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Well, Yuto's technically dead right now (he's inside Yuya) and Yuri probably won't be relevant until after Synchro Arc.

So yeah, only Yugo and Yuya.


But yeah, they're distinct enough that you should be able to tell them apart. 


  • Yuya is the circus entertainment kid that uses Pendulums.
  • Yugo is the one who gets pissed off if you say his name wrong, or assume he's from Fusion.
  • Yuto is the cold-serious one with an Xyz dragon, and hates Fusion.
  • Yuri is the enigmatic one who we have little to no clues about right now aside from the common sense stuff.
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It's slightly confusing because no one like ever calls Sawatari by his first name Shingo in the show, unless they're saying his full. Heck, calling him Shingo in this topic instead of his dub name would probably confuse us, too.

To be fair if I called Sawatari by his first name, I might have confused him for this guy whose first name is also Shingo.

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Watching the Dub Preview in the WCQ stream. Here are my thoughts so far based on what I've heard:

  • Yuya: Not bad. Nothing special, but it's tolerable and suits him fine. No complaints here.
  • Zuzu: I don't really care about the name. Voice is fine; fits her just fine. Actually it's pretty good.
  • Gong: I was expecting funnier. The voice kinda suits him, but if there's going to be an accent change like Gong I'd like it to be absolutely hilarious. This one isn't hilarious (still kinda funny), but it's thankfully not annoying. Could be worse.
  • Little Red-Haired Girl: It's fine
  • Nico Smiley: UTTERLY PERFECT
  • Sledgehammer/Strong: Sledgehammer is a better name IMO. 4Kid's requirement of at least one Schwarzenegger voice is met properly. It was pretty funny to hear, so I couldn't take him seriously.
  • Declan: Kinda like this name change. Declan's voice is SUPER dramatic, but it kinda fits and I have no problems with it. It's fine, really.
  • Sawatari: Really good! His voice fits his character really from what I've heard.

Also, Duel-Tainer? HAHAHA. Man I love this; best dub since 5D's. If I want the 100% non-ironic experience, the subs are already there and really good; but the Dub was pretty entertaining to watch and if you want to laugh at 4Kids' localization this is the place.

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[spoiler=62 raw]Ahh so many things going on in this episiode

One new Underworld Troupe support card today!!!!!!
Yuzu and Yugo are so adorable together (posting some weird warning posting..)
Yugo's hamdwriting is so ugly
So is confirm Yuzu will be in the friendship cup (more Melodious incoming)
Shun is Arc-V batman..
Gon are you using your your shoes as a weapon!?

Overall it was a very nice episode, glad we see more of Yuzu and Yugo (YuzuXYugo!!!)



Oh and this.. (Shun...)


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Playing that game again Sakura? Though you might as well delete the last sentence of your post as the episode is out in the link you posted.

Also I see you didn't respond to the PM I sent last night


Anywho, following the stream of day 1 of the WCQ, I made a "new promotional poster" for the Arc-V dub.


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[spoiler=62 thoughts]

Well, I suppose we got our ARC-V equivalent of Armstrong; though he didn't prove anything useful.

I also enjoyed watching the prison guards get the crap beat out of them; some of them got thrown against the wall, a few others got knocked out by Shun and Gongenzaka.


Of course, the security guards got pissed afterwards, so apparently Tokumatsu's followers throw the rare card stash at them to get their attention.

They really are simple-minded, if it takes rare cards to draw their attention.


Suppose Tokumatsu understood what was going on, and decided to escape with Yuya and co.


Yuya was a bit of a deadbeat in the early parts, but suppose he worried about Yuzu (although she's shown to be okay).

Again, Shingo decides to spill the beans on Action Duels and other stuff; sigh, he needs to learn to zip it.


I have some doubts about what Roger was planning to do when he appeared, considering how much distrust I have of him right now.

Wait for the subs to clear things up.




P.S. British, I saw the PM but was kinda busy at the moment, so couldn't respond.

As for the link, they said 4 hours and it'd be up; suppose they got it earlier than I had expected.

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[spoiler=Yuugo and Yuzu's application forms]



Yuugo's Form
1. Category: Commons
2. Name: Yuugo
3. Age: 14
4. Address: Facility
5. Phone number/Email address: NO

Yuzu's Form
1. Category: Commons
2. Name: Ri Yuzu
3. Age: 14
4. Address: STANDAADO Facility
5. Phone number/Email address: I DUN KNOW

Also worth noting from the forms:
- The forms reveal that Yuugo has no knowledge of basic kanji, hinting that he has never received any form of education.
- Yuzu's photo was obviously taken by Yuugo without her knowledge, while she is drawing the posters about the Dimension invasion beside some river.
- The Japanese used to fill up the forms is outright rude.


Thank MasterGhost in NAC for this info !


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[spoiler=Thoughts on 62 RAW]

- This time "Blabbermouth" (Sawatari) spills the beans about Action Duels to the prisoners.

- Crow's friend Damon says that he saw Yuzu and Banana put up posters talking about the OF by the river.

 - It seemed as if he confused Yuya for Banana as well

 - This info caused Yuya to be a deadbeat for a bit, even though Yuzu was ok.

- Banana and Yuzu seem to be entering the Friendship cup judging by their application forms.

- Seeing Yuzu prep her fan when Banana confuses her for Rin after the former washed up was amusing

 - As is Blabbermouth tossing the frying pan at the big guard and being threatened by it. Though it was nice to see the guards getting the crap beaten out of them

- I don't mind that the duel ended with no result because it was used as a diversion tactic so that everyone can escape.

