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Jaden didn't even cheat (had to double check this, it seemed so extraordinary)

Jaden, as the reincarnation of the Supreme King, possessed a power called the 'Gentle Darkness' which allowed him to control spirits, and is also probably the reason why he's always able to draw the right card.

Besides, there might be something special about the pendulum necklace thing that'll be revealed later. There are mysteries for a reason, you know.
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Yugioh really loves to have Dads missing/dead in their shows. Can anyone tell me why this is? Possible connection to Kazuki Takahashi?

I also noticed that. At least the mother is in this one (watch as the dub erases her like they did with Yugi's).


Let's see....


Father: Doesn't exist.

Mother: Lives with him on the Japanese version.



Father/Mother: Never even addressed. No character's parents at all by the way.


Father: Died in Zero Reverse.

Mother: I'm not sure but I think she died as well in the same accident.



Father: Faker sacrificed him.

Mother: I have no idea why she's also in the Astral World and wearing nothing but a tied in bed sheet for a dress.... Astral World is heaven so we'll assume she just died one day in one of her adventures.... or that Faker killed her before she suspected something about Kazuma not coming back...


Yuya's dad is a weird case. All characters assume that he ran away, but if that's the case, it doesn't make much sense that Yuya would still look up to him.

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Btw, I'm probably gonna write it wrong but, what does "Ore samano tan(turn)" exactly stands for? Bakura used it during the Battle City finals duel.

I had heard "Ore no" and "Watashi no", the latter being the most basic.


Ore-sama is a boastful form of "Ore".


Anyway, I watched the first episode of Arc-V now...and I'm not sure what to think. It's not terrible, necessarily, but it doesn't feel quite like it has the same potential Zexal did. That said, it's less obnoxious than Zexal's first episode.

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Got done watching Episode 2- K, so Yuya knows he can Pendulum Summon, yet, doesn't know how to do it completely. Understandable, since he did in fact pull it out of nowhere. Also, aside from the fact it makes Yuya look inexperienced, this also, to an extent, helps the audience understand more as to how you do it. So it's nice that the show teachers you how to do stuff. Just like Vanguard.

Also, this:
Yes, I had to.


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[spoiler=Spoilered for those who HAVEN'T seen the episode yet]Also, Yuzu won. Is it dumb luck she won?[/spoiler]

fix'd as some people might not have seen the episode yet (Even though it's been up for hours).

K, so Yuya knows he can Pendulum Summon, yet, doesn't know how to do it completely. Understandable, since he did in fact pull it out of nowhere.

That was pretty amusing, but yeah I agree that it's understandable though.

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I mean, he was on the right track, since he just assumed you needed 2 Pendulums; Nope. There is one more gimmick to this.
And it's funny, because he also had Astro in his hand.


He assumed that he needed monster destroyed before using Pendulum Summon and didn't bother knowing what his scales are lol (when he try to PS level 2 and 3 monsters with it).


I hope the episode set subbed soon as I am curious what the kids saying when they looked at the pendulum monsters as Yuzu held both her deck and his deck together and they look mad, then left. I could assume they think Yuya is cheating by putting "illegal" cards with subtype that doesn't exist, eel, at least, to them of course.    

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Shingo = Weevil.


Also, Yuzu won. Is it dumb luck she won?


Well Shingo is nothing like a minor character who acts like a total creep it appears. But I wouldn't say stealing his cards is relative to actually throwing them away.


In a way Yuzu won with dumb luck because Yuya assumed he knew better with Pendulums; but judging on her setup versus Yuya's she woudl have won either way.


Yuya in this situation, thought that if at least 2 Pendulum Monsters are placed in zones, he cannot SS any amount of monsters, but I guess he was dumb not to pay attention to the scales or activate odd-Eye's effect to search another Pendulum. His philosophy I guess was that since he was in a "pinch" or dire situation he could turn if around by Pendulum Summoning on her turn but he still lost; the comedic touch at the end was what I just enjoyed with Yuya.


I really hope these duels get more elaborate and are more filled with skilled play; Basic tributing skill and relying on Action Cards doesn't entirely cut it for me to be entertained.

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Well Shingo is nothing like a minor character who acts like a total creep it appears. But I wouldn't say stealing his cards is relative to actually throwing them away.

In a way Yuzu won with dumb luck because Yuya assumed he knew better with Pendulums; but judging on her setup versus Yuya's she woudl have won either way.

Yuya in this situation, thought that if at least 2 Pendulum Monsters are placed in zones, he cannot SS any amount of monsters, but I guess he was dumb not to pay attention to the scales or activate odd-Eye's effect to search another Pendulum. His philosophy I guess was that since he was in a "pinch" or dire situation he could turn if around by Pendulum Summoning on her turn but he still lost; the comedic touch at the end was what I just enjoyed with Yuya.

I really hope these duels get more elaborate and are more filled with skilled play; Basic tributing skill and relying on Action Cards doesn't entirely cut it for me to be entertained.

Odd-Eyes does not have the ability to search Pendulums in the anime (yet)
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So Yuzu ended up being the first female duelist to ever defeat the main character of a Yu-Gi-Oh! series, bar Aki's One-Shot Run against Yusei in the 5D's manga. I don't know if I should be happy that it finally happened, or angry that it took so long to happen :\

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So Yuzu ended up being the first female duelist to ever defeat the main character of a Yu-Gi-Oh! series, bar Aki's One-Shot Run against Yusei in the 5D's manga. I don't know if I should be happy that it finally happened, or angry that it took so long to happen :\


If it happens a second time, when Yuya actually learns how his own cards work, then I'll get excited. But hey, I'll be fine if she continues to be able to reign him in like this.

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All I can say is about time too. But each female duelist had their defining moments. Anzu beat Big 2, Azuka beat Titan, Aki beat Misty and... you know what Kotori had no moments. Why was she even there? So yay, but I bet in a rematch Yuya would beat Yuzu.


And I stand by my reasoning. Throwing away one's best monster is one thing. To have them used against you is something else.

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I knew they would establish that Pendulums get the Accel Synchro "I can only use this game mechanic in a situation or emotional state impossible for a card game to recognize."


This is so friggin stupid.

On the bright side, at least it didn't work, and it ended up being Yuya just being dumb.

The actual reason it didn't work is because the scales were 4 to 8, and his monsters were 2 and 3. Not viable targets for those scales to Pendulum Summon.


If you meant the episode 1 creation of Pendulums..... yeeah.... I'd have to agree with you. We all kind of wanted Pendulums to already be a thing. Yuya kind of cheated there.

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On the bright side, at least it didn't work, and it ended up being Yuya just being dumb.

The actual reason it didn't work is because the scales were 4 to 8, and his monsters were 2 and 3. Not viable targets for those scales to Pendulum Summon.


If you meant the episode 1 creation of Pendulums..... yeeah.... I'd have to agree with you. We all kind of wanted Pendulums to already be a thing. Yuya kind of cheated there.



Oh, okay now it makes sense.


Compliant retracted.

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