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I know Jurracs are barely competitive, but I want to know if there is anything I can do to improve the Deck.


3 MST + 1 Dust Tornado because I dislike backrow.

Not running Warning because I'm not a fan of it: I don't like how it is dead when I have 2000 or less LP.

I know Lance is good with Guaiba, but I'm testing with more backrow instead for protecting the monsters.

Testing Skill Drain because I realized Velo and Aeolo are unaffected by it, and Guaiba's effect is situational anyways.

I saw the "Westlo Engine" on a Youtube Deck Profile when I was looking for Jurrac builds; I found it clever and decided to give it a try. However, "Evo-Diversity" is a tech of mine for further Deck thinning and increasing the chances of starting the duel with a Westlo.

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