Bahamut - Envoy of the End Posted March 26, 2014 Author Report Share Posted March 26, 2014 Sigh. Well, time for the second part of Dorian and Erin's tag duel. Let's be bright and positive and everything :) In this chapter Pikeru and Curran's reveal their reasons for attacking the rebels, and also a lot of duelling that isn't burning, due to understandable critisism. This is a heavily cosmetically refixed duel from when it was originally written, and is much better for the revamp me and Dion worked on, although there are one or two effect tweaks to some cards. But before that, a little side-trip... [spoiler=Chapter 12]Chapter 12: The Trial The macabre candle-lit corridor echoed with the sound of footsteps as Urusula stomped into the round cavern at the back of the castle base. As she entered in this aggressive way, the grizzly long haired young man Gear and their towering silent ally in the thick cloak looked up from their work and stopped. They were stood opposite each other with their duel shields armed like they were just about to commence a duel before she interrupted, and each of their shields were wired to some kind of technical equipment, which in turn was wired to the large rune covered arch in the rock beyond them. As Urusula stomped over, Gear deactivated his shield, their silent accomplice doing likewise as she burst into her tirade. “Who the hell do you think you are?” she screamed, stamping her heeled boots and glaring at the pair of them. “You two have no authority to call me back like this! I demand you to tell me; what is the reason for your insistence I return? I assure you it had better be good...” A buzzing from the back of her throat emphasised her point. Gear could see a few of her hornets just started to crawl up into her mouth, but rather than cower he instead took a paper that was lying on the machinery beside him and offered it to her. She snatched the newspaper off him and read the headline. “Investigation into mysterious death of priest promised” was what it read. She blinked in her unnatural sideways way as she looked at the picture of the deceased cleric. “Demon thought you should read that” Gear said bluntly, snatching the paper back. “He ordered your return, not us, because some of the things in this here city headline seemed disturbingly familiar...” The large figure stood threateningly beside Gear with their arms folded as he flicked out the paper and started reading: “A spokesman for the Welfare Commission promised an investigation into the death of respected priest Father John today, in response to a public appeal. Church goers were horrified to find the deceased Father John, 57, of the cathedral in Haman district, with discoloured swellings covering his entire body similar to stings. He is thought to have died by the severity of his wounds and a poison...” Gear cut off reading there, folded up the paper and met Urusula’s gulp (swallowing the buzzing hornets) with an infuriated expression. “You just couldn’t resist could you? Well that screws up any chance I had of getting out of here for a bit and stretching myself. Thanks a lot Urusula, way to keep a low profile.” “I... bah, like I have to answer to you. I do what I want, whenever I want, or whatever my sweet Lord Demon wants” Urusula sniffed. “Yeah, and what did he want you to do again?” Gear retorted. “Keep a lid on stuff like this and not do anything impulsive to alert the Emperor to the fact some of us are still alive.” Urusula swallowed nervously as she remembered her promise to Demon and looked down, fidgeting uncomfortably. “I just...I’ll have to apologise....where is my lord? Does... does he want to see me?” “No idea” Gear shrugged, turning away from her and back to tapping into the panel of the equipment he was linked to via his mechanical arm, reactivating his rust covered duel shield, his partner retaking their original position. “He’s not in at the moment. Probably in the capital trying to smooth over your mess.” That was the last straw. Urusula swore at him for a few moments but thankfully nothing more, probably fearful of being in enough trouble already, before storming off, leaving them to restart their duel as they drew their cards, their test under the shadow of the great silent arc... ... Back in the abandoned show-house Erin, battered and burned severely from onslaught after onslaught already, continued to lie in the arms of Dorian as they both tried to regain their breath (LP 1700). He was equally beaten up, and still suffering the lingering effects of the venomous attack on him days before. For her to feel this beaten and helpless after just a few attacks from the Rapid Fire Magician standing across the stage from them while he kept trying to front up to it and their attackers, she felt even more awful. Aerial was just off stage watching them with a horrified expression, powerless to help after his futile effort just before. Behind the magician, the twisted twins Pikeru and Curran continued to smirk disturbingly at them, their position in this high-stakes duel much healthier than theirs (LP 3100). “I set two cards face down” Curran stated maliciously, the backs of two hidden cards appeared behind the spellcaster, alongside the still active Appropriate and Bad Reaction to Simochi cards. “Go ahead, try to fight back. You got no chance against us; you two weak humans against us two actual duel monsters is a total walkover, especially now we’re all grown up into powerful princesses. So just hurry it up and die already so we can get on finding your other friends and get our payback on them too.” “Bah, like I’m gonna just lay down to you spoilt brats” Dorian growled, making the twin princesses pout unhappily. “Erin, you okay? You think you can recover while I take my turn?” “Yes.” She didn’t feel like it, but she made herself, allowing him to put her down and stand up, taking a wide snatching draw from his blazing duel shield as he did so. “Alright, now it’s my turn!” Pikeru’s Hand: 3 --- Combined Field of Rapid Fire Magician, Simochi, Appropriate, 2 face downs --- Curran’s hand: 3 Erin’s Hand: 3 --- Combined Field is empty --- Dorian’s Hand: 6 “I activate the spell card, Emblem of the Awakening!” Dorian shouted, making both twins blink in surprise. “By sending a level four monster in my hand to the graveyard, I can use this spell card to perform the Ritual Summon of a more powerful creature from my hand!” A seal appeared in the stage before them, bursting with light, and from it emerged a fresh faced warrior in plated iron armour and billowing navy cape, brandishing a long spear (Lv4, ATK 500). “Come forth the Ritual monster, noble warrior Cu Chulainn the Awakened!” “Humph, that ritual monster is your big move? Like seriously?” Curran frowned. “I suppose what you’re going to tell me what you’ll do now is banish the monster you used for the summon to bolster its attack, and use him to run over my magician, right?” Dorian was slightly taken aback by her knowledge, but quickly smirked back at her. “Hate to say this to a highly strung princess, but you’re wrong. It’s way better than that! I activate Swing of Memories to summon the monster I sent to the graveyard instead. The Gemini monster Shadow Delver.” What rose in front of Dorian from the dead world’s portal could hardly be described as a monster; it was just an obscure shadow of black smoke. From somewhere inside the smoke a thick black body and claws faded in and out of focus, before a pair of glowing red eyes opened in the gloom (Lv4, ATK 1500). “Now I’ll use my normal summon to Gemini Summon my Shadow Delver, unlocking its true power. Once a turn, it can select a low level dark monster such as itself, and make it able to attack directly this turn!” Something in the shadow screamed, and the fog disappeared. To Erin and the princess’s horror it suddenly reappeared behind Curran as a terrible demon, with its sharp claws outstretched. Curran froze as she realised, stopping short of her duel shield as she went for it, either getting caught in two minds or paralysed in panic. But her chance went as the claws slashed her. She cried and buckled as they slashed at her, before returning to her irate expression as the Delver returned to Dorian’s side, glowering as she adjusted her black mitre (LP 1600). Dorian continued relentlessly. “Next I activate the quick-play spell Gemini Spark from my hand. By releasing Shadow Delver, I can destroy one card on your field.” The shadow moved once more, appearing behind the terrified Rapid Fire Magician, grabbing it in its claws and dragging it down into the grave with it. This bothered Erin, but not Dorian as he snatched a new card. “And because your monster was successfully destroyed, Gemini Spark’s effect lets me draw one card.” “Grr!” Curran scowled. “In that case, Appropriate activates as well, and I get to draw two. So there.” “Oh whatever” Dorian shrugged as Curran made a silly face at him. “Now Cu’Chulainn is clear to attack you directly.” The warrior’s basic attack was weak, but it was enough to make the princesses jump around and yell in panic and rage as it struck Curran and their life dipped slightly further (LP 1100). While they were busy bickering with each other, Erin took the chance to express her concerns. “Dorian, is it just me, or for their two key monsters do they not seem too bothered about protecting them?” “Hmm, I guess you’ve got a point there” he agreed, studying the remainder of his hand. “Alright then. Now I’ll activate Cu’Chulainn’s effect; banishing the Shadow Delver that is now considered a normal monster in my graveyard to gain its attack strength, until the start of Erin’s turn (ATK 2000). Then I’ll set two cards and end my turn. So your royal brattiness’, let’s see what you’ve got.” Pikeru glowered at him for the latest insult, swiping at her little duel shield. “Ooh, you’re so rude, even for a human. I’m gonna make you regret it. I draw, and activate the spell Graceful Charity. This lets me draw three cards. Then I must discard any two from my hand.” The white princess made her exchanges, before turning to her partner. “Speaking of rude, I hope that after you let them get all that damage on us, you’ve at least managed to return the favour.” “Course I did” Curran snapped. “I wanna win, even if I have to share it with you! Just trust me and do it.” The rebels jumped as Pikeru returned to them after this worrying exchange. “Good. I activate the first face down card my twin set, Call of the Haunted; to special summon a monster from our