Yellow Jacket Posted June 18, 2015 Report Share Posted June 18, 2015 Then my guess is that it'll end in a no result. Then the tournament would actually start with Yuya beating Yugo in the Finals, absorbing him, and beating Jack at the end with Clear wing or Odd-Eyes Clear Wing Dragon or something to that effect. Was hyped for Jack vs Declan, but this'll do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted June 18, 2015 Report Share Posted June 18, 2015 I'm more hyped for seeing Jack reappear in the series, even if it's an alternate universe version of him instead of the 5Ds one.(I suppose that 5Ds blood is still active, even after 4 years since the anime ended.) Let's just say that I want to see Jack win in that episode, but it'll likely end up with Yuya winning (that, or exhibition so no winner). Red Demon's is poison for Yuya's Deck; going by its effect thus far. [spoiler=Has no one noticed?]I just wanna say Gongenzaka PUNCHED about half his fist INTO A FRICKEN CONCRETE WALL!!! Just... Whoa. And I'm also sad he had to give away cards.Maybe he could punch Sawatari. [spoiler=Response]I noticed it, and yeah it gave the guard a good scare.Imagine what would've happened if that punch hit the guard in his face (and his head is definitely softer than that concrete wall Gongenzaka punched out) Sawatari needs a punch to the face for good reasons: 1. He spoiled all of Standard's secrets to the Security during ARC-V 56. Because you didn't shut your damn mouth, Roger knows more about the summoning than he should have, and the Security/Duel Chasers are going to develop counter-strategies against it. 2. Threatened to have his father get people arrested. Sawatari, your father is in another dimension. He can't do sheet where you are now.Also, you're in a prison. Keep acting up, and don't say you weren't warned when your head gets smashed against a wall. 3. Bragged about how much he won. Yeah right, the only duel you ever won was that multi-player against Obelisk Force.Every other duel was a loss for you [a couple against Yuya, one against Yuto and definitely the OTK from Security]. Technically, you would've won with Yosenjus if Yuya didn't ass-pull Magician's Card and Nanashi*. * I am talking about the Action Card that gets rid of names, NOT about Nai. 4. Ego Need I say more on this (unless I did in the first three points)? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Neutrality Man Posted June 19, 2015 Report Share Posted June 19, 2015 [spoiler=Thoughts on Episode 60] I have about the same thoughts on this episode. Maybe the ninja and Renji will save everyone's butts though. That pile that boss has though... Insane. [spoiler=Has no one noticed?]I just wanna say Gongenzaka PUNCHED about half his fist INTO A FRICKEN CONCRETE WALL!!! Just... Whoa. And I'm also sad he had to give away cards.Maybe he could punch Sawatari. [spoiler=cards]$20 says those were Spell/Trap cards he doesn't even use. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted June 21, 2015 Report Share Posted June 21, 2015 Le RAW: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
-kyo- Posted June 21, 2015 Report Share Posted June 21, 2015 i got pumped for a bit in this episode Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted June 21, 2015 Report Share Posted June 21, 2015 [spoiler=61 thoughts]So Chojiro got new monsters; this time, it's Ino-Shika-Cho.Just remind me that I'm watching 5Ds and NOT Naruto, because that's about the only time I ever hear that combination. The hippo came up again, but got killed by Ameshikou.Meh, what more could Yuya do at that point until he got Raingoat? Ameshikou is cool, but it got its effects negated after drawing.So yeah, only works if you don't mind not drawing. First time Odd-Eyes actually gets set as a scale as opposed to be summoned first; eventually it did and OTKed for game. -----On that note, appears that Chojiro had a very similar background to Bolt from 5Ds; he was well-respected in the past (especially by kids), but after losing to Tops duelists, he slowly fell.Apparently, he tried to pull a Bandit Keith and then got imprisoned for it. At least he got redemption afterwards, and started smiling.Hell, most of the prisoners wanted out to see him fight. Although to be honest, I do wish Yuya would've shut up about his "smiles" a bit and just got on with the duel.I don't mind it too much, provided he keeps the monologue short. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted June 21, 2015 Report Share Posted June 21, 2015 [spoiler=Thoughts on 61 RAW]- With the level 8s effect we now know the meaning of the "I won't draw" line from the preview- Crow says that Tokomatsu was a popular duelist who people respected (especially by kids), but became a laughing stock when he was beaten by five people from the tops at once, and when he was later seen cheating, he was sent to the facility. - Having said that, he later reverted to his old self and everyone was starting to enjoy the duel.- Raingoat was plot device-y as funk. Had Yuya not have drawn that, he'd have lost.- Tokomatsu and other prisoners shouting in unison was so loud even Shun and Serena could hear it. - One. More. Thing. I thought with the shivers kid out of the way, we wouldn't have to hear anyone say "Shivers". Turns out I was wrong as it was said IN STEREO. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sleepy Posted June 21, 2015 Report Share Posted June 21, 2015 [spoiler=Thought]I thought that Yuya would go for setting his Pendulums in hand each turn. I mean, iirc the trap only stopped his Special Summons from the hand, so the tactic would be to know he's not gonna keep drawing cards so his game-state will remain the same while you fill the Extra Deck for a non-hand Pendulum Summon. Then I didn't check for the Levels he initially brought out along with Odd-Eyes last episode, but there's a chance a Dark Rebellion could have OTKd too.But the Hippo wall was pretty much filler for the episode.I guess they wanted to push the lesson of joy, and that would have been a little too aggressive? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yellow Jacket Posted June 22, 2015 Report Share Posted June 22, 2015 Hey from what I've seen, this series' 61 episodes thus far are all better than the entire Zexal series. Yuya topdecks, I don't care that much. Yuma topdecks, now that's some ol' bullshit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Βyakuya Posted June 22, 2015 Report Share Posted June 22, 2015 EENNNNNJOOOOOY = New EGAO/SHIIBERU for now [spoiler=Episode Thoughts]Tokumatsu seems like a well developed man who has had challenged ideals. He was a stern, traditional man who encouraged entertainment into children and had been severely embarrassed and scarred for trying to rise up. He's had a stubborn philosophy of the purpose of dueling is to show complete dominance and high ranking especially where the Tops are very antagonized. Nevertheless, the loss from Yuya reminded him there's still hope and room for entertainment from the cellmates, and that dueling for power is not completely worth it when everyone haves fun. Yuya pulled off some awesome skills in this episode, considering he uses Odd-Eyes as a Pendulum Scale and uses his 0 Damage eff all perfectly, and manages to OTK. I would be pretty amazed and entertained if not for the stupidest and luckiest topdeck because Yuya had a very high chance of losing if he didn't draw right. But I guess Yuya has grown confident in believing cause he didn't panic, and he still did pretty good. Good for Yuya. And I think Serena and Shun overhearing it all (Guess those cells aren't that soundproof) can give way to some character development too. They both have lots of ways to go before being completely EGAO Though it's still pretty funny; Hippo makes a return only to reveal it was a dead draw and was completely useless again as it always was, again and again. I think Yuya kind of sheet his pants internally when he missed the topdeck and got Hippo instead. Also at this point, I realize if bribery really was a thing in the Facility, I'd think maybe Tokumatsu giving away all his stash already guarantees some stance of freedom, probably now since he has changed his ways. That or giving some expensive Synchro sheet will do too. None of the prison guards looked like they cared or watched during that duel though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilfusion Posted June 22, 2015 Report Share Posted June 22, 2015 It's funny how last episode didn't do much for me, but I really liked this episode. Lot of good emotion in the voice acting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted June 22, 2015 Report Share Posted June 22, 2015 Hey from what I've seen, this series' 61 episodes thus far are all better than the entire Zexal series. Yuya topdecks, I don't care that much. Yuma topdecks, now that's some ol' bullshit.Every Yugioh protagonist is known for topdecking; but yeah Yuma's one is literally Shining Draw + make whatever he wants.The others more/less just pull out a key card that helps them to win, which probably already existed in their Deck when the duel started. In this case, Yuya got lucky he topdecked Raingoat, otherwise he'd be dead. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mshends Posted June 22, 2015 Report Share Posted June 22, 2015 [spoiler=Script 61] Last time’s Egao Count: 60Tokumatsu: You don’t know anything at all, do you?Those who dare to rebel against the top will always be crushed!Yuuya: Pendulum Summon!Arrive, my monsters!Tokumatsu: Hmph…Continuous Trap, No Cheaters Allowed.I can activate it when my opponent controls monsters that were Special Summoned from the hand, and return them to the opponent’s hand!Yuuya: What!?Dennis: My God!He went through all that trouble to Pendulum Summon,And now that’s counted as cheating!?SAWATARI-SAN: So as long as that Trap Card is on the field, Pendulum Summon will be treated as cheating, huh…Crow: And Tokumatsu also has Ameshikou on his field.Yuuya will take 1500 damage every time he draws!GONGENZAKA: Yuuya…(Opening Sequence)Tokumatsu: Too bad for you.The Pendulum Summon that you’re so fond of has been completely sealed away.You no longer have the chance or the time to make a comeback!Crow: He’d changed.GONGENZAKA: Hmm?Crow: This is not how Enjoy Chojiro would Duel!Yuuya: Enjoy Chojiro?Tokumatsu: Don’t call me by that name!Tokumatsu: Right now, I am Chojiro of the Autumn Rain.Tokumatsu’s Mook 1: Whenever Boss Duels against someone, he will crush them, take their cards away, and have them covered in their own rain of tears.That’s why he was called by that title.Tokumatsu’s Mook 2: Without any monsters to protect you, it’s only a matter of time before your rain of tears soaks you. Hehehe!Yuuya: I summon a monster in face-down Defense Position.Tokumatsu: Certainly, No Cheaters Allowed only affects Special Summoned monsters.Meaning you can still Normal Summon.Yuuya: I end my turn with this.Tokumatsu: If you don’t want to be drenched by your own rain of tears,You’d better prepare an umbrella!It’s my turn!If I draw a card right now,Ameshikou will lose the effect that inflicts 1500 damage to you when you draw.However, with Ameshikou’s effect, I can choose to abandon my draw phase!Tokumatsu: When you draw on your next turn, you will take 1500 damage.You’re on the road to your self-destruction!Tokumatsu’s Mook 1: That’s awesome, Boss! Your winning combo has been established!Tokumatsu: How many times do I have to tell you!?Tokumatsu: I don’t need your pointless encouragement!Tokumatsu: I don’t need you to cheer me on.I just need to win this Duel.That is enough to demonstrate my power! The power of someone at the top!SAWATARI-SAN: What a weirdo.Being cheered on is proof that you’re standing out from others.That’s the entire point of a Duel!GONGENZAKA: No, that’s just you.Tokumatsu: My winning combo is already deployed.If you surrender right now and give up half of your cards, I will let this slide.Yuuya: You’ve just established your combo,But I haven’t lost yet! I still have a chance!Tokumatsu: You can’t possibly turn this around when you’re up against such an overwhelming power!Yuuya: As long as I don’t give up, I will be able to turn this around!Tokumatsu: Then I’ll let you learn it the hard way.Battle! I attack with Ameshikou!Tokumatsu: I end my turn!Yuuya: It’s my turn!(My Life is 2500.I’m going to take 1500 damage with this draw.This will be my last draw.)Tokumatsu: Due to Ameshikou’s effect, you will receive 1500 damage when you draw!Crow: This is bad!At this rate, Yuuya will destroy himself!Yuuya: I summon a monster in face-down Defense Position.I end my turn.Tokumatsu: Is that all you’ve got?Shinji: It’s over.Tokumatsu: It’s my turn.Using Ameshikou’s effect, I skip my draw phase.I attack the face-down monster with Ameshikou!GONGENZAKA: This is just like the previous turn.At this rate…Tokumatsu: The next time you draw,Your Life Points will become Zero.The outcome of this match has already been decided.Tokumatsu: I end my turn.Now then, it’s your turn.Tokumatsu: Come on, draw already!This draw will send you to your destruction!Crow: He’d changed so much…Shinji: Yeah. It’s pretty jarring, considering his old self.Dennis: You said something about Enjoy something a few moments ago…Shinji: Enjoy Chojiro.Crow: Back when we were kids, he was a Duelist that