Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted February 16, 2017 Report Share Posted February 16, 2017 [spoiler=Quick 145 thoughts]If Ultimate Falcon was a pain to get over, let's see what the Rank 12 does for them (and if it ends up as the overkill boss that RRs probably don't need to use unless they really want to run it). Probably will be 4000/3000 or something, but we'll see. But yeah, we probably should've guessed it'd happen eventually. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hallohallo Posted February 19, 2017 Report Share Posted February 19, 2017 [spoiler=Script 143]Last Time’s Egao Count: 271Shuzo: Zarc…Futoshi/Tatsuya: Zarc…Random People: Zarc…Zarc…Zarc…Zarc…Zarc…Narrator: The world is divided into four dimensions.Across these dimensions, there are four boys, who all share the same face,And the dragons they possess call out to one another,As if seeking out each other…(Opening Sequence)Yuya: I was Zarc…The Demon Duelist.I brought destruction to the world…!Yuzu: You’re not a demon!Respond to them, Yuya! Respond to your friends' feelings!Yuya: That’s right!Back then, I…Yuya: I've made up my mind!I won't ever become a demon again!Now's your chance!Do it! Reira!Yuya: Where are Yuzu and Reira!?Himika: Reira is right here.Yuya: That kid is Reira!?GONGENZAKA: What!?SAWATARI-SAN: You’re kidding me!Why is he a baby!?Reiji: The four Magic Cards that my father created,En Flowers, En Birds, En Winds, and En Moon,Destroyed the Supreme Dragon King and split it back into the four dragons.However, those cards can also return the dragons’ wielder, as well as the person who activated them, into pure beings.In other words, it has the power to turn them into infants. (I can’t believe I actually wrote this)Reiji: That’s why when the world was first split up,Zarc was turned into four infants and reincarnated in each of the dimensions.Likewise, my elder sister, Ray, was reincarnated as four infants.Shuzo: Yuzu…Reiji: However, this time, Reira removed the evil spirit within you,And sealed it within himself.Futoshi: Then, Big Bro Yuya is no longer…Tatsuya: He’s no longer Zarc?SAWATARI-SAN: Then, Reira…GONGENZAKA: He saved Yuya?Reiji: The situation is not quite so simple.Reiji: The unified world that was created within the chaos of Arc-VWas split back into four dimensions when the four dragons break up.Reira wasn’t split into four,Probably because he promptly sealed Zarc’s soul away before that.That’s what I think.However, because of that, Reira…Himika: He lost his smile. (Egao Count: 271+1=272)Yuya: He lost his smile? (Egao Count: 272+1=273)Reiji: I have a reason for recreating the Maiami Championship.It was to bring back Reira’s smile through Sakaki Yuya’s Entertainment Dueling. (Egao Count: 273+1=274)Yuya: Through my Entertainment Dueling?Reiji: Exactly.Reiji: It will save not only Reira, but the world as well.SAWATARI-SAN: What exactly do you mean!?Why would the world be saved if Reira smiles!? (Egao Count: 274+1=275)Yuya: A part of me is inside Reira…Zarc’s evil spirit…Yuya: Reira lost his smile because of that. (Egao Count: 275+1=276)Then, if I can make him smile again, (Egao Count: 276+1=277)The evil spirit will go away!?Reiji: Correct.But it won’t be an easy task.SAWATARI-SAN: Well, he’s not wrong.I mean, Zarc was a world-destroying demon, after all.Reiji: Even so, it must still be done.Otherwise, Zarc will eventually revive,And bring destruction to the world once again.Yuya: With my Entertainment Dueling…The evil spirit that used to be inside me will…But what do I do!?Yusho: The answer is within you.Yuya: Dad!Shuzo: Senior!Yoko: Dear!Yusho: If you want to find the answer, you must win this Junior Youth Championship first!If you can’t do that,You won’t become a Pro,Nor will you be able to save the world, or Reira, or Yuzu.Yuya: Yuzu!?Shuzo: Yuzu!Yuya: Yuzu is still out there somewhere!?Will my Entertainment save her!?Reiji: I believe in Hiiragi Yuzu’s safety as well.Whether she can be saved or not is all up to you.Random Dude 1: All up to him?Random Dude 2: They’re seriously expecting that kid to save the world?Random Lady: The evil spirit inside him might have been removed, but…Kids: Ma’am?Yoko: Why are you moping around, Yuya!?Shuzo: Y-Yoko-san!?Yoko: If you have the time for that,Use it to fulfill your promises to me instead!Yuya: Mom?Yoko: You said it yourself.You said that you’ll bring smiles to everyone with your Dueling, (Egao Count: 277+1=278)Stop the war, and bring Yuzu-chan home!Yoko: You still haven’t fulfilled any of your promises!There are still seeds of conflicts lying around.There’s a baby who lost his smile. (Egao Count: 278+1=279)And Yuzu-chan hasn’t returned home!Yuya: SHUT UP, MOM!Yoko: Huh?Yuya: This is my problem!It’s my… It’s my turn!Yuya: I switch Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon and Entermate Discover Hippo to Defense Position!I set one card face-down, and end my turn!Yuya: I want to save them.But what am I supposed to do!?Yoko: I guess I went a bit overboard with it.Shuzo: Yoko-san…Yoko: “Shup up,” huh?I looked away for a moment, and now he’s become bold enough to talk back to me.GONGENZAKA: If you’re going to keep moping around,I, the manly Gongenzaka, will save both Yuzu and Reira myself!It’s my turn!GONGENZAKA: From my hand, I summon the Tuner Monster, Superheavy Samurai Kobu-Shi!Futoshi: Gongenzaka summoned it in Attack Position!?GONGENZAKA: Battle!I attack Discover Hippo With Kobu-Shi!GONGENZAKA: Then, I attack Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon with Big Benkei!Big Benkei can attack while it is in Defense Position!At this moment, the effect of the Double Horn equipped to Big Benkei activates!When there are no Magic or Trap Cards in my Graveyard,The monster equipped with it can attack again!GONGENZAKA: Go, Big Benkei!Attack Yuya directly!Yuya: Action Magic, Evasion!The attack will be negated!GONGENZAKA: You won’t get away!When Superheavy Samurai Kobu-Shi destroyed a monster through battle,I can perform a Synchro Summon during the Battle Phase!I’m tuning the Level-8 Big Benkei and the Level-2 Kaku-Go with the Level-2 Kobu-Shi!Steadfast demon-god!Tighten your resolute fists!Now, become an iron demon,And charge across the battlefield!Synchro Summon!Take the field!Come forth!Level-12! Superheavy Steam Fiend Tetsudo'o!SAWATARI-SAN: Gongenzaka got a new monster!?He’s riding on it!!?GONGENZAKA: This is my resolve!This is to show you how serious I am!I will defeat you and become a Pro!Here I come, Yuya!I attack you directly with Tetsudo'o!SAWATARI-SAN: It’s running now!?GONGENZAKA: Those who have lost their hope of becoming Pros:Leave this place right now!SAWATARI-SAN: AAAAHHHHHH!GONGENZAKA: Tetsudo'o can attack while it is in Defense Position!Yuya: Action Magic, Evasion!GONGENZAKA: I won’t let you!Tatsuya: He’s fast!Ayu/Tatsuya: Gongenzaka!?GONGENZAKA: Action Magic, No Action!Evasion will be negated!Random Dude 1: That’s amazing, Gongenzaka!Random Dude 2: Throwing away your iron sandals to remove your limiters…That’s one neat trick!Yuya: Trap, activate!Entermate Signal!I can draw one card and send it to the Graveyard!If it is an Entermate,My opponent’s attack will be negated!Yusho: Oh? A gamble, huh?Reiji: But if it’s a Trap, or a Magic,Or even just some other monster,Yuya will lose.Yuya: Draw!All right!I send Entermate Sword Fish into the Graveyard!The attack of Tetsudo'o is negated!Kids: He stopped it!Nico: Wow!GONGENZAKA: The effect of Tetsudo'o activates!Once per turn,I banish all Magic and Trap Cards from my Graveyard,And inflict 200 damage for each one of them!Yuya: What!?GONGENZAKA: I banish the Action Magic, No Action, from