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Is it only me who heard Jutte Fighter, Summoned by the policeman who was chasing Yugo (ep. 55 -- 7:29), say "Toyota"?

It actually says "Goyou da!"


Literally translated, it means "This is official business!" In the context of police officers, it translates to "You're under arrest!"


Which will also explain the whole Goyou series of monsters.

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I don't think she is a Carly counterpart. I was just speculating on how she could be important somewhere down the line. I'm more associating her with Nico Smiley as they both have an interest in Yuugo/Yuuya respectively, so like Nico wants to be a father like figure for Yuuya, Melissa could end up becoming a sot of mother figure to Yuugo.

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I'd add my sub thoughts here, but more/less that script mshends posted earlier was more/less accurate.

But general things.



  • Yeah, the Security got Yuya/Serena mixed up for Yugo/Yuzu. Wouldn't be the first group of people to confuse them.
  • DC227 didn't listen to Roger's orders (since he knew what would happen), so that's why he got creamed. And unlike with Trudge, we'll likely not see him again (but possibly another Chaser).
  • We did see Melissa make a side comment before ending the broadcast, so likely she will play a more prominent role with Yugo.
  • Yuzu doesn't like the concept of Riding Duels (from the dialogue), but if you watched 5Ds, the concept is familiar to us.
    • And no, it's not possible to stand up and duel; especially going at 220 km/h (assuming that D-Wheels in this universe obey the rules that 5Ds set up).
    • Although likely they're slower, otherwise Yuzu would've flown off the D-Wheel at some point (although anime physics more/less disregard inertia and other things, so...)




I have only one complaint now.


I miss Speed World ;w;

A lot of us miss Speed World.

It did appear, but not like the one that 5Ds showcased so much.


We could see a new version for ARC-V that utilizes Speed Spells / SPC, although Yugo would need a rehaul of his Deck.


Or this goes on the lines of 5Ds manga, which didn't even use the Field Spell to begin with.

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If you watched the episode with subtitles, that chess piece he threw away represented DC 227.

Translated into English terms.


"If you fail even one time, I'm done with you."


No words on the chess thing though, but it's already been said that chess and Yugioh don't have anything in common (save for being strategy-based; although that's somewhat debatable in the latter nowadays)

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No I know WHY he threw it away... I'm just wondering why he has like a whole chute for this and why it's across the room behind him and not just like a waste-basket under his desk, and why he's SO GOOD AT BLINDLY TOSSING IT OVER HIS SHOULDER. Honestly, and you think GOODWIN is cooler?! He doesn't have the garbage-can swagger!

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The only thing I have to say about the chess thing is why waste a good chess piece? And a Queen at that,  surely throwing away a pawn would be better symbolism for the fact that's what Duel Chasers basically are. I'm actually thinking that security is based on chess ranks, the stardard DCs are pawns, rooks would be guards, knights elite DCs, Bishops highly strategic members, Queen is the strongest duelist there, and Jean as King. Or chess depicts the city, White for the Tops with Jack as King, and Black for Commons with possible someone like Crow as King.

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Yeah, I got the impression that Jean treats his underlings as nothing but disposable; especially after the subs came out.

In terms of the chess piece, he could get another one (but likely symbolic of his relationship to 227 after that match).


Then again, DC227 got cocky and thought he could win (after Jean told him to hold off), but as we probably know by now; because of DC's naiveté, it cost him the Duel and likely his job.



We'll see how he treats the Securities handling Yuya and the others if they happen to lose or whatever.

Probably the same treatment.

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Question: If that's Jean's treatment, why did 227 brag about his perfect capture record? I mean, if you fail, you seem to be outta there, so any Securities must have a perfect record. (Unless it was a combination of his loss and his ignoring of Jean's orders that caused him to be disposed of.)

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Just a quick speculation but the dimensions could have underlying tones of different games of some kind. Standard is TV game shows, Synchro is strategic board games, so that leaves what Fusion and Xyz could be. Though it is almost 3 in the morning here so could just be me.

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We honestly need a GIF of Jean tossing that chess piece over his shoulder and into the trash. This -NEEDS- to happen.


You can do it on your own, however that'll imply that someone puts the episode on Youtube; then we can convert the whole thing.

Either that, or screen capture video on desktop.


Question: If that's Jean's treatment, why did 227 brag about his perfect capture record? I mean, if you fail, you seem to be outta there, so any Securities must have a perfect record. (Unless it was a combination of his loss and his ignoring of Jean's orders that caused him to be disposed of.)


227 probably did have a perfect record (we don't know), but because he lost AND it could've been prevented if he didn't become conceited about his unconfirmed promotion and attack blindly, well yeah he's gone.


Trudge didn't brag about his arrests (although he never did mention them).

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Anyone else think that because the synchro dimension is an alternate universe of 5ds then the Xyz and Fusion are alternate universes of GX and Zexal? Because I'm pretty damn sure 5ds took place before Arc V and this synchro dimension stuff is happening at the same time. If so, then Jacks ace would be an alternate RDA.

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Anyone else think that because the synchro dimension is an alternate universe of 5ds then the Xyz and Fusion are alternate universes of GX and Zexal? Because I'm pretty damn sure 5ds took place before Arc V and this synchro dimension stuff is happening at the same time. If so, then Jacks ace would be an alternate RDA.

yeah is already kinda confirm that the synchro dimension is an alrernate world (since Jack in arc v has a different background than the Jack in 5d) as for Gx and Zexal, gx is definitely an AU, however zexal may not be an AU (but I strongly think is an AU)

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