people looked up to.GONGENZAKA: Looked up to? This guy?Crow: Yeah. He was a star of hope for the Commons.Shinji: He didn’t care about victory or defeat.Even when he was in a desperate situation,He always enjoyed the Duel.Tokumatsu: ENJOOOOYYYYYY!!!Crow: Whenever he’s pushed into a corner, the card he drewAlways caused a miracle to happen, giving him victory.He became a popular Duelist,And often taught Dueling to the Commons kids.I used to attend his Dueling lessons a bunch of times.Shinji: When he saw some youths fighting each other…Tokumatsu: Let’s stop this meaningless fight.If you have the energy to rumble, then you should use it for Dueling!Dueling is not just about winning or losing.Through Dueling, you will learn more about your opponent, as well as yourself.Then, a bond between the two of you will be created.That’s the point of Dueling.Kids: Chojiro! Chojiro! Chojiro! Chojiro! Chojiro!Tokumatsu: ENJOOOOYYYYYY!!!!!Crow: Just what happened to him.Now, he just crushes every card that his opponent draws, and waits for their inevitable defeat.GONGENZAKA: If he was that successful, why did he end up in this detention facility?Crow: Who knows.Shinji: I heard that he was humiliatingly defeated by some Tops DuelistsAnd then just vanished without a trace.After that, he went through some hard times…Tokumatsu: What’s wrong? Have you realized how futile your actions are?Just give up already!It’s pretty obvious that you’ve already lost!Yuuya: Nothing is decided yet!Tokumatsu: Hmm?Yuuya: You never know what lies ahead.That’s why it’s fun!Tokumatsu: Shut up!There’s no purpose in enjoying a Duel!Yuuya: There is: Making everyone smile! (Egao Count: 60+1=61)That’s what I learned from my parents and the Duelists that I fought!Tokumatsu: Shut the hell up!You cannot turn this around.No matter how fiercely you fight against it, you can never change fate!It’s just a pointless struggle!Tokumatsu: Even though they were promoting equality on the surface,The Tops are still at the top, while the Commons are at the bottom.I hated the enormous wall that separated the two groups.That’s why I decided to tear down that wall through Dueling.There’s no difference between Tops and Commons in a Duel.Changes can still happen.Believing in that, I challenged some Tops Duelists to a Duel.However…Tokumatsu: What awaited me was a brutal beatdown from a bunch of ruffians who obtained strong cards through money!Tokumatsu: The crowd’s cheering turned into booing,And eventually, that turned into pure sneering.Tokumatsu: I made up my mind since then.If they have been changed to booing and sneering,Then I no longer need to be cheered on,Nor do I need to make people smile…(Egao Count: 61+1=62)Tokumatsu: Then, when I decided to make a comeback,I knew it was my last chance.I have to win that Duel no matter what…That’s why I resorted to cheating.That was the end of the line for me.You cannot have a future through Dueling,Nor can you change anything with it.After that, to me, Dueling is just a means to survive in this prison.Tokumatsu: Since then, I decided to stop relying on miraculous draws that only happen by chance.And then, I came up with this winning combo.Nothing has changed.Nothing can be changed, and I have been accumulating power over the course of ten years!There’s no way you can change that!Yuuya: Will I be able to change this…Or will I fail?Let’s do this!Draw!Tokumatsu: This is the end!Due to Ameshikou’s effect, you will take 1500 damage!Yuuya: The card that I drew is Entermate Raingoat!By sending this card to the graveyard, I can negate effect damage!Red & Green: He did it!GONGENZAKA: I guess you just need a raincoat when you don’t want the rain of tears to drench you.Tokumatsu: Hmm…So you managed to survive by using a cheap trick.Yuuya: That’s not all.When an Entermate is sent from my hand to the graveyard,I can Special Summon the Seesawhopper in my graveyard in Defense Position!SAWATARI-SAN: That card…Dennis: It was destroyed in the previous turn.Yuuya: When this card is Special Summoned,Once per turn, it cannot be destroyed in battle.And during the End Phase of my opponent’s turn,I can send this card to the graveyard,And transfer a Level-3 or below Entermate from my graveyard to my hand!Tokumatsu: What!?Crow: Entermate Raingoat is in his graveyard right now.GONGENZAKA: During Tokumatsu’s next turn,Seesawhopper won’t be destroyed in battle,And will be sent to the graveyard during his End Phase.With that, Yuuya’ll