my Graveyard!Now, you will take 200 damage!Futoshi: SHIVERRSSSS!Ayu: Yeah! My heart is pounding!Tatsuya: I never expected that there’d be a back-and-forth with Action Cards in a Duel between Big Bro Yuya and Gongenzaka!Nico: What a thrilling, heart-pounding, and surprising development!Gongenzaka, who practices the creed of Steadfast Dueling,Rode on a monster to pursue his opponent,And then the Entertainment Duelist Sakaki Yuya managed to stop him with a risky draw,But then Gongenzaka combined his Monster’s effect with an Action Card to deal damage to Yuya! Whew…!GONGENZAKA: That was pathetic, Yuya!The mere notion of you becoming a Pro with this level of skill is preposterous!Yuya: Say what!?GONGENZAKA: It’s your turn next.If you’re seriously aiming to be a Pro and become an Entertainment Duelist like your father,You must go all out and fight me with everything you’ve got!Yuya: I’m going all out!I’m thinking with everything I’ve got!I’m thinking about what I can do to save Reira and Yuzu with my Entertainment!I want to save the two of them!Even if everyone tells me that I’m being reckless and can’t be relied on!I want to save Reira and Yuzu, who have saved me!Shuzo: Yuya…Yuya: I will become even stronger than before!Let’s do this, Gongenzaka!(ZETSUBOU commercial: BUY DINOSAURS)Yuya: It’s my turn!Using the Scales I’ve already set,I Pendulum Summon!Be revived from the Extra Deck!Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!Yuya: From my hand, I activate the Continuous Magic, Pendulum Illusion!And then…Yuya: Battle!I attack Superheavy Steam Fiend Tetsudo'o with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!Nico: Yuya has also got onto a monster and charged ahead!However, the DEF of Tetsudo'o is 4800!The 2500 ATK Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon cannot destroy it!Yuya: When a Pendulum Monster battles,I can send a Magic or Trap card from my hand to the Graveyard to activate Pendulum Illusion’s effect!I send the Action Magic. Damage Banish, into the Graveyard, and activate its effect!Due to this, during the Battle Phase,The ATK and DEF of an opposing monster will be halved!Nico: The DEF of Tetsudo'o is now 2400!Futoshi: All right!Tatsuya: Due to this…Ayu: He can now destroy it!Yuya: Do it, Odd-Eyes!Spiral Strike Burst!A monster affected by Pendulum Illusion won’t be destroyed, but piercing damage will be inflicted!Kids: He did it!Random Dude 1: But it’s just 200!Random Dude 2: That’s him going all out? It’s not very impressive!Futoshi: But I still got SHIVERRRSSSSS!Ayu: That’s because they’re both going all out!Tatsuya: They’re evenly-matched, basically!Yuya: When the battle ends, Pendulum Illusion’s effect ends,And the DEF of Tetsudo'o returns to normal.I end my turn.GONGENZAKA: It’s my turn!Draw!GONGENZAKA: I can certainly feel the resolve in your head-on attack!GONGENZAKA: In that case, I’ll attack you head-on as well!Battle!I attack Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon with Superheavy Steam Fiend Tetsudo'o!Nico: At this rate, Odd-Eyes will be destroyed!Yuya: I send the Action Magic, Flame Guard, into the Graveyard,And activate Pendulum Illusion’s effect!Nico: Due to this, Odd-Eyes’s ATK is now higher!Nico: Due to Pendulum Illusion’s effect, the destruction of Tetsudo'o is negated!Ayu: But he’ll still take damage!Tatsuya/Futoshi: And it’ll be doubled!GONGENZAKA: By sending two cards into the Graveyard, Tetsudo'o can destroy a monster!I send the Action Magic Tenacity, and Superheavy Samurai Big Waraji into the Graveyard,And activate its effect!I destroy Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!GONGENZAKA: Then, I banish Tenacity from the Graveyard, and deal 200 damage to Yuya!GONGENZAKA: When the battle ends,Pendulum Illusion’s effect ends,And the DEF of Tetsudo'o returns to normal.I end my turn.Reiji: They both manage to deal 200 damage, huh?Yusho: It’s like those fierce battles that Yoko loves.Hah. She’s missing out on all this by going home…Yoko: …Is probably what he’s thinking, but too bad, he’s wrong!Yoko: Good going!Go get him!Keep the momentum going!HAHAHAHAH!Yuya: It’s my turn!Due to the effect of the Continuous Magic, Pendulum Illusion, I can’t draw.Pendulum Summon!I revive Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon from the Extra Deck!Yuya: Battle!I attack Tetsudo'o with Odd-Eyes!GONGENZAKA: I won’t let you have those Action Cards!Ayu/Futoshi: Gongenzaka jumped off!Tatsuya: Watch out!You’re going to crash into each other!Yuya: Gongenzaka threw away his Steadfast Dueling in order to encourage me.Yuya: I must go all out and respond to him in turn!GONGENZAKA: That’s it. Come at me!Show me what you’ve got, Yuya!I won’t lose to you!Yuya: I send the Action Magic, Flame Chain into the Graveyard!Pendulum Illusion’s effect activates!Spiral Strike Burst!Yuya: When the Battle Phase ends,the DEF of Tetsudo'o returns to normal.I end my turn!GONGENZAKA: It’s my turn!Battle! Tetsudo'o!Random Lady: They’re repeating the same things!?Random Dude: How long are they going to keep doing this?Yuya: I send an Action Magic into the Graveyard, and activate Pendulum Illusion’s effect!Random Dude: But this is kind of awesome!Yuya: Spiral Strike Burst!GONGENZAKA: I send the Action Magic, Flame Power and Superheavy Samurai Soul Makarugaeshi into the Graveyard,In order to destroy Odd-Eyes!Yuya: AAAHH!GONGENZAKA: I then banish Flame Power from the Graveyard,And inflict 200 damage!Yuya: GAAAHH!Random Dude: The two of them are not holding back!Yuya: When the battle ends,the DEF of Tetsudo'o returns to normal.Yuya: And now, it’s my turn!Since I can’t draw, I’ll revive Odd-Eyes with Pendulum Summon!Battle! Odd-Eyes!Yuya: I’ll end this with this turn!GONGENZAKA: I won’t let you!GONGENZAKA: Damn it!Yuya: I send the Action Magic, Flame Power into the Graveyard,And activate Pendulum Illusion’s effect!Yuya: Gongenzaka!?GONGENZAKA: I’ll take this attack head-on!Come, Yuya!Yuya: Sure!Here I go, Gongenzaka!Spiral Strike Burst!GONGENZAKA: AAAAHHHHHH!Yuya: Due to Odd-Eyes’s effect,The damage is doubled!Reaction Force!Yuya: Gongenzaka!GONGENZAKA: This is your Entertainment?Are you kidding me!?GONGENZAKA: Your Entertainment could have been better!Save Yuzu and Reira, and prove it to me!Yuya: Gongenzaka…Nico: The winner is Sakaki Yuya!Nico: Due to this, Yuya can now advance from Junior Youth to Youth…Reiji: No. I still can’t approve of him just yet.Reiji: This Battle Royale is supposed to be a continuation of the Maiami Championship that was interrupted by Academia’s attack.Reiji: The Duelists who still remained after the attack were chosen to be Lancers by me.Only one of them can advance to the Youth class.In other words, there are still opponents that you need to defeat, Yuya.Yuya: Opponents I need to defeat?Yuya: What is this?Reiji: A gate to an Interdimensional Corridor.Yuya: Interdimensional Corridor?Reiji: I said that the world is split into four again, but in reality,There are still remnants of Arc-V that are still around.Arc-V is connected to the four dimensions via wormholes.Which is why we called it the Interdimensional Corridor.Reiji: You shall go to the Xyz Dimension from here.Yuya: Xyz?Then, I’m going to fight Kurosaki?Right?The remaining Lancers are Serena, Kurosaki, and Dennis…Yuya: But Serena, along with Yuzu and the other two, was sent into Arc-V.If I can save Yuzu, I might be able to save Serena, Ruri, and Rin as well.If I can only do that through Dueling,Then no matter who my opponents are, I must fight them!And I’ll definitely win!I made a vow!That I will save the world through my Entertainment!Here I come, Kurosaki!Just wait!Yuya: Huh?That’s…!