 - Even Gongenzaka and Dennis used the opportunity to break Shun and Serena out. (Though the former got out of his cell himself, assisted by Gongenzaka who used his shoes as a weapon)




[spoiler=More of Tokomatsu's stash]

DK Gae Bulg

DK Vajrayana


Summoner's Art


Felice, LS Archer


Colossal Fighter


^ Again, all of those come in holo in some form



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[spoiler episode 62 RAW]

-ok, seriously, what is Shinji (and now Damon) here for? They've done nothing so far, but the amount of focus Sjinji's been getting suggests he's gonna be important in some way... Also why the hell is Damon's hair a lizard?!

-So Yugo and Yuzu have entered the friendship cup. Wow, arc V is really going end-to-end with these tournaments xD. Not that I'm complaining, if its anything like the 2 tournaments in 5Ds, it'll be great.

-Yuya has another emo episode because he find out Yuzu is wanted by security. Hurry up and use dark rebellion again already!

-Shingo is mildly less usless than usual.

-Shun outfights tons of guards. Makes sence I guess, if he's been fighting a physical war up until recently.

-Gongenzaka uses his shoes as weapons. Again, there had to be a reason why you would keep wearing those xD

-Dennis being the one to break out Serena is oddly spine-chilling, but the face she was making before he showed up was adorable. Also, does anyone think there is a reason why Dennis wears a glove over one hand? Like he has a cybernetic arm or an arclight logo or something?



[spoiler episode 2 DUB]

Oh god, shivers kid's voice is the most amazing thing ever. He sound like a 30 year old man XD

Shingo and Reiji however, spot on. Reiji's is making me question my sexuality.

Maybe it's just because I'm currently watching the sub, but is it just me, or does the editing look really... fake this season? Like it was drawn on in MS paint? There are weird perspective issues, and no shading on half of it. The English text and localised stuff looks like it's just floating there. :/


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[spoiler=Episode Thoughts]



I dunno how to feel about this episode. It's quite eventful that they make a prisonbreak, but I'm a bit concerned on how Yuya turned emo when Crow probably said that Yuya got him and Shinji in the mess and doesn't care for him as a friend too much since Crow has left behind the children. That's how I at least interpreted it, but I guess the more important reason is that he's heavily concerned with Yuzu's welfare on the outside. A script from shends would be nice to see anytime now.


Sawatari is being a blabbermouth again about Action Fields, but I guess it's somewhat acceptable now since there's not much risk letting the information go to the public and that the Security are already aware of it all.


I've also always thought that whenever Yuya or anyone else similarly spreads the idea of "dueling for smiles", it's just so silly how suddenly everyone is changing their views so suddenly anything entertains them from Yuya and co. I  think this episode shows a good amount of it considering how simple-minded the prisoners and guards are. They're getting away? Nah funk that, I gotta get dem Yang Zings and Dragunities. The other prisoners are trying to escape? Well we could escape too but, nah funk it, there's funking holographic hippos with bikinis.


The prisonbreak scene was very good to me. At one point, you got baddass Shun and Gogenzaka beating the scrap out of the guards, Dennis assisting Serena, and the rest of the gang going for the escape. Yet the Prisoners vs Guards seemed out of place with the cartoony action and fighting, especially when played under the badass OST music. At least put some cartoon sound effects whenever they hit each other.



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[spoiler=62 script]Last Time’s Egao Count: 63

Yuya: You sure has a big appetite in the morning, Tokumatsu-san.

Tokumatsu: Of course!
The food always tastes better
After you have a good Duel!

Yuya: Hee…

Tokumatsu: Come on, you two, go ahead and eat!
Unlike the other garbage,
These stuff are delicious!

Yuya & SAWATARI-SAN: Ah! Thanks for the grub!

Prisoner: This is ridiculous! I didn’t do anything!

Guard: Enough already. Just come with us!

Prisoner:No! Please stop!
I’m begging you!

Tokumatsu’s Mook 1: Seems like his friends were plotting a jailbreak…

Yuya: Jailbreak!?

Crow & Shinji: Ah?

Tokumatsu: They did something stupid.
They should have at least thought about the friends that they left behind.

Yuya: What do you mean?

Tokumatsu: When something like this happens, the prisoners who are left behind will share the responsibility and be punished.

Yuya: Share the responsibility?

Tokumatsu: They will be taken to some unknown place.
And nobody has ever returned from that.

(Opening Sequence)

Yuya: Hmm? A card?
This is…Crow’s?

Shinji: Hey! Yuya!
I need you to do something for me tomorrow!

Yuya: Eh?
I have clean-up duty for tomorrow, too?

Shinji: Nah. I’ve discussed with Tokumatsu-san whether he’d like to see another Duel like the one from yesterday.

Tokumatsu: You might as well do it in front of a big crowd,
And enliven everyone even more.
I’ve already talked to the warden.
We’re going to host the Great Entertainment Duel Tournament in the dining hall tomorrow!

SAWATARI-SAN: In that case, I’ll enter it.

Tokumatsu: Well, aren’t you full of confidence…

SAWATARI-SAN: Naturally…

Tokumatsu: Well, you can keep acting high and mighty until I give you a beating tomorrow.


Yuya: Crow!
This is yours, right?

Crow: Did Shinji tell you?

