Toffee. Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 Since Crow is appearently here, doesn't that mean the Synchro area is the actual 5D's canon?I mean, they have always implied the dimensions to be expys of the other Yugioh arc, but still... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mshends Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 Since Crow is appearently here, doesn't that mean the Synchro area is the actual 5D's canon? I mean, they have always implied the dimensions to be expys of the other Yugioh arc, but still... NA is already confirm that this Crow is not the same Crow in 5d, he is from an AU Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilfusion Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 Funny thing is, I don't hate this episode. It's a mediocre episode, but while Yuya may seem like an utter moron, that behavior I feel is actually key to fixing the situation. He was insisting things were a misunderstanding, and by Dueling that way, he is distinguishing himself from the normal "criminal" type that the Security more or less expects from their opponents. It didn't make them play worse, but it does set him apart as someone different from usual. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yellow Jacket Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 I think we can almost all agree that Yuya is not even close to being as a moron as Yuma though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mshends Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 I think we can almost all agree that Yuya is not even close to being as a moron as Yuma though. Well Yuma is probably the most innocent and childish out of all the main protagonist (he is the youngest after all) I won't call him a moron cause of that Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tinkerer Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 So... Sawatori has yet to win a duel by himself. WHY was he chosen to be a Lancer again? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mshends Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 So... Sawatori has yet to win a duel by himself. WHY was he chosen to be a Lancer again? He did won a duel off-screen... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hallohallo Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 So... Sawatori has yet to win a duel by himself. WHY was he chosen to be a Lancer again? Every group needs a guinea pig. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tinkerer Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 He did won a duel off-screen... When was this? I forget. Also, anyone else notice that Security was holding tight onto Sawatori for the ENTIRE episode but then decide to let him go right at the end? Twas pretty dumb... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mshends Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 When was this? I forget. Also, anyone else notice that Security was holding tight onto Sawatori for the ENTIRE episode but then decide to let him go right at the end? Twas pretty dumb... In the beginning of episode 7 (the episdoe where Yuto first appeared in) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilfusion Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 When was this? I forget. Also, anyone else notice that Security was holding tight onto Sawatori for the ENTIRE episode but then decide to let him go right at the end? Twas pretty dumb... I did notice that. It made no sense whatsoever. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mshends Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 [spoiler=Episode 56 review] I felt this episode is a bit rush, they skip how they OTK poor Sawatari, they skip Serena's duel as well. I understand that is a 22-ish minutes, and that they can't skip Yuya's duel, but the way this episode works just seem weird. I don't understand why they decide to let Yuya duel in this episode, they should just let Serena and Sawatari duel in this episode. We havn't see much of their decks anyway, so this episode should be 'the episode' where they show off their stuff. Last week I was praising how the writers create a situation for them to duel in. I have a felling the writers suddenly change their minds and decide to have Yuya dueling this episode. (curse the dumb Previews) As for Yuya's dueling style, while I do find it a bit annoying, but I do understand why he was acting that way. He was trying to cheers up Reira, who was scared at the time. Sure it was unsuccessful, and it kinda make the relationship between them become even more awkward, but at least Yuya tried. The entertainment duels also helps