(Preview for Episode 144)Dennis: I’ve been waiting, Yuya!Yuya: Dennis!Why are you here?Dennis: In order to fight you, obviously!Yuya: Fight me? But this place is…Dennis: You won’t find Kurosaki here.He’s in the Fusion Dimension.If you want to chase after him, you have to beat me first.Of course, I’m not planning to lose, either…Yuya: Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V:The Cursed Gear MaskThe fun has just begun! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted February 19, 2017 Report Share Posted February 19, 2017 [spoiler=VJump info regarding the upcoming duels] From the final, post Zarc storyline! it’s been revealed what will be key monsters for upcoming Duels. Yuya’s Performapal Deck will be using the likes of Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, Performapal Gongato, Xiangke Magician and Xiangsheng Magician. As well, Yuya gains Performapal Miracle Mirrabbit, a Level 4 Performapal with 1200 ATK and DEF, who aids in attacking.Meanwhile, Kurosaki Shun returns with Raidraptor – Vanishing Lanius, Raidraptor – Rise Falcon and Raidraptor – Revolution Falcon. (And an unknown Rank 12 Raidraptor)Dennis in his match with Yuya in Heartland, fights with his Performage Deck. The key ones he’s using are his ace Performage Trapeze Magician, his Fusion Performage Trapeze Force Witch, and his Performage Bubble Gardna. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted February 19, 2017 Report Share Posted February 19, 2017 [spoiler=143 thoughts]Oh yay, new Superheavy Synchro that doesn't suck (or least is a Level that they can work with, plus get rid of S/T that screw you over).Yuya getting asspulls with Action Cards; that is pretty much the only reason he won (just to fuel Pendulum Illusion). Then again, Gongenzaka needed to blow up one of Yuya's scales and he's dead enough.Out of fairness, he did block Yuya from getting an Action Card one time only (and the crowd enjoyed that)Some people wonder if Yuya can be trusted to save the world because he once destroyed it as Zarc; wouldn't blame them.Everyone knows about Yuya and what happened to Reira and stuff. Yoko and Futoshi both need to sit down.Then again, Yuya told Yoko to shut up because she is dense to his problems of being Zarc. (To be fair, she really is dense to everything concerning this problem. Hell, the only thing she seems to care about is Michio nowadays.)Yuya's off to fight Dennis and Shun next. [spoiler=About future matches]OK, Yuya gets a new Performapal in an already oversaturated Archetype. Let's see how this turns out. Already knew about Shun's stuff (at least the Rank 12); I expect him to give Yuya a thorough ass-kicking. Dennis returns with Em's; alright, nothing new about that. Assume Yuya wins against Dennis. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted February 20, 2017 Report Share Posted February 20, 2017 [spoiler=Thoughts on 143 subbed (aka Initial thoughts)]- Reiji explains that the 4 cards Leo made had the power to not only get rid of the dragons, but to turn the user into a baby. In addition, he said that the reason why Reira didn't become 4 babies was to seal Zarc's soul which took away his smile and that he re-enacted the Maiami Championship to get back the smile.- After the whole Zarc sheet, people were sceptical as to whether Yuya can save the world- So Gongenzaka's final boss is basically the Demon Train from Zelda Spirit Tracks (coincidently was the first part of the final boss of that game) and conveniently has an effect to get rid of Action cards. Gee that would've been useful back in Xyz.- Wow, once Pendulum Illusion was set up, the duel became a loop of Yuya ditches an Action card to damage Gongenzaka, Gongenzaka killing Odd-Eyes and burning Yuya, etc till there was a winner yet the crowd seemed to enjoy it;- Yuya telling his mum to shut up, that'll do it.- Reiji explains that the battle royale was done as continuation of the Maiami Championship and can only permit one of the Lancers to advance to Youth, meaning that Yuya has to beat the rest of them; Dennis, Kurosaki and Serena (though Yuya knows Serena is in Arc-V) by going to the Xyz dimension.- Hello Dennis. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
I Hate Snatch Steal Posted February 21, 2017 Report Share Posted February 21, 2017 I know this isn't new news, but: [spoiler=ep 105 and a little after]Does anyone else feel disappointed that Kurosaki lost to Katio in ep 105. I feel that they could still have done a similar plot with Kurosaki winning. Just have Kaito go look for other allies or something to have him not around for a bit. Also, is anyone else bothered by the fact that when Kaito returns a few episodes later, he credits Yuya, and only Yuya, (unless my subtitles missed him saying "Yuya-tachi" which loosely translates as "Yuya's group" or something) for teaching him the value of friendship? Nevermind the fact that it was Kurosaki who really put in the effort to reach out to him. edit 2/22/17: Yeah, I thought 143's duel was repetitive and boring too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hallohallo Posted February 26, 2017 Report Share Posted February 26, 2017 [spoiler=Script 144]Last Time’s Egao Count: 279Yuya: Reiji sent me to the Xyz Dimension.My next opponent is waiting there.I made a vow.I will save the world with my entertainment!Yuya: Huh?That’s…!Narrator: Action Duel was born from the realization of Solid Vision with mass.This kind of Duel is one where the Field, monsters, and Duelists become one,And send the audience into a storm of excitement.(Opening Sequence)Dennis: I’ve been waiting, Yuya.Yuya: Dennis!Why are you here!?Dennis: In order to fight you, obviously.Yuya: Fight me?But this place is…Dennis: You won’t find Kurosaki here.Yuya: Huh?Dennis: He’s gone! Right, guys?Allen: Yeah!Shun went to the Fusion Dimension.Allen: He heard about the Junior Youth Championship from some Akaba Reiji guy,But he said that he doesn’t care about it.Sayaka: I’m sure Shun is looking for Ruri!Yuya: Ruri!?Yuya: I see…Kurosaki still doesn’t know about it…Yuya: All right!I’ll go to the Fusion Dimension, then!Dennis: Hold it!Yuya: Huh?Dennis: Are you running from your opponent?Dennis: You want to make everyone smile, (Egao Count: 279+1=280)And yet, you’re fleeing from me, the student of the peerless Entertainment Duelist Sakaki Yusho?Yuya: You were his student!?That’s why Dennis’s Dueling is…Dennis: Well? Are you going to fight me now?If you want to go, you’ll have to beat me first!Looks like some spectators have arrived as well.Yuya: Those kids are…Dennis: Shall we begin, then?Of course, I’m not planning to lose, either!Duel Disk: Field Magic, Cross Over.DUEL!Yuya: I’ll go first!Using the Scale-2 Entermate Gongcat and the Scale-8 Xiangsheng Magician,I set the Pendulum Scales!With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-3 and 7!Swing, Pendulum of the Soul!Draw an arc of light across the ether!Pendulum Summon!Come forth!Level-7! Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!Kid: Amazing…Yuya: I end my turn with this!Dennis: It’s my turn! Draw!I summon Entermage Bubble Gardna from my hand!Woman: What are you doing!?I said that you can’t watch people Dueling, didn’t I?Woman: Come on!I know you’re good kids.Let’s go home.Kid: No!The person who is Dueling is the guy from back then.Kid: You said that his Duel is a true Duel, didn’t you?Woman: Oh!Dennis: On the turn an Entermage is summoned or Special Summoned,I can Special Summon Entermage Filmsy Slimmer from my hand!Kid: Come on, Mom! It’s fine!Woman: But…Random Dude: Don’t let the kids watch the Duel!How many times do I have to tell you!?Random Dude: Come!Don’t get involved with those people!Dennis: Hahahahaha…You’re not going anywhere.Does this card catch your eye?Random Dude: That card is…!Dennis: Yup.Say, you want to be turned into card again?If you don’t like that,Stay put, and watch this Duel!Yuya: What are you saying, Dennis!?Dennis: I activate the Magic Card, Polymerization!I’m fusing Bubble Gardna and Filmsy Slimmer!Bubbly guardian!Merge with the escape artist who has never experienced predicaments!And become a new witch who dashes across the ether!Fusion Summon!Come forth!Level-7!Entermage Trapeze Force Witch!Dennis: Then, I activate the Equip Magic, Antique Gear Mask,And equip it to Trapeze Force Witch!Dennis: Battle!I attack Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon with Trapeze Force Witch!Dennis: Taste the power of my wicked Fusion Monster!Trapeze Force Witch’s Monster Effect activates!When an Entermage battles, the opposing monster loses 600 ATK!Yuya: Action Magic!Dennis: Not going to happen!Dennis: When a monster equipped with Antique Gear Mask attacks,My opponent cannot activate Magic or Trap Card until the end of the Damage Step!Dennis: And when a monster equipped with Antique Gear Mask destroys a monster through battle, the battle damage will be doubled!Dennis: I end my turn!Now then, try and defeat me!I am an Academia student, after all!Yuya: Dennis! Why are you doing this?Edo: It’s all Academia’s fault.Yuya: Edo!Grace: Yuya~!Edo: To the people who were turned into cards by Academia,We are nothing but a target for their hatred.Edo: They reject us…No, they reject Dueling itself!Yuya: But you guys are making up for your errors by rebuilding the city…Edo: A person’s heart is different from a city.Edo: They’re not going to forgive us just because everything is going back to normal.For the Academia has inflicted deep wounds upon their hearts.Edo: If we can at least talk through Dueling,We can maybe find a solution…Yuya: Don’t tell me… He…Yuya: Then…It’s my turn!Yuya: Using the Scales I’ve already set,I Pendulum Summon!Be revived from the Extra Deck!Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!From my hand, Entermate Miracle Mirrabbit!Random Dude: N-No. I’ll be turned into a card again.No!I don’t want to be a card again…Woman: It’s okay.You won’t ever be turned into a card again.So, calm down, and watch this in earnest.Woman: Watch those kids’ Duel.Yuya: Battle!I attack Trapeze Force Witch with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!Dennis: You know that your attack won’t work against my wicked Fusion Monster, don’t you?Because of Trapeze Force Witch’s effect, the opposing monster will lose 600 ATK!Yuya: Then, I’ll activate Miracle Mirrabbit’s Monster Effect!The target for the ATK modification will be switched to this card!Dennis: A half-baked trick like that won’t work, either!Dennis: If a monster is equipped with Antique Gear Mask,Once per turn, it cannot be destroyed by battle or effect!Yuya: But you’ll still take damage!Yuya: When Odd-Eyes battles a Level-5 or above monster,The damage will be doubled!Reaction Force!Dennis: Tch!How dare you…Yuya: Come on! It’s just a scratch!Dennis: But you won’t be able to overcome my dark powers with pathetic tricks like that!Yuya: Oh, the real show is just getting started.Dennis: What!?Yuya: That’s right!Its title is… Mirror Magic Show!First off is Miracle Mirrabbit’s entry!Yuya: Huh? Hey! We’re in the middle of a Duel!Yuya: Now then, Odd-Eyes’s image will be reflected in Miracle Mirrabbit’s mirror!Yuya: What!?In exchange for Mirror Mirrabbit not being able to attack,Another monster will be able to attack twice!Yuya: Now, since Odd-Eyes have received Miracle Mirrabbit’s power,It can conduct a second battle!Attack Trapeze Force Witch!Dennis: No matter what you do, nothing will change!Due to Trapeze Force Witch’s effect, it will lose 600 ATK!Yuya: Then, Miracle Mirrabbit’s other effect!This card’s ATK will be modified instead!I’ll double the damage with Reaction Force!(ZETSUBOU commercial. Brb)Yuya: Did you all enjoy the Mirror Magic Entertainment Show?Then, I shall now end my turn.Up next is the best Entertainment Duelist of the Fusion Dimension!Dennis Macfield, who has crossed dimensions to deliver a thrilling entertainment show to everyone!Dennis: What nonsense are you spouting!?Yuya: Reveal it!Your true self, Dennis!Dennis: You’ve seen through everything, huh?Then, I have no choice.IT’S SHOW TIME!Dennis: It’s my turn!Using the Scale-2 Entermage Reversal Dancer and the Scale-6 Entermage Fire Dancer,I set the Pendulum Scales!With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-3 and 5!Pendulum Summon!Be revived from the Extra Deck!Level-4! Entermage Bubble Gardna!Level-4! Entermage Filmsy Slimmer!I overlay the Level-4 Bubble Gardna and Filmsy Slimmer together! Dennis: It’s time for the entrance of my show’s indispensable magician!The show must go on!Magician of the ether!Swing across the stage with splendor!Xyz Summon!Come on out! Rank-4!Entermage Trapeze Magician!Random Kid 1: Beautiful…Random Kid 2: Amazing!Dennis: The best is yet to come!I detach one of Trapeze Magician’s Overlay Units and activate his effect!Now you get to enjoy his acrobat show two times in a row!The first battle!Attack Miracle Mirrabbit!Yuya: Action Magic, Evasion!It negates a monster’s attack!Dennis: Yuya!Because you avoided my attack,My victory is now guaranteed!Yuya: No! Nothing is set in stone yet!Dennis: I’ll win.I’ll go for Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon with my second attack!Yuya: Huh? Odd-Eyes?Grace: But their ATKs are the same…Gloria: What is he trying to do?Yuya: Action Magic, Miracle!The monster won’t be destroyed, and the damage is halved!Dennis: At this moment, I activate the Quick-Play Magic in my hand:Rank-Up-Magic Magical Force!It can Special Summon a monster that was destroyed in battle, with its effects negated!Using this card and that monster as materials,I can Xyz Summon a Spellcaster-Type monster that is one Rank higher!Yuya: What!?Dennis: The show must go on!Magician of the ether!Swing across a grander stage,With even more splendor and magnificence than before! Rank-Up Xyz Change!Come forth!Rank-5! Entermage Trapeze High Magician!Allen: Oh! A Rank-Up Magic!Awesome!Dennis: I detach one of Trapeze High Magician’s Overlay Units,And activate its Monster Effect.Due to this, Trapeze High Magician can now attack three times this turn!Kid: Amazing! It can attack three times!Gloria: If this goes through, the match will be settled.Grace: You’re sure about that?Yuya can just deflect it with an Action Card!Kid: Ken-chan, they’re dangerous!Stop it!Gloria: Do you like Dueling?You’ll have a better view if you’re in front.Dennis: Let’s see if you can keep up with Trapeze High Magician’s high-speed acrobatic attacks!Attack Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!Yuya: Damn!AAAH!Dennis: Attack Miracle Mirrabbit!Dennis: This is it.I attack directly with Trapeze High Magician!Yuya: I activate Entermate Gongcat’s Pendulum Effect!When there’s no monster on my Field,The battle damage will become zero!Allen: All right! He’s managed to survive!Dennis: I end my turn.Well? It was even more exciting than you expected, wasn’t it?Yuya: No. There’s still more to come!The fun has just begun!It’s my turn!Using the Scales I’ve already set,I can revive my monsters!Pendulum Summon!Be revived from the Extra Deck!Level-7! Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!Level-4! Entermate Miracle Mirrabbit!I Normal Summon Entermate Sword Fish!Yuya: I activate Sword Fish’s Monster Effect!Until the End Phase,An opposing monster will lose 600 ATK!Grace: Dennis has no set card and his hand is empty!Gloria: Looks like Yuya’s going to win.Dennis: It will be a disservice to the spectators if this show ends with an anticlimax!I detach one of Trapeze High Magician’s Overlay Units,And activate its Monster Effect!Due to this,Trapeze High Magician won’t be destroyed by battle or effect for up to three times during this turn!Dennis: All right! Can you get all the way up here?Gloria: Impressive.With that effect, it won’t be destroyed for three times.And Yuya only has 100 Life left.Grace: In order to get through that effect,He needs a monster with ATK higher than Trapeze High Magician’s.But how many does he need?Odd-Eyes alone won’t be enough.Yuya: Ladies and gentlemen!It’s finally time for the climax!Watch this, everyone!The glory of victory awaits me on the summit of the tower!I’ll prepare something, so that Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon can take me up there!From my hand, I activate the Continuous Magic, Challenge Stairs!When I attack an opposing monster and it is not destroyed,By releasing a card on my Field,I can attack one more time!Yuya: Then, from my hand, I activate the Continuous Magic, Hope Stairs!Due to this, a monster that has battled with an opposing monster will gain 400 ATK until the Standby Phase of the next turn!Reiji: By using Xiangsheng Magician’s Pendulum Effect,He can make Sword Fish Level-4,And use it and Miracle Mirrabbit as materials,In order to call forth Dark Rebellion.Yuya: Well then! Battle!Yuya: Let’s go, Odd-Eyes!Yuya: I attack Trapeze High Magician with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!Dennis: Due to Trapeze High Magician’s effect, it won’t be destroyed by battle.Yuya: Even if its destruction is negated, you’ll still take damage!Yuya: Due to Hope Stairs’ effect, Odd-Eyes gains 400 ATK!Dennis: I activate Reversal Dancer’s Pendulum Effect!Once during each turn,When an opposing monster gains ATK through a card’s effect,A monster on my Field will also gain ATK equal to that amount!Yuya: Then, I activate Miracle Mirrabbit’s effect!In exchange for this card not being able to attack,Another monster on my Field can attack a second time!Yuya: Odd-Eyes! Make a second attack!Yuya: Due to its effect, Trapeze High Magician won’t be destroyed,But you’ll still take damage!Yuya: Due to Hope Stairs’ effect, Odd-Eyes will gain 400 ATK!Yuya: I’m not done yet!Using the effect of the Continuous Magic, Challenge Stairs,I can release Xiangsheng Magician in order to make a third attack!Kid: He did it!He smashed through the effect!Yuya: You’ll also receive damage!Yuya: Due to Hope Stairs’ effect, Odd-Eyes will gain 400 ATK!Kid 1: Just a bit more!You can do it!Kid 2: You can do it!Yuya: With this, Trapeze High Magician’s effect is now finished.And there’s more!Yuya: Using Challenge Stairs’ effect, I can make a fourth attack!Dennis: How unfortunate!Even if you destroy my Trapeze High Magician,I’ll still have 200 Life left!You’ve lost!Yuya: Action Magic, Miracle!Dennis: What!? When did you…!?Yuya: A bit before going up here,I picked up the card you prevented me from taking.Dennis: But Miracle is a card that negates a monster’s destruction and halves the damage!How are you going to win with that?Yuya: Right!I’m going to activate this on Trapeze High Magician!Dennis: What!?Yuya: And you’ll take damage.Odd-Eyes also gains 400 ATK due to Hope Stairs’ effect!And since I couldn’t destroy the monster, Challenge Stairs’ effect activates!I release Sword Fish, and make a fifth attack!This is the finale of the show!I attack Trapeze High Magician with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!Spiral Strike Burst!Dennis: AAAAHHHHHH!Allen: He’s done it!Random Dude: That observatory…Our family went up there before.That’s right…It was the day I won a Duel tournament.Woman: You said this before.“I’ll entertain my family with my Dueling from now on.”Random Dude: Right.Random Kid: Hey! Teach me Entertainment Dueling!Yuya: Okay! Got it!He has conducted an entertaining Duel,So now, Dennis will teach you all about Entertainment Dueling!Dennis: Eh?Yuya: I’m counting on you, Dennis.Teach them the genuine Entertainment Dueling my father taught you!Dennis: Yuya!Okay!Let’s do this!Dennis: Thank you, Yuya.(Preview for Episode 145)Yuya: In order to save Yuzu… I have to bring back Reira’s smile with my Dueling! (Egao Count: 280+1=281)Kurosaki! Duel me right now!Captain Falcon: Both Ruri and Yuto are gone…The only thing I have left is Dueling…Yuya! Let’s settle this!Yuya: Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V:Unending RebellionThe fun has just begun! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted February 27, 2017 Report Share Posted February 27, 2017 [spoiler=144 thoughts]Way to go, Dennis. Threaten the Xyz guy with Polymerization and carding to tell him "shut up and watch the duel", especially after what Academia did. (I mean, he calmed down at the end).Trapeze gets a Rank-Up; well, another card that isn't getting released until Series 10 when sheet got nerfed. Reiji predicts Yuya will make DRXD, but he's wrong and Yuya just attacks. (That being said, that would've been the quick option but then would end up scaring people more than being entertainment)If Action Cards didn't exist, Yuya would've probably lost the duel (but then again, Dennis didn't expect him to use an Action Card on his own monster just to trigger Challenge/Hope Stairs).Xyz is somewhat peaceful again, but let's see how the meeting with Shun goes (we know that he's pissed off at Yuya). Shun doesn't know about what happened to Ruri and how she's related to Ray. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hallohallo Posted March 4, 2017 Report Share Posted March 4, 2017 [spoiler=Preview 146]Episode 146: ディメンションハイウェイ – Dimenshon Haiwei(Dimension Highway)After Yuya’s Duel against Kurosaki ended, Jack arrives before Yuya and challenges him! Jack declares that Yuya cannot save anyone as he is right now. Yuya faces off against Jack once again with the Dueling that he believes in. However, he is afraid to summon the four dragons, and is quickly driven into a corner! That moment, Yuya hear their voices within him…Cast:Sakaki Yuya/YuriYutoYugoJack AtlasGongenzaka NoboruSawatari ShingoShiun’in SoraKurosaki ShunDennis MacfieldCrow HoganSakaki YokoSakaki YushoNarratorAkaba ReijiReiraAkaba HimikaYamashiro TatsuyaHarada FutoshiAyukawa AyuHiiragi ShuzoMelissa ClaireKozuki AllenSasayama SayakaExtrasScript: 上代 務 || Kamishiro Tsutomu Source: NAC Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted March 4, 2017 Report Share Posted March 4, 2017 [spoiler=Thoughts]Jack returns for a final performance, so this will be fun. (Time to get redemption for Zarc beating you) He's not wrong though (well, least for now, since Reiji said that playing DRXD would've been a viable option, and take less time to do than the Stairs combos he did with Odd-Eyes). As we haven't seen 145 yet, let's assume that Kurosaki gave Yuya a few choice words that made him doubt his ability. That being said, we haven't seen him use OG Clear Wing and Starve Venom. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted March 4, 2017 Report Share Posted March 4, 2017 Finally got around to watching 144[spoiler=Thoughts on 144 Subbed (aka initial thoughts)]- Allen explains that Kurosaki didn't give a sheet about the Junior Youth Championship and buggered off to the Fusion Dimension to enquire about Ruri. Ofc he doesn't know what happened to Ruri- Dennis threatens to cardify the bloke who doesn't want children to watch duels if he didn't shut up and watched it as he showed him Poly.- Aster says that a person's heart is different to that of a town, so just because they helped to restore Heartland, it doesn't mean the people will easily forgive them from cardifying them previously.- Dennis gets more toys that'll most likely not see release IRL.- The guy in Challenge/Hope is basically Yuya dressed as Mario. (Super Yuya Bros.)- Reiji thought Yuya would make DRXD, but Yuya decides to do things without it (he was considering it, but decided not to)- And ofc Dennis promises to teach the kids entertainment duelling, thus all is well in Xyz again. [spoiler=Thoughts on preview]Cool, Jack appears one last time, and Yuya has hesitations in using the other dragons. Though Jack is right about Yuya not being able to save anyone the way that he is atm, especially as Yuya needs to make Reira smile. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