Yuya: You mean the Duel?

Crow: You can go ahead and make everyone fired up.
Also…From now on, we’re no longer friends or anything like that!

Yuya: Eh…
You’re not planning to do anything crazy, are you?

Crow: I’m indebted to Shinji.
I’m going to cooperate with him.

Yuya: Crow…

Crow: I won’t cause any trouble for you.

Damon: Yo! Crow!
How are you doing, man?

Crow: Damon!

Damon: I’m gonna be staying in your playhouse, as well!

Crow: Oh, shut up!

Damon: Ahhhh!
What in the…So you really were arrested?

Yuya: Eh?

Damon: You and some girl were running around and putting up some weird posters, no?
The ones about invaders from a different dimension or something…

Posters: Invaders from a different dimension are coming!

Yuya: Could it be…Yuzu!?
Yuzu did something like that…

Damon: What happened to the girl? Was she arrested, as well?

Yuya: Eh…?

Damon: Well, you guys are wanted by Security, after all.

Damon: I gotta go, Crow! I’ll talk to you later.

Crow: Ah.

Yuya: Yuzu is wanted by Security…

Security Officer: We have a report.
We’ve confirmed that the two wanted fugitives that we’re searching for have applied to participate in the Friendship Cup.

Yugo’s Application on the Screen:
1. Category: Commons.
2. Name: Yugo.
3. Age: 14
4. Address: Facility.
5. Phone number/Email address: NADA

Yuzu’s Application on the Screen:
1. Category: Commons.
2. Name: Ri- Yuzu.
3. Age: 14
4. Address: Standard- Facility
5. Phone number/Email address: Hell if I know.

Jean-Michel: Ho…They’ve actually done it.
That’s perfectly fine. Go ahead and approve their applications.

Security Officer: Y-Yes, sir.
It shall be done.

Jean-Michel: If we arrest them in the arena of the Friendship Cup…
It can be served as a stern warning to the Commons.

Yugo: Here.

Yuzu: Eh?

Yugo: This is Rin’s room.
You can stay here for now.

Yuzu: You’re sure about that?

Yugo: Kinda, I guess…
As for clothings, pick whatever you want.
Looking at you now, I think you two are about the same size.
Besides, you’ve been wearing these same clothes for days,
So you must be really stinky by now. HAHAHAHAHA!

Yuzu: Why would you say something like that to a girl!?
Seriously, you don’t have any delicacy!
You’re the worst!

Yugo: Ah…My bad, my bad.
By the way, Teach, can you lend her the bathroom?

Yuzu: Eh?

Female Teacher: Ehehe…

Yuzu: Ahahahaha!

Yugo: Hmm?

That was pretty heavenly!

Yugo: RIN!

Yugo: I’ve got it.
You’re Yuzu. Yuzu.

Yuzu: Eh!? Are you serious?

Yugo: Of course!
I’m going to win the Friendship Cup.
That’s my promise to Rin.

Yugo: Oh, I’ve applied for you, as well.

Yuzu: Eh!? I’m going to participate, as well?

Yugo: Rather than going around and putting up these tiny posters,
If you make a grand appeal before a big crowd,
You probably can tell them about the Interdimensional War.

Yuzu: No way…!

Prisoners: Heave-ho!

Tokumatsu: Put some more efforts into it, will ya!?

Dennis: Tokumatsu-san is really into it, huh?

Yuya: (Be careful, okay?)

Yuzu: (Uh. Right back at you, Yuya.)

Yuya: If Yugo isn’t in this place, then Yuzu is probably okay.
But if they’re being pursued by Security…

Yuya: Crow! Hey! Crow!
If you’re planning to get out of here…
Then…Can you take me with you…?

Crow: Don’t get too overly familiar with me!
I said that we’re no longer friends, didn’t I!?

Crow: You’d better cherish your own friends.

Yuya: Crow!

SAWATARI-SAN: I’ve finally got my Disk back!

Tokumatsu: Dueling is just like life!
You only live once.
There will be ups and downs in your life.
Don’t be ashamed of your defeats!
Don’t boast about your victory!
To sum it up, Let’s Enjoy!

Prisoner 1: It really is Enjoy Chojiro!

Prisoner 2: He’s back to his old self!

Tokumatsu: That’s because I was reinvigorated by a certain youngster.
Hey, Sakaki Yuya!

Tokumatsu: Come up here!

Dennis: He seems pretty nervous right now.


Tokumatsu: Since there’s three of us, let’s do a Battle Royale!

SAWATARI-SAN: Fine by me.
But I’m going to take it to the next level!
To the greatest evolution of Dueling!
How about an Action Duel, then?

Tokumatsu: What’s that?

SAWATARI-SAN: We will deploy an Action Field,
And we can also use the Action Cards that are scattered throughout the Field in the Duel.

Tokumatsu: Well, that sounds pretty interesting!

SAWATARI-SAN: Then, let’s do it.
Action Field! On!

Duel Disk: Field Magic. Cross-Over.

SAWATARI-SAN: Duelists locked in battle…Eh?

Yuya: K-k-kicking against the earth and dancing in the air alongside their monsters!

SAWATARI-SAN: They storm through this field.
Behold! This is the greatest evolution of Dueling!


SAWATARI-SAN: It’s my turn!
First off, I’m going to show you the essence of Action Cards!

Tokumatsu: What are you doing all of a sudden?