graveyard. One I just discarded from my hand. Prime Material Dragon.” A slender golden dragon rose before them, its skin like liquid metal and floating on many wings, easily outmatching Dorian’s Cu’Chulainn (Lv6, ATK 2400). “And with that done, I’ll activate the other set card...” Erin and Dorian both jumped as the second card pulled back to reveal... “Ring of Destruction!” Curran smirked, Pikeru delighted with her sister’s obedience and their own cleverness. “This destroys your monster. Then both sides will take damage equal to its current two thousand attack strength!” A heavy steel brace, lined with grenades, appeared and clamped around the neck of the young warrior, panicking as they did as it struggled helplessly with its heavy gauntlets to get it off. “We both take damage?” Erin gasped, her partner silent beside her. “But then... wouldn’t the duel end in a draw?” “Heh, how little you know...” Curran grinned ominously, as the grenades counted down and went off. Half the stage exploded, the noble warrior blown to a billion pixels, and for a second smoke fire and absolute chaos engulfed them all. Somewhere in the blast, Curran’s voice rang through to them. “Even my twin ain’t as stupid as you are. Her Prime Material Dragon’s effect activates. With it on the field, all effect damage is transformed into life point gain.” (LP 3100) “Exactly. We’re safe” Pikeru added from somewhere out of Erin’s sight as she shielded her eyes from the blast. “However Bad Reaction to Simochi is still active. So the life points you’d gain are turned back into damage! This is bye bye.” “Not yet it’s not! I activate the trap card Damage Translation!” Erin turned to see Dorian, up until now frustrated but not fearful of this or even too worried about defending himself, sprung his trap. “Now for the rest of the turn, all effect damage we take is halved.” A barrier of energy, a half shield surrounded them, deflecting some of the extremity of the blast. It couldn’t contain all of it though, and Dorian still buckled to a knee from what went through (LP 700). Aerial was about to climb onto the stage from his position to help them, but Dorian grunted and waved him back. He objected similarly when Erin tentatively helped him up. “Um...are you alright?” she asked. “Not really, but I’ll carry on” he shrugged as the smokescreen from the explosion cleared to reveal the infuriated princesses, making her feel more embarrassed. “Not for long you won’t” Pikeru jeered, clearly irritated by their persistence. “I activate Terraforming, which lets me add a field spell to my hand. Which I’ll now activate most aptly. Savage Coliseum.” As the card slid into its special field slot, the illusory effect on their surroundings took hold. Unlike Erin’s experience before, the theatre didn’t change too drastically, but it did seem to darken, and was steadily enshrouded in a violet mist. It made her dizzy to breath it in, shaking her body up. She guessed its effect would also be enhanced in the hands of the spirits of duel monsters. The twins seemed confident in it. “With Savage Coliseum on the field, all monsters have to attack if able” Pikeru explained, her eyes flickered up to the golden dragon floating above her. A ball of golden light was forming in the back of its throat. “Which I think I’ll do right now. Prime Material Dragon, attack that horrible boy directly!” The dragon released a stream of golden breath, and Erin and Aerial shouted as Dorian ducked behind his shield before vanishing entirely in it. From somewhere inside the flame he grunted and shouted back. “I activate my other trap; Defence Draw. This reduces the battle damage to zero.” “Grrr...” Pikeru scowled at being thwarted again as the dragon’s attack ended and Dorian emerged, relatively unscathed, bent over and panting slightly as he silently took the extra card offered by Defence Draw’s effect. “Well since once again you’ve drawn outside of the start of your turn, Appropriate again activates, letting me draw two more cards. Also Savage Coliseum’s effect activates. After battling, the controller of the attacking monster gains three hundred life points.” (LP 3400) “Oh this is just stupid” Dorian grumbled. “We can’t just keep giving them this kind of draw power.” “Heh, you’re starting to realise how outmatched you are” Pikeru grinned at his frustration. “I hope you also realise that Savage Coliseum’s effect is countered by Bad Reaction to Simochi being on the field. So every time you are forced to attack us by it, you’ll take three hundred points as damage instead! Your resistance will fail eventually. For now I’ll set two more cards face down and end my turn.” “Bout time. Now Damage Translation’s second effect activates” Dorian winced, the ghostly apparition of his trap reappearing briefly. “During the end phase, for every instance of effect damage we took this turn, we gain one ghost token on our field.” A spectral ghoul appeared before them (Lv1, ATK 0) as he turned to Erin. Despite not taking damage, Prime Material Dragon’s effect had taken some wind out of him. But he looked awkwardly embarrassed, which seemed harsh. “Sorry, that’s the best I can do for now. You think you can put him to good use?” “Yes, I will” she promised. “And hey, you were great. We survived there because of you. Much better than I’m doing...” “Aw gee, thanks” he grinned at her in even more embarrassment, ruffling his sweeping hair and annoying everyone else with his gushing. “You’re doing great though, really, but we’ll have to up the ante now if we’re gonna beat them and get to the bottom of this. Now’s your chance to start the fight back. Let’s kick these dumb Empire stooges.” “You really think they’re working for the Empire?” Erin asked. She didn’t think that. Only one way to find out though. “Are you really in line with Emperor Nero? Why are you fighting us?” she asked the twins. “We already told you, we don’t like the Emperor. Wow you’re so dumb” Pikeru made a face at her again. “We don’t care about your Empire or your silly problems in this world at all” Curran added snottily. “You can all go to hell for all we care, except our world’s existence relies on yours. Our world is connected to your stupid human world, so as long as there are people like you and Nero, we keep getting dragged over to fight and hurt each other in your stupid war. So me and my sister decided to put our differences aside and came over here together; to find a way out of our bind to you. That’s when we met our friends, and we came to an agreement.” “...that if Nero’s rule was secure and absolute, including his outlaw on duel monsters, you wouldn’t have to fight here anymore” Dorian grimaced. Pikeru nodded to indicate he was on the right lines. “One thing though. My Gemimi’s have never seemed too unhappy about getting stuck into the guard or a rival duelist. Do all duel monsters feel the same as you about fighting, or is it just you two with the problem?” “Bah, we hate fighting for you. We’re princesses!” Pikeru shouted repetitively. “Of course all our subjects would feel the same.” Dorian smirked at her, hardly inclined to believe her on that evidence. “Ooh, we might as well say now. Don’t matter when you’ll die soon” Curran grimaced. “We agreed, we help our friends establish peace in your stupid world by killing your resistance, thus we get peace in our world and don’t have to come here anymore. Then all the other duel spirits will be happy too, and they’ll treat us with more respect in our world, and elevate us to the position we deserve. That’s how we see it anyway, and what our friends promised...” “Alright we get it” Dorian grinned at how much interrupting the princesses annoyed them. “Naive little girls who want to dress up and play make believe got their hopes built up by the bad guys and tricked into fighting us as a way to achieve your dumb dream. Too bad you don’t realise bad guys have a habit of not keeping their promises.” He mimicked Pikeru’s sarcastic face childishly, which got a response. Both magician’s swung their wands at him, making him dive to avoid the volley of flame and sparks. Aerial just shook his head at him from the orchestra pit as he lay on stage. Even Erin, who had never been in danger from this volley, didn’t feel sorry for him as she stood there in an affronted pose. “You know you deserved that one.” “Yeah probably” Dorian shrugged, staying down until the coast was clear. “I’m still right though, and it’s not like we’re gonna convince them not to fight us now, especially if you’re right in thinking their friends did something to them during the aging process. We gotta protect ourselves, and the city people they’ve been attacking. We can sort out the mix-ups and misguided brats later by finding their friends and having a little chat with them. For now...” he ducked his head as Curran shot at him again, narrowly missing. “...would you mind ever so much getting me out of this please?” “Oh alright, I draw” Erin grimaced. She already had something she could make use of; thanks to Dorian’s ghost token, but even with it she couldn’t win this turn. With their life so low, and having seen the black mage who’d be following her turn and her deck before... ‘I need something to stop Curran from bringing back her magician and restarting her strategy next turn, and just burning us away with it.’ Thankfully her draw was ideal. “I activate the spell card Cold Wave.” The twins grimaced as a sheet of ice spread across the field, encasing their set cards. “During the turn Cold Wave is activated and your following turn, no players can activate any spell or trap cards. Not that I’ll need any with this move. By releasing Dorian’s Ghost Token, I advance summon Salvage Warrior!” A bulky warrior in a diving suit and helmet appeared where the token had been, swinging a large anchor on a chain (Lv5, ATK 1900). “When Salvage Warrior is tribute summoned its effect activates; summoning a tuner monster out from my graveyard. So I’ll pull out Dewdark, and tune my two water monsters to Synchro Summon.” The ninja reappeared briefly, only to turn to a second set of stars and rings. A mild flurry of snow heralded the arrival of the second ice dragon, its red eyes flashed as its heavy body hit the field, screeching horrifically. “Appear Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier!” (Lv7, ATK 2500). “Oh typical. Aren’t you one-dimensional?” Pikeru scowled as the bulky ice monster hit the field. “You’re just saying that because you know what happens next. By discarding the two cards in my hand, Gungnir can destroy two cards on your side of the field.” Following on from what Dorian had said earlier, she decided to use this chance to get rid of the still active Appropriate, its ice free projection exploded along with Call of the Haunted. The golden dragon screamed and writhed as it lost its power source, as it too sank into the tundra and the abyss below. Leaving her way clear. “Now Gungnir, attack her directly!” The ice dragon craned its long neck back and unleashed its second wave of icy fury. Pikeru screamed as she disappeared in the blizzard, clinging desperately to her staff and mitre as the icy shards battered her. She emerged as the attack ended, red in the face and seething in anger (LP 900). ‘Only a little more to go’ Erin thought to herself, but that wasn’t quite the end of it. Savage Coliseum and Bad Reaction were still in active play despite Cold Wave, so she still took a retaliatory dose of the draining violet aura that, although relatively minor, made her feel dizzy and nauseous (LP 400). “Damn it... I end my turn.” Curran scowled as she took her card and looked at it disapprovingly. It seemed she had been right to be wary and lucky to draw Cold Wave when she had, and it had possibly saved them for now. “I set a monster” she declared stiffly, the reverse of a hidden monster appeared above the ice layer. “Then I set two more cards and end my turn. Your move, and Cold Wave now wears off.” “Awesome” Dorian pushed himself up off the floor as the ice faded and turned back into the coliseum’s smoky covering and drew his card. “I activate Trap Pause. This negates all continuous traps that you have face up at this time for the rest of this turn. Then I get to draw a card.” The Simochi card crackled as he drew again. “Then if my partner doesn’t object, I’ll borrow Erin’s dragon and use its effect, discarding one card to destroy the face down monster...” “That’s not going to work twice” Curran snapped. “I activate my trap Fiendish Chain, which negates your monsters effect and makes it unable to attack!” Dorian cursed his rashness as heavy chains wrapped all around Gungnir, the beast screeched in rage as its power was sealed. Thankfully he’d only chosen to throw away one card wastefully in his gamble to end it this turn. “Alright then. I’ll summon Future Samurai. Then he will attack your face down.” The high tech looking swordsman appeared and slashed at the reverse card with his curved blade, which turned face up to reveal a grinning stone pot (Lv2, DEF 600). The pot was smashed instantly, but its appearance and the happy look on Curran’s face made him wince. “Morphing Jar... bugger...” “Oh, you know what this one does?” Curran explained anyway as she dropped the three cards in her hand into the graveyard slot. “Thanks for attacking it and letting me draw five brand new cards stupid.” “Hey, you know I get to draw five too right!” Dorian retorted irritably, studying his refreshed hand of entirely spells and traps. There was a lot of support here, but not enough, especially the way the sisters were playing together. ‘Need to try something else. Something... unexpected...’ “I activate the equip spell Supervise, attaching it to Future Samurai. This grants my Gemini monster its effect, which I’ll now use; banishing a monster from the graveyard to destroy one monster on the field. My target...” Erin gasped in disbelief as her dragon screamed again, fading slowly from existence in a flurry of little snowflakes. “You destroyed... Dorian, are you sure about this?” From the sidelines Aerial was giving him similar doubt, albeit in a way tainted with much more abuse. “Would you two please trust me? I know what I’m doing” he replied stern-faced, before setting the entirety of his hand in a way that might conflict that assessment. “Four face down cards. Pick your way through that minefield.” Pikeru glared at him as she drew, her warped unrelenting hatred clearly shining through the white haze covering her eyes. However as she looked at what she’d drawn, a small tuner monster, her veiled eyes narrowed. This... this was the domino that would trigger the cataclysmic collapse. She grinned wickedly. “Curran... I think it’s time we took our little show to the world. Don’t you agree?” “Yeah...” the black mage looked equally malevolent as if struck by the same wicked idea, and without a further word the two duel spirits suddenly turned on the surprised rebels and ran off, stage left, all the monsters on the field fading away as the duel temporarily paused with their departure. Their butlers floated brainlessly after them as they laughed and waved at the group to follow. “Come on, chase after us if you dare. You want to protect the other humans? You’ve already seen what we can do right?” Erin gulped at their ominous threat as they disappeared, and Aerial joined them on the stage. “Are they threatening what I think they are?” he gulped. “Probably, but whatever they are planning, we have to go after them” Dorian replied, rolling his stiff joints. “We’ve come this far, they’re trouble and an utter pain, and I want to meet their ‘friends’.” “But your health... you’re injured” Erin told him. “You can’t carry on like this much longer.” “Oh yeah? Watch me” Dorian frowned sourly, before running off in the direction the spirits had fled in and disappearing backstage, his voice that echoed back was kind of bitter. “You’re a real downer sometimes Erin. Stop being so negative, you know we can’t leave them because of me. Now let’s go.” Aerial had obediently taken a few steps after Dorian, but came back when he noticed Erin had hung back looking dejected at being put down like this. Tentatively he put his hand in hers and tugged. “I know he’s reckless and a bit of a jerk, but he doesn’t mean it like that. Please don’t take any notice of him.” “Well... okay” she responded, albeit half-heartedly. She let him lead her as they set off after Dorian in pursuit of the spirits, gently pulling her at first before breaking into a run off-stage, disappearing from the theatre and following the trial left after them. As they disappeared from sight, there was movement in one of the posh boxes at the top overlooking the arena, as one observer - a rather feminine looking man - relaxed in his chair, adjusting his fine golden suit and gloves as the performance seemingly ended. “Well that was interesting. Certainly worth the trip out” Tessera said, not looking at the other man stood at his shoulder behind him. He was tall and tanned, with spiky white hair and eyebrows that matched his expensive looking suit and bulky coat that were similar in design to Tessera’s outfit, who continued in a mocking tone. “And you didn’t think it worth a little look-see. See what we would have missed out on.” “I apologise for not sharing your curiosity sir” the man in white grudgingly replied. Tessera sniffed. “Of course I was curious about these rampaging duel monsters. Who wouldn’t have been? It’s not like we need to fear for our safety by having a little look” he replied childishly. “Regardless, we’ve seen the cause of it now. And we’ve also seen a fascinating little duel, and an interesting little rebel duelist too. Young, talented, determined, and their play... very interesting... Take care of it.” “Yes Tessera” the accomplice bowed as the lord waved dismissively at him, before with a swish of his coat turning and leaving the royal box, leaving Tessera to rest and think about what he’d seen. ... Back with Erin and Aerial, who having chased after the others through the backstage and dressing rooms of the arena had come crashing out of a delivery door at the back, shying away from the bright daylight having been in the dark theatre for so long. When their eyes readjusted they could see Dorian sprinting, as much as he could manage anyway, away to their left, out of the curving back alley back into the main square they had already passed through. They gave chase, and when they got there, Erin clasped her hands over her mouth in shock... The square was in chaos. People were screaming, and fleeing for their lives. The statue that had been cleaved in half had now been entirely uprooted, and was now buried in the front window of a shop thirty feet away. Nearby, the phantom Naturia Beast was chasing after city goers, slashing one woman across the chest. The Hyunlei was fighting, or rather chasing away, a retreating pair of guards that had appeared to aid the civilians, only to find themselves outmatched. The rabbit butler commanding these demons was floating around the middle of the square mindlessly controlling its charges, whilst the other was away to their left, taking charge of a giant spectral Brutdrago, which was demolishing another building just off from the theatre house. Dorian cursed at the use of his monsters image doing that, before turning to the two princesses who were sitting together on the broken statues plinth in the middle of the square waiting for them, looking extremely smug. “Aerial, shoot the X-Saber.” “What?!” Aerial jumped as Dorian ordered him to do something completely out of character. “You want me to go after the one attacking the guard?” “That’s what I said, now do it.” He was unsure, but he did as he was told. Just as the samurai raised its sword to quite possibly now behead a guard who had fallen, Aerial’s arrow clanged into its shoulder. The X-Saber spirit was unhurt, but still turned to see who’d shot him, giving the soldier the moment he needed to get up and run after his colleague. Leaving Aerial to question his order. “Okay, so why are we helping the guard?” “Cuz I hate to say it, but we’re probably gonna need their help in a minute” he grimaced, turning to face the princesses. “I don’t know what kind of dark magic you’re using to create those fake beasts and make them so destructive, but it’s stopping here.” “We don’t think so” Curran smirked, as the wall of reverse cards that had been on their side of the field at the duels pause reappeared before her, Future Samurai doing likewise for Erin and him. “After all the hurt people like them have caused us over millennia, fighting for their sport, this is our payback. Let’s see how they like being used for fun. As for you and Bluey, we’re not finished with you yet.” “Alright Erin, let’s finish this.” She nodded reassuringly; she wouldn’t back out or let him down now. She knew she’d support him to the finish. “Aerial, we’ll keep those two busy. You do what you can about their servants and those rampaging things they’re