stall time a bit. Him acting that way was also due to Yuya's mum, who told Yuya to never give up on his Entertainer side (being true to himself) before he left. While yeah him doing that was out of place and weird, but Yuya is an entertainment duelist after all, so of cource he will always act like that in a duel, so theres no way he would give that up (just like like Yuma will always kattobingu) Crow shwoing up at the end with a new monster was cool, but the new monster is called Assault Blackwing - Raikiri the Sudden Shower.. Please don't tell me Koanmi will suddenly make a sub-archetype call Assault Blackwing... In the episode it was reveal that Jean knows about the different dimensions, so it should be interesting to see if he has any connection with bold guy Leo.. [/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 One thing I noticed in this episode is that Crow kept the same VA from 5Ds. [spoiler=Thoughts on 56 RAW] - Cross Over looks to have caused some sort of an error. (Well it is an unknown card to the Synchro Dimension, so no surprise here) - Sawatari lost, yet again. - The look on the Security guy's face when Yuya used Hippo Carnival (Why the fuck is he using that again?) sums my reaction to the duel. - Even though the duel was bad in general, I understand that Yuya wanted to cheer Reira up. - I mean Security used pretty much all of his resources to get rid of Yuya's hippo, jeez. - We see new Performapals. - Seeing as Sawatari was being held by security for most of the episode, it was weird when he was freed as Crow showed up. - Crow kept the same VA he had from 5Ds, good to know and he's also the only redeeming point of the episode. [/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jord200 Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 ....I know this is unlikely, but.....what if Jean is Leo's counterpart? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sleepy Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 Reira can be scared. Under normal circumstances he is easily intimidated and shy around any non-Reiji people. Now imagine the situation in which he is thrown into another dimension and arrives on a shady run down street, surrounded by officers forcing their way into them from the get go, and without Reiji around. Instead, just a bunch of teammates that he actually just met right before crossing the portal. Yuya's actions were both good and bad. I like Entermates so I don't care if there's no "cool" in it, and no Odd-Eyes is not a bad thing as long as the alternate plays are sufficiently good. It is like going away from the Hope-spam from last gen so I'm all for it once in a while. Yusei also did stuff without Stardust and even without Junk Warrior (or either) at times. I also agree with making it an entertainment duel. Yuya is probably used to officers being good guys, much like Yuzu, and they don't want to make things more difficult for them if they are gonna get allies, and Reira needed to be shown things are not hopeless too. This is not one of those situations where the opponents will be all like "You beat me so hard, HE IS A TRUE GENTLEMAN, I must follow you from now on to learn the ways". On the other hand, what he did wrong was actually waste valuable things. He just gave the officers a tutorial on Action dueling and showed off Pendulum Summon, and I'm sure they'll use the info next time. Sawatari was the lowest part of the episode for me. He was quick to start responding aggressively, and I did hope he'd get at least a decent duel because I'm still not digging his new deck on design or on power compared to Yosenjus. He still needs to justify his new deck, and just got OTK'd off-screen and captured. So much for taking advantage of their weapons. I guess they are just teenagers trying to move around against trained cops so naturally they aren't moving anywhere, especially when the cops are trying to corner them and don't know action duels exist, which makes me think making it an action duel was useless and just served to give in info on the wrong time. Serena doesn't care about action cards (naturally), and her posture was more self-defense-like than Sawatari's. Interestingly enough, her duel wasn't skipped for the most part, she just OTK'd him on her second turn. We lost the battle phase of the security guy because he apparently went into his Synchro and didn't do anything to Serena's field. Admittedly, it is a pretty important part of the duel, though. I already expected the episode to go like this more or less because the cliff-hanger was Serena and Sawatari vs Secutiry, and the previews were Yuya and Reira in an entertainment duel. I'm just glad Serena wasn't also OTK'd too, so it could have been worse. I'm just glad she didn't go down Aki's path from 5Ds (being a badass during the Fortune Cup arc, and then just being "kambare sugoi Yusei sempai!!!" and losing her powers afterwards, for whatever reason the argument used for it). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 I felt compelled to do this after watching the episode (mainly Yuya's turns). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jord200 Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 Those poor officers are probably going to have a very hard timing explaining things. He'll be pised when he learns his troops were outsmarted by catgirls, dancing hippos, obsese demon comedians, and bird people. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pchi Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 [spoiler='My two cents']Come to think about it, maybe the conflict between Yuuya and Crow mentioned in the synopsis for one of the future episode has something to do with the latter disapproving of the former's resorting to an Entertainment Duel during a situation like that. I hope that means both can get some development from their confrontation, with Yuuya learning that there are times when he won't be able to solve a conflict peacefully, and Crow understanding that there are others when it's best to opt for conciliation over confrontation. Because, from what I understand from the Sakaki family's philosophy, it's more than simply getting everyone to laugh together at their antics, but to always strive for a solution where all parts come out winning, instead of simply having the winner, whether they're on your side or not, crushing the opposition and taking all the spoils for itself. It's all about diplomacy and relativism - that is, not demonizing the enemy to the point of refusing to compromise with it at any circumstances - , I guess.[/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yellow Jacket Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 Speaking of Crow. Is he even friends with Jack in this universe? And why the hell does Jacks eyes look so cold? And assuming Jack can't have Red Dragon Archfiend due to it being a Signer Dragon, what is this dragon that looks like it? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mshends Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 Speaking of Crow. Is he even friends with Jack in this universe? And why the hell does Jacks eyes look so cold? And assuming Jack can't have Red Dragon Archfiend due to it being a Signer Dragon, what is this dragon that looks like it? Jack could still use RDA, don't really see the problem on why he cant use that? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yellow Jacket Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 Well due to if this is an alternate timeline and I'm also assuming Yusei isn't in this one, then the Signer Dragons are incomplete unless 1. Yusei does exist but is elsewhere 2. Somebody else has Stardust 3. A different dragon is in Stardust's place as a Signer or 4. Signer dragons just shouldn't even exist. I'm pretty sure that the Signer dragons are linked to the Crimson dragon but I don't think its in this universe. Either that or Red Dragon Archfiend is just a normal card and there's nothing special to it in this universe(sorta kills its badassery for me then). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mshends Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 ^ It could just a normal card in this AU, RDA will show up since there wil be some RDA supports in 906 (not 100% confirm) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yellow Jacket Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 Isn't 906 supposed to support chaos builds as well? I wanna see chaos Red and Blue-Eyes then! But I can't wait to see the BW support I have high faith that will be in there. But as for Jack, I either want to see him duel Yugo for a possible evolution of Clear Wing or Declan because he's the only other one I can see with a possibility of defeating Jack. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mshends Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 [spoiler=56 script] Last time’s Egao Count: 44 Security mook: This is Security! We had you completely surrounded! Yuuya: When we entered the Synchro Dimension, We were suddenly surrounded by a bunch of people who call themselves Security. Muscular Security mook: We’ve been searching the entire City since last night for you! Be obedient and give yourself up! SAWATARI-SAN: You want to Duel me? Fine, bring it on! I’m going to put you all in your place! Yuuya: W-wait! Sawatari! H-Hey! Not you too, Serena! SAWATARI-SAN: Action Field, On! Duel Disk: Field Magic, Cross Over! DUEL! Security Officer: An error has occurred within the Duel Control System. Security Officer 2: Adjust everything from E to J via the Alpha Line. (I have no bloody clue what this guy is talking about) Security Officer 3: Adjusting everything from E to J via the Alpha Line! Security Officer 4: There’s a 31.29% likelihood that it was a Cyber Attack. Security Officer 5: Where did it originate? Security Officer 6: It originated from D8 Sector. Security Officer 3: We can’t make any adjustments via the Alpha Line. We’ll try it with the Theta Line. Jean-Michel: What happened? Security Officer: It seems that the Duel Disks of the wanted fugitives have interfered with our System somehow. Jean-Michel: Hmm? (Opening Sequence) Yuuya: Sawatari! He beat Sawatari in one turn… Muscular Security Mook: All right! Restrain him! SAWATARI-SAN: Unhand me! Do you have any idea who I am? I’m the son of the upcoming mayor! Serena: So this is the strength of a Duelist of the Synchro Dimension… Muscular Security Mook: Do you understand now? Resistance is futile! Why don’t you be good kids and surrender? Serena: You think I’ll just give up without a fight? Yuuya: Serena! Serena: Don’t worry about me. I’ve been expecting a situation like this. Yuuya: T-that’s not what I mean… Ah? Reira: W-Where is my brother? Where is he? Yuuya: Reira… It’s all right. You don’t have to worry about anything. I’m here for you. Okay? Muscular Security Mook: I’ll let you deal with that kid. Blue-Haired Security Mook: Roger that! Reira: Ah… Yuuya: Reira… Blue-Haired Security Mook: All right! Be a good boy, and give yourself up! Yuuya: Hold on! This has to be some kind of mistake! Please, just let me explain! Blue-Haired Security Mook: You’re under arrest for breaking into the Tops’ residential area and assaulting the citizens! Be obedient and turn yourself in! Yuuya: Oh, come on! We don’t know anything about this! We’ve just got here… Blue-Haired Security Mook: We’ll listen to whatever you want to say in the interrogation room! Yuuya: If it’s come to this… DUEL! Blue-Haired Security Mook: You’re planning to use these platforms to escape? Don’t even think about it! Yoko: Listen! No matter where you go, you must never forget your smile! (Egao Count: 44+1=45) Yuuya: That’s right…Even in this kind of situation… I have to smile even in this kind of situation! (Egao Count: 45+1=46) Just like when Dad rescued Mom’s friend… I’ll clear up this misunderstanding somehow, using my Entertainment Duel! In order to do that… Yuuya: Ladies and Gentlemen! Blue-Haired Security Mook: Hah? Yuuya: Now then, please bear witness to this! This shall be my debut to the gentlemen and ladies of this world! As the son of Sakaki Yuushou, the pioneer of my Dueling style, I, Sakaki Yuuya, shall begin my one-of-a-kind Entertainment Duel! SAWATARI-SAN: That idiot… What is he doing at a time like this? Yuuya: I shall take the first turn! I summon Entermate Discover Hippo from my hand! Reira: AAAAHHHHHHHH! Yuuya: It’s all right, don’t be afraid. Believe in me! Yuuya: Whoops! It seems like everyone who has met Discover Hippo for the first time today Is still a bit confused and on edge! Security Officer: The monitor to D8 Sector has been restored! Jean-Michel: (WTF?) Yuuya: Well then, the merry dancers of the tropics shall make their entry! All right, here they come! Quick-play Magic, Hippo Carnival, activate! IT’S SHOWTIME! Blue-Haired Security Mook: (WTF?) Yuuya: Due to the effect of the Hippo Tokens, My opponent’s monsters can only attack them! Well then, Please enjoy this enchanting dance! Blue-Haired Security Mook: (What did I just witness?) Yuuya: Well, wasn’t that fun and entertaining? The first act is hereby concluded. I shall end my turn. Blue-Haired Security Mook: It’s my turn! I summon Vigilante Zeni from my hand! I activate Vigilante Zeni’s effect! By reducing this card’s ATK to zero, I can Special Summon a Vigilante monster from my hand! I summon the Tuner Monster, Vigilante Garter! Yuuya: He’s planning to Synchro Summon? As I thought, this place is… Blue-Haired Security Mook: I’m tuning the Level-4 Vigilante Zeni with the Level-3 Vigilante Garter! Cut through the black veil of deceit, And reveal the truth! Synchro Summon! Arrive! Level-7! Sniping Hazy Type-0! Yuuya: This is the Synchro Dimension’s… Blue-Haired Security Mook: With Sniping Hazy Type-0’s effect, I can send one card from my hand to the graveyard, and then destroy one of my opponent’s monsters! Furthermore, I can inflict 400 points of damage to my opponent! Yuuya: Action Magic, Guard Cover, activate! For the rest