SAWATARI-SAN: Even if you can’t draw or battle,
You can still get an Action Card on the first turn!
I’ll activate this Action Magic!
Illumination! This will brighten up our stage!
By the way, once per turn, this card can prevent the negation of a monster’s Normal or Special Summon.
I’m gonna show this to the people who haven’t got a chance to see it!
Using the Scale-1 Devil Heel and the Scale-8 Funky Comedian,
I set the Pendulum Scale!
With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters from Level-2 to 7!

Tokumatsu: You’re going to use that as well, huh?

SAWATARI-SAN: Pendulum Summon!
Arrive! Level-7! Underworld Troupe - Big Star!

Prisoner: He summoned a high-level monster without using Synchro Summon?

SAWATARI-SAN: That’s right! This is Pendulum Summon!

SAWATARI-SAN: Now then, let’s make them even more fired up!
I activate the Continuous Magic, Underworld Stage - Treasure Ship of the Seven Lucky Gods.
Both players can send a monster onto this ship during their turns, and destroy all other monsters on their fields!
Big Star! Get onto the Treasure Ship!

SAWATARI-SAN: All right, who want to get onto this ship?
I can guarantee that you will receive a big blessing if you do so!
I end my turn!

Shinji: Well? Can you do it?

Damon: Yeah. This is a piece of cake.

Guard: Hey. You’re still not done?
Hmm? What are you doing?

Crow: Ahhh…The ventilation fan is broken.
So we’re fixing it.

Shinji: This guy specializes in that kind of stuff.

Guard: I see. But you’d better hurry up.
You’ll miss the Duel otherwise.

Crow: Got it!

Tokumatsu: Not bad at all!
It’s my turn!

Tokumatsu’s Mook 1: We’ve been waiting for this, Boss!

Tokumatsu’s Mook 2: ENJOYYY!

Tokumatsu: There we go!
I’ll enjoy an Action Duel as well!
Acton Magic! Heat Up Sound!

Tokumatsu: Once per turn, during my turn, this card can prevent the negation of the activation of a Magic Card!
But I couldn’t care less about that.
This liveliness is all that matters in an entertainment show!

Tokumatsu: I activate Super Koi-Koi from my hand!
I can draw three cards from my deck.
If they are Cardians, then I can Special Summon them.

SAWATARI-SAN: However, any non-Cardian cards will be sent to the graveyard, and you will receive 1000 damage for each non-Cardian card, old man!

Tokumatsu: If I don’t enjoy this,
It would put a stain on my name!
Here we go! Come on, come on!

Prisoners: Come on, come on, come on, come on!

Tokumatsu: Come on, come on, come on, come on!
The first card is Cardian - Hagi ni Inoshishi!
Here comes the second card! Come on, come on!
The second card is Cardian - Momiji ni Shika!

Prisoner: His drawing power is as impressive as ever.

Tokumatsu’s Mook 1: Well, duh.

Tokumatsu: This is the last one!
Come on, come on!
The third card is Cardian - Botan ni Cho!
The monsters Special Summoned through this effect will have their ATK and DEF reduced to zero.
And their Levels become 2.
I’m tuning the Level-2 Hagi ni Inoshishi and Momiji ni Shika with the Level-2 tuner, Botan ni Cho!
Be as ferocious as a wild boar!
Be as majestic as a deer!
Be as beautiful as a butterfly!
Synchro Summon!
Level-6! Cardian – Inoshikacho!

Tokumatsu: I’ll be getting some of that blessing as well!
Board the Treasure Ship of the Seven Lucky Gods, Inoshikacho!

SAWATARI-SAN: You’re not too shabby, either, old man!

Tokumatsu: That goes without saying!
I end my turn with this!
Okay, Yuya, you’re up next! Huh?

{Chess Commercial. Brb}

Tokumatsu: Hey, Yuya!

Yuya: It’s my turn. Draw!
I summon Entermate Discover Hippo.
(If it’s for Yuzu’s sake, then I will…)

Crow: You’d better cherish your own friends.

Yuya: I set one card face-down and end my turn.

Tokumatsu: Hey, what are you doing?
Didn’t you come here to enjoy a Duel?

SAWATARI-SAN: You were the one who engaged in a Legendary Duel against me in the Maiami Championship, weren’t you!?

Crow: Yuya…

Shinji: This is not how it’s supposed to be!

GONGENZAKA: Would you mind telling me what this is all about?

SAWATARI-SAN: Why are you hesitating now…
In that case, I’ll have to fill in for you!
It’s my turn!
The effect of Treasure Ship of the Seven Lucky Gods is activated! For every monster I have sent onto the ship, I can draw one more card!
I’ll draw two cards!

Tokumatsu: Ho…That’s one heck of a blessing…

SAWATARI-SAN: Exactly. But I’m not satisfied with just this!

Tokumatsu: You’re going for an Action Card even though you have already drawn two cards…
You sure are a greedy fellow.

SAWATARI-SAN: If you don’t like it, you can follow me!
Both you and Yuya!

GONGENZAKA: That’s right, Yuya! Move it!

Yuya: Gongenzaka!

GONGENZAKA: Don’t worry about it.

Dennis: Hiii!!

GONGENZAKA: Do whatever you need to do.
We’ll do what we need to do, as well.

Yuya: The fun has just begun!

Tokumatsu: Seems like you’re finally enjoying it!

Yuya: Quick-Play Magic, Hippo Carnival!

SAWATARI-SAN: S-stay away, you blasted hippos! Waaahhh!