get Raingoat back into his hand.Then, By discarding Raingoat again, he’ll negate Ameshikou’s effectAnd by discarding Raingoat, he can also Special Summon Seesawhopper from the graveyard again!Dennis: I see.He won’t lose when he has this infinite loop going on.Crow: The winning combo vs. the infinite loop.Not bad, Yuuya.Tokumatsu’s Mook 1: H-he…Tokumatsu’s Mook 2: He broke Boss’s winning combo.Yuuya: The table has been turned.Tokumatsu: Relying on cheap tricks like this…(Chess Commercial. Brb)Prisoner 1: Hey! Guard!Why don’t you take this card?Guard: You’re too loud.Prisoner 1: We’re just really curious about Tokumatsu-san’s Duel!Please, you can have this card…Prisoner 2: I’ll give you this card, as well…Prisoner 3: Take my card, too!Prisoner 4: I’ll give up my card, too!So let me see what’s going on!Prisoner 1: Here we are, here we are!Prisoner 2: I’ve been looking forward to Tokumatsu-san’s Duel!Prisoner 3: I can’t possibly miss this!Prisoner 4: We made it in time!Tokumatsu’s Mook 1: Boss is pretty popular around here.Tokumatsu’s Mook 2: However, that infinite loop is pretty troublesome.Tokumatsu’s Mook 1: And Boss will skip his draw phase with Ameshikou’s affect.Now then, what will that brat do?At this rate, he’s going to run out of cards and then lose.Tokumatsu’s Mook 2: Are you an idiot?How many draws do you think it’s going to take for that to happen?Yuuya: I end my turn with this.There’s still plenty of time before I run out of cards.The number of spectators has also increased,So let’s enjoy this together!Tokumatsu: You think I’ll allow you to postpone your defeat?I’m going to crush you before that!It’s my turn.Tokumatsu’s Mook 1: T-the Boss is…Tokumatsu’s Mook 2: He’s going to draw!GONGENZAKA: He’s not going to use Ameshikou’s effect?(Prisoners cheer)Tokumatsu: It’s been a pretty long time…I’m going to bet everything on my draw again.Tokumatsu’s Mook 1: Did the Boss just smile!? (Egao Count: 62+1=63)Tokumatsu: Since the day I drew that card through cheating,Not matter how many times I draw, I wasn’t able to get it.It was as if the cards have abandoned me.Prisoners: Chojiro! Chojiro! Chojiro! Chojiro!Yuuya: All right, that’s the spirit, everyone!Let’s get fired up, shall we!?Tokumatsu’s Mooks: Chojiro! Chojiro!Tokumatsu: This kid managed to get those guys fired up…Prisoners: Chojiro! Chojiro! Chojiro! Chojiro! Chojiro!Tokumatsu: Dumbasses!Your eyes are all glittering!(No, it’s not just them)ENJOOOOYYYYYY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Prisoners: (Do I even need to translate this line? This line has convinced me that Futoshi is in fact, a Cthulhu-like Eldritch Abomination that can spread his Shivers across the dimensions. And he will be the True Final Boss of Arc-V.)Tokumatsu: Here it is! I activate the Magic Card, Super Koi-Koi!Crow: Here it is!Shinji: The miraculous draw!Tokumatsu: Due to this card’s effect, I can draw three cards from my deck,If they are Cardians, then I can Special Summon them.However, any non-Cardian cards will be sent to the graveyard, and I will receive 1000 damage for each non-Cardian card!Tokumatsu: Here I go!I’m betting everything on my draws!Prisoner 1: We’ve been waiting for this!Prisoner 2: The best thing in the world!Tokumatsu: Dueling is just like life!Tokumatsu: You only live once!There will be ups and downs in your life!If you are defeated, don’t be ashamed!If you are victorious, don’t get too haughty!In other words…Let’s Enjoy!!!!Prisoners: ENJOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!Crow & Shinji: ENJOYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Tokumatsu: Here comes the first card!Tokumatsu’s Mooks: Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on!Tokumatsu: ENJOYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!Cardian - Hagi ni Inoshishi!Tokumatsu: The second card!Tokumatsu’s Mooks: Come on, Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on!Tokumatsu: ENJOYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!Cardian - Momiji ni Shika.And the third card!Tokumatsu’s Mooks: Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on!!Tokumatsu: ENJOYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!Cardian - Botan ni Cho.