but he'd pretty much always have his way nonetheless regardless of how idealistic some of these outcomes were.


Yuya DOES try.


Be patient people, for both Yuya AND for Shun. Yes Shun has pretty much been nothing but rage, but his circumstances aren't the same as Dennis's or as most other characters. It is natural that they evolve at different speeds. Besides, Shun has had less rage than before. He used to be the kind of rage that didn't care who the opponent was, he'd go against odds in the most direct but stupid way possible AKA he would have gone to academia's base without joining anyone.


Then that time Gongenzaka gave him Sawatari's Pendulums. Not much might have changed there, but at least a seed was planted in him. Over time, he has come to accept at least Serena, Yuya, and Gongenzaka as allies in some way.

-Yuya because Yuto.

-Serena came clean about her background and I think they had a pretty honest moment when Yuya was dueling Reiji.

-Shun has seen Gongenzaka also jump in to help unconditionally and even returned the favor at the prison break.


Sure Shun is still rage, and he even might revert a little bit once he faces Reiji when he comes to realize that had he gone on his own to Academia that morning that the Lancers were assembled, he would have definitely died there because he would have gone in without knowing he could no longer cardify people AKA get anyone out of the way for good.

But still, be patient. I'd also be mostly rage if somebody close to me had been taken away and I had to hold back despite knowing exactly where that person was being kept. His goal is one that mostly demands these kinds of emotions, and just like Yuya, he hasn't had that many chances to change things up. In fact, it seems like his wings keep getting cut down the more he follows along.

I'm sure he'll get better by the time Ruri is rescued, but we are talking about something of a bigger scale like a war, so he will (hopefully) not lose it all like Aki did back in 5Ds after she got happier.

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Perhaps Shun's worse aspect is how the show is still not sure on how to paint his actions.


He carded people from LDS before he allied himself with them, and he becomes an ally without that being a problem or even mentioned again, seemingly whitewashing his faults. The show make it clear that his actions are horrific and he doesn't know what is restraint or consideration, yet the show seems to glance over his faults and paint him as heroic and definitely a good guy.


Another thing that happens is how his small development after his defeat was utterly forgotten the moment he's in the Synchro Dimension. And hell, he even chose to play out his old dream as pro duelist more rather than getting to his companions, even if he knows that they're his only way at the moment to be able to go to Academia and enact his revenge while saving Ruri. 


Shun's getting more and more similar to the Academia's duelists that he's fighting, and while this fact might be addressed more and more after this, it got sugarcoated too much previously. Granted, with Yuya's horrified expression when he bombs Dennis to oblivion or Gongenzaka repeatedly calling him out of his self-isolation, the show seems to start acknowledging his flaws as flaws. But once again, it still felt indecisive so far.


He can get better, of course. He can get worse too. But idk, it felt that as long as the show didn't actually present Shun as someone very deeply flawed in his pursuit instead of simply a Batman wannabe, he probably wouldn't change much.


Heck, at this point even getting him slide down the morality scale and become darker and darker is fine as long as the show actually acknowledge it as such.


...ugh this rambling is too messy.

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I have to note that about half the lancers seemed to use the "I'm looking for information and for my companions so I'm working" as an excuse while they went off and did their own thing. Of course this doesn't justify Shun or anybody else, but just an observation I got when they entered the Synchro dimension. Not to be expected otherwise since they were a group of strangers piled together and without a solid plan on how to gather up and reach their mission's goal to begin with....




I think much of what I said about Shun would hold him up and be fine, but it is true the show brushed aside Shun's murdering of many people. In fact, that's a flaw that is bigger than just Shun because they brushed aside the whole LDS cast as well.


Masumi was all happy last time we saw her despite her teacher still being missing, and Hokuto too, and Reiji... they might want to portray him as a good boss helping out against the real enemies, but even without the Fusion dimension doing things, he still did things like alter memories and almost monopolized the card game on his dimension via intimidation and overwhelming smaller schools. His precautions are also pretty daring with hiding info from Yuya, messing with Shun's disk, and using the Lancers tittle to further extend his influence. 

I can't help but think he's not too different from the enemy they are all ultimately trying to stop, but I wonder.

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Yeah, this also applies to Reiji, but at least he's properly portrayed as morally ambiguous, with Yuya openly calling him out many times and such. Masumi and Hokuto have their memory altered by Reiji after their duel with Shun, hence why Marco never get mentioned again. Graaaaaaaaaanted, Shun carding LDS people was not something open to public knowledge, and with people getting their memory altered so Reiji can recruit Shun on his side, it can be said that it's also his fault that Shun never seem to get any backdraft in-universe regarding that stuff.


Man, Reiji and Shun's shaping up more and more to be like the opponent they're facing. Wonder how much deeper they'll go through the morality scale as the show goes on.

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Looks like Synchro world's setting up for a natural conclusion. It'd be neat if Synchro arc had an event that leaves Yuya's spirit broken (Dennis trampling on his entertainment beliefs while raising hell with the Entermages, while Sora cruelly mocks him about their former friendship and for being self-centered or something,) leading him to take a more ruthless approach that the audience seems to want.