Yuya: Let’s go, Hippo!

Tokumatsu: I won’t lose!

Prisoner: It’s a race for the Action Card!

SAWATARI-SAN: What are you doing?

Guard: Hey, kid, are you all right…?
W-What are you doing?

Guard with Hitler’s mustache: Ah…
He’s gone!

Guard: Hey, you!

Captain Falcon: It’s you, huh?
What are you doing here?

GONGENZAKA: What am I doing?
I’m here to help you!

Captain Falcon: I don’t need help.
Let’s go.

GONGENZAKA: H-hey! Where are you going?

Serena: Who’s there?

Dennis: I’ve come to free the princess from her imprisonment.
Come, take my hand.

Guard: Jailbreak!!

Guard: Suspend the Duel!
All of you, stay where you are!

Shinji: Hey, Crow!

Giant Guard: Hey, kids. Jailbreak is a serious crime.
You know that, right?
Punishment Time! Wahhh!


Prisoner: Battle Phase!

(Shun’s beating-people-up sequence)

GONGENZAKA: That guy…what is he doing?

Guard: You’re under arrest!

(Gongenzaka smacks the guard with his iron sandals)

Guard: You scum!

Running Prisoner: Come and get me!

Tokumatsu: You!
Get over there and Enjoy!

We don’t have time to fool around…

Captain Falcon: You’re not planning to run away unarmed, are you?

Captain Falcon: Out of my way!

Guard: What are you…!?

Yuya: Tokumatsu-san!

Tokumatsu: You brat! You used the Duel to set up something like this!

SAWATARI-SAN: What is even going on?

Yuya: I’m sorry, Tokumatsu-san.
I have to help Yuzu…
Yuzu is trying her best to inform this world about the approaching enemies…
And she’s currently wanted by Security.
That’s why…

Tokumatsu: Go.

Yuya: Eh?

Orange-haired Guard: Don’t you dare move a muscle!

Yuya: Tokumatsu-san!

Tokumatsu: I’m indebted to you.
I’ll pay back my debt here.

Tokumatsu: Heh…Stay strong.

Orange-haired Guard: Move! Tokumatsu!

Guard: It’s a rare card!

Guard 2: Awesome! This one is Super Rare!

Tokumatsu’s Mook 2: All right, all right!
Today’s main event is an all-you-can-grab feast to celebrate the revival of Enjoy Chojiro!

Tokumatsu’s Mook 1: Boss!
Return to the stage one more time!

Tokumatsu’s Mook 2: Boss!
Stay strong!

Tokumatsu: These guys…

Tokumatsu’s Mook 2: All right, all right, there’s still more!
How about this one!?

Tokumatsu: Hmph…I’ll never forget you two.
Let’s go, Yuya!

Yuya: Heh?
Sure! Let’s go! Sawatari!

SAWATARI-SAN: Sure thing!

Yuya: Ahahaha…
Action Card, Curtain Call, activate!

(Preview for Episode 63)

Yuya: Is it really okay?
We can’t turn back at this point!

SAWATARI-SAN: You made the right choice by following me!
Beyond this, the world of freedom is waiting for us!

Tokumatsu: Hey! Isn’t this the rooftop?
To make it worse, these guys are…

SAWATARI-SAN: We’ll just have to bribe them with some rare cards!

Tokumatsu: Don’t do it!
They’re a pursuit squad that specializes in capturing jailbreakers!
They won’t care about rare cards!

Yuya: Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V:
The King of Captors – “Goyo King”
The fun has just begun!


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[spoiler=62 script]Last Time’s Egao Count: 63Yuya: You sure has a big appetite in the morning, Tokumatsu-san.Tokumatsu: Of course!

The food always tastes better

After you have a good Duel!Yuya: Hee…Tokumatsu: Come on, you two, go ahead and eat!

Unlike the other garbage,

These stuff are delicious!Yuya & SAWATARI-SAN: Ah! Thanks for the grub!Prisoner: This is ridiculous! I didn’t do anything!Guard: Enough already. Just come with us!Prisoner:No! Please stop!

I’m begging you!Tokumatsu’s Mook 1: Seems like his friends were plotting a jailbreak…Yuya: Jailbreak!?Crow & Shinji: Ah?Tokumatsu: They did something stupid.

They should have at least thought about the friends that they left behind.Yuya: What do you mean?Tokumatsu: When something like this happens, the prisoners who are left behind will share the responsibility and be punished.Yuya: Share the responsibility?Tokumatsu: They will be taken to some unknown place.

And nobody has ever returned from that.

(Opening Sequence)Yuya: Hmm? A card?

This is…Crow’s?Shinji: Hey! Yuya!

I need you to do something for me tomorrow!Yuya: Eh?

I have clean-up duty for tomorrow, too?Shinji: Nah. I’ve discussed with Tokumatsu-san whether he’d like to see another Duel like the one from yesterday.Tokumatsu: You might as well do it in front of a big crowd,

And enliven everyone even more.

I’ve already talked to the warden.

We’re going to host the Great Entertainment Duel Tournament in the dining hall tomorrow!SAWATARI-SAN: In that case, I’ll enter it.Tokumatsu: Well, aren’t you full of confidence…SAWATARI-SAN: Naturally…Tokumatsu: Well, you can keep acting high and mighty until I give you a beating tomorrow.SAWATARI-SAN: Hah!Yuya: Crow!