(Translator’s Note: Hagi ni Inoshishi: Bush clover and wild boar.Momiji ni Shika: Red leaves and deerBotan ni Cho: Peony and butterfly)Prisoners: OOOOOOO!He drew three Cardians!As expected of Enjoy Chojiro!Tokumatsu: How was it?My draws weren’t a waste, after all!And due to the effect of Super Koi-Koi, the monsters Special Summoned through its effect will have their ATK and DEF reduced to zero.And their Levels become 2.I’m tuning the Level-2 Hagi ni Inoshishi and Momiji ni Shika with the Level-2 Botan ni Cho!Be as ferocious as a wild boar!Be as majestic as a deer!Be as beautiful as a butterfly!Synchro Summon!Level-6! Cardian – Inoshikacho!(Translator’s Note: Inoshikacho: Boar-Deer-Butterfly thing.)Tokumatsu: Battle!I attack Seesawhopper with Ameshikou!Yuuya: Due to Seesawhopper’s effect, once per turn, it cannot be destroyed in battle!Tokumatsu: But its effect won’t work a second time.I attack Seesawhopper with Inoshikacho!When this card attacks a Defense Position monster, it can inflict piercing damage!GONGENZAKA: Yuuya!Tokumatsu: I end my turn with this.You only have 200 Life left.Your chance of winning is zero.However, you’re not planning to let this match end here, are you?Yuuya: Of course not!Tokumatsu: Hmph.Yuuya: The fun has just begun!Ladies and Gentlemen!I shall show you all the highlights of an Entertainment Duel!Will I be able to overcome this crisis and make a great reversal?Be sure to keep your eyes peeled!Yuuya: It’s my turn!Here it is!Magic Card, Pendulum Storm!This card destroys all cards in the Pendulum Zones upon activation.Green-suit: He’s not planning to use Pendulum!?Yuuya: Don’t worry!When a curtain falls,Another curtain will rise!That’s what an Entertainment Duel is!Yuuya: First off, using Pendulum Storm’s effect, I can destroy a Magic or Trap card on my opponent’s field!Tokumatsu’s Mook 1: No Cheaters Allowed is…!SAWATARI-SAN: That accursed card has finally gone bye-bye, huh…Yuuya: Using the Scale-2 Entermate Landlord Hermit Crab and the Scale-4 Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, I set the Pendulum Scale!With this, I can simultaneously summon Level-3 monsters!SAWATARI-SAN: All right, time for the counter-attack!Prisoners: Pendulum! Pendulum! Pendulum! Pendulum!Yuuya: Swing, Pendulum of the Soul!Draw an arc of light across the ether!Pendulum Summon!Arrive, my monsters!From the Extra Deck, Entermate Big Bite Turtle!Next up, Timegazer Magician.Battle! I attack Ameshikou with Big Bite Turtle!Tokumatsu: Have you gone mad? You’re planning to attack the 3000 ATK Ameshikou with an 800 ATK monster?Yuuya: Whoa! What an astonishing magic trick!This is Big Bite Turtle’s effect!The monster that destroys this monster will be destroyed!Tokumatsu: Still, you’re going to take the battle damage and lose!Yuuya: Odd-Eyes’ Pendulum Effect activates!Once per turn, any battle damage involving a Pendulum Monster on my field is negated!Tokumatsu: Oh? You have something like that up your sleeves?You’re not too shabby, after all.Yuuya: Then, I activate Landlord Hermit Crab’s Pendulum Effect!When a Pendulum Monster on my field is destroyed,I can Special Summon a monster from my Pendulum Zone!Come, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!Battle! I attack Inoshikacho with Odd-Eyes!Tokumatsu: I activate the Trap Card, Card Examining!During this turn, you can’t destroy any Cardian cards in battle!SAWATARI-SAN: He prevented its destruction?GONGENZAKA: But he’ll still receive damage!Yuuya: Odd-Eyes’ effect activates!When it battles a Level-5 or above monster, the battle damage is doubled!Reaction Force!Yuuya: Then, I activate the Quick-Play Magic, Pendulum Climax!By releasing a Pendulum Monster on my field,I can equip a monster in my opponent's graveyard that has the same Level as the released monster to a Pendulum Monster that has battled!I equip Cardian - Sakura ni Maku to Odd-Eyes!It will gain ATK equal to half of Sakura ni Maku’s ATK!Tokumatsu: An ATK of 3500, huh?Yuuya: Now then, it’s time for the finale!Due to this card’s effect, Odd-Eyes can also attack a second time!Yuuya: Well then, let’s carry out the battle!I attack Inoshikacho with Odd-Eyes!Spiral Strike Burst!Due to Reaction Force, the damage is doubled!Tokumatsu’s Mook 1: Boss!Tokumatsu’s Mook 2: Boss!Tokumatsu: I’ve lost.Tokumatsu’s Mook 1: B-Boss!Tokumatsu: That was fun.It’s been a long time since I had a Duel like this.Prisoners: Chojiro! Chojiro! Chojiro! Chojiro!Chojiro! Chojiro! Chojiro! Chojiro!Kids: Chojiro! Chojiro! Chojiro! Chojiro!Chojiro! Chojiro! Chojiro! Chojiro!Tokumatsu: ENJOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Prisoners: ENJOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Jean-Michel: How is she doing?Some Security Dude: She