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Guys, no, Yuya only THOUGHT he could do it as a last second thing.
The turn before, he clearly tried doing it, yet, couldn't, if only because he had the wrong monsters in place; He tried to play a 4 and 2, with Scales of 4 and 8.
Next episode gives the implication that not-4 can Pendulum Summon, so it's obvious that it isn't a last-minute deus ex machina move.

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Pendulum Summoning would kind of have to be a thing, just probably extremely obscure, since the Duel Disks apparently are programmed to accept it and even do that "Pendulum" light-up thing.


I was amused to see the "Error" message on the Disks. There actually is an explicit mechanic to prevent illegal moves.


I am also somewhat pleased that the main character isn't an expert, but also not a complete moron. He knows how to Duel, and has decent skill, but Pendulum Summoning is a foreign concept to him, and he hasn't mastered it at all.

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So according to V JUMP Promos or whatever, one of our potential rivals Pendulum Summons with DD monsters. 


Yeah I also liked that he wasn't a COMPLETE idiot, and unlike Yuma we'll be able to see him grow without a naked spirit holding his hand through most duels.


Also, idk if anyone will get this reference, but it looks like Kota didn't kill Yuya after all.

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So according to V JUMP Promos or whatever, one of our potential rivals Pendulum Summons with DD monsters. 


Yeah I also liked that he wasn't a COMPLETE idiot, and unlike Yuma we'll be able to see him grow without a naked spirit holding his hand through most duels.


Also, idk if anyone will get this reference, but it looks like Kota didn't kill Yuya after all.


Not only that, also 2  new Entermate also belong to Reiji, which is amusing as one would think Entermate is Yuya's style of an archetype. 

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Maybe that purple-blue-ish Scale 5 wolf is Reiji's. Who knows.

The circus theme can have a serious side so I can see it.

What I don't know is what the generation's Blue-Eyes might be like if he were to use Entermates.


Btw, is episode 2 subbed yet?

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OT: Since it was mentioned that Reiji using DD/DDD monsters but would the DD be D.D. or something different?

I'd assume they'd be something different imo.


I don't know why I'm thinking this, because generally these kind of storylines aren't the best in the world, but I expect Arc V will have a tournament arc at some point.

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I find episode 2 quite amusing that the kids believe Yuya was cheating as in using illegal cards and rig the system. Seeing that Reiji and LDS are familiar with Pendulum Summons, and LDS made a deal with Sawatari to steal the pendulum cards from Yuya. It seem as if either Pendulum cards not meant to be revealed to the public or LDS want to be the only to have duelists that can Pendulum Summon, we will soon find out.

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Dear Lisa Ortiz. If you're ever reading these forums, do us all a favor: BE YUZU HIRAGI.

To be honest, it's obvious your personal fantasies are very unlikely to happen whatsoever.

Yet, I'm very very VERY amused.

You wanted the new girl to have pink hair? Boom! There you go~

You wanted a kind of smart, likable, tsundere-ish character? *Konami takes note*

It's weird because you comment these sorts of things and people go "stop being stupid" on you. Yet, you so far have pretty much predicted Yuzu......

At this point it wouldn't surprise me if you favorite VA did do something like that. Note that I say this with no idea who she is or what she has done, and yes, I know the info is a few clicks away via wikia, but still I don't usually check VAs very often..... That said, I have no idea if the odds are actually pretty bad or not.


Just had to tell you that..... What you post sounds silly, but so far it's like Konami is getting imput from your or something regarding her..... IDK.

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To be honest, it's obvious your personal fantasies are very unlikely to happen whatsoever.

Yet, I'm very very VERY amused.

You wanted the new girl to have pink hair? Boom! There you go~

You wanted a kind of smart, likable, tsundere-ish character? *Konami takes note*

It's weird because you comment these sorts of things and people go "stop being stupid" on you. Yet, you so far have pretty much predicted Yuzu......

At this point it wouldn't surprise me if you favorite VA did do something like that. Note that I say this with no idea who she is or what she has done, and yes, I know the info is a few clicks away via wikia, but still I don't usually check VAs very often..... That said, I have no idea if the odds are actually pretty bad or not.


Just had to tell you that..... What you post sounds silly, but so far it's like Konami is getting imput from your or something regarding her..... IDK.

Yuzu had pink hair like Amy Rose. Plus, Lisa Ortiz has been in four yugioh series so far: Serenity Wheeler, Mindy, Barbara and Lotus. All of which are supporting characters. Yuzu is a main. About time Lisa had a main character  role. True, I'm a fan, but has anyone noticed she's not used as much in newer anime?


Yuzu isn't very likable, though.


She's newborn. Give her time.

Yugioh overall is not the best regarding most characters..... but after Kotori... well....

Yeah, Kotori had one duel. ONE. Tea had two, her duel with Joey and her duel with Big 2 Krump, Alexis dueled constantly as did Akiza. We'll just have to see what Yuzu has in store for us.

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why aren't all those Darts Shooter Level 7? aww I really want to see Synchro or Xyz in this series

The series is still young, and I'm sure it'd be interesting to see Synchros and Xyz in this series, hell Rituals would be cool to see as well.


She's newborn. Give her time.

Well until she does anything worthwhile, she'll be Kotori 2.0 to me.

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Well, it is mentioned that various summoning methods still exist since the LDS does offer Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz courses. Yet right now the lowest possible skill of dueling is only revealed to us so far. The levels of each Dart shooter were explicitly said as different levels...which kinda bugged me a bit but the show is still in its prime. So pretty much some of Yuya's Entermates seem to revolve around maximizing Odd-Eyes' power while generally they are used as Action Duel utility. And he should at least sooner or later should not totally depend on Action cards and other "in-a-tight-pinch" situation to get around things.


It's also interesting how Sawatari gets holo-plated cards; Probably the first time a character with those kinds of things.

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