This is yours, right?Crow: Did Shinji tell you?Yuya: You mean the Duel?Crow: You can go ahead and make everyone fired up.

Also…From now on, we’re no longer friends or anything like that!Yuya: Eh…

You’re not planning to do anything crazy, are you?Crow: I’m indebted to Shinji.

I’m going to cooperate with him.Yuya: Crow…Crow: I won’t cause any trouble for you.Damon: Yo! Crow!

How are you doing, man?Crow: Damon!Damon: I’m gonna be staying in your playhouse, as well!Crow: Oh, shut up!Damon: Ahhhh!

What in the…So you really were arrested?Yuya: Eh?Damon: You and some girl were running around and putting up some weird posters, no?

The ones about invaders from a different dimension or something…Posters: Invaders from a different dimension are coming!Yuya: Could it be…Yuzu!?

Yuzu did something like that…Damon: What happened to the girl? Was she arrested, as well?Yuya: Eh…?Damon: Well, you guys are wanted by Security, after all.Damon: I gotta go, Crow! I’ll talk to you later.Crow: Ah.Yuya: Yuzu is wanted by Security…Security Officer: We have a report.

We’ve confirmed that the two wanted fugitives that we’re searching for have applied to participate in the Friendship Cup.Yugo’s Application on the Screen:

1. Category: Commons.

2. Name: Yugo.

3. Age: 14

4. Address: Facility.

5. Phone number/Email address: NADAYuzu’s Application on the Screen:

1. Category: Commons.

2. Name: Ri- Yuzu.

3. Age: 14

4. Address: Standard- Facility

5. Phone number/Email address: Hell if I know.Jean-Michel: Ho…They’ve actually done it.

That’s perfectly fine. Go ahead and approve their applications.Security Officer: Y-Yes, sir.

It shall be done.Jean-Michel: If we arrest them in the arena of the Friendship Cup…

It can be served as a stern warning to the Commons.Yugo: Here.Yuzu: Eh?Yugo: This is Rin’s room.

You can stay here for now.Yuzu: You’re sure about that?Yugo: Kinda, I guess…

As for clothings, pick whatever you want.

Looking at you now, I think you two are about the same size.

Besides, you’ve been wearing these same clothes for days,

So you must be really stinky by now. HAHAHAHAHA!Yuzu: Why would you say something like that to a girl!?

Seriously, you don’t have any delicacy!

You’re the worst!Yugo: Ah…My bad, my bad.

By the way, Teach, can you lend her the bathroom?Yuzu: Eh?Female Teacher: Ehehe…Yuzu: Ahahahaha!Yugo: Hmm?Yuzu:Hah---

That was pretty heavenly!Yugo: RIN!Yugo: I’ve got it.

You’re Yuzu. Yuzu.Yuzu: Eh!? Are you serious?Yugo: Of course!

I’m going to win the Friendship Cup.

That’s my promise to Rin.Yugo: Oh, I’ve applied for you, as well.Yuzu: Eh!? I’m going to participate, as well?Yugo: Rather than going around and putting up these tiny posters,

If you make a grand appeal before a big crowd,

You probably can tell them about the Interdimensional War.

Right?Yuzu: No way…!Prisoners: Heave-ho!Tokumatsu: Put some more efforts into it, will ya!?Dennis: Tokumatsu-san is really into it, huh?Yuya: (Be careful, okay?)Yuzu: (Uh. Right back at you, Yuya.)Yuya: If Yugo isn’t in this place, then Yuzu is probably okay.

But if they’re being pursued by Security…Yuya: Crow! Hey! Crow!

If you’re planning to get out of here…

Then…Can you take me with you…?Crow: Don’t get too overly familiar with me!

I said that we’re no longer friends, didn’t I!?Crow: You’d better cherish your own friends.Yuya: Crow!SAWATARI-SAN: I’ve finally got my Disk back!Tokumatsu: Dueling is just like life!

You only live once.

There will be ups and downs in your life.

Don’t be ashamed of your defeats!

Don’t boast about your victory!

To sum it up, Let’s Enjoy!Prisoner 1: It really is Enjoy Chojiro!Prisoner 2: He’s back to his old self!Tokumatsu: That’s because I was reinvigorated by a certain youngster.

Hey, Sakaki Yuya!Tokumatsu: Come up here!Dennis: He seems pretty nervous right now.GONGENZAKA: Hmm…Tokumatsu: Since there’s three of us, let’s do a Battle Royale!SAWATARI-SAN: Fine by me.

But I’m going to take it to the next level!

To the greatest evolution of Dueling!

How about an Action Duel, then?Tokumatsu: What’s that?SAWATARI-SAN: We will deploy an Action Field,

And we can also use the Action Cards that are scattered throughout the Field in the Duel.Tokumatsu: Well, that sounds pretty interesting!SAWATARI-SAN: Then, let’s do it.

Action Field! On!Duel Disk: Field Magic. Cross-Over.SAWATARI-SAN: Duelists locked in battle…Eh?

Hey!Yuya: K-k-kicking against the earth and dancing in the air alongside their monsters!SAWATARI-SAN: They storm through this field.

Behold! This is the greatest evolution of Dueling!


DUEL!SAWATARI-SAN: It’s my turn!

First off, I’m going to show you the essence of Action Cards!Tokumatsu: What are you doing all of a sudden?SAWATARI-SAN: Even if you can’t draw or battle,

You can still get an Action Card on the first turn!