was fairly violent at first,And gave everyone a hard time.But she has settled down for the moment.Jean-Michel: Is that so?Then I guess it’s about time I pay her a visit.New Egao Record: 63(Preview for Episode 62)Yuuya: Crow! Hold on, Crow!Crow: Did Shinji tell you about it?Yuuya: Hah? The Duel Tournament thing?Crow: Go ahead and make everyone fired up.From now on, we’re no longer friends!Yuuya: What’s wrong with you all of a sudden!?Crow: I have to pay back my debts to Shinji.I’m going to go along with his plan.Yuuya: Crow…Don’t tell me…!Yuuya: Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V:The Great Entertainment Duel Tournament!!The fun has just begun! 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Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted June 22, 2015 Report Share Posted June 22, 2015 I didn't really give a damn about Eita when he showed up (and I still don't). Only reason I watched it is because of sequence.Go back about 20-30 pages, and yeah we hated the hell out of that kid. Regarding future stuff, Crow & Shinji decide to break out of prison and apparently this will end up similar to episode 10-11 or something from 5Ds.I doubt Yuya will be taking part in said jailbreak, but we'll have to see. ---------------As for the script, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that Selena got herself into trouble, given her personality. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilfusion Posted June 22, 2015 Report Share Posted June 22, 2015 The Duel with Eita are literally the only episodes I didn't watch purely because everyone's bile towards the character was so intense and the Duel gimmick sounded boring. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted June 22, 2015 Report Share Posted June 22, 2015 Pretty much Yuya was getting creamed, since he couldn't answer the quiz questions correctly or within the time limit (tbh, a lot of us wouldn't be able to do it either; especially on stuff related to card pictures). That, and Eita was pretty much a smartass while answering the others correctly and gaining LP. I remember there was a similar thing in GX (Season 2, I believe), although I don't recall Jaden's opponent to be an jabroni like Eita was. You would probably hate Eita as well if you had watched it, evil. [spoiler=Side comment about that duel]Although, because of the 5K question that appeared, it prompted me to go look up said theorem [and I sure as hell still can't understand it, even with a calc 3 knowledge].There are a couple PDFs of said proof on Google. Eita definitely wouldn't be able to figure it out (tbh, likely none of us here would be able to, unless we're grad students in math). He may be a quiz genius, but it's unlikely that he'd be a whiz in graduate algebra. ----------Back to current stuff, I'm more intrigued on watching Yuya vs Jack in a couple weeks.Makes us wonder if this Jack will be similar to his Season 1 personality or later on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yellow Jacket Posted June 22, 2015 Report Share Posted June 22, 2015 All I know is that Yuya is going to have to make something bigger than Rebellion Dragon because RDAS will just crush anything else. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted June 22, 2015 Report Share Posted June 22, 2015 Either that, or he'll have to figure out a way to get rid of RDA (if not weaken it somehow). Although it's safe to assume Jack isn't going to let that happen easily. It's unlikely that Yuya will learn how to Synchro by then, so Meteorburst is probably out of the question (and probably wouldn't help him anyway). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yellow Jacket Posted June 22, 2015 Report Share Posted June 22, 2015 Can we even be sure he'll use the new SD cards? Personally I would LOVE it, but the more and more P-pals he debuts worries me. As for removing RDAS, I suppose he could always DRXD it. However RDAS is Jacks ace so I don't see him getting over it THAT easy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted June 22, 2015 Report Share Posted June 22, 2015 Only time will tell once that episode airs; he probably won't use the new SD29 cards, but we'll see.Chances are that they won't, though it might be an incentive for people to get the Deck after seeing Yuya play them. Either way, Yuya should have enough Performapals on his own right now to keep himself afloat.Ones he used during his match against Tokumatsu were pretty much anime-exclusive, save for Hippo. Knowing how things usually go, they'll probably give him some anime-exclusive substitutes that work almost identical to stuff we have. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