He gets his rematch with Jack, but breaking anime conventions, Yuya doesn't 180 back to himself after an internal struggle or passionate speech from another character and wins in a devastating finish; he's satisfied the audience's more barbaric tastes, but abandoned his and his father's ideals to do so.


It becomes a character arc for the rest of the series. He's horrified at what he did in Synchro world, and as he's exposed to the horrible stuff in the Xyz and Fusion worlds, he begins to rebuild himself back into entertainment dueling, but with more an understanding of the different worlds and cultures, and how he needs to consider their tastes instead of just his.


Or something like that.

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Looks like Synchro world's setting up for a natural conclusion. It'd be neat if Synchro arc had an event that leaves Yuya's spirit broken (Dennis trampling on his entertainment beliefs while raising hell with the Entermages, while Sora cruelly mocks him about their former friendship and for being self-centered or something,) leading him to take a more ruthless approach that the audience seems to want.


He gets his rematch with Jack, but breaking anime conventions, Yuya doesn't 180 back to himself after an internal struggle or passionate speech from another character and wins in a devastating finish; he's satisfied the audience's more barbaric tastes, but abandoned his and his father's ideals to do so.


It becomes a character arc for the rest of the series. He's horrified at what he did in Synchro world, and as he's exposed to the horrible stuff in the Xyz and Fusion worlds, he begins to rebuild himself back into entertainment dueling, but with more an understanding of the different worlds and cultures, and how he needs to consider their tastes instead of just his.


Or something like that.


Interesting idea, but I don't know if sending your opponent back home on a stretcher or inside a card should be considered a legitimate way of entertainment...

One thing people don't get is that Yuuya isn't against having different approaches to dueling - after all, his best friend Gongenzaka's Dueling Style is the exact opposite of his, and yet, he never expressed any animosity towards him. Even LDS' more technical style is OK for him - what really bothers Yuuya is when people use dueling to hurt others, either physically, like Academia does, and like Shun's done to both Sora and Dennis, or psychologically, as with City's system, where the "winners" are looked down on by the the "losers" and are forced to resignate to their fates.

The problem is that Yuuya is a real kid lost on a shounen anime - he tries to operate by real world logic, where games like Duel Monsters are made for fun, and people who take them too seriously are viewed as weirdos, but finds himself trapped in a world where weirdo logic reigns. And we got so used to that logic that we've became weirdos ourselves without even realizing.

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[spoiler=Me Analyzing Shun]

Shun is probably supposed to be portrayed as a well-intentioned extremist. He has a massive burden on him, having seen his dimension turned into a war ground against an army of Duelists who essentially kill their opponents, and attacked them without provocation. They destroyed the city, burned it to the ground, and even captured his sister. They continue to hunt the remaining Duelists, and he has memories of the destruction, the horror of the Xyz dimension Duelists, once happy, now trapped inside cards, while the invaders laugh cruelly and remorselessly.


These people ruined his life. They destroyed everything he held close to him, and even after destroying his city, he still had his sister...until he didn't. This was the last straw. He and his only friend fled the Dimension to form a plan to get an edge on the opponents.


You cannot show mercy on the battlefield. He carded LDS people because he NEEDED to get to Reiji. He was certain Reo would surrender a hostage for his son, but Reiji offered a better option, for he planned to fight against his father as well, so they formed a tentative alliance.


Shun became enraged when he fought Sora, because Sora was from Academia, and eventually outright admitted it and taunted him with the fact that, to Academia, the Xyz Dimension were playthings. Too weak to put up a fight, and were just toys to be discarded when the fun was over. Even in defeat, Sora refused to admit it, and went on a vendetta, targeting Yuto next.


Despite Shun knowing Yuto was in danger, Reiji refused to let him go to help his friend, with good reason, but it was hard to listen to. And after a Duel involving Synchros takes place, Yuto disappears. Shun can't even contact him anymore. And then he finds out Yuya had Dark Rebellion, and Reiji again told him not to confront or question Yuya until he got a chance in the Battle Royale. In said Royale, Sora and some Academia soldiers show up, and Sora Duels Shun again, ultimately winning, but he's saved by a Ruri look-alike formerly working with Academia.


Seriously, up to this point, Shun has had no real reason to develop past rage and hatred. Everything that's happened torments him, and his ally is constantly screwing him over, even with good reasoning. Why would he trust people past grudging alliances? Reiji keeps screwing him over at every turn. Hell, Shun was ready to say "funk off" to Reiji when he found out the Lancers were going to the Synchro Dimension, but Serena pointed out his recklessness would just doom him, so he grudgingly delayed.


And one of his allies, Dennis, Duels him and Duels TOO WELL for a mere LDS student. So Shun's suspicious of one his allies...and guess what, said ally was a backstabbing member of Academia who admitted to being directly involved with not only Heartland being destroyed (the entire reason Shun's life SUCKS right now) but also Ruri being captured.


Uh...I don't know what you're expecting Shun to have developed into at this point. Except something WORSE. More consumed with hate and violence because he can't trust people, and even the people allied with him have this tendency to either lie to him or have another agenda, with maybe the exception of Gogenzaka. He doesn't even fully trust Yuya because Yuya has his best friend's card. Reiji even screwed with his Disk so he can't cardify people (honestly, I think Reiji accomplished this via the card that allowed them to transport to the Synchro Dimension).



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