of this turn, when my opponent targets one of my monsters, I can change the target to another monster! Blue-Haired Security Mook: But you’ll still receive the damage! Blue-Haired Security Mook: As long as I have cards in my hand, I can activate the effect of Sniping Hazy Type-0! One more time! Destroy Discover Hippo! Yuuya: However, Guard Cover’s effect is still active! Yuuya: Are you all right? Listen! Hold on tight, okay? Yuuya: Well, you witnessed not one, but two magnificent fireworks shows! You all enjoyed it, no? SAWATARI-SAN: You’re still planning to entertain these guys? Do you even understand our situation? Serena: I summon Moonlight Blue Cat from my hand! I set one card facedown and end my turn! All right, come at me! Show me the power of the Synchro Dimension! Blue-Haired Security Mook: I activate the effect of Sniping Hazy Type-0 again! Yuuya: Reira, look at the fireworks! Isn’t it beautiful? Blue-Haired Security Mook: The Hippo Tokens that you relied on are all gone now. And I still have a card in my hand! SAWATARI-SAN: If he destroys Discover Hippo with that effect, He can attack directly and then win in one turn! Blue-Haired Security Mook: This is the end! I activate the effect of Sniping Hazy Type-0! Destroy Entermate Discover Hippo! Blue-Haired Security Mook: Hehehe…You’re still just a kid, after all. Blue-Haired Security Mook: What? Blue-Haired Security Mook: This is…What’s going on? SAWATARI-SAN: Action Magic, Mirror Barrier. I see. He managed to pick up that card. Yuuya: What a marvelous miracle! Thanks to the effect of the Action Magic card, Mirror Barrier, Discover Hippo’s destruction has been negated! Blue-Haired Security Mook: Impossible! Brown-Haired Security Mook: He said something about Action Magic… What exactly are those things? SAWATARI-SAN: You idiots don’t even know about them? They were scattered at the beginning of the Duel. They’re called Action Cards. If you pick them up and use them, they will help expanding your strategy. Jean-Michel: I see. Why don’t we try out these cards, then? Blue-Haired Security Mook: Action Cards… Is this one of them? I activate the Action Magic, Zero Penalty! This card reduces the ATK of a monster on my opponent’s field to zero! Yuuya: H-Hippo! Blue-Haired Security Mook: Battle! I attack Entermate Discover Hippo with Sniping Hazy Type-0! SAWATARI-SAN: Taking 2400 damage just like that… What an idiot! You think I lost to that One-Turn-Kill for no reason? You should have at least learned something from my Duel! Serena: Well then, it’s your turn. Hurry up and show me your Synchro Summon! Muscular Security Mook: I’m not taking any orders from you! I’m tuning the Level-4 Vigilante Zeni with the Level-3 Vigilante Garter! Cut through the black veil of deceit, And reveal the truth! Synchro Summon! Arrive! Level-7! Sniping Hazy Type-0! Serena: So you’re also using Sniping Hazy Type-0? How monotonous. Could it be that you’re all equipped with the same deck? Yuuya: How terrible… These guys won’t show any mercy to anyone, even if they’re children. Are you all right? It seems like you’re not hurt. Thank god. Blue-Haired Security Mook: If you don’t want us to resort to brute force, You have to cease your futile resistance and turn yourself in. Otherwise, we will have to add “resisting arrest” to your list of crimes! Serena: There’s no way that we’ll be captured! Let’s put an end to this! It’s my turn! I activate the Magic Card, Polymerization, from my hand! I fuse Moonlight Blue Cat and Moonlight Purple Butterfly together! Azure cat that wanders in the darkness! Poisonous purple butterfly! Spiral into the moon’s gravity, And be reborn with new power! Fusion Summon! Come forth! Beautiful beast that dances under the moonlight! Moonlight Cat Dancer! Muscular Security Mook: Fusion Summon?! Jean-Michel: Fusion… Notify the Security. Send a squad to D8 Sector right now and help them capture the fugitives! (Chess Commercial. Brb) Serena: I activate the Magic Card, Moonlight Perfume! I can Special Summon a Moonlight monster from the graveyard. I Special Summon Blue Cat! When Blue Cat is successfully Special Summoned, It can double the ATK of a Moonlight monster on my field until the end of the turn. I choose Cat Dancer! Moonlight Cat Dancer’s effect activates! By releasing Blue Cat, it can attack every monster on my opponent’s field twice! I release Blue Cat, and attack Sniping Hazy Type-0 with Moonlight Cat Dancer! Full Moon Cresta! Blue-Haired Security Mook: What? How could this little girl beat our deck? In that case, we will have to add “resisting arrest” to your list of crimes! Yuuya: P-please. Just let me explain! Reira: Ah… Yuuya: What’s wrong? Serena: They’re over here, too? You need reinforcements just to capture four people? That certainly says something about your incompetency. SAWATARI-SAN: If I didn’t lose to that One-Turn-Kill, I would be able to handle these guys, no matter how many of them there are. Damn these lucky bastards. Blue-Haired Security Mook: Well? Have you realized how futile your resistance is? We’re not planning to play games with you! Accept your loss and give yourself up! Yuuya: (They’ve driven us to a corner… In order to break through this encirclement…) It’s my turn! (All right, if I use this…) Using the Scale-1 Entermate Monkeyboard and the Scale-6 Entermate Guiturtle, I set the Pendulum Scale! With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters from Level-2 to 5! SAWATARI-SAN: Hell yeah! It’s time for a Pendulum Summon! Yuuya: Nope! Not yet! First off, I activate the Pendulum Effect of Guiturtle! If I have a Pendulum Card in my other Pendulum Zone, I can draw one card. (Come!) DRAW! (Please…Come to me!) It’s here! Then, I activate the Pendulum Effect of Monkeyboard! With this effect, I can add a Level-4 or below Entermate monster from my deck to my hand. All right! Here we go! Swing, Pendulum of the Soul! Draw an arc of light across the ether! Pendulum Summon! Arrive, my monsters! Entermate Cheermole! Entermate Drumming Kong! Entermate Rapanda! With this, I have assembled three Entermate Monsters on my field! How’s that? I’m a pretty reliable guy, no? Blue-Haired Security Mook: Just what was that Summon? SAWATARI-SAN: Ahahahaha! Are you amazed? This is a Pendulum Summon! Security Mook: So what? Arrest them! Jean-Michel: What on earth are these people… Action Cards, Fusion Summon… And Pendulum… Jean-Michel: It seems like they’re not the fugitives that we’re looking for. Serena: Well then, how do we break through them…? Yuuya: Serena… I will draw their attention! Take Reira with you and get away from here! Serena: Get away? Yuuya: Just leave this to me. Okay? Reira: Ah…Ahh… Yuuya: It’s all right. I can handle this. Now then, please bear witness to this! The show has finally reached its climax! I active the Magic Card, Entertainment Band Hurricane, from my hand! Let’s Music! Using this card, I can return one of my opponent’s cards to their hand for every Entermate monster I have on my field! Yuuya: Now then, let us dance together! Security mooks: (WTF?) Yuuya: Now’s your chance, Serena! Serena: I’m not planning to run away! We’ll beat them together! Yuuya: Serena, please! Blue-Haired Security Mook: I won’t allow that! I activate the effect of Sniping Hazy Type-0! When this card leaves the field, I can Special Summon its Synchro Materials from the graveyard! Go! Arrest them! Crow: Spread your jet-black wings, And charge through your enemy with thunder! The Slash of Lightning! Synchro Summon! Rain down your attacks on them! Assault Black Feather - Raikiri the Sudden Shower! Current Egao Count: 46 (Preview for episode 57) Crow: You’re pretty amazing, aren’t you? Even though you were surrounded by Security, You still did a good job protecting that kid. There’s no way that someone who protects children could be a bad guy! Hah? Um, I’ve never seen you around before… Where did you guys come from? Yuuya: Actually, we’re… Crow: Well, whatever. I don’t know what’s going on, You can stay here until things cool down a little bit. Make yourself at home! Yuuya: U-um…Who are you? Next time, on Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V: The Black Whirlwind – Crow Hogan. The fun has just begun![/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Βyakuya Posted May 18, 2015 Report Share Posted May 18, 2015 Now that it is mentioned, if this truly is a parallel universe from 5Ds, it means that while it is true we see the same Crow Hogan and Jack Atlas, there's a lot of different things we might not know about or can't disclose to be 100% true. This Crow here seems to have the same personality and motives when it comes to protecting children, and he even has the same criminal tattoos when he messed with Security. Yet it's possible Arc-V Crow is much different due to the fact that Neo-Neo Domino City is a thing, and the counterpart to Satellite in this dimension are the slums, so it's kinda hard to know how he developed and even if he known Yusei at all. He even uses a different boss instead of possibly Armor Master as well. Apparently he has a posse now too. Same for Jack as well. Though in the opening, he seems to have that kind of: "I'm tired of your shit" face, or just generally something showing great apathy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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