controlling. Shoot them, distract them, lead them away, whatever. Just do what you can.” “Yes sir” Aerial nodded and ran off, shooting the Naturia Beast in the neck as it was honing down on another old woman and about to rip her head off. The Beast howled and released its prey to join the samurai going after him instead, following him as he went hurtling off down an alley with the rabbit butler controlling them in pursuit. Erin desperately hoped that he’d be okay. She couldn’t think about him for long though, as the princesses would be quick to remind her that she and Dorian beside her were in enough danger themselves, as the warped Curran cackled to herself with the duel’s restart. “Oh this will be wonderful. So keep struggling like you do. By now the Emperor is sending his entire army here to get you. The people of this city now hate you. All the duel spirit world hates you. But they’re all gonna be disappointed, because we’re going to kill you first. Then your friends. Then your entire resistance will fall, and all will be peaceful in our world. In our kingdom. Forever!” “Dream on” Dorian snorted derisively. “Duel!” “It’s still my turn” Pikeru restarted in that melodic yet malicious edged tone of her warped older self. “I’ll start by summoning the tuner monster Barrier Resonator.” A small creature carrying a tuning fork and a battery pack, similar to the one Erin had seen Curran use before, appeared beside her (Lv1, ATK 300). “Now because I control a tuner monster, I can summon a special monster from my hand, known as D.D. Unicorn Knight” Pikeru continued. Next came a strange armoured warrior with a tail and horn, standing on its hind legs and brandishing an unusual pronged weapon (Lv4, ATK 1800). “And when summoned this way his effect activates, summoning a banished non-Tuner monster, such as the Marshmallon I removed from play on my first turn.” The small blob returned (Lv3, ATK 300), something that suddenly made Curran very excited. “Sister, you could do it now. You could summon it now!” “Na, too early” Pikeru shook her head. Whatever had excited her twin so much didn’t make her quite as enthusiastic, although she was still worryingly confident about something. “I’ve got better plans in mind. No... I don’t need to use it yet. Our own monsters will do for them now...” “Well that all sounded a bit ominous” Dorian gulped. “Whatever they’re thinking, it can’t be good.” “Sorry, but I must disagree with you and say it’s very good” Pikeru grinned, although Curran was less pleased, possibly about her rebuffing. “I activate my own copy of Call of the Haunted, resurrecting my Prime Material Dragon for the second time. Then I’ll activate the other card I set, Aegis of Gaia. This permanent trap grants us a boost of three thousand life points, but when it’s removed from the field, we’ll take three thousand points of damage.” “Oh! Why couldn’t you use all these permanent traps at the start of my turn?” Dorian moaned, as the slender golden dragon rose once more. “Wait... hang on a minute...” Too late, Pikeru was already doing what he’d just realised. “I activate Magic Planter. By sending the face up Aegis of Gaia trap to the graveyard, I get to draw two more cards, and trigger its damaging effect. However as we already know, Prime Material Dragons effect activates, turning damage into life point gain! Rocketing our life points to way beyond your reach!” Both twins burst into laughter as they were bathed in blue light, their score shooting up and up, further and further out of the rebels reach, and with them their chances of turning this high stakes duel around were getting fainter and fainter, and the duel spirits were revelling in their despair with increasing malice. (LP 6900) “Now it’s time to meet your insignificant demise you annoying peasants! I activate Lightwave Tuning. This allows my Unicorn Knight to be treated as a tuner monster. Now I tune the light tuner D.D. Unicorn Knight and Marshmallon, to Synchro Summon my ace monster. Behold the ultimate power of the ancients entrusted to me.” The two creatures shot into the sky, and from the clouds swooped through the holy white dragon with the golden mane, looping through the sky and screeching all-powerfully. “Ancient Sacred Wyvern!” (Lv7, ATK 2100) “Wyvern’s effect” Pikeru yelled. “It gains attack points equal to the difference between our life points. Currently that difference is a meteoric six and a half thousand!” The wyvern screamed again, much louder and angrier as it floated down to the battlefield, its power at insane heights (ATK 8600). “Awesome” Curran grinned malevolently. “Now if my loser twin doesn’t mind, it’s my go. I tune Barrier Resonator and Prime Material Dragon to Synchro Summon my ace! Disappear in the flames of the war you started, with the ultimate war machine.” Erin backed away in fear as a second, darker creation descended, blackening the sky as its bulk blocked the sun for a moment, it’s rumbling engines the terrifying orchestra of destruction. “Dark Strike Fighter!” (Lv7, ATK 2600) The twins cackled at the sight of their two ace monsters together as the war plane joined the holy dragon and the distress it was causing Erin, helpless to do anything to stop such an almighty onslaught. Helpless to aid the people they wanted to free from the Brutdrago that continued to stomp around them, demolishing anything in its path as the guards came and swiftly fell. Beside her Dorian just glowered in frustration, refusing to accept defeat. Eventually Pikeru gathered herself enough to stop gloating and finish it. “Now usually my ugly sister’s ugly monster would be all we’d need here, but just like your friends you two seem to have annoying habit of using stupid cards that prevent effect damage. So we’ll do this the old fashion way. Ancient Wyvern, attack Samurai. Kill them all!” The golden-maned dragon took a deep breath and unleashed all the misty breath it could in one finishing attack on Dorian’s samurai. He had set four cards, surely he must have something, but he didn’t look that confident. In fact he looked desperate as the mist shot towards them. “Erin... little help?” “What?!” she exclaimed, stunned that for once he seemed helpless. For all the cards he’d set, none could block the attack?! The scorching mist breath was almost on them as she desperately reacted. “From my graveyard, Necro Gardna activates, banishing itself to intercept the attack!” The earlier discarded spectral warrior rose just in time, floating up in front of the samurai and absorbing the wyvern’s breath attack into its cursed armour, before fading away. Pikeru blinked in shock as to how that had happened, before she remembered how Erin had used Gungnir’s effect earlier. She must have dropped Gardna then. Failure was infuriating. “Alright, but you clearly have no threat set. I’ll just have to win with her stupid monster instead. Dark Strike Fighter, attack!” The death machine whirred, launching an all-out missile barrage at them. Erin froze. This was the end. “Trap activate” Dorian shouted, reacting unlike he had before. “I use Gemini Booster. This equips to my Gemini monster, and increases its attack by seven hundred.” The Future Samurai glowed as it was bathed in strange light (ATK 2300), before leaping forth to engage. It was still outmatched, but only just, and just enough for them to survive. Dorian and Erin buckled as the rockets ripped through the warrior and exploded all around them, on the brink of defeat, and the dreadful unknown of what would happen if they took another hit (LP 100). The still active Savage Coliseum activated too, increasing the gap in their life points, and the Wyvern’s frightening attack, further still (LP 7200). Curran was shouting at Pikeru for some reason, but Dorian ignored them and shrugged off the blast. His trap was set. “Great! Now I activate my other trap; Gemini Trap Hole! Because my Gemini monster that was being treated as an effect monster was destroyed by battle, and because I’m still alive to gloat about it, I can use this to drag every monster on your side of the field down with it! How about that you royal brats?” Pikeru was now in full out panic, running around in circles and crying as the earth rumbled and a giant trap hole started to open below her best monsters, completely ignoring her sister still screaming at her “You idiot loser, use the damn trap already!” Erin’s heart leapt. It was going to work, but before she could even cheer at her friend’s success, Curran gave up on her sister and turned to them. “Fine I’ll do it myself! I activate Dark Bribe. At the expense of letting you draw a card; this negates your trap cards effect and destroys it.” “Aw come on” Dorian scowled through gritted teeth as his laid trap was thwarted again, albeit being allowed to draw a small fairy that would hopefully help. “Supervise activates. When it’s sent to the graveyard, I can use it to summon back a normal monster from my graveyard. I’ll go with the Tuned Magician I discarded earlier.” The emerald robed magician rose up before him (Lv4, DEF 1600). “That’s not going to save you!” Curran yelled at them all, reaching out to her war machine. “I’m tired of your failures sis, now I’m finishing it. Dark Strike Fighter’s effect activates, releasing a monster to inflict damage to you equal to its level times two hundred. Since her dragon isn’t good for anything else...” Pikeru stopped running around in panic when she realised what Curran was doing. Her holy wyvern was fading away, sucked into the warplanes giant cannon, as ammunition for one devastating finisher! She screamed in protest, but Curran wasn’t listening. “No, stuff you loser, I’m finishing this my way! It’s all over for you this time rebels! You’re gonna...” Curran stopped mid-sentence, her jaw hanging open, as to her sheer disbelief a familiar spectral child appeared in front of Dorian, smiling benignly at them before it disappeared. Dorian’s smug grin was less gracious. The use of his own Effect Veiler prevented any danger, and ensured the Wyvern was wasted. Something Pikeru was quick to pick up on. “What?!” she spluttered. “You stupid... selfish... self-centred, obnoxious little horror, look what you’ve done! How dare you use my Wyvern for that?! You could have released your own monster for that, but no-oo. Now we lost my more powerful monster for nothing!” “What?! What about you?” Curran rounded back on her, as the twin’s team completely broke down. “You screwed up completely! If you’d have just used Dark Bribe when I told you to