Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted March 21, 2017 Report Share Posted March 21, 2017 I'm going to assume that Odd-Eyes Priest was originally a Scale 1, but for whatever reason, got changed to 3. But yeah, as it isn't, whatever Yuya did at this point is illegal. Come to think of it, Wikia points out that Card Bird also triggered improperly. Admittedly, I did miss that mistake. Writers, did you even proofread the scenario before releasing it [if this was the case, or you intentionally made Priest Scale 3 and OES has the effect evil pointed out]? If you did, then this wouldn't have happened. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Draconus297 Posted March 22, 2017 Report Share Posted March 22, 2017 Hypothetical effect for Performapal Odd-Eyes Synchron, given a similar effect exists in the AGM: If both your Pendulum Scales are occupied by "Performapal" or "Odd-Eyes" cards, you can Pendulum Summon this monster (even if this monster's Level is not between the Pendulum Scales). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
-kyo- Posted March 25, 2017 Report Share Posted March 25, 2017 i saw on a reddit page that a re-airing of the episode change the scale of priest https://www.reddit.com/r/yugioh/comments/61a082/arcv_147_they_fixed_yuyas_scale_numbers_in_the/ thats quite the pho pa Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted March 25, 2017 Report Share Posted March 25, 2017 So they did intend for Priest to be Scale 1 after all? I suspected as much, but yeah, writers really should've caught it before it got aired (but they're human like you and I, so let's cut them some slack). Hopefully they at least correct this for 148. It's been a mixed ride for ARC-V; some duels were amazing, some were iffy and others were just bad. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blake Posted March 25, 2017 Report Share Posted March 25, 2017 On 3/25/2017 at 6:27 AM, -kyo- said: i saw on a reddit page that a re-airing of the episode change the scale of priest https://www.reddit.com/r/yugioh/comments/61a082/arcv_147_they_fixed_yuyas_scale_numbers_in_the/ thats quite the pho pa Faux pas It's French and has nothing to do with a Vietnamese dish. know how to spell something before using it =x Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted March 25, 2017 Report Share Posted March 25, 2017 FINALLY got around to watching the episode, yeah, sue me (Bloody Power Rangers stream taking up most of my time)[spoiler=Thoughts on 147 Subbed (AKA Initial Thoughts)]- Ofc Yuya expected Jack to evade SVFD's effect, and proceeded to win with the combined efforts of all four dragons, though Jack didn't make it look like a walk in the park.- Jack admits that even though Yuya has become a master of all four dragons, Yuya is still missing something as he hadn't heard the roar of Yuya's soul.- So Yuya has advanced to Youth and can challenge for protest, not surprising that Yuya chooses to face Reiji.- Reiji chooses the same field that they fought on in their first duel over 130 episodes ago. (Blimey, that's ages ago, almost forgot that was back in 2014) Not surprised by this as that duel was left unfinished due to malfunctions.- During the duel. Yuya feels something inside him and laments that when he was Zarc, he wanted to entertain everyone, but the audience wanted violence. At that point, Reira begins to cry.- Yeah, on further inspection, Reiji's final bosses do resemble previous final bosses; Purplish: Zorc (though it also has elements of Nightshroud as well with the smaller wings), Whitest: Z-one, Darkness: Don Thousand.- Odd-Eyes Synchron was a level 2, yet it was Pend summoned from a scale 3. (Ofc I do realise now that the writers/animators funked up with Priest's scale, but I didn't know at the time of writing this post, so I was like "Da fuq?!" when Yuya did that during the episode.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
-kyo- Posted March 25, 2017 Report Share Posted March 25, 2017 On 3/25/2017 at 1:35 PM, Black said: Faux pas It's French and has nothing to do with a Vietnamese dish. know how to spell something before using it =xlol,never spelled it before Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Expelsword Posted March 25, 2017 Report Share Posted March 25, 2017 On 3/25/2017 at 1:35 PM, Black said: Faux pas It's French and has nothing to do with a Vietnamese dish. know how to spell something before using it =x I assumed he was quoting the Reddit user who said "thats quite the pho pa." Regardless, I hope we get to see a Synchro Xyz monster in the last episode. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hallohallo Posted March 26, 2017 Report Share Posted March 26, 2017 [spoiler=Supreme Final Ultimate Egao Script 148] Last Time’s Egao Count: 300Reiji: Yuya.I’ll acknowledge that you can draw out the dragons’ full strength.However, their strength is nothing before the ultimate portfolio that I’ve assembled!Ayu: What exactly is a portfolio?GONGENZAKA: I don’t really know, either,But he’s probably referring to the combo that created the three Ultimate Doom Kings.Reiji: Using the effect of Ultimate Doom King Whitest Hell Armageddon,I can make you choose a Pendulum Monster on your Field!Yuya: But right now, the only Pendulum Monster on my Field is…Reiji: Exactly.You only have Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon.Therefore, due to Whitest Hell Armageddon’s effect,The effects of every other dragon besides it will be negated!Reiji: Then, I activate Darkness Hell Armageddon’s effect!I detach one Overlay Unit!For every Pendulum Monster on my Field, I can destroy a non-Pendulum Monster on your Field!Yuya: Dark Rebellion!Clear Wing!Starve Venom!Reiji: I’ll destroy the remaining Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon with Purplish Hell Armageddon’s effect, and inflict damage equal to its ATK!SAW/GON: Yuya!Reiji: I end my turn.Now then, Yuya!Now that you have lost all the dragons,How will you make me smile? (Egao Count: 300+1=301)Yuya: How? I don’t know.But I’ve made up my mind.I’ll definitely make everyone smile. (Egao Count: 301+1=302)That includes Reiji, and Reira as well!I’ll make Reira smile, and save the world! (Egao Count: 302+1=303)And I’ll definitely bring Yuzu back!Yuya: So, lend me your power one more time.Yuri.Yugo.Yuto.Yuri: Our powers are already yours.Yugo: We were originally one person, after all.Yuto: Go all out, Yuya!If you have fun, I’m sure everyone will have fun too!Yuya: You’re right.In order to make Zarc smile, (Egao Count: 303+1=304)I’ll have to smile as well! (Egao Count: 304+1 = 305 5-Hit COMBO!)(Opening Sequence)Yuya: I won’t let you guys down!It’s my turn!Yuri: Here it is.Yugo: Alright! A new gate will be opened!Yuto: Do it, Yuya!Yuya: This is the answer we’ve come up with!Quick-Play Magic, Odd-Eyes Fusion Gate!I can Special Summon Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon from the Extra Deck and Starve Venom Fusion Dragon from the Graveyard, with their effects negated!I can then use those two as Materials to Fusion Summon!Reiji: He’s fusing the two dragons!?Yuya: Dragon with dual-colored eyes!Yuri: Mege with the venomous dragon…Yuya-ri: …and become the power that guides the way to supremacy!Yuya-ri: Fusion Summon!Yuya: Come forth!Level-10! Dragon with gem-like eyes, radiant with kindness!Supreme King Violet Dragon – Odd-Eyes Venom Dragon!Asuka: It looks so pure…Sora: Did he purify Yuri’s dragon!?Yuya: I activate Supreme King Violet Dragon – Odd-Eyes Venom Dragon’s effect!Until the End Phase, it’ll gain the ATKs of all monsters on my opponent’s Field!Allen: 13800 ATK! (MY GAWD IT’S OVER 10,000!)Sayaka: It’s like a blooming flower!Yuya: Battle!I attack Whitest Hell Armageddon with Odd-Eyes Venom Dragon!Reiji: Don’t think that you can surpass me with brute force alone!Reiji: Purplish Hell Armageddon’s effect!Once per turn, the ATK of a monster that is battling against my monster will return to normal until damage calculation!Ayu: It’s back to normal!Tatsuya: The other monster’s ATK is 3500!Futoshi: This can’t be good! It’ll be destroyed!Yuya: Wonder Chance!? With this…Yuri: There’s more.Yugo: Go for it, Yuya!Yuya: When