King K. Azo Posted March 4, 2017 Report Share Posted March 4, 2017 [spoiler=146 Preview Thoughts]SUMMON YOUR SYNCHRO MONSTERS! YOU KNOW, ENLIGHTENMENT AND NIRVANA HIGH! YOU HAVEN'T USED THEM SINCE JACK! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted March 5, 2017 Report Share Posted March 5, 2017 On 3/4/2017 at 11:10 PM, Pepsiman said: [spoiler=146 Preview Thoughts]SUMMON YOUR SYNCHRO MONSTERS! YOU KNOW, ENLIGHTENMENT AND NIRVANA HIGH! YOU HAVEN'T USED THEM SINCE JACK! [spoiler=reply]You're right, Yuya literally hasn't touched them (or maybe he did against the Obelisk Force while Serena/Yuzu were involved; I don't remember; probably Enlightenment, but meh). If he doesn't play them, they essentially become "glorified plot device cards" that Yuya just gets for whatever. (Then again, we can say Shooting Quasar in 5Ds was like that) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Faytl~ Posted March 6, 2017 Report Share Posted March 6, 2017 Not up for some reason yet, so... [spoiler=Script 145]Last Time’s Egao Count: 281Yuya: Ah!Yuya: This is my fault…Sora: Yuya!Yuya: Sora!Sora: Come! This way!Yuya: Huh? Hey, hold on!I’m going to meet Kurosaki…!Sora: Well, I’m taking you to him!Captain Falcon: Damn it!Asuka: Hey! Just calm down!Captain Falcon: Shut up!Don’t get in my way!Where is Ruri!?Let me see Ruri!AKABA LEO!Narrator: Action Duel was born from the realization of Solid Vision with mass.This kind of Duel is one where the Field, monsters, and Duelists become one,And send the audience into a storm of excitement.(Opening Sequence)Captain Falcon: Open the door! Open it!Asuka: If you want to meet your sister, you must not disturb the Professor!The Professor is trying his best to revive Ray!Yuya: Akaba Leo is trying to revive Ray!?Sora: Yeah.And then, Kurosaki came here and demanded to see Ruri!Captain Falcon: Who is this Ray person?What does she have to do with Ruri?Yuya: Kurosaki!Captain Falcon: Yuya!Yuya: Ray is Professor Akaba Leo’s daughter.Captain Falcon: WHAT!?Yuya: And Ruri is a fragment of Ray.Captain Falcon: WHAAAT!?Yuya: Yuzu, Rin, and Serena are her fragments as well.Yuya: Ray sacrificed herself in order to defeat Zarc.However…As a result, the world was divided into the Standard, Xyz, Synchro, and Fusion Dimensions.Ray was also split into four people: Yuzu, Ruri, Rin, and Serena.In order to combat the threat of Zarc’s revival,He fused the four of them in order to bring Ray back.Sora: Basically, Yuzu, Ruri, Rin, and Serena, were once a girl named Ray.Captain Falcon: What are you people talking about!?Ruri has always been with me for as long as I can remember!I’ve always had a little sister!Captain Falcon: Are you saying that I’ve been living a lie all along!?Yuya: That’s not what I meant!It’s the same with me as well!The memories I have with Yuzu are all true and real!Yuya: However,I was once Zarc, and Yuzu is a fragment of Ray.All of that is true as well.And…Yuya: In order to save Yuzu, I have to bring back Reira’s smile with my Entertainment Dueling! (Egao Count: 281+1=282)Yuya: Kurosaki! Duel me right now!Captain Falcon: What?Yuya: I’ll save the world my own way!Captain Falcon: Shut up!Open this door first!Then we’ll talk!Sora: Guess there’s no other choice.Open it, will you?Asuka: Got it.I guess it’s much better for him to confirm the truth with his own eyes.Asuka: But promise me one thing.You must not disturb the Professor’s work…Yuya: Akaba Leo…Asuka: Is that Ray?Leo: No.Even I can’t tell whether she is really Ray or not.Leo: Because Zarc, who was divided into Yuya, Yuto, Yugo, and Yuri…Is ultimately revived as one person: Yuya.Yuya: Yuto…Yugo…Yuri…Leo: That is probably because the fragment in the Pendulum Dimension that was once known as the Standard Dimension is his main host.Sora: Then Ray, who was divided into Yuzu, Ruri, Rin, and Serena…Will also…Leo: She will probably also come back as one in the form of Hiiragi Yuzu, the fragment from the Pendulum Dimension.Asuka: Then, that’s Yuzu?Captain Falcon: Stop spouting nonsense!Captain Falcon: What about Ruri!? What happened to Ruri!?Leo: It’s likely that she no longer exists.Just like how Yuto and the other two no longer exist inside Sakaki Yuya.Captain Falcon: She no longer…exists?Captain Falcon: Ruri is…gone?KUAAAAHHHHHH!Asuka: Stop it!Leo: It’s fine.Let him hit me as many times as he wants.He has the right to do so.Leo: The only thing I had on my mind was reviving Ray.I didn’t see Yuzu, Ruri, Rin, or Serena as real people.But the four of them are all real beings.They all had their own lives, and formed connections with others.And I ruined them all just to bring Ray back.Leo: I’m sorry for putting you through this.Captain Falcon: Both Ruri and Yuto are gone…The only thing I have left is Dueling…Captain Falcon: Sakaki Yuya!I’ll accept your challenge and Duel you!Captain Falcon: If Ruri was born as a result of Ray’s actions to stop Zarc, then Yuya!You’re also responsible for this, since you were Zarc!Yuya: Yeah.Captain Falcon: Let’s settle our scores!Captain Falcon: If I lose this Duel,I’ll accept that Ruri is gone without reluctance.Sora: It’s still the reality whether he accepts it or not, though.Asuka: I’m sure Kurosaki knows that as well.Asuka: But even if he understands what’s going on,I don’t think he’ll simply accept it as reality.Asuka: I’m sure they’re doing this Duel so that he can accept it.Captain Falcon: But if you lose, Yuya,Don’t ever show your face to me again!Yuya: All right. Fine by me.Duel Disk: Field Magic, Cross Over.DUEL!Captain Falcon: I’ll go first!Yuya: Come at me!Captain Falcon: From my hand, I summon Raidraptor - Rudder Strix!Captain Falcon: When Rudder Strix is summoned or Special Summoned,I can inflict 300 damage to the opposing player!Yuya: Action Magic, Acceleration!Captain Falcon: Action Magic, No Action!It’ll negate the activation of an Action Magic and destroy it!Asuka: They’re both absurdly quick!Sora: It’s an intense battle right off the bat!Captain Falcon: I set one card face-down, and end my turn!Yuya: It’s my turn!Using the Scale -3 Entermate Odd-Eyes Light Phoenix and theScale-8 Entermate Odd-Eyes Unicorn,I set the Pendulum Scales!With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-4 and 7!Swing, Pendulum of the Soul!Draw an arc of light across the ether!Pendulum Summon!Come forth, my monsters!First off, Xiangsheng Magician!And then, the one who bears heroic and beautiful dual-colored eyes!Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!Yuya: I activate Xiangsheng Magician’s effect!Until the End Phase, this monster’s ATK will be equal to the ATK of another monster on my Field!Yuya: Battle!I attack Rudder Strix with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!Spiral Strike Burst!