we’d have beaten them already!” “How was I supposed to know you’d set that?” she argued, despite Curran just telling her. “And why didn’t you just activate it yourself, seeing as you seem perfectly happy to act when it’s my turn?!” “I assumed you knew what you were doing... Obviously you don’t!” The two girls were stood literally clashing head to head at this point and glared furiously at each other in seething silence, leaving Erin and Dorian ignored for the moment, and feeling rather awkward. “Er... should we step in?” Dorian asked half-sarcastically, making Erin sigh at him. “Ooh you... I set two cards and end my turn” Pikeru scowled as she eventually got back to them. “I’ll admit it, you two are pretty resourceful to keep clinging on like this, but you can’t do it forever. You humans are pathetic before us, clinging on to something you can’t have so desperately. Why do you do it? Why don’t you just accept defeat and let everyone else be happy?” “Are... are you serious?” Erin stuttered, staring at the two hated filled princesses in disbelief. “Have you looked around this city during your time here? Please; look around you. Look at the people you’ve been attacking. They’re not happy. People in the Empire aren’t happy, not with the way things have become during the last few years, and how the Emperor treats us. How everything is taken away from us. How we’re made to live in sickness and poverty. How the guard beat and arrest people over nothing. How can we just give up and be happy with living like that? We have nothing more we can lose, except our desire to make a stand for change, to try to make things better. If we give that up, we’ll all be lost.” “Wow, for princesses you are really naive” Dorian added supportively as Erin went quiet. “You think we like fighting like this? We’re not doing it for a laugh you know. We’re fighting for a better life and future for everyone, and we need the support of our duel monsters to do it. They’re our best chance to make a change. Your kind has been suppressed by the Emperor as well. We have to help each other against that tyrant, it’s the only we can all be free and stop this fighting. We can get the peace you want that way.” Across the field, Pikeru and her dark sister looked quite stunned. They paused for a moment, and all was relatively silent in the square. Even the rampaging dragon was stilled for a moment, and a few braver citizens who had been hiding started to pop their heads out to look. In the distance, the sounds of people shouting and fighting, and the howls of the duel monsters, presumably those that had chased after Aerial, could be heard a few streets away. All for a moment was still. Then their bodies stiffened as the glow of the aura’s covering their eyes intensified, and they retook their aggressive stances, looking and sounding even more warped than before. The black dragon went back on the rampage, sending the few citizens that had emerged scattering as the ram butler commanded it in frenzy. “We don’t believe you. We don’t like you. You cause us nothing but trouble. We’re doing this our way. To hell with you people!” “Erin, I don’t think talking’s going to work anymore” Dorian flinched at their refocused attitude. “Take what I’ve left you and use it now.” “R-right. I draw” she stammered. He said he’d left her things she could use, but she didn’t have the slightest idea how. Her draw however might help. “I activate Pot of Avarice. By returning five monsters to our deck...” “Erin, do me a favour. Leave Gungnir where it is” Dorian interrupted, surprising her. “What? But I need...” “Trust me.” The way he spoke to her; the way he looked at her as she looked into his eyes. The way even against all the chaos and the danger surrounding them, he kept calm and focused. How he was keeping in control. He’d been strong for her, supported her throughout despite her doubts, and had protected her against the sisters damaging attacks. Now he was just asking her for one favour in return. She didn’t understand why, she wanted to have Gungnir available to summon again. But she had to trust him. “Alright. I’ll return Brionac, Strategist, Salvage Warrior, Effect Veiler and Future Samurai to my deck. Then I draw two more cards.” She took them, and found she’d be granted an equip spell, and a new ice barrier monster. A new tuner. She looked at Dorian. Despite everything; the rampaging dragon and the maddened princesses glaring at them he just looked back at her with that focused steely eyed expression, and nodded. He trusted her. Then her move clicked. “I’ve got it. I summon the tuner monster Geomancer of the Ice Barrier.” A young girl with long braided hair, dressed in blue robes and holding a mirror, appeared beside his magician (Lv3, ATK 800). It wasn’t there long though, as both disappeared in a swirl of rings and stars. “Now I tune my Geomancer, with Dorian’s currently non-tuner Magician, to summon a new and powerful monster.” There was a flash, and from the light emerged not an ice barrier dragon, but a sorcerer. A man with long silver hair under his tall pointy hat, dressed in fine white and purple robes and armed with a large staff. “You think I’m a one-dimensional duelist?” Erin shouted at the twin spirits. “Well how about you try out this trump card. My all powerful sorcerer, the Arcanite Magician!” (Lv7, ATK 400). “Heh, an unexpected move...” grinned Pikeru. “But not clever enough. You think you can come at us with a spellcaster? We know all about our kind. I activate Breakthrough Skill, negating your monsters effect. So now it won’t gain any spell counters for being summoned, leaving its attack at a measly four hundred, and thanks to my field spell about to helplessly walk straight into defeat.” “Oh no...” Erin grimaced as her magician buckled. However beside her, Dorian was smiling excitedly. “No... no this is great. Erin, you’ve set everything up to summon the card I gave you.” Erin looked at him in shock. She’d completely forgotten about that. But as she took the card Dorian had given her out of the slot on her belt, she could see no way of getting at it. Dorian seemed prepared for this though. “Use my face down card. The one on the far left. It’s right there for you. You can do it!” “I can...?” she asked uncertainly. “Okay, I’ll try... I’ll activate Dorian’s set card...” Nervously she activated the face down card to reveal... “Miracle Synchro Fusion!” The twins jumped, and her heart soared. Dorian had left her this card, and it was perfect. Before her a swirling vortex appeared in the air, and the Arcanite Magician was pulled into it. “Using this card, I can take monsters listed as materials on a Fusion monster that are on my field or in the graveyard, including at least one Synchro monster, and banish them from play, to form a brand new kind of power. The result of our combined strengths which outstrips yours, as I unleash it on you! The power of Synchro Fusion!” The Tuned Magician rose once more and was sucked into the portal, which sparked and crackled violently, before a new figure emerged before them. A taller, more powerful wizard. One dressed in dark navy blue and black, with a shimmering cape and a tall mitre, holding a mighty sceptre which he pointed at the two terrified looking twins. “Behold the culmination of our combined strengths, bearing our hopes for the new future of the Empire. The ultimate spellcaster; Supreme Arcanite Magician!”[/spoiler] Comments please. 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EliminateHRN Posted March 28, 2014 Report Share Posted March 28, 2014 I'm glad I stumbled across this story tonight. I can't remember the last time I've read a good story on YCM (then again, I rarely ever check the Creative Writing section so I'm sure there's a few stories here that are worth reading). While I'm not certain or anything, I want to say I read a chapter of the original Armageddon whenever I had time and saw it was updated. However, I rarely, if ever, commented and I will admit I didn't actively follow the story. Anyway, I've only read the first three chapters so I'm sure whatever I had to say about those chapters have already been said already by someone else. So, I'm just going to say that I have enjoyed reading this story so far and that it is one of the better stories I've read on YCM in recent memory. Yeah, I'll definitely try to get caught up with this story in the next few days so I'm not so far behind and everything. Liking it so far though, good job! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bahamut - Envoy of the End Posted March 29, 2014 Author Report Share Posted March 29, 2014 Um... hi. Just, quietly sticking my head in at the moment without wanting to do much here at the moment. And wow, a new commentor. I'm glad I stumbled across this story tonight. I can't remember the last time I've read a good story on YCM (then again, I rarely ever check the Creative Writing section so I'm sure there's a few stories here that are worth reading). While I'm not certain or anything, I want to say I read a chapter of the original Armageddon whenever I had time and saw it was updated. However, I rarely, if ever, commented and I will admit I didn't actively follow the story. Anyway, I've only read the first three chapters so I'm sure whatever I had to say about those chapters have already been said already by someone else. So, I'm just going to say that I have enjoyed reading this story so far and that it is one of the better stories I've read on YCM in recent memory. Yeah, I'll definitely try to get caught up with this story in the next few days so I'm not so far behind and everything. Liking it so far though, good job! Hi. Thank you for commenting. Looking at your profile... the name Shadow Avian rings a bell somewhere, but only faintly. I was away for a while so I forgot some people. Nvm, glad to potentially have another reader and commentor on board and happy you are liking it so far :) And you needn't worry about repeating things that other people have said, the chances of that happening around here aren't as high as you might think. :lol: Sorry for slow response, kinda been keeping off YCM last few days but I do eventually respond to all comments, so would love to get your opinions from time to time, even if you're not fully caught up still feel free to comment on prior chapters if you want to ask a question/raise an issue/have a guess on one of the game's. There will also be a few weeks between arcs when this one finishes so there'll be plenty of time for you/others to get caught up. Speaking of, wishing to put up the next chapter tomorrow night, so would like some comments on this chapter please. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aerion Brightflame Posted March 29, 2014 Report Share Posted March 29, 2014 Matt... Where did Prime Material Dragon reapear from? Since if I'm reading it back Prime Material died after Call of the Haunted was killed wasn't it? So how was it then back to prevent Aegis from being entirely pointless? =? Also other things to note about the chapter: Umm... I'm not sure what I feel about Arcanite Magician being here, because you know it's Yuma's (?) ace from the origional, which is kinda... annoying unless you are going to justify said thing later. I mean, it's nothing major, I just feel that aces shouldn't get copied between different major characters (Even if Yuma isn't a major character here), so that was a disconcerting for me personally, but probably less so for everyone else. Since I think the majority of other commentors didn't read the origional. It was more interesting as a duel than I'd have thought if you'd told me; Hey Guys we have a tag duel of burn lasting for 3 chapters coming up, you excited? So that's a good thing. But yeah, otherwise... Whilst I like the obvious symbolism that comes from Erin using Dorian's card, I think the card could've been... something different/better. Like White Night Dragon would've been so cool to use then, even if it probably couldn't swing the duel by itself. I just don't think that Supreme Arcanite suits Erin per say. Otherwise I did enjoy the chapter. Even if Curran and Pikeru are just irritatingly childish about things. (But that's how they are meant to be, so I can't disagree with it, it's just annoying) But no, it was a good chapter, I just think the choice of climax let it down a bit. Oh and Dorian despite being very much in a controlling zone was so cool here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bahamut - Envoy of the End Posted March 30, 2014 Author Report Share Posted March 30, 2014 Matt... Where did Prime Material Dragon reapear from? Since if I'm reading it back Prime Material died after Call of the Haunted was killed wasn't it? So how was it then back to prevent Aegis from being entirely pointless? =? Also other things to note about the chapter: Umm... I'm not sure what I feel about Arcanite Magician being here, because you know it's Yuma's (?) ace from the origional, which is kinda... annoying unless you are going to justify said thing later. I mean, it's nothing major, I just feel that aces shouldn't get copied between different major characters (Even if Yuma isn't a major character here), so that was a disconcerting for me personally, but probably less so for everyone else. Since I think the majority of other commentors didn't read the origional. It was more interesting as a duel than I'd have thought if you'd told me; Hey Guys we have a tag duel of burn lasting for 3 chapters coming up, you excited? So that's a good thing. But yeah, otherwise... Whilst I like the obvious symbolism that comes from Erin using Dorian's card, I think the card could've been... something different/better. Like White Night Dragon would've been so cool to use then, even if it probably couldn't swing the duel by itself. I just don't think that Supreme Arcanite suits Erin per say. Otherwise I did enjoy the chapter. Even if Curran and Pikeru are just irritatingly childish about things. (But that's how they are meant to be, so I can't disagree with it, it's just annoying) But no, it was a good chapter, I just think the choice of climax let it down a bit. Oh and Dorian despite being very much in a controlling zone was so cool here. Um... to quote Pikeru: “I activate my own copy of Call of the Haunted, resurrecting my Prime Material Dragon for the second time. Then I’ll activate the other card I set, ‘Aegis of Gaia’...” :blink: I didn't feel the need to put in a hyperlink the second time it was used. She set her copy with Gaia on her turn. Curran set Chain and Bribe (despite Cold Wave being in play, I know. So I made a broke ice related card I wanted Erin to play at some stage slightly less broke for tag team not f***ing up purposes) Well, if I was expecting some critisism of card games, I kinda... wasn't expecting it to be that. Well, that Arcanite is seen to be Miss Yuma's key card from all those years ago is more of an utter screw up on my part from back then that I kept (and usually illegally) summoning it over Ancient Fairy Dragon, her supposed key card who she never summoned in a duel once! (Stupid Matt <_<) Likewise whereas that card meant something to you, clearly her White Night Dragon from before does for the same reasons. Not that I can see how that would help much here. I like WND. It's one of my favourite cards I actually have in a major rariety that I picked up when I started thinking about writing the original, along with... another one..., which is why Erin had it in the original, and I am trying to get a lot of Erin's original deck in here and there. Disappointed with myself I haven't got cards like Frozen Soul and Icy Crevasse in anywhere yet. But given she's been dropping stuff like Magician's Circle in her variant since chapter one... I dunno. Noted, I guess. Glad the rest of the duel and the other characters did well for you, huzzah for the little princesses, but I'm just a bit surprised that that cliffhanger of her using Synchro Fusion was apparently so meh. :( Anyway, Chapter 13. Quite a lot of stuff involved as we see a few characters who haven't featured for a little while, then the big tag duel concludes. There's a guest appearance to look out for in here too, although I'll be amazed if anyone gets this one. I'd say it's definitely the hardest to spot, so I wouldn't let it distract you from reading the actual story at this crucial stage. Enjoy and... well, hopefully this should get commented on. Big chapter this one... as the big japanese anime episode style title might suggest... [spoiler=Chapter 13]Chapter 13: The Princesses’ Final Counterblow “Your Excellency, I must thank you once again for your generosity. Thank you for releasing her. I assure you she will not make the same mistakes again.” Longinus was once again knelt in salute at the base of the steps leading up the Emperor’s throne, having finally succeeded in his argument. He’d been campaigning for the release of his student for a while now, always with futility, but at last this morning his persistence had won through, and earned the freedom of his prized knight. The ruler looked down at him as the general continued to heap praise on him, with an indifferent, almost bored expression. “Enough snivelling Longinus, it ill becomes you” Nero drawled, cutting Longinus short of any more of his attempts to soften him up. “I asked you to come here to discuss your guard’s methods of recruitment. Numbers of people joining from outside of army based families are down at an alarming rate. You’d think those ungrateful peasants would appreciate a career in the army with a secure job and pay, but they’re not applying. I want numbers bolstered with a recruitment drive. Drag the young men off the streets and from their beds if you have to! No applications necessary; service will be compulsory!” Longinus gasped and tried to protest, but Nero shouted over him. “No excuses Longinus! These kinds of peasants need some discipline and order in their miserable lives, not fanciful dreams and false hopes. Confidence in the guard is at an all-time low, and the troublemakers are starting to see the frays and get bolder in their dissent. If people aren’t joining my army, then they might join that bloody Resistance! I cannot have that. No, the service will do them good. If they can’t see that for themselves, you will show them! We must get any potential turncoats and traitors back in line with the good grace of my Empire, before they turn against it! I want my armies numbers doubled within the month!” Nero was interrupted from his tirade as the door to the throne room was flung open, and his dark eyes narrowed as they set upon the short and panicky looking noble Tectum - the man in charge of public shelter management and community development - came rushing over, stopped at the base of the throne in a wheezy, sweaty and thoroughly inappropriate mess as he made his hasty bow, and blurted into the issue that was causing him such distress. “Emperor, forgive my intrusion, but I have an urgent situation you must be made aware of. There are duel monsters on the rampage in the city!” “WHAT!?” roared the Emperor, leaping to his feet. “Where? How? Tell me you blithering bag of bones!” “In the Uria district” Tectum wheezed. “Outside the royal theatre house. Initial reports I’ve received said there are several duel monsters attacking buildings just like previous sightings in the last few days, but this is a more concentrated onslaught. They are repelling all the guards I send, and tearing into civilians. Several properties around the theatre house are being destroyed, and the building itself could go at any minute. There is a full scale fight going on down there, apparently there is...” He paused, wondering if he should say what there was. The sternness of the Emperor’s glare however forbade the withholding any secrets. “There is a duel going on too. A real duel; between two monsters - real ones - and that rebel girl from before, her and one of her friends. They’re... fighting each other.” “Oh” the Emperor said simply, pausing for a moment for thought. Then he slumped back into his marble throne and waved a hand dismissively. “Forget it.” “What?!” Longinus and Tectum blurted in astonishment. “But... the royal theatre house...” “ an old and virus spreading reminder of the past, something I’ve wanted tearing down for some time now” the Emperor interrupted, examining his nails instead of looking at them. “Those monsters might as well make themselves useful by tearing it down for me, and if they kill off a few rebels in the process as well then that’s also excellent. No, this is good... Longinus; now is a good chance for your prize students to prove their worth. Have them go to the area and wait until one side wins over the other, then to go in and clean up the surviving side, whether it be monsters or rebels. We can spin this well in our favour. Tectum stop whining and leave it alone this instance! Begone now, the pair of you!” The two men couldn’t protest, and dismally