a monster Fusion Summoned by the effect of the Odd-Eyes Fusion Gate on my Field is destroyed, I can send it to the Graveyard,And add the Quick-Play Magic, Odd-Eyes Synchro Gate, from the deck to my hand!Reiji: Synchro Gate!?Yuya: I then activate it!I can Special Summon Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon from the Extra Deck and Clear Wing Synchro Dragon from the Graveyard, with their effects negated!I can treat Odd-Eyes as a Level-1 Tuner, and tune it with Clear Wing!Yuya: Dragon with dual-colored eyes!Yugo: Arm yourself with the wings of light…Yuya: And soar forth to the peak of supremacy!Yuya-go: Synchro Summon!Yuya: Come forth!Level-8! Dragon with piercing eyes, shining with sharpness!Supreme King White Dragon – Odd-Eyes Wing Dragon!JACK: I can feel it, Yuya!The vigor of your life!That is your Dueling!Don’t look back, and go your way!Yuya: I activate Supreme King White Dragon – Odd-Eyes Wing Dragon’s effect!Once per turn, it can destroy all monsters on my opponent’s Field,And add the ATK of one of those monsters to its own ATK!GONGENZAKA: Taking down all of Reiji monsters in one go!?SAWATARI-SAN: This Supreme King White Dragon is AWESOME!Reiji: As long as Darkness Hell Armageddon is on my Field,My Pendulum Monsters can’t be destroyed by effects!Yuya: Then, I attack Darkness Hell Armageddon with Odd-Eyes Wing Dragon!SAWATARI-SAN: But the opposing monster’s ATK is higher!GONGENZAKA: No. That’s…Sora: He did it on purpose!Asuka: Yeah.He was able to add Synchro Gate to his hand earlier because his Fusion Monster was destroyed.Crow: So this time, he’s going from Synchro…Captain Falcon: …To Xyz?Yugo: You’re up!Yuto: Sure. Leave it to me!Yuya: When a monster Synchro Summoned by the effect of the Odd-Eyes Synchro Gate on my Field is destroyed, I can send it to the Graveyard,And add the Quick-Play Magic, Odd-Eyes Xyz Gate, from the deck to my hand!I then activate it!I can Special Summon Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon from the Extra Deck and Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon from the Graveyard, with their effects negated!It can also make Dark Rebellion Level-7!I overlay the Level-7 Odd-Eyes and Dark Rebellion!Yuya: Dragon with dual-colored eyes!Yuto: unleash your dark and terrifying wrath…and annihilate the enemies that dare defy you!Yuya-to: Xyz Summon!Yuya: Come forth!Rank-7!Dragon with eyes that glow with rage!Supreme King Black Dragon – Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon!Asuka: He tied them all together…Sora: Going from Fusion…Crow: To Synchro, and then…Captain Falcon: Xyz!Yuya: Then, I use Odd-Eyes Xyz Gate’s effect.I can banish this card, as well as the Fusion Gate and Synchro Gate in my Graveyard, to activate this effect!Due to this,During the Battle Phase,Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon will gain 1000 ATK, and it can also attack twice!Yuya: Then, I activate the Action Magic, Wonder Chance!Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon can attack one more time!Ayu: That’s the Action Card he got earlier!Futoshi: He can now attack all three of Akaba Reiji’s monsters!Yoko: Even if he can’t destroy cards through effects, he can still battle!SAWATARI-SAN: All right! Go get him, Yuya!Yuya: Battle!Using Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon,I attack Purplish, Whitest, and Darkness Hell Armageddon!Thunderous Revolutionary Lightning Strike!Allen: Amazing…Captain Falcon: Did he finish him off?Crow: I can’t really see with all the smoke.Sora: That’s…!Asuka: It can’t possibly be…!Reiji: How unfortunate for you.As long as Purplish Hell Armageddon is on my Field,My Pendulum Monsters cannot be destroyed by battle!SAWATARI-SAN: Are you kidding me?Yuya: As the battle ends, Odd-Eyes Xyz Gate’s effect also ends,And Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon’s ATK returns to normal.I set one card face-down, and end my turn.GONGENZAKA: Yuya has no card in his hand.Even with Supreme King Black Dragon, he won’t be able to last past the next turn!His only hope is that set card!Reiji: If you cannot make Reira smile, (Egao Count: 305+1=306)Then we’ll have to live with the ticking time bomb that is the Devil’s eventual revival.Shuzo: Please, Yuya. Save Yuzu…Save Yuzu…Reiji: It’s my turn!Using Purplish Hell Armageddon’s effect, I can destroy Supreme King Black Dragon,And inflict damage equal to its 3000 ATK!Yuya: Trap, activate! Called-Off Performance!When a Pendulum Monster is destroyed,During this turn, effect and battle damage I receive will be reduced to zero,And I can set that Pendulum Monster into the Pendulum Zone!Yuya: This is where things get real!I’ll show you my last entertainment act!Shuzo: Yuya!Reiji: Then, show me! Your entertainment!I end my turn!Yuya: Here go!It’s my turn!Yuya: I activate Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon’s Pendulum Effect!I can set a Pendulum Monster from my deck into the Pendulum Zone!The monster I chose is…The Scale-12 Entermate Five-Rainbow Magician!GONGENZAKA: He still has a few tricks up his sleeve!SAWATARI-SAN: Now he can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-5 and 11!Yuya: Swing, Pendulum of the Soul!Draw an arc of light across the ether!Pendulum Summon!Be revived from the Extra Deck!Supreme King Violet Dragon – Odd-Eyes Venom Dragon!Supreme King White Dragon – Odd-Eyes Wing Dragon!Entermate Odd-Eyes Priest!Entermate Ignition Eagle!Reiji: At this moment, Whitest Hell Armageddon’s effect is reset,And I can activate it again!You have to choose a Pendulum Monster,And monsters other than the one you chose will have their effects negated!Yuya: I choose Odd-Eyes Priest!Then, I activate its effect!By banishing this monster,I can Special Summon Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon from the Graveyard!Reiji: When you summon a monster,I can activate Whitest’s effect!Now then, choose!Yuya: I choose Ignition Eagle! And then…Yuya: I activate the Pendulum Effect of Five-Rainbow Magician!(TASTE THE RAINBOW!)Reiji: What!?He reduced every monster’s ATK to ZERO!?(ZETSUBOU commercial. Go download DUEL LINKS!)JACK: HE REDUCED BOTH HIS OPPONENT’S AND HIS OWN MONSTERS’ ATKS TO ZERO!?Captain Falcon: How is he going to fight like that?Allen: And yet, Yuya is still smiling. (Egao Count: 306+1=307)Sayaka: Yeah. It’s like he’s a kid who is planning to have as much fun as he can!Yuya: The Field is currently being influenced by the effect of Five-Rainbow Magician!If a player has four or fewer cards set in the Magic & Trap Zone,The monsters’ ATKs will be reduced to zero, and they can’t battle or use their effects!But if there are five set cards,The restrictions will be removed,And the monsters’ ATKs will be doubled!I’ll set the first card!Yuya: When I set a card,The turn will end due to Five-Rainbow Magician’s effect.Yuya: Furthermore, the player who adds a card to his hand outside of the Draw Phase can also set a card.Reiji: I see.Whoever sets five cards first will obtain the right to win.Yuya: Right!The moment that happens, the turn won’t end, and you can also attack!Reiji: Very well!I’ll accept your challenge!Yuya: Whoa there.You should think carefully before drawing.On the turn that you draw, you cannot set a Magic or Trap Card.That’s why…Reiji: It’s my turn!Due to Five-Rainbow Magician’s effect, I’ll skip my draw!Yuya: A wise choice!Reiji: I’ll set my first card, and end my turn!Yuya: As expected of Reiji!He already has a grasp of the rules,And is also using his monsters as well…Yuya: All right, then!In that case…WHOAA!Yuya: It’s my turn!Reiji: I set the second card!Yuya: The turn will end, due to Five-Rainbow Magician’s effect!Reiji: It’s my turn!I set the third card, and end my turn!GONGENZAKA: Reiji is beating Yuya at his own game…SAWATARI-SAN: He’s usually cool-headed,But now he’s leaping around alongside his monsters!Shuzo: This is an Action Duel, alright!He’s pulling Reiji-kun into it and getting him to use the same tactics he’s specialized in…Yoko: Yuya’s entertainment has already started.It’s not just Reiji-kun.He’s pulling the monsters and the audience into it as well!Yuya: It’s my turn!I set my second card!Sayaka: It’s 3-2 now!Allen: Alright! Keep the momentum going!Reiji: It’s my turn!Yuya: The third card!Sora: Yuya got another one!Crow: All right! Now they’re even!Yuya: It’s my turn!Leo: This waveform is…She’s reacting to something!?Reiji: The fourth card!GONGENZAKA: Reiji just set the fourth card!SAWATARI-SAN: Oh, crap!He’s only one card away!Reiji: It’s my turn!Yuya: I set my fourth card as well!Reiji: Tch…Due to Five-Rainbow Magician’s effect, I end my turn!SAWATARI-SAN: The next turn will decide this.GONGENZAKA: Yeah.Leo: She’s definitely reacting to something!The pulses are getting faster!Yuya: It’s my turn!Reiji: I’ll…GONGENZAKA: Which one is it!?Who sets it first?SAWATARI-SAN: It’s Yuya!Yuya: Due to this, you can no longer set cards using Five-Rainbow Magician’s effect!And now, the ATKs of the monsters on my Field will be twice their original ATKs!Yuya: Battle!I attack Whitest Hell Armageddon with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!SAWATARI-SAN: He did it! Yuya’s gonna win!Reiji: I won’t allow that!I activate the effect of D/D Savant Albert from my hand!When my opponent attacks,I can send this card to the Graveyard,And set one Magic Card from my hand!Now I also have five cards!Reiji: At this moment, my monsters’ ATKs are also doubled!GONGENZAKA: Oh no!SAWATARI-SAN: 5000 won’t be able to beat 7000!Yuya: I activate Entermate Ignition Eagle’s effect!I can Special Summon Supreme King Black Dragon – Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon from the Pendulum Zone,And set this card into the Pendulum Zone in exchange!Yuya: And then, I can add Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon’s ATK to the attacking Odd-Eyes!Reiji: Surely, you haven’t forgotten about this!When you summon a monster,Whitest Hell Armageddon’s effect is reset,And I can activate it again!Yuya: I choose Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!The other monsters’ effects will be negated!I’ll continue the battle!Reiji: It’s no use!As long as Purplish Hell Armageddon is on my Field,My Pendulum Monsters won’t be destroyed,And once during the battle, the ATK of an opposing monster will return to normal!Reiji: This is the end!Now! Bring about your own demise!Yuya: Ladies and gentlemen!Reiji: What is he doing now!?Yuya: Everyone!My partner, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon,Will become stronger thanks to the support of its companions!It’s a power weaved by the Pendulum!The Arc of Light!Reiji: The Arc of Light!?Yuya: All right! Watch closely!I activate Ignition Eagle’s Pendulum Effect!By banishing Ignition Eagle and Five-Rainbow Magician from the Pendulum Zone,I can destroy set cards on both Field!Yuya: Then, I can launch an equal number of Entermates from my deck into the night sky to create a dazzling illusion!Let’s do this together, everyone!5, 4…Yoko/Shuzo: 3!SAW/GON: 2!Kids: 1!Yuya: Ignition!Yuya: This is it! It’s the finale!Yuya: Due to the effect of Ignition Eagle,Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon will gain 500 ATK for every Pendulum Monster on my Field!In other words, 2000!Yuya: All right!Let’s do this, Odd-Eyes!Spiral Strike Burst!Reiji: Due to Purplish Hell Armageddon’s effect,My monsters won’t be destroyed, but…Yuya: That’s right.YOU’LL STILL TAKE DAMAGE!And due to Odd-Eyes’s effect, it will be doubled!Reaction Force!Himika: Reira!Yuya: Reira is…smiling! (Egao Count: 307+1=308)Reiji: The winner is Sakaki Yuya! He has passed the Pro Test!(Bu-Bu-Bu-BURN!)Yuzu: I believed in you.Yuzu: I knew for sure that you’d be able to make everyone smile through Dueling. (Egao Count: 308+1=309)Yuya: Welcome back, Yuzu.Yuzu: I’ve returned home, Yuya.Reiji: I’m sure Zarc is smiling together with Reira. (Egao Count: 309+1=310 CRITICAL COMBO)Leo: Yeah. And the world is finally becoming one again.Thanks to Sakaki Yuya’s Duel!Reiji: Yuya’s Duel?HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!Yusho: If you think this is the end,You’re gravely mistaken!Yuya: Dad!Yusho: Yuya!Now that you have passed the Test, your real battle will now begin!Do you have the resolve to keep fighting, as a Pro!?Yuya: Of course!I’ll keep bringing everyone smile through Dueling from now on as well! (Egao Count: 310+1=311)And I’ll definitely become an Entertainment Duelist who’ll surpass Dad one day!The fun has just begun! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
-kyo- Posted March 26, 2017 Report Share Posted March 26, 2017 i totally fell for that last scene Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bringerofcake Posted March 26, 2017 Report Share Posted March 26, 2017 [spoiler=THE SHOW ENDED WITH]BUT YOU STILL TAKE THE DAMAGEI'M SO MAD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Draconus297 Posted March 26, 2017 Report Share Posted March 26, 2017 Bye, Arc-V. You had the very best setup, and it was honestly sad to see how much the studio was determined to take the piss. Still, though, probably the best YGO series, even after all the episodes and budget that got robbed from you. Also, what an ending. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted March 27, 2017 Report Share Posted March 27, 2017 [spoiler=Final ARC-V thoughts]Well, Reiji wasn't kidding when he said that was his best portfolio. Outside of maybe banishing them or something, you can't do much outside of dealing minor damage and that's only if you're already powerful as heck.Yuya conveniently had a Scale 12 Performapal that essentially is a floodgate for stuff.Yuya summons more ED forms of Odd-Eyes, but OG one does most of the work (well, Rebellion anyway). So...outside of plot advancement, Wing and Venom didn't do too much.The King is finally satisfied with Yuya. Reira laughed, so suppose evil Zarc is gone for good. Ending was meh; would've liked to see Yuya and his dad fight, but whatever. Yuzu returned, so Leo was right about Ray reviving as her. (Too bad she stopped being useful a year/half ago)Yuya is a pro duelist now; let's see how long he lasts. Even though I didn't really care for Yuya's "turn the duel into a circus" thing at times, he was fine overall. Series started off fine, got better until the end of Synchro, rushed a bit into Xyz/Fusion, final match was epic and other matches ranged from good to acceptable. Let's take a moment to reflect on what ARC-V did for the game as a whole, because it's going to be messed up come the next series. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted March 27, 2017 Report Share Posted March 27, 2017 [spoiler=Thoughts on 148 Subbed (AKA Initial Thoughts)]- Yuya is reminded that he needs to smile if the audience is to truly enjoy themselves- Ofc Yuya would have cards like Reiji used to bring out a Fusion/Synchro/Xyz- At least Jack felt the roar from Yuya's soul after OECWD was summoned- After seeing OECWD's material requirements, I was certainly reminded of Life Stream Dragon- Not gonna lie, after the Synchro Odd-Eyes died (Which Sora and them were saying that Yuya did it on purpose), I was like "Yup, I know exactly what is coming next." because at that point, OERD dragon was expected- That 5-rainbow PPal literally had plot device written all over it with the intention of making Reiji come out as gay.- Ofc after Yuya won, Reira laughed and Yuzu returned Bye Arc-V, it was a fun ride. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Atypical-Abbie Posted March 27, 2017 Report Share Posted March 27, 2017 Thank god, maybe this thread can finally stop appearing at the top of the "My Content" page. Seriously though, what a shitty show, I don't get why some of you people like it, it is exactly like the other series, but with the most boring and cliche characters you have ever seen, literally suppose to be recreations of their counterparts from other series, yet they somehow make them worse, then there's them made-up logic, the looooooong time it takes them to get anywhere, and the repetitive use of the same dueling tropes we have seen again and again (see Bringerofcake's post). Sure, like every series, it has cool visuals and duels at times, but they still don't seem to take full advantage of the whole Riding Duel and Action Card gimmick, hell, in this last episode, they just bloody set them instead! So yeah, it's a 5/10 for me, you wouldn't want to watch this if you weren't in it for the new cards and the duels being entertaining at times, I still dread the episodes with no dueling whatsoever, god I hate those so much. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blake Posted March 27, 2017 Report Share Posted March 27, 2017 I think the final episodes summed up the series as a whole very, very well. A story about enjoying yourself, even when there's things weighing on you. There was a lot of energy, hype, excitement laced into the duel, and it showed the potential of action duels. I think complaining that they set them is wrong, because the point of action duels is the action, which Five-Rainbow DID force Reiji to finally join. It had Yuya being a little goofy, but it was still showcasing how he was trying to entertain and control his dragons to the best of his ability. And, plot device-y as they were, I really like that the Odd-Eyes Gates feed into one another. Really feels like the four Yu-boys were actually working together, and the designs of the two new dragons just... spot on. Wing looks exactly like what you'd expect, and Venom just looks perfect, beyond anything I'd have imagined. Five-Rainbow is such a Yuya card. When I read it in TCG I had little to no hope, but I enjoyed it. Pretty sure that OE Priest and Ignition Eagle are references to Abyss Actors and Ruri, given their appearance, which gives it more of a "bonds that got me here" sort of deal. Priest could also be a Performage. I'm not even mad about "BUT YOU STILL TAKE THE DAMAGE", because that felt like a Pot of Greed-tier joke about itself, so I was actually laughing as it was said. Same thing for the cliffhanger. I'd love to see Yuya v. Yusho, but I'm satisfied with it as a cliffhanger, because it shows that Yuya still has room to grow. Also, using BURN as the insert song was just all sorts of Hell, most of the sound direction in these final episodes was funking spot on. Like Yuto (or was it Yugo?) having his theme play as OEWD attacked, in order to become OERD. But it also showed the shortcomings, which have been throughout the whole series. The ending was rushed, especially the post-duel scenes. I get why the dimensions are uniting (Ray/Zarc are "back to normal", nothing is split), but it still felt hamfisted, as did the final scene with Yuzu. It just left a lot desired, and should have had 15+ minutes to cover it, not 5 or less. The Sephiroth-ass music playing when they were doing the pre-duel tradition just... set the wrong mood and felt all sorts of out of place. Reiji is not a character we're invested in. Yuya, yes, but not Reiji. Due to the fact they hired some expensive funk (IV's VA) to do his voice, he got too little screentime, and it just... killed him as a character. Unlike the Odd-Eyes Gates, the D/D spells are just funking bullshit. They could have easily made them Contracts, if nothing else, and just given one of the Armageddons an anti-burn. Instead they threw out half of Reiji's deck for some shitty memery, which Yuya did infiniutely better. There was no reason to duel Jack again. I get that he's supposed to be the "Strongest" other than Yuya and Reiji, but Yuya already CONQUERED him, already showed his soul to him. Meanwhile, Sora and Crow got nothing. I feel like Crow had no funking place in this series, and I still feel like he deserved to have that duel with Yuya more than Jack. Again, I get it, Jack is the one that is the biggest "wall", but Yuya never even got an official ending to Sora or Crow as rivals, so what the hell? The fact that jack bled over into the second-to-last episode was also stupid, because it shows how they dragged things out at parts, for no reason. So. Much. Wasted. Potential. Namely with Reiji/ending scene. The final episode was, in no way, perfect. But watching Yuya in it reminded me of what made me fall in love with the series in the first place. It was full of life and fun, with great music, and characters who were actually pretty likable, all things considered. Yes, there are some sour tastes left by the handling of some characters (funking SORA), but most of the cast was likable and decently used. I can say it was due to budget/episode cuts, where they lost a lot of money to DSoD/50 episodes of time, but other YGOs, like 5D's, faced similar issues and had a similar scheme of WOW THIS IS GOOD or not so good oh funk now it's sheet, Great music, action duels were a good gimmick they didn't use enough, decent cast, and a lot of ambition make me look back on it with a smile, despite the wasted potential that ran rampant. I'm not going to give it a rating, because it wasn't the best series ever. But a series doesn't have to be good to have a fond place in your heart. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted March 27, 2017 Report Share Posted March 27, 2017 On 3/27/2017 at 12:29 PM, Black said: There was no reason to duel Jack again. I get that he's supposed to be the "Strongest" other than Yuya and Reiji, but Yuya already CONQUERED him, already showed his soul to him. Meanwhile, Sora and Crow got nothing. I feel like Crow had no funking place in this series, and I still feel like he deserved to have that duel with Yuya more than Jack. Again, I get it, Jack is the one that is the biggest "wall", but Yuya never even got an official ending to Sora or Crow as rivals, so what the hell?The other thing about Sora is (not counting his duel with Zarc) that their last duel was left unfinished because the Battle Royale timer expired. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VCR_CAT Posted March 27, 2017 Report Share Posted March 27, 2017 There's so much I liked about Arc V, and just... so much I didn't like. The budget and episode cuts ultimately hurt this series so much. Reiji had potential to be the best unironic rival, and with better pacing and an ending not so rushed, the series as a whole could have surpassed 5D's and maybe DM. But, there's a lot I didn't like. For one, they introduced way way way way too many cards between duels. I get that this YGO, unlike others, better established that cards were an extension of a person's self more than just "cards", but they made so many new cards that it killed my suspension of disbelief for the game as an actual game and their decks as actual decks. Just way too many one-off cards that only showed up in one, maybe two duels, and it was just sucky to see so often. I also felt they squandered Yuya's growth at the end. Spoilers for the next bit.[spoiler=Spoilers]Yuya's revelation as the reincarnation of an unstoppable duel demon and the resulting buff to his card-ass-pulls and dueling was just... it ruined him, in my opinion. Yuya was established very well as a protagonist with losses and growth and imperfection, but in the final arc he loses so much agency, and especially with the final duels his victories didn't feel like he won because of the culmination of his growth and learnings, but rather that he won because he inherited OP duel powers through his nature as a Zarc piece and through the dimension dragons. Those dragons in particular, they established them as way too good in-universe. It didn't feel like these characters were winning because of skill, it felt like they were winning because they could just ass-pull an Egyptian God on turn 1 and no other characters possessed anything to deal with them. The throw-away duelists, like the Yusho Students in Fusion or the Leo Duel School students in Standard, didn't feel like anything close to competent, and it made the contrast between the main cast and the normies just WAY too stark. It killed suspension of disbelief overall. So, the last duel had a lot of energy, and I enjoyed how they employed action duels well, but nothing about it felt earned; Yuya's win felt hollow, and the resolution just felt way too sudden and way too bullshit. For what I liked, I loved action duels. They added a real energy to duels, but as Black said I don't feel they were used very well. In contrast to, say, Turbo Duels; the use of motorcycles didn't really add much in terms of energy to duels. They added some interesting rules and mechanics, but the motorcycles didn't add anything and the same could've been accomplished with people standing on their feet. Action duels added real action, and were at their best when they made fantastical fields to play on. Action duels lost a lot of luster when it just became "Crossover! Here's a bunch of boring platforms!" Arc V had some very likable characters, a vibrant cast, great moments, and some very good duels. But it squandered a lot of its potential, and the budget cuts honestly killed it. It may seem like I'm harsh on it, but the first half and some of the middle is good to the moment that I would still place this series high up in my placement. It has some great moments, and I hope VRAINS doesn't suffer similar hardships. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Expelsword Posted March 27, 2017 Report Share Posted March 27, 2017 Xyz got way too much focus.Yuya should have made Odd-Eyes Wing if not Venom before now.Yuya gets DRXD in Episode 37, Couldn't he have gotten Clear Wing while he was in Synchro Dimension? For that matter, Reiji was spouting about the next evolution of Pendulums but he didn't combine types until the last duel either. Yuya and Reiji used 3 tailormade ridiculous cards all in a row each to pull out things that shoud have appeared throughout the series, not at the end. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilfusion Posted March 28, 2017 Report Share Posted March 28, 2017 Ooh, is this "review last episode/series as whole" time? The thing about Arc-V is that it was extremely AMBITIOUS. They were from the get-go, not only introducing a new Summoning mechanic, but doing so alongside all the previous mechanics, and to make it even nicer, the use of the other mechanics was DIRECTLY tied to the plot, due to the Four Dimensions bit. They had a very interesting and diverse cast, and it looked like there could be some major character development, as Yuya started off the series essentially hiding his very blatant insecurities behind the facade of the fool. My biggest problem with Yuya as a character, though, is that his ideals are...I hesitate to say "stupid", but it's ham-fisted at best. Dueling is for entertainment, to make people smile. A wonderful message, but executed in a horrible way for most of the series, making Yuya's speeches very cringe-worthy and some of his Duels descend into a farce. Now, I want to compare Yuya to Yuma (Zexal). Yuma tended to shove his feelings down peoples' throats, too, but I always LIKED when Yuma got REALLY passionate about his ideals and made his speeches about the feelings and hopes given to him by his supporters, and bonding through Duels, and his adamant refusal not to give up, because these ideals he got from his father. Maybe some credit can be given to Yuma's VA, because Yuma as a character tended to be obnoxious as hell outside of serious situations (and his amazingly passionate rants)...whereas Yuya BECOMES obnoxious as hell INSIDE serious situations. And that's what bugs me when I think about it. Yuya doesn't really HAVE some incredible passion buried inside him the way that Yuma and Yusei do. When Yusei gets riled up and passionate, he's awesome. When Yuma gets passionate, it's awesome. When Yuya gets passionate...nothing. I can't think of any awesome speeches Yuya ever gave that reflected his passion towards his ideals and Dueling. The only times I can remember Yuya being badass in that sense is when he's in Berserk Mode, because he's much more forceful and intense. Yuya's ideals are TOO idealistic. Whereas Yusei's passion was about protecting everyone, and Yuma was about bonds and never giving up. Yuya's is so bland and abstract by comparison. "Make people smile through Dueling". That's what it boiled down to. A facial expression and a flicker of amusement or enjoyment. It's not inspirational. They do deconstruct this a lot during the series, and near the end, Yuya IS a much more competent entertainer, but I don't really ENJOY watching Yuya during tense times, because he doesn't make the situation more intense and gripping (outside of his Berserk Mode), he usually does the exact opposite. Story wise...oh boy. Firstly, Arc-V had a ridiculous amount of potential during the first 50 episodes (Sora vs Shun is still BY FAR the best Duel in the series. They never topped it. It's almost literally the only Duel I randomly go and re-watch...but even I think the Duel is only "good" immediately upon Sora Summoning Wheel Saw Lion (and not before that, because Sora imitating Yuya's catchphrases unironically makes me cringe)). It...started to go downhill a little from there, from the beginning of the Synchro Arc, because it seemed to banking too much on the 5Ds nostalgia factor. Like...they literally did 5Ds Story Arc. Yugo (subbing in as the Yusei) gets into a run-in with a police officer for something he didn't really do, but technically is going to get him in trouble regardless, has a Riding Duel.. Ends up winning, losing officer is somewhat disgraced. Unlike Yusei's arc, this is not actually significant in the long-run, other than to have a reason for Security to be hunting down Yuya (same face). Yuya + co get arrested, go to the Facility, break out of the facility. End up forced into a tournament that will fulfill the hidden agenda of the white-haired Security Bureau director, who is totally not a villain. (Am I talking about 5Ds or Arc-V at this point?) The biggest misstep here was the "putting cast in different rooms all the time" bit. So...no chance for characters to shine much. And Sawatari was annoying as hell. The series picks up a bit near the end of the Friendship Cup arc, due to the plot remembering that Yuya has a berserk mode, and Academia kind of still needs Yuzu. And...unlike the Standard Battle Royale section, TWICE as many Obelisk Force are sent...and they are repelled with absolutely no casualties, confirming that they do, in fact, follow Conservation of Ninjitsu rules, because later in Xyz, a single 3-man unit of them ends up being the most competent and not "absolute ass-holes) Obelisk Force members in the entire show. Stuff just got rushed near the end, and I don't really want to hold it against the series for that, because once the Professor explained the plot, things got crazy intense and it was awesome. Zarc's Duel DID kind of suck because it was clearly intended to be a "celebration" of all these characters from the different dimensions and seeing them team up against Zarc...but the deck was so stacked in Zarc's favor that it was stupidly unfair, and not in the way that Zone and even Don Thousand were, where the stupid unfairness was entertaining and enjoyable. The unfairness was too "meta", in the sense of "You can't play Yugioh, winning is all that matters". That seemed to have been the point, but because of that, I'd never WANT to go back and rewatch the Zarc gauntlet, whereas Yusei vs Zone and Yuma/Nasch vs Don Thousand are both worth seeing again. They just really screwed with the rest of the cast. Sora had so much potential after his Duel with Shun, and then they just screwed him over after the Standard Battle Royale. Gave him character development and conflict, sure, but then he got shafted at every turn. He helped beat an Obelisk Force trio, but his play was so long-winded to do it that it wasn't really fun, he beat the Pirate captain, who was legitimately not even being portrayed as a competent threat, and then he got beaten by Yuri...who was inexplicably using the Ancient Gear deck against him, and I don't even know how they GOT to that situation, or why the anime writers think Mad Chimera is GOOD enough to be Sora's ace, because it got REALLY irritating to see how often Sora uses that specific Edge-Imp, that LITERALLY only exists for Mad Chimera. Gogenzaka was badass, but they had him lose almost every Duel. Sawatari was amusing, became awesome, then became the cast member that nobody actually likes, is portrayed as competent, but is contractually obligated to lose almost every Duel and look like a colossal smug moron. Wait, did Sawatari ever actually win a Duel against a named character? Lost to Yuya, Lost to Yuto, Lost to Yuya again, Beat Obelisk Force, but didn't really contribute to that victory directly, that was more Gogenzaka and Shun, lost to Security, lost to Yugo, lost repeatedly to Academia forces...good god. I REALLY liked the series...but honestly, I barely remember many Duels that I genuinely enjoyed, especially past the Standard Arc. Zexal had some irritating aspects and recurring trends in their Duels (cough, Hope fetish, cough), but this was only so sinful because of the potential of the premise and how they squandered the hell out of it. Arc-V was BETTER in the Duel department, but it got stagnant a few times because they didn't expand upon it ENOUGH. I don't even want to harp on this much anymore. They had a lot of potential, but rushed several aspects and completely abandoned other plot elements or resolved them too quickly or anti-climactically. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted March 28, 2017 Report Share Posted March 28, 2017 There's also the fact that Yuya obtained Enlightenment Paladin / Nirvana High during his duels against Shinji/Jack, but do we see them after the Synchro Arc? Nope, they got shafted afterwards. Same goes for Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon; only used during his fights with possessed Serena/Ruri and against Leo Akaba (though I suppose we can say that was Odd-Eyes's Xyz form for Yuya's rage). So yeah, final duel gets a bunch of cards that should've been brought up earlier on; not during the ending; and stuff that got introduced gets shafted and pretty much served as anime plot device. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blake Posted March 28, 2017 Report Share Posted March 28, 2017 On 3/27/2017 at 9:49 PM, VCR_CAT said: I also felt they squandered Yuya's growth at the end. Spoilers for the next bit.[spoiler=Spoilers]Yuya's revelation as the reincarnation of an unstoppable duel demon and the resulting buff to his card-ass-pulls and dueling was just... it ruined him, in my opinion. Yuya was established very well as a protagonist with losses and growth and imperfection, but in the final arc he loses so much agency, and especially with the final duels his victories didn't feel like he won because of the culmination of his growth and learnings, but rather that he won because he inherited OP duel powers through his nature as a Zarc piece and through the dimension dragons. Those dragons in particular, they established them as way too good in-universe. It didn't feel like these characters were winning because of skill, it felt like they were winning because they could just ass-pull an Egyptian God on turn 1 and no other characters possessed anything to deal with them. The throw-away duelists, like the Yusho Students in Fusion or the Leo Duel School students in Standard, didn't feel like anything close to competent, and it made the contrast between the main cast and the normies just WAY too stark. It killed suspension of disbelief overall. So, the last duel had a lot of energy, and I enjoyed how they employed action duels well, but nothing about it felt earned; Yuya's win felt hollow, and the resolution just felt way too sudden and way too bullshit. I agreed with the rest of your post, and I can even see the logic here... I disagree with it. Yuya is a character who lacked in confidence. He blindly followed the logic of bringing everyone joy, but he never really had confidence in himself or his execution of it, unless he achieved something in doing so. Pendulums, Fusion, Enlightenment, Nirvana, or then there's things like Battle Beast where he manages to move the goal to BB instead of himself. You can see this even through the duel with Jack. He's scared of who he is, what he is. He doesn't want to embrace it. But when he accepts who and what he is, he gains the confidence to control and help the parts of him... All four of him. By commanding them to the degree he did in the last episodes, it shows that he's accepted who he, they are. And he commandsthem with confidence, to the point of sending OEWD in to die just to continue, without so much as flinching. He earned them due to his struggle as a chararcter. He qwent through a lot of miniature versions of the Hero's Journey while also going through a giant one, almost to a tee (Reira subversion here and there). He didn't earn them due to getting better as a player, he earned them due to maturing as a person through acceptance of who and what he is. A reincarnated monster, four boys in one body, the son of a great entertainer, a lonely boy without a father, a struggling entertainer... someone who lost his best friend (and lover), who wants nothing more than to make people safe and happy. His resolve to use the dragons to PROTECT instead of DESTROY was what he needed to earn them, in addition to accepting himself. And I think that thinking these duels are anything BUT ideaology battles doesn't... work. Say what you will about ZeXal, but I think Arc-V did a decent to good job with these, more often than not, and it should have been obvious since Yuya v. Sawatari (Yosen) that this was the case. Bree and I have had no trouble looking past the fact these aren't actual card games due to this. They really aren't games, at all, despite being presented as such. Jack is another great example of this. i'll concede reiji in the final duel tho, that was just stupid, bree thinks the deck is actually stacked as part of the test On 3/27/2017 at 9:50 PM, Expelsword - 至高 said: Xyz got way too much focus.Yuya should have made Odd-Eyes Wing if not Venom before now.Yuya gets DRXD in Episode 37, Couldn't he have gotten Clear Wing while he was in Synchro Dimension? For that matter, Reiji was spouting about the next evolution of Pendulums but he didn't combine types until the last duel either. Yuya and Reiji used 3 tailormade ridiculous cards all in a row each to pull out things that shoud have appeared throughout the series, not at the end.No, Yuya couldn't have. By having one of the boys be an antagonist, it no longer made sense for Yuya to get more than one of them before getting the fourth, as well. Having Yuri absorb Yugo made far more sense, and even if the series had been handled a little bit more smoothly, he realistically wouldn't have had any of them until the epilogue duels, anyway. blame reiji on expensive VA for some reason I mean, Reiji's cards were sheet, but Yuya's were actually dece. evilfusion will be replied to soon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maeriberii Haan Posted March 28, 2017 Report Share Posted March 28, 2017 my boy FUSION didn't even get enough screentime in his own dimension what a gigantic waste Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Expelsword Posted March 29, 2017 Report Share Posted March 29, 2017 On 3/28/2017 at 11:07 PM, Black said: No, Yuya couldn't have.By having one of the boys be an antagonist, it no longer made sense for Yuya to get more than one of them before getting the fourth, as well. Having Yuri absorb Yugo made far more sense, and even if the series had been handled a little bit more smoothly, he realistically wouldn't have had any of them until the epilogue duels, anyway. I don't know, with the way Starve Venom was portrayed as the strongest of the dragons (even in terms of ATK), it could have made sense for Yuya to need all three to beat him. Honestly, I think the reason they didn't give Yuya the other dragons earlier is because they were too good. DRXD is tame in comparison. But my biggest problem, absolutely, is the handling of Sawatari. You think he's gonna be like Chazz and actually have character development, and you can see it coming when he has Yosenju and nearly beats Yuya - he doesn't suck anymore! Then he switches decks again, to something the writers clearly had no idea what to do with, as he had, I believe 6 off screen games in a row before jobbing in almost all of his other games.They gave him character development just to throw it away for no reason. He could have at least pulled some rare and powerful cards from time to time. Maybe he could sacrifice himself by paying for a Solemn card in a Battle Royale, that