I’ll activate this Action Magic!

Illumination! This will brighten up our stage!

By the way, once per turn, this card can prevent the negation of a monster’s Normal or Special Summon.

I’m gonna show this to the people who haven’t got a chance to see it!

Using the Scale-1 Devil Heel and the Scale-8 Funky Comedian,

I set the Pendulum Scale!

With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters from Level-2 to 7!Tokumatsu: You’re going to use that as well, huh?SAWATARI-SAN: Pendulum Summon!

Arrive! Level-7! Underworld Troupe - Big Star!Prisoner: He summoned a high-level monster without using Synchro Summon?SAWATARI-SAN: That’s right! This is Pendulum Summon!SAWATARI-SAN: Now then, let’s make them even more fired up!

I activate the Continuous Magic, Underworld Stage - Treasure Ship of the Seven Lucky Gods.

Both players can send a monster onto this ship during their turns, and destroy all other monsters on their fields!

Big Star! Get onto the Treasure Ship!SAWATARI-SAN: All right, who want to get onto this ship?

I can guarantee that you will receive a big blessing if you do so!

I end my turn!Shinji: Well? Can you do it?Damon: Yeah. This is a piece of cake.Guard: Hey. You’re still not done?

Hmm? What are you doing?Crow: Ahhh…The ventilation fan is broken.

So we’re fixing it.Shinji: This guy specializes in that kind of stuff.Guard: I see. But you’d better hurry up.

You’ll miss the Duel otherwise.Crow: Got it!Tokumatsu: Not bad at all!

It’s my turn!

ENJOYYYYY!Tokumatsu’s Mook 1: We’ve been waiting for this, Boss!Tokumatsu’s Mook 2: ENJOYYY!Tokumatsu: There we go!

I’ll enjoy an Action Duel as well!

Acton Magic! Heat Up Sound!Tokumatsu: Once per turn, during my turn, this card can prevent the negation of the activation of a Magic Card!

But I couldn’t care less about that.

This liveliness is all that matters in an entertainment show!Tokumatsu: I activate Super Koi-Koi from my hand!

I can draw three cards from my deck.

If they are Cardians, then I can Special Summon them.SAWATARI-SAN: However, any non-Cardian cards will be sent to the graveyard, and you will receive 1000 damage for each non-Cardian card, old man!Tokumatsu: If I don’t enjoy this,

It would put a stain on my name!

Here we go! Come on, come on!Prisoners: Come on, come on, come on, come on!Tokumatsu: Come on, come on, come on, come on!

The first card is Cardian - Hagi ni Inoshishi!

Here comes the second card! Come on, come on!

The second card is Cardian - Momiji ni Shika!Prisoner: His drawing power is as impressive as ever.Tokumatsu’s Mook 1: Well, duh.Tokumatsu: This is the last one!

Come on, come on!

The third card is Cardian - Botan ni Cho!

The monsters Special Summoned through this effect will have their ATK and DEF reduced to zero.

And their Levels become 2.

I’m tuning the Level-2 Hagi ni Inoshishi and Momiji ni Shika with the Level-2 tuner, Botan ni Cho!

Be as ferocious as a wild boar!

Be as majestic as a deer!

Be as beautiful as a butterfly!

Synchro Summon!

Level-6! Cardian – Inoshikacho!Tokumatsu: I’ll be getting some of that blessing as well!

Board the Treasure Ship of the Seven Lucky Gods, Inoshikacho!SAWATARI-SAN: You’re not too shabby, either, old man!Tokumatsu: That goes without saying!

I end my turn with this!

Okay, Yuya, you’re up next! Huh?

{Chess Commercial. Brb}Tokumatsu: Hey, Yuya!Yuya: It’s my turn. Draw!

I summon Entermate Discover Hippo.

(If it’s for Yuzu’s sake, then I will…)Crow: You’d better cherish your own friends.Yuya: I set one card face-down and end my turn.Tokumatsu: Hey, what are you doing?

Didn’t you come here to enjoy a Duel?SAWATARI-SAN: You were the one who engaged in a Legendary Duel against me in the Maiami Championship, weren’t you!?Crow: Yuya…Shinji: This is not how it’s supposed to be!GONGENZAKA: Would you mind telling me what this is all about?SAWATARI-SAN: Why are you hesitating now…

In that case, I’ll have to fill in for you!

It’s my turn!

The effect of Treasure Ship of the Seven Lucky Gods is activated! For every monster I have sent onto the ship, I can draw one more card!

I’ll draw two cards!Tokumatsu: Ho…That’s one heck of a blessing…SAWATARI-SAN: Exactly. But I’m not satisfied with just this!Tokumatsu: You’re going for an Action Card even though you have already drawn two cards…

You sure are a greedy fellow.SAWATARI-SAN: If you don’t like it, you can follow me!

Both you and Yuya!GONGENZAKA: That’s right, Yuya! Move it!Yuya: Gongenzaka!GONGENZAKA: Don’t worry about it.Dennis: Hiii!!GONGENZAKA: Do whatever you need to do.

We’ll do what we need to do, as well.Yuya: The fun has just begun!Tokumatsu: Seems like you’re finally enjoying it!Yuya: Quick-Play Magic, Hippo Carnival!SAWATARI-SAN: S-stay away, you blasted hippos! Waaahhh!Yuya: Let’s go, Hippo!Tokumatsu: I won’t lose!Prisoner: It’s a race for the Action Card!SAWATARI-SAN: What are you doing?Guard: Hey, kid, are you all right…?