(ZETSUBOU commercial. Brb)Captain Falcon: Trap, activate!Raidraptor - Risky Flight!If a Level-4 or below Raidraptor would be destroyed through battle,The destruction will be negated, and the battle damage will be halved!The Battle Phase will also be skipped!Captain Falcon: When Rudder Strix is attacked,I can Special Summon two Raidraptors from my hand!Come!Two Rudder Strixes!Captain Falcon: And using the effect of the new Rudder Strixes,I can inflict 600 damage!Yuya: Damn it…Sora: He didn’t even have the time to get an Action Card.Asuka: And the damage is doubled, too.Yuya: At this moment, Xiangsheng Magician’s effect ends.Its ATK returns to normal.I end my turn.Captain Falcon: It’s my turn!I overlay the three Level-4 Rudder Strixes on my Field!Obscured falcon!Raise your talons sharpened by adversity!Spread your wings of rebellion!Xyz Summon!Come forth!Rank-4! Raidraptor - Rise Falcon!Captain Falcon: Rise Falcon’s effect activates!By detaching an Overlay Unit, it can add the ATKs of all Special Summoned monsters on my enemy’s Field to its own ATK!And it can also attack all Special Summoned monsters!Captain Falcon: I attack Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon with Rise Falcon!Captain Falcon: Then, I attack Xiangsheng Magician!Yuya: Action Magic, Miracle!Xiangsheng Magician won’t be destroyed, and the battle damage will be halved!Captain Falcon: Action Magic, Encore!I choose the Action Card No Action in my Graveyard, and activate it!Captain Falcon: The Action Magic, Miracle, will be negated and destroyed!Yuya: Action Magic, Encore!Yuya: I activate the Action Magic, Miracle, from my Graveyard!Captain Falcon: What!?Yuya: Xiangsheng Magician won’t be destroyed, and the battle damage will be halved!Sora: A back-and-forth with Action Cards, huh?Asuka: Yuya was able to get the upper hand, though.Sora: But Yuya still took damage.Captain Falcon: I set two cards face-down, and end my turn!At this moment, Rise Falcon’s ATK returns to normal.Sora: Kurosaki’s Life Point is 2750, while Yuya’s is 1200.Asuka: It’s more than two times higher.Captain Falcon: Now, what will you do, Yuya?Yuya: It’s my turn!Using the already set Scale-3 and Scale-8 Pendulum Scales,I Pendulum Summon!Come forth, my monsters!Yuya: First off, Scales Magician!Next… Be revived from the Extra Deck!Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!Captain Falcon: Two Level-4 monsters.Is he going to Xyz Summon Dark Rebellion?Yuya: Battle!I attack Raidraptor - Rise Falcon with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!Spiral Strike Burst!Captain Falcon: Quick-Play Magic!Rank-Up-Magic Battle Up Force!When my opponent attacks,I can use a Raidraptor on my Field to Xyz Summon a monster that is two Ranks higher!Prideful falcon!Spread your wings dyed in the blood of heroes!Advance down the road of revolution!Rank-Up Xyz Change!Come forth!Rank-6! Raidraptor – Revolution Falcon!Captain Falcon: Revolution Falcon can destroy a Special Summoned monster and inflict damage equal to half of the ATK when it is summoned by Ranking Up a Raidraptor.Yuya’s Life Point is 1200.I’ve already won this Duel!Captain Falcon: I activate Revolution Falcon’s effect!Yuya: I activate Scales Magician’s effect!When a monster is Special Summoned to my opponent’s Field,That monster and another monster on my Field lose 1000 ATK!Captain Falcon: Annihilate him, Revolution Falcon!I will destroy Odd-Eyes, and inflict damage equal to half of its ATK!Yuya: You won’t win so easily!Captain Falcon: Hmph!Yuya: When Odd-Eyes is destroyed,I can release two monsters on my Field,And Special Summon this monster!Come forth!Smash through all obstacles and dilemmas,And deliver a mighty strike with your infallible lance!Odd-Eyes Lancer Dragon!Captain Falcon: I won’t let you win so easily, either!You can try and attack it,But due to Revolution Falcon’s effect,Odd-Eyes Lancer Dragon’s ATK and DEF will become zero!Yuya: That won’t happen!Yuya: I activate Odd-Eyes Lancer Dragon’s effect!I send an Odd-Eyes monster from my deck to the Graveyard!Revolution Falcon’s Monster Effect will be negated!Captain Falcon: Tsk…Yuya: Battle!I attack Raidraptor - Revolution Falcon with Odd-Eyes Lancer Dragon!Captain Falcon: Action Magic, Evasion!Yuya: Due to Odd-Eyes Lancer Dragon’s effect, you cannot activate Magic Cards during this battle!Captain Falcon: What!?Sora: Kurosaki’s Life is 750!Asuka: The gap between Yuya’s Life and his is only 300!Captain Falcon: AAAAHHHHHHH!Quick-Play Magic! Rank-Up-Magic Death Double Force!When an Xyz Monster on my Field is destroyed,I can Special Summon that monster,And Xyz Summon a Raidraptor whose Rank is two times higher!Falcon that is my very own soul!Fly forth, with unyielding conviction and undying devotion in your heart!Become an impregnable final fortress, and make your advent!Rank-Up Xyz Change!Come forth!Rank-12! Raidraptor - Final Fortress Falcon!Sora: He’s Ranking-Up once again!Asuka: He’s conveying his own emotions through this DuelYou can even feel his grief…Asuka: The grief for his sister!Sora: This Duel will be settled on the next turn…Yuya: I set one card face-down, and end my turn!Come at me! Kurosaki!Captain Falcon: Here I go, Yuya!It’s my turn!I attack Odd-Eyes Lancer Dragon with Final Fortress Falcon!Yuya: I activate Odd-Eyes Lancer Dragon’s effect!I return an Odd-Eyes card on my Field to my hand,Destruction through battle will be negated,And the damage will become zero!Captain Falcon: I activate Final Fortress Falcon’s effect!By detaching all of its Overlay Units,During this turn, I can attack my opponent’s monster by banishing a Raidraptor Xyz Monster from my Graveyard!I attack Odd-Eyes Lancer Dragon with Final Fortress Falcon!Yuya: I activate Odd-Eyes Lancer Dragon’s effect!I return an Odd-Eyes card on my Field to my hand,Destruction through battle will be negated,And the damage will become zero!Captain Falcon: I activate Final Fortress Falcon’s effect!By banishing Revolution Falcon from my Graveyard, I can attack the opposing monster again!Sora: There’s no longer any Odd-Eyes monsters on Yuya’s Field!Captain Falcon: Ruri… Lend me your strength.Captain Falcon: Battle!I attack Odd-Eyes Lancer Dragon with Final Fortress Falcon!Yuya: Trap, Activate!Cross Damage!The battle damage will be inflicted to both of us!Sora: It’s a draw!Sora: Both Yuya and Kurosaki took 800 damage from that attack.Their Life will hit zero… Huh?Asuka: Yuya won?Sora: How?Yuya: I activated Odd-Eyes Lancer Dragon’s Monster Effect.By sending two Odd-Eyes monsters from my hand to the Graveyard,Destruction through battle will be negated,And the battle damage will be halved.Meanwhile, my opponent will receive the original amount of damage.Asuka: So, Yuya only took 400 damage.Yuya: I won, Kurosaki!Sora: What will you do about Ruri now?Captain Falcon: I’ll give up on her… Is what you want me to say, isn’t it?Too bad, it’s the exact opposite of that!Yuya: Kurosaki?Captain Falcon: I felt it during that moment.Yuya. Yuto is inside you.He is still living.Yuya: Yuto is inside me?Captain Falcon: This means that there is still hope.Even if the person inside that core is Ray or Yuzu,I’m sure Ruri is still living on within her!Yuya: Yeah. I guess so.No, there’s no doubt about it!Asuka: Bring smiles through Dueling… (Egao Count: 282+1=283)Captain Falcon: Yuya. The rest is up to you.Yuya: Sure thing! Just leave it to me!I’ll definitely save Yuzu, and Ruri as well!JACK: DON’T GET SO COCKY!Yuya: Huh?JACK: A coward like you won’t be able to save a single person!(Preview for Episode 146)JACK: If you truly wish to save Reira, fight me!Use all four of the dragons, and go all out!Yuya: I haven’t made Reira smile… (Egao Count: 283+1=284)And I still haven’t been able to save Yuzu and Ruri!I must do it!My own way, with the Dueling that I believe in!Yuya: Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V:Dimension HighwayThe fun has just begun! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted March 6, 2017 Report Share Posted March 6, 2017 I would've posted it earlier, but couldn't find it (or because I don't have an account on NeoArkadia, I can't get them). [spoiler=145 thoughts (RAW)]Rank 12 is somewhat of a disappointment; yeah seriously, I expected a lot more from it. Odd-Eyes Lancer Dragon is literal plot device.I expected Shun to be a lot angrier at Yuya, but yeah. Oh, but he did have enough when he wanted to see Akaba Leo.He softens up at the end though, so he didn't go back to being an angry man.Jack was watching you, Yuya, and he is not impressed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted March 6, 2017 Report Share Posted March 6, 2017 Figured the episode (specifically the subs) would be uploaded after I went to bed... again.[spoiler=Thoughts on 145 Subbed (aka Initial Thoughts)]- Leo ponders why only Yuya was revived, thining that Yuya is the main body and then assumes that only Yuzu was revived as well. (Though Reira would have to smile first)- Kurosaki wasn't as angry as I expected and wanted to punch Leo, but didn't in the end (It's for the best). At least he mellowed out in the end, having hope that Ruri is still alive after seeing Yuto in Yuya.- I'm not surprised Kurosaki was like "I win and you don't bother me again."- Lancer Dragon is another plot device that may or may not be printed- Final Fortress Falcon is not exactly the colour scheme I expected from Kurosaki's final boss. I expected more from it tbph Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tinkerer Posted March 7, 2017 Report Share Posted March 7, 2017 [spoiler=Final Fortress Falcon]I'm probably not the first to think of it, but I don't think anyone else brought it up. Does FFF look like a giant heart to anybody? Color scheme, 2 main halves, pipes that look like veins... Yuya was literally trying to pierce Shun's heart in the duel. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Draconus297 Posted March 7, 2017 Report Share Posted March 7, 2017 [spoiler= Goddammit]The end credits are likely spoiling the ending. The Yu Crew and the Bracelet Girls will be back, and all will be egao and rainbows. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted March 7, 2017 Report Share Posted March 7, 2017 Well, they are sort of in a rush to finish this series before you know what comes up. [spoiler=145 subs]Odd-Eyes Lancer Dragon is literally plot device to stop Yuya from getting his ass killed.That in mind, if Kurosaki had attacked Creation Magician first, Yuya would've taken more damage (unless the writers BS Yuya into grabbing the Action Card regardless). If he had, then Revolution would've probably burned Yuya hard and even KO him.Kurosaki took the "Ruri is gone" thing pretty hard; well, that's to be expected. Can't blame him for being pissed at Yuya. (As I've mentioned in RAWs, I sort of expected him to be a lot angrier)At least he calmed down at the end, so he won't be eternally remembered for being an angry bird man.Final Fortress is garbage, or really not as good as it should be for a Rank 12 that probably is never being summoned outside Rank-Ups.Jack calls out Yuya for being a coward at the end; the King is not impressed. Oh and Pot of Subs did this episode; usual comments about "y u no use spell check". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astro Dude Posted March 7, 2017 Report Share Posted March 7, 2017 Anyone wanna bet the final boss will be a Ray and Zarc fusion? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted March 7, 2017 Report Share Posted March 7, 2017 I think this is more-or-less an epilogue, and will probs not have a final boss. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astro Dude Posted March 8, 2017 Report Share Posted March 8, 2017 On 3/7/2017 at 9:01 PM, ~British Soul~ said: I think this is more-or-less an epilogue, and will probs not have a final boss.Well Celina was a member of the lancers so she is last, so whom better for Yuya to face than Ray, Zarcified. Yuya: "I'm looking for Celina."Zarcified Ray: "Right here."Yuya: The real Celina.Zarcified Ray: Also, right here.Celina: Get us out of here! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted March 8, 2017 Report Share Posted March 8, 2017 Zarc "WAS" the final boss; this is just the fallout after Yuya returned and is reliving what happened from episode 135-140. I'm really doubting they'll add another boss, especially Serena returning as a Zarc form. (Unless you want the writers to do a half-assed job with it, considering there's less than a month left before VRAINS comes up) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VCR_CAT Posted March 8, 2017 Report Share Posted March 8, 2017 [spoiler=Spoiler]I mean, I don't know why you guys think it's going to be Ray and not Reiji... [spoiler=Previews 146-148] btw I was right you were wrong hue hue hue hue hue Episode 146: ディメンションハイウェイ – Dimenshon Haiwei(Dimension Highway)After Yuya’s Duel against Kurosaki ended, Jack arrives before Yuya and challenges him! Jack declares that Yuya cannot save anyone as he is right now. Yuya faces off against Jack once again with the Dueling that he believes in. However, he is afraid to summon the four dragons, and is quickly driven into a corner! That moment, within Yuya, the voices of the other three… Script: 上代 務 || Kamishiro TsutomuDirection: 李カンミン || Lee Kan MinStoryboard: 山本隆太 || Yamamoto RyutaAnimation Director(s): Lee Sung-jin, Kim Hye-jeong, Lee Seok-yoon Episode 147: 解き放たれたドラゴン – Tokihanatareta Doragon(The Unleashed Dragons)Yuya vows to use the power of the Four Dragons to make everyone smile. As if responding to his wish, the Four Dragons gradually drive Jack into a corner. However, even when his battle against Jack is over, Zarc’s soul still remains in Reira, who still can’t smile… Script: 上代 務 || Kamishiro TsutomuDirection: 武藤公春 || Mutou KimiharuStoryboard: 小野勝巳 || Ono KatsumiAnimation Director(s): 川村裕哉 || Kawamura Yuya Episode 148: ンデュラムが描く奇跡 – Pendyuramu ga Egaku Kiseki(The Miracle Drawn by the Pendulum) (Final Episode)Yuya was powerless before Reiji’s Ultimate Doom King. However, he then receives support from Yuto, Yugo, and Yuri. Yuya then goes all out against Reiji. What awaits Yuya at the end of the Last Duel to make everyone smile? Script: 上代 務 || Kamishiro TsutomuDirection: 髙田昌宏 || Takada MasahiroStoryboard: 小野勝巳 || Ono KatsumiAnimation Director(s): 横田明美 || Yokota Akemi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted March 8, 2017 Report Share Posted March 8, 2017 [spoiler=Note]I never said it'd be Reiji or Ray, but rather the fact that they aren't going to just randomly make a new boss character for Yuya to fight at the end (like what Astro proposed). The big battle is already over. [spoiler=Preview thoughts]146: This is the last time we get 5Ds references (well, and next episode), so enjoy this one while it lasts. 147: Let's assume Yuya does a bunch of miscellaneous crap to summon all the dragons and win, but what else is new. And yeah, I suppose it works that Reiji is the final opponent, and gets new stuff (as in things that will be nerfed hard next month) 148: Stuff happens, Yuya wins against Reiji (probably), Zarc is eliminated for good and everything goes back to normal in the end. Whether or not we see Yuzu get reincarnated remains to be seen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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