lets someone else make a comeback. Maybe he evens the playing field with a Torential Tribute, how about a Ghost Rare MST? Even that would be something.Breakthrough Skill was his only high value card, and he never played it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blake Posted March 29, 2017 Report Share Posted March 29, 2017 Preface: Have not watched from 118 through 135 or so, though I plan to. May be missing some things here and there, but Bree has watched some of it, and had very few issues with them. On 3/28/2017 at 6:27 AM, evilfusion said: Ooh, is this "review last episode/series as whole" time? The thing about Arc-V is that it was extremely AMBITIOUS. They were from the get-go, not only introducing a new Summoning mechanic, but doing so alongside all the previous mechanics, and to make it even nicer, the use of the other mechanics was DIRECTLY tied to the plot, due to the Four Dimensions bit. They had a very interesting and diverse cast, and it looked like there could be some major character development, as Yuya started off the series essentially hiding his very blatant insecurities behind the facade of the fool. My biggest problem with Yuya as a character, though, is that his ideals are...I hesitate to say "stupid", but it's ham-fisted at best. Dueling is for entertainment, to make people smile. A wonderful message, but executed in a horrible way for most of the series, making Yuya's speeches very cringe-worthy and some of his Duels descend into a farce.The only bad duels for Yuya were Q&A jabroni, Shinji (on Shinji more than Yuya), and possibly Kachidoki. I can't think of one that was a farce, and his speeches were from a layman that wants the world to change, a child. They were supposed to be weaker, which is why they really only worked when they were DEMONSTRATED. On 3/28/2017 at 6:27 AM, evilfusion said: Now, I want to compare Yuya to Yuma (Zexal). Yuma tended to shove his feelings down peoples' throats, too, but I always LIKED when Yuma got REALLY passionate about his ideals and made his speeches about the feelings and hopes given to him by his supporters, and bonding through Duels, and his adamant refusal not to give up, because these ideals he got from his father. Maybe some credit can be given to Yuma's VA, because Yuma as a character tended to be obnoxious as hell outside of serious situations (and his amazingly passionate rants)...whereas Yuya BECOMES obnoxious as hell INSIDE serious situations. And that's what bugs me when I think about it. Yuya doesn't really HAVE some incredible passion buried inside him the way that Yuma and Yusei do. When Yusei gets riled up and passionate, he's awesome. When Yuma gets passionate, it's awesome. When Yuya gets passionate...nothing. I can't think of any awesome speeches Yuya ever gave that reflected his passion towards his ideals and Dueling. The only times I can remember Yuya being badass in that sense is when he's in Berserk Mode, because he's much more forceful and intense.And this is where I think people begin to impose what they want on the series, as opposed to what it actually was. Arc-V is not like 5D's or ZeXal, ironically. It's not about the flashiness of the actions, it's about the desire and intent put into the actions. And this is very clear with Yuya. He doesn't have passion like Yuma or Yusei, but that's because of the insecurities you mentioned. They never leave him, he struggles with them CONSTANTLY. This is very much a coming-of-age story, about the struggles and hardships Yuya faces, and people want it to be a story that's really more than that. It's... not, other than a basic moral of "hate is bad smiles are good mmkay". And, as I touched on, he DEMONSTRATED his passion, instead of giving a speech. You can tell when he's passionate because he's smiling, getting into the groove, and just being fun to watch. He's not trying to use words in those moments, because he isn't a good orator, not at all... He's a fledgling entertainer, so he uses his performer's mask to deliver the message. Referncing Berserk Mode actually makes this more apparent, because it goes back to wanting him to be a Yusei/Yuya. Yuya isn't like them, he's more like Yugi/Atem and late-series Jaden. The amount of love letter moments this series has for DM reinforce this as well, because Yuya is struggling with morality and ideaology, not with physical enemies. This is why he has such a hard time fighting back against even Academia, at times. He struggles with Shinji's rage, Sora and Dennis' betrayal, the loss of Yuzu, Jack and Reiji's condescencion and strength, Crow's different ideals, and so on. On 3/28/2017 at 6:27 AM, evilfusion said: Yuya's ideals are TOO idealistic. Whereas Yusei's passion was about protecting everyone, and Yuma was about bonds and never giving up. Yuya's is so bland and abstract by comparison. "Make people smile through Dueling". That's what it boiled down to. A facial expression and a flicker of amusement or enjoyment. It's not inspirational. They do deconstruct this a lot during the series, and near the end, Yuya IS a much more competent entertainer, but I don't really ENJOY watching Yuya during tense times, because he doesn't make the situation more intense and gripping (outside of his Berserk Mode), he usually does the exact opposite.And this doesn't do it justice, either. It's about smiles, but it's the sort of over simplification an adolescent (he's 14, so) would use. Let's go back to his insecurities again, for me to actually draw a map. His father disappeared when he was 11. He lost any friends he had, other than Yuzu. Gong joined in, but he was still a lonely child, with low self-esteem. He began to emulate his father blindly, despite doubting his ability to do so. To the point of shutting down entirely at times, because of a crippling fear of failure. But then... this magical power called Pendulum appears, just for him. He can use it, he's special, and he feels confident to move forward, once he learns how to use it. ... Only to have it stolen from him physically, and later stolen entirely by Reiji. These were huge blows to him, because they made him not special anymore. They made him a normal human being who had to face his flaws again. But! He made a new friend thanks to this power! And he showed lots of care for that friend. He never went on big, shonen-ass rants about why he valued his friends, but he ended up showing a desire to help them, save them, be there for them throughout the series. He couldn't articulate more than "Smiles", but he showed a desire to truly make things right. ... Then he lost that friend. Sure, he made more, but he lost some of them as well. Some to betrayal, some to "death"... And he had to struggle with his losses, again. I know I posted a big theory post about this a ways back, but it rings true. Yuya has a constant cycle of gaining confidence and comrades, only to lose them again. He has no confidence in himself without them, and it makes it difficult for him to make it through those times. It was clear that he was in a bad place during most of Synchro, with the facility being one of the few times he seemed better. Because he was alone those other times. It's not the same pronounced moral of friendship other series have, but it's still there. It shows how they encourage him, make him feel confident, and how he struggles when he doesn't have that backp, because he is so insecure. It's not just smiles. It's about forming bonds, having fun, and being good people. But he can't articulate that, he's regularly shown to be bad at this. But he can show it through his actions, and those speak louder than words. On 3/28/2017 at 6:27 AM, evilfusion said: Story wise...oh boy. Firstly, Arc-V had a ridiculous amount of potential during the first 50 episodes (Sora vs Shun is still BY FAR the best Duel in the series. They never topped it. It's almost literally the only Duel I randomly go and re-watch...but even I think the Duel is only "good" immediately upon Sora Summoning Wheel Saw Lion (and not before that, because Sora imitating Yuya's catchphrases unironically makes me cringe)). It...started to go downhill a little from there, from