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4-Axis Fire Fist


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...It's pretty weird seeing you play something meta-ish.


Anyways, you are not doing anything substantially wrong. I'm iffy on that Hawk, but I haven't tested it so I can't say for sure that it's bad. Dragon, Veiler and Gorilla aren't needed at 3 (specially Gorilla), drop 1 of each and add the third Duality and a couple of MSTs. And for the ED, drop Maestroke and maybe Chain for Kagutsuchi and Abyss Dweller.

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For the Main:

-1 Dragon (you only need 2)

-2 Gorilla (it's really not that great, so just run it as a 1-of if you need to pop something really badly)

-1 Hawk (too slow for the search to be good, not spammable enough for the boost to be good)

-1 Veiler (you only need 2)

-3 Lance (not the best card in FF really)

-1/2 Tensen (you really only need 1 or 2)

-0/2 Duality (not really needed IMO, but I can see why you'd wanna run it)


+1 FF Bull (great with Yoko, and it's a good card in general IMO)

+1 Formation Yoko (fantastic 1-of in here.  Combos with Bull and allows you to hit pesky stuff like Drain.)

+1 BoM (great control option)

+1 Onslaught of the Fire Kings (grabs that FF Bull or Boar for ya and it puts more bodies on the board to make Tiger King, Kirin, Blader, or Cardinal)

+1 Blaster (free 2800 beater?  yes pls)

+2 MST (always a good card to run)

+2 Dprison (backrow is very good in this deck)

+0/3 Backrow of your choice (backrow is vurry gud)


For the Extra:

-1 Cardinal (you should only ever need 1)

-1 Emeral (not really needed)

-1 Chain (not really needed)

-1 Maestroke (it's a worse Kagutsuchi or a worse 101.  Ew.)


+1 Verz Ouroboros (solves problems: a lot of problems)

+1 Vylon Disigma (wins mono-attribute matches on its own)

+1 Kagutsuchi (better Maestroke-wall)

+1 Abyss Dweller (take THAT mermail, d-ruler, and Bujin)

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Made some changes. I actually want to keep Hawk for coolness. I'm also going to keep at least 2 Gorillas, just cuz' it feels weird if it were 3 Bear and only 1 Gorilla. Dunno' why.

...It's pretty weird seeing you play something meta-ish.

I've actually played quite a few Fire Fist decks in the past(Despite not actually posting them). Just never played 4-Axis before.
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Cut Yoko for a 3rd Lance since protection > destruction atm. Especially since Lance becomes Tensen 3-5 and helps to gain massive momentum swings when used correctly.

Cut Boar, Hawk and a Gorilla and play 2 Cardcar and 1 more Duality. Since you're playing a far more control based variant of Fists, you need to get the momentum going as well as your backrow and handtraps. These cards help that tremendously.

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Made some changes. I want to keep Hawk(Or at least, for a little bit longer). It's silly that I even consider it, but come on. Just let me have it as a 1-off.

Cut Yoko for a 3rd Lance since protection > destruction atm. Especially since Lance becomes Tensen 3-5 and helps to gain massive momentum swings when used correctly.

Nice to see your account is working again =D

Cut Boar, Hawk and a Gorilla and play 2 Cardcar and 1 more Duality. Since you're playing a far more control based variant of Fists, you need to get the momentum going as well as your backrow and handtraps. These cards help that tremendously.

I actually didn't even know I was playing a control version. Though, nice to know that it's what I'm supposed to be going for, so thanks for that.
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