-kyo- Posted June 22, 2015 Report Share Posted June 22, 2015 they might have yuya lose that duel,but win the heart of the peoplefrom what we've seen from tops its very unlikely,but who knows Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilfusion Posted June 22, 2015 Report Share Posted June 22, 2015 Can we even be sure he'll use the new SD cards? Personally I would LOVE it, but the more and more P-pals he debuts worries me. As for removing RDAS, I suppose he could always DRXD it. However RDAS is Jacks ace so I don't see him getting over it THAT easy. He might use them eventually. The Magicians thus far have been very plot-ingrained. He seems to acquire them ONLY when the plot really needs them, and always directly related to an incoming upgrade. His Stargazer and Timegazer became Pendulums in episode 1 and he acquired Pendulum Monsters as a result. He created Synthesis and Destruction Magicians when needed to create Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon (although actually using them took a turn longer). The other Magicians, particularly the Synchro related one(s) might surface later when he needs the Synchro upgrade. Also note that Yuya's evolutions themselves came out of nowhere. His Odd-Eyes Dragon transformed into Pendulum Dragon. Rune-Eyes and Beast-Eyes seemed to have created themselves out of nothing. Odd-Eyes Rebellion did the same thing. His (eventual) Synchros, or other Fusions/Xyz, can do the same thing without it being too out of place. But with Synchros, he needs a Tuner monster, either by taking one of his opponent's, or by creating one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yellow Jacket Posted June 22, 2015 Report Share Posted June 22, 2015 My guess is that Yuya will obtain 2 more Magicians. One will probably make a monster act as a Tuner and the other might be able to change a monsters' level like Gagaga Magician. That's the only way I can see Clear Wing and Odd-Eyes synchroing together. And somebody told me that there are two types of Odd-Eyes. Ones with half blue, half red. And ones with half green, half red. The difference is I hear the ones with blue aren't supposed to make an appearance in the anime. Quite honestly I haven't even noticed the eye thing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilfusion Posted June 22, 2015 Report Share Posted June 22, 2015 My guess is that Yuya will obtain 2 more Magicians. One will probably make a monster act as a Tuner and the other might be able to change a monsters' level like Gagaga Magician. That's the only way I can see Clear Wing and Odd-Eyes synchroing together. And somebody told me that there are two types of Odd-Eyes. Ones with half blue, half red. And ones with half green, half red. The difference is I hear the ones with blue aren't supposed to make an appearance in the anime. Quite honestly I haven't even noticed the eye thing. Really? Wow, that's actually a pretty cool detail. Now I have to study this. Odd-Eyes Saber doesn't have its other eye showing, so no idea if it's green or blue. But we can safely assume it won't appear since it needs the original Odd-Eyes Dragon, which doesn't exist in the anime anymore. Odd-Eyes Absolute (WATER Xyz) has a blue eye. Odd-Eyes Meteorburst (FIRE Synchro) might have a blue eye. I can't fully tell if that's even its eye. I suspect that when Yuya gets his Synchro upgrade, he'll get Noble Dragon Magician, since its a Pendulum Tuner that clearly was designed to work with Odd-Eyes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
King K. Azo Posted June 22, 2015 Report Share Posted June 22, 2015 [spoiler=Episode 61 thoughts] Is it just me, or did the animation kinda go downhill in this episode...? I dunno, some of the poses and faces bothered me at certain points. And while the idea of the episode is solid,,, we have to hear another smiles speech... And it literally took nothing to get another guy smiling. I do admit I like the Boss's backstory though... The prisoners kinda acted... Childish in this episode though, I dunno... It rubbed me the wrong way.Also, holy crap, he used Odd Eyes as a Pendulum. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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