the beginning of the Synchro Arc, because it seemed to banking too much on the 5Ds nostalgia factor. Like...they literally did 5Ds Story Arc. Yugo (subbing in as the Yusei) gets into a run-in with a police officer for something he didn't really do, but technically is going to get him in trouble regardless, has a Riding Duel.. Ends up winning, losing officer is somewhat disgraced. Unlike Yusei's arc, this is not actually significant in the long-run, other than to have a reason for Security to be hunting down Yuya (same face). Yuya + co get arrested, go to the Facility, break out of the facility. End up forced into a tournament that will fulfill the hidden agenda of the white-haired Security Bureau director, who is totally not a villain. (Am I talking about 5Ds or Arc-V at this point?) The biggest misstep here was the "putting cast in different rooms all the time" bit. So...no chance for characters to shine much. And Sawatari was annoying as hell.Going to agree with most of this, really. Not much to disagree with. On 3/28/2017 at 6:27 AM, evilfusion said: The series picks up a bit near the end of the Friendship Cup arc, due to the plot remembering that Yuya has a berserk mode, and Academia kind of still needs Yuzu. And...unlike the Standard Battle Royale section, TWICE as many Obelisk Force are sent...and they are repelled with absolutely no casualties, confirming that they do, in fact, follow Conservation of Ninjitsu rules, because later in Xyz, a single 3-man unit of them ends up being the most competent and not "absolute ass-holes) Obelisk Force members in the entire show.Same, really. It's not a shock that we eventually found competent ones, but... On 3/28/2017 at 6:27 AM, evilfusion said: Stuff just got rushed near the end, and I don't really want to hold it against the series for that, because once the Professor explained the plot, things got crazy intense and it was awesome. Zarc's Duel DID kind of suck because it was clearly intended to be a "celebration" of all these characters from the different dimensions and seeing them team up against Zarc...but the deck was so stacked in Zarc's favor that it was stupidly unfair, and not in the way that Zone and even Don Thousand were, where the stupid unfairness was entertaining and enjoyable. The unfairness was too "meta", in the sense of "You can't play Yugioh, winning is all that matters". That seemed to have been the point, but because of that, I'd never WANT to go back and rewatch the Zarc gauntlet, whereas Yusei vs Zone and Yuma/Nasch vs Don Thousand are both worth seeing again.I actually disagree here, but this may be more personal. It's not a celebration of the cast, at all. It's a celebration of who Yuya (and Yuto and Yugo) touched with his life. It's not about the characters themselves, but about who Yuya is, despite what he's become. It's about struggling, clawing, and doing all they can to save him... Like he did for Yuzu, Sora, Reira, and others. I found them enjoyable. With the exception of the sora section and crow, I feel it was very well written, and conveyed the battle well, as they slowly chipped away at saving Yuya, while also being a DM reference. On 3/28/2017 at 6:27 AM, evilfusion said: They just really screwed with the rest of the cast. Sora had so much potential after his Duel with Shun, and then they just screwed him over after the Standard Battle Royale. Gave him character development and conflict, sure, but then he got shafted at every turn. He helped beat an Obelisk Force trio, but his play was so long-winded to do it that it wasn't really fun, he beat the Pirate captain, who was legitimately not even being portrayed as a competent threat, and then he got beaten by Yuri...who was inexplicably using the Ancient Gear deck against him, and I don't even know how they GOT to that situation, or why the anime writers think Mad Chimera is GOOD enough to be Sora's ace, because it got REALLY irritating to see how often Sora uses that specific Edge-Imp, that LITERALLY only exists for Mad Chimera.Agree with all of this. On 3/28/2017 at 6:27 AM, evilfusion said: Gogenzaka was badass, but they had him lose almost every Duel.There's a reason for that, I think. On 3/28/2017 at 6:27 AM, evilfusion said: Sawatari was amusing, became awesome, then became the cast member that nobody actually likes, is portrayed as competent, but is contractually obligated to lose almost every Duel and look like a colossal smug moron. Wait, did Sawatari ever actually win a Duel against a named character? Lost to Yuya, Lost to Yuto, Lost to Yuya again, Beat Obelisk Force, but didn't really contribute to that victory directly, that was more Gogenzaka and Shun, lost to Security, lost to Yugo, lost repeatedly to Academia forces...good god.I think that's the point, and the in-universe reaction to him doing something to Zarc, albeit unsuccessful, should show the intent. Sawatari is a mix between Chazz and the character people want Yuya to be; Flashy, appealing (when not whining about his dad), special, entertaining. He plays a deck similar to Yuya AND Reiji, after finding his preferred deck, and he's always trying to be the star, trying to be loudmouthed. And he had good scenes, even if he was never a credible threat as a duelist. This goes back to Gong, though... I think Gong and Sawatari lost because they don't really have any ideals to speak of. "Help Yuya", "Be the star", "Lancer"... That's it. They weren't given proper motivation or ideals, and it cost them duels. I don't neccesarily agree with this tactic, but I can see why and understand it happening. I just think they should have written ideals onto them, instead. On 3/28/2017 at 6:27 AM, evilfusion said: I REALLY liked the series...but honestly, I barely remember many Duels that I genuinely enjoyed, especially past the Standard Arc. Zexal had some irritating aspects and recurring trends in their Duels (cough, Hope fetish, cough), but this was only so sinful because of the potential of the premise and how they squandered the hell out of it. Arc-V was BETTER in the Duel department, but it got stagnant a few times because they didn't expand upon it ENOUGH. I don't even want to harp on this much anymore. They had a lot of potential, but rushed several aspects and completely abandoned other plot elements or resolved them too quickly or anti-climactically.I remember a lot I enjoyed, and most of them are in the first part or very ending, and I'm told anything Yuri is good. I do think this goes back to expecting the duels to be, well... DUELS, though. If you expect there to be non-ideaology battles, it just isn't going to happen, and I feel it adds to the idea of a world based around a CARD GAME, as opposed to taking away from it. also they literally made 65+ ppals in the anime, plus magicians and ED bosses and stuff, they definitely expanded a lot, it's just that a number of those were plot devices/SPIKE EAGLE Hell, Performages have like 20 monsters. I still think it was rushed, but going over it in my head/hearing Bree actually enjoy the majority of the episodes we skipped that she's seen has kinda made me like it more, in retrospect, despite its flaws. EDIT: I also want to mention how Arc-V is a character driven story. Very much so. We're given a world with normal people (yes, Yuya is constantly made out to be normal, even with the qualifiers he has throughout to be special) and a few out of place special people (reijiiii) trying to get through it. The world is funking crazy, but Gong, Yuzu, Shuzo, Yuya, Sora, Shun, and so on.... are characters who aren't unrealistic, but they're changed by what they've experienced, been through. Even in cases where it's just not enjoyable to watch them be realistic, like Shun and Shinji. This is why Reiji failed so hard. They didn't use him enough, and he was more like a boss character than not, with plans out the ass, which makes him stick out like a sore thumb. Not to mention his knowledge of the plot and connection to Leo. The execution wasn't perfect, but the idea is good, and I enjoyed it for what it was. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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