W-What are you doing?Guard with Hitler’s mustache: Ah…

He’s gone!Guard: Hey, you!Captain Falcon: It’s you, huh?

What are you doing here?GONGENZAKA: What am I doing?

I’m here to help you!Captain Falcon: I don’t need help.

Let’s go.GONGENZAKA: H-hey! Where are you going?Serena: Who’s there?

You’re…!Dennis: I’ve come to free the princess from her imprisonment.

Come, take my hand.Guard: Jailbreak!!Guard: Suspend the Duel!

All of you, stay where you are!Shinji: Hey, Crow!Giant Guard: Hey, kids. Jailbreak is a serious crime.

You know that, right?

Punishment Time! Wahhh!

(Thumb-ups)Prisoner: Battle Phase!

(Shun’s beating-people-up sequence)GONGENZAKA: That guy…what is he doing?Guard: You’re under arrest!

(Gongenzaka smacks the guard with his iron sandals)Guard: You scum!Running Prisoner: Come and get me!Tokumatsu: You!

Get over there and Enjoy!GONGENZAKA: Hey!

We don’t have time to fool around…Captain Falcon: You’re not planning to run away unarmed, are you?Captain Falcon: Out of my way!Guard: What are you…!?Yuya: Tokumatsu-san!Tokumatsu: You brat! You used the Duel to set up something like this!SAWATARI-SAN: What is even going on?Yuya: I’m sorry, Tokumatsu-san.

I have to help Yuzu…

Yuzu is trying her best to inform this world about the approaching enemies…

And she’s currently wanted by Security.

That’s why…Tokumatsu: Go.Yuya: Eh?Orange-haired Guard: Don’t you dare move a muscle!Yuya: Tokumatsu-san!Tokumatsu: I’m indebted to you.

I’ll pay back my debt here.Tokumatsu: Heh…Stay strong.Orange-haired Guard: Move! Tokumatsu!Guard: It’s a rare card!Guard 2: Awesome! This one is Super Rare!Tokumatsu’s Mook 2: All right, all right!

Today’s main event is an all-you-can-grab feast to celebrate the revival of Enjoy Chojiro!Tokumatsu’s Mook 1: Boss!

Return to the stage one more time!Tokumatsu’s Mook 2: Boss!

Stay strong!Tokumatsu: These guys…Tokumatsu’s Mook 2: All right, all right, there’s still more!

How about this one!?Tokumatsu: Hmph…I’ll never forget you two.

Let’s go, Yuya!Yuya: Heh?

Sure! Let’s go! Sawatari!SAWATARI-SAN: Sure thing!Yuya: Ahahaha…

Action Card, Curtain Call, activate!

(Preview for Episode 63)Yuya: Is it really okay?

We can’t turn back at this point!SAWATARI-SAN: You made the right choice by following me!

Beyond this, the world of freedom is waiting for us!Tokumatsu: Hey! Isn’t this the rooftop?

To make it worse, these guys are…SAWATARI-SAN: We’ll just have to bribe them with some rare cards!Tokumatsu: Don’t do it!

They’re a pursuit squad that specializes in capturing jailbreakers!

They won’t care about rare cards!Yuya: Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V:

The King of Captors – “Goyo King”

The fun has just begun!


*slow clap* You have done the most logical and yet unexpected thing for Shun. You have won my respect sir.

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[spoiler=62 sub thoughts]

Yup, Roger's doing clandestine crap again.

Also Yugo's the one who did both forms.


(I'd assume Yuzu would've filled hers out nicer if she actually bothered to do it)



Although the main point was watching Security guards get beaten up by Shun and Gongenzaka during the jailbreak.

Still laughing after Security guard broke his baton trying to hit someone's head; let's assume he got his ass beaten up by said guy. Seriously, that guy must've had a steel head if he can break it.


That, and brute guard getting thrown across the room by Tokumatsu, bucked off by Hippo and slammed into wall.


Good luck with censoring this, 4Kids or whoever dubs ARC-V now.


(I really shouldn't be laughing at this, considering this is probably what happens in real prisons.)


I gotta admit that Tokumatsu was lucky he wasn't tasered, and that the guards are pretty much simpletons to good cards.

(I think Sawatari took a few of them also, but meh)


Duel was a distraction, but it worked to an extent.

We know that Yuya escapes somehow, but Tokumatsu...I don't know.



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[spoiler=Thoughts on 62 subbed]

- JMR approved Banana and Yuzu's application for the Friendship Cup, but is then planning to arrest them there to serve as an example to the commons. Have I mentioned how much of an jabroni he is yet?

 - That being said, Yuzu didn't like the fact that Banana entered on her behalf. At least Banana believed that it'd be better to appeal about the dimension war to a huge audience rather than putting up flyers that'll either get ignored or trashed.

- Crow says to Yuya that they aren't friends no more and for him to cherish his own comrades. That being said, that must've been part of Shinji's plan. He knew that Yuya livened up the place, so he and Tokomatsu organised a duel, but it'd be a distraction so that he can escape, then got Crow to say to Yuya that they aren't friends anymore so that the former can focus on the escaping, and the latter to focus on the duel.

- During the escape Gongenzaka wasn't sure why Shun was heading for the confiscation cupboard (or something), until he tossed his and Dennis' duel disks. I mean Shun had a point, you don't really want to escape unarmed.



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