trudged out of the throne room to get on with their orders, leaving the Emperor alone. As soon as the door closed he relaxed, and chuckled to himself. “Hmm... I suspect your hand in this vizier. Ha, you sly old dog. No... this is good...” ... Speaking of the prized students, one was returning to the barracks now. Stretching as she marched into her private quarters, Camilla opened her trunk and started to pull on her silver armour. Thankfully her maid had taken care of it in her absence. Just as she’d finished changing there was a knock on the door. Despite her order to go away, Gaius let himself in and leant on the doorframe, making her scowl. “Good to see you back Camilla” he smirked. “How was your stay at his Excellency’s pleasure?” “Terrible. The food especially” she snapped, unsheathing her sword and pretending to examine it, having a few warm up swings, although really it was there as a threat. One that just amused Gaius further as he refused to budge. “What do you want anyway?” “Just dropping in to say hello. I thought after that time in solitary you’d be happy to see some company” he replied sarcastically with the same grin. “Not nice not being the favourite any more is it? Still, at least we’re back at square one together now, on level terms so to speak.” Expecting a reaction, Gaius comfortably got his bronze shield up in time for Camilla’s sword to thud into it. Her eyes narrowed as she snarled up at his face. “You’ve never been level with me, and you never will be.” “Well at least you haven’t lost your competitive edge, even if you did lose some of your battle one” Gaius shrugged, although when she spun round and made him react much faster to just about block the second blow, he lost the air of smugness. “Okay okay, not that much edge. Anyway seriously this time, it’s good to have you back. Times are getting tough. We need our best on the front line, not rotting in a dungeon. The others will be happy to have you back too. They missed your leadership.” “Grr...” Camilla scowled, but sheathed her sword. “Well... it is good to see you too Gaius... I guess...” There was an embarrassing pause for a moment between them as Gaius continued to stand awkwardly in the doorway and her in her room, before mercifully they were interrupted by the arrival of a nervous looking recruit who - struggling to make himself seen behind Gaius’ bulk - saluted before them both and relayed his order. “Urgent message from the palace, from Senator Tectum and Chief Longinus. All elite ranking guards are to assemble near the theatre house in the Uria district to deal with a major incident.” “Well go elsewhere and find them then” Gaius shrugged dismissively. “We’re not elites anymore kid.” “Um... sorry sir... but...” the man mumbled. “But Chief Longinus wants you two there, and if you’ll forgive me for saying so... sir and lady, so do the others. We all still respect you two. Besides, there are duel monsters involved. They’re attacking the district and, well... no-one else has your skills...” “What?” Camilla blinked at this strange situation, Gaius equally shocked. She recovered quicker than him though, marching back to her trunk to grab the duel mechanisms for her shield and then back out the door, shoving past the static ex-general on her way out. “Stop gaping like an idiot Gaius. Let’s go.” ... Sprinting across the rooftops away from the panicked crowd in the street below, unaware that the elite guard would soon be descending on them, Aerial spun and released another arrow at his pursuers. The tip buried itself between the eyes of the snarling green beast chasing after him, the creature roared in pain as it lost balance and slid sideways across the roof, tearing up the tiles as it dug in for grip on the slope. It still didn’t disappear though, shaking itself off as it regained its balance. And there was still the gold samurai bearing down behind it, charging at him with sword drawn. The accursed rabbit creature controlling them flew after them at the back of the chase, and Aerial was rapidly running out of breath and ammo. Cursing; he leapt onto the next roof and hurtled off again. It was all well and good being a distraction, and those things were certainly more focused on getting him then any more widespread destruction at the moment, but not if it wasn’t actually going anywhere. ‘Damn Dorian! I can’t... keep... sodding... running... forever...’ he thought, ducking down and dropping from the roof as the samurai got a little too close for comfort. He tumbled as he fell, almost landing on top of and knocking over a small girl with pigtails who cried as she ran off clutching her teddy before he could apologise, but landed well enough not to twist anything. He’d wanted to avoid endangering the public like this, but he had himself to worry about. ‘This is a stupid plan. I’m going back to the square.’ No sooner had he turned the corner then he had to duck from a group of about ten soldiers that were charging towards him. Or more accurately as they came hurtling into the street after him, charging at the two possessed creatures, which upon sight of the guard roaring into battle with swords and shields raised, switched their attention to them. Taking shallow, rapid breaths as he hid in a door way, Aerial peeked out and examined the conflict. The soldiers were putting up a brave fight, but their swords were just as ineffective as his arrows had been. Their armour fared little better either; two were already dead and more were going down. However, this distraction might be the opportunity he needed, as with so many bodies engaging the two monsters, the infernal buck toothed butler controlling them was open to attack. Reaching for his last arrow, he lined the insipid creature up in his sights and took a deep breath. ‘One shot... bye bye bunny...’ Straight and true as always, the arrow pierced the creature straight through neck, ripping through its illusory form and thudding into a building beyond. The unresponsive creature disappeared at once, and with their life support gone so did the beast and the samurai. The remaining guards were bewildered by the sudden disappearance, enough for him to try and slip away... At least he’d hoped, until one of them saw him. “Armed rebel!” he shouted, pointing at him. “He’s the one creating these things! He’s getting away, get him lads!” “What?!” Aerial shouted. “You’re kidding right? Gimme a break, I just saved you guys from them!” They weren’t listening to reason though, as the company re-gathered itself and charged after him. Cursing his luck, Aerial took off again, hoping to lose them before returning to the square. ... ‘I have lost all my loved ones to a senseless war. I have lost my home to a corrupt dictatorship. All my blood family are gone now, and it’s all because of Nero’s mistrust and greed. Even though I have a new family that I’ve found and taken me in, I will never forgive him, or the ones who helped him enforce this oppression. I lost everything to the Empire, and I will not stop until every last one of those responsible is made to pay. Whatever it takes, I will destroy them. I won’t let them take anything else away from me...’ Dorian shook himself slightly and refocused on the situation at hand. No-one else seemed to have noticed his little private moment that the appearance of this new, ultimate wizard had triggered him to have, one that had once belonged to one of those lost loved ones. The tall majestic looking sorcerer, the Supreme Arcanite Magician, stood in the centre of the field between him and this girl Erin who he’d only met a few short weeks ago, representative of the combined powers of their monsters and the developing unity between them (Lv10, ATK 1400). There she stood a little way to his left; looking up at this new monster in wonder at its magnificence, the gift he’d given to her, but there was also a proud, resolute aggressiveness in her look across the field at their enemies, the duel monster princesses who now looked so terrified of this new creature. They still had that dreadful Dark Strike Fighter on the field (Lv7, ATK 2600), along with a whole array of spell and trap cards, and not to mention the fake double of his prize monster ripping up the buildings of the theatre square around them. But the tide was turning - he could sense it. Then looking at her, he couldn’t help but smile slightly at how much she’d changed. Normally she acted so shy and delicate, but there was fierceness inside her. He could tell that, it was obvious from the way she protected that brother of hers, and stood her ground at times before. She kept trying not to show it, hiding behind a shell of doubt and insecurity she kept trying to curl up inside when times got tough, but she was stronger than she realised. This new confidence that had been unlocked in her, now she looked like she was pushing her doubts and fears that held her back before down, and replacing it with the girl he had seen bursting to get out, and that made him feel warm inside to look at her. He was glad he’d given her that card, and not just because it might save their skins in this duel. It looked good with her, and it was starting to bring out her true self that he found so... so... ‘I will not lose anything else...’ “Dorian, this monster...” He blinked slightly as he realised she was talking to him, looking at him with that small smile of hers that she used too fleetingly again. “It’s wonderful. Thank you.” “Oh... yeah well, don’t mention it” he stuttered awkwardly, sweeping his hair back irritably and folding his arms. “It’s not much use to me you know, so it might as well go to a good home. It was nothing.” “Dorian, are you... blushing?” she blurted suddenly, amazed as his usual attempt at acting indifferently was exposed. Indeed he did look suddenly red in the face, even more so when faced with such an absurd accusation. “What? No, course not. I don’t do that sort of thing.” “Okay... if you say so...” Probably best to leave it at that and not tease him, although she couldn’t help but shiver a little at the thought of him blushing like that. But for now she had to put such feelings, these strange giddy feelings, to one side. There was a fight to take care of first, one they had to win to protect themselves, the Resistance, and the people of the city that the princesses were mercilessly attacking to get to them. The warped little mages Pikeru and Curran glowered hatefully at her as she turned her attention back to them. The discrepancy between their life points was mountainous to say the least, with them down to their last 100LP and the princesses at a huge 7200LP. But they could turn it around. She believed that now. “Alright you two! You might have beaten us down and done everything you can to destroy us - and our friends before us with your actions. But you haven’t broken us, and now with this new strength and this monster Dorian has trusted me with, we can overcome anything you throw at us. We will keep fighting, starting right here, and just like we will the Empire some day in the end, we will defeat you!” Pikeru’s Hand: 0 --- Combined Field is Dark Strike Fighter, Savage Coliseum, Bad Reaction to Simochi, and a face down --- Curran’s hand: 5 Erin’s Hand: 1 --- Combined Field is Supreme Arcanite Magician, and a face down --- Dorian’s Hand: 0 “When summoned to the field, the first effect of Supreme Arcanite Magician activates” she continued, as the spellcaster held its long staff aloft. “Just like the original, it gains two spell counters upon being summoned. Then it gains one thousand attack points for each spell counter on it.” The sorcerer’s attack rose, to above the level of the warplane facing it (ATK 3400). But there was still a problem. The combination of Bad Reaction to Simochi and Savage Coliseum was still active, and if she attacked, then they would lose as soon as the attack went through. However... “Now I activate another effect of this wizard. Once per turn, by removing a spell counter from the field, I can use one of its two abilities. I’m using the one that enables it to destroy any card on the field. My target is your Bad Reaction to Simochi card.” The sorcerer waved his wand, and the trap exploded with a successful hit. The blast forced Pikeru to cling onto her mitre, responding when the blast was over. “Well, whatever. You just made a big mistake Bluey. With Savage Coliseum still on the field, your monster still has to attack Dark Strike Fighter. And because you’ve used up a spell counter, it’s now weaker than it is. You’ve just sealed your own doom.” “From my hand, I equip my magician with the spell One Shot Wand” Erin continued. “This card can only be equipped to a spellcaster type monster, and gives it an additional boost of eight hundred attack points. Making my Supreme Magician the strongest monster on the field once again.” Pikeru blinked as the staff in the magician’s hand changed to a long weapon ending in a moon shaped ornament, that enabled it to outmatch their machine (ATK 3200). She scowled in frustration. “Oooooh... damn you. I activate my face down, my own copy of Destruct Potion. By destroying Dark Strike Fighter, we gain life points equal to its attack.” To Erin and Dorian’s surprise, something vital in the heart of the dark machine just broke; the whole mechanism wilted and sank into a fiery hole opening beneath it in the square, disappearing for good. With its demise a soothing blue aura enveloped Pikeru, increasing her life points further still before the inevitable hit (LP 9800). “Hey!” Curran shouted at her sister. “What the hell are you doing?! You can’t just destroy my monster like that!” “Of course I can. It didn’t stop you doing the same to my Wyvern earlier” Pikeru retorted, as the sisters began bickering again. “We’re going to lose it anyway; I might as well get some life back.” “It makes no difference to the stupid life points! You’re just wasting cards being petty and vindictive!” “Well then consider it payback! Either way I feel much better now. As for the attack, you can take a turn at taking that. I’m fed up of taking all the big hits here.” Once again the princesses clashed heads and continued to argue in this fashion, oblivious to everyone in the world around them. Pikeru’s little ram butler had stopped what it was doing and turned to watch them with its inane blank expression. Even the fake Brutdrago it was controlling and the rebels had been unable to do anything about yet had quelled from its rampage, pausing possibly as the butler spectre did, enabling those citizens of the capital cowering in their rapidly diminishing homes and businesses to peek fearfully out at the scene again. Erin watched them confront for a second, sighed in resignation and shook her head. “Oh enough already. Supreme Magician, please attack them. Just... both of them.” The sorcerer obliged, sending a bolt of magic with a sweep of its wand that, mercifully, struck both twins and, after a few seconds of being blasted, sent them scurrying around crying and screaming in panic and childish tantrums (LP 6600). Curran was particularly tearful as she rounded on Erin. “You awful, awful human. You witch! You just wait until my turn. I’ll... I’ll... I’ll make you wish you’d never been born!” “Given her deck and how full her hand is, I’d say she could do too” Dorian thought. “Erin, let’s play safe.” “Right” she agreed. “First Savage Coliseum’s effect grants us some life after the attack concluded, giving us some breathing space (LP 400). Then One Shot Wand’s other effect activates. After battle, I can send it to the graveyard. Then I get to draw one card.” The magician’s staff returned to normal (ATK 2400), as Erin took the card offered her. It was really less than ideal, although if Curran did anything that really did threaten them, it could just make the difference. “I set one card. Turn end.” “Then it’s my turn” the still teary Curran screamed. “I summon Summoner Monk to the field.” Having wildly snatched at her draw, the bearded priest floated serenely through its portal past its user, automatically coming out in defence (Lv4, DEF 1600). “And by discarding the spell card Gather Your Mind from my hand; I can call out another level four monster from my deck. A gift, this’ll show you how powerful we are and how we should be treated with respect. The tuner monster Masked Chameleon.” Erin flinched at the emergence of a surprisingly large emerald green chameleon (Lv4, ATK 1600). This was worrying enough, but Curran – driven by a rage beyond anything she’d believed possible in her anger and fragile twisted state – clearly wasn’t done yet. “Next by activating the spell Premature Burial, by paying eight hundred life points (LP 5800), I can resurrect Prime Material Dragon to the field once again. And then by returning a card in my hand to the top of my deck, I can special summon another tuner monster which I discarded earlier called Plaguespreader Zombie through its own effect.” ‘I don’t like this...’ Dorian thought to himself as not only the great slender dragon ripped through the paved square once again, but this time was followed by a disgusting, maggot riddled zombie after it (Lv2, ATK 400). Four monsters, and two of them tuners. Across the field, the twins were hunched over together and silently glaring at them, Curran having quelled her still evident stream of tears. The way they were positioned together made them look more sinister, more calculating. A calm before a storm... “Now?” Curran whispered. Quiet. Deadly. “Do it” Pikeru nodded back. “Kill them both. No mercy.” “Alright. I tune Masked Chameleon with the dark monster Summoner Monk” Curran yelled. “I tune Plaguespreader Zombie with the light monster Prime Material Dragon” Pikeru joined in, standing back to back with her darker twin as both of them reached up to the chaotic swirl of light and dark hoops and stars flying around and linking together, combining their powers to create two opposing flashes, two beacons that shot up into the sky that could be and were seen all across the capital. People all across the city stopped; clasped their hands over their mouths in shock or pointed at the lights before they faded away, and from the sky descended the two horrific new monsters they beckoned. One pure white dragon with golden armour and helmet, spreading its many feathered wings and flicking its long serpentine tail, screaming violently (Lv8, ATK 2600). One soulless black; a heavy, powerful beast with torn leather wings and wicked curved claws, spikes and horns, and stretched across the beasts stomach was a sick, macabre face that grinned insidiously, mocking their helpless and petrified prey as the giant beast roared (Lv8, ATK 2600). The twin duel spirits reached out to their dragons, as they did the hazy veils covering their eyes intensified in their presence as their final trump cards descended. “Behold our mightiest power” the twins cried in distorted unison. “The last gift given to us by our friends in order to stop people like you. To end this conflict and elevate us to full princess-hood! The majestic Light End Dragon and the unstoppable Dark End Dragon!” “The hell?” Dorian took a fearful backwards step away from these two terrifying creatures. “Where’d they get those kinds of monsters from?” “Their friends. They must be extremely powerful to be able to just give those sorts of things away” Erin replied, following his similar flinching action as the white dragon craned and stretched its long neck, snapping its jaws to reveal hundreds of razor sharp teeth. “Have you faced anything like them before? Any idea what they do?” “No, but I think we’re about to find out though.” He wasn’t wrong. Pikeru went first, reaching up to her white dragon in her warped hysteria. “Light End Dragon attacks and its effect activates. By lowering its attack and defence by five hundred points at the start of battle, the monster it’s targeting loses fifteen hundred points!” A brilliant light shone from the golden armour of the dragon as its attack dipped slightly, but Supreme Magician’s dipped further (ATK 2100/900). Far enough to now make this one attack the finisher. The light dragon took a deep breath, gathering its power of charged radiant atoms in its mighty jaws to form a sphere of energy, before releasing it in a beam of pure white energy that shot down like a laser, ripped through the streets as it drove towards the helpless magician and rebels it was defending. “Trap open. Ready for Intercepting!” Erin screamed over the crashing noise of destruction as her set card opened. “This flips my spellcaster monster into face down defence position, thus resetting its points changes. Then the attack must still go through as normal.” The magician disappeared briefly as its card flipped, returning a split second later in a crouched, guarded position (DEF 2800). He got his staff up just in time before the light laser tore through him, the beam bouncing off the defensive barrier it cast and dispelled harmlessly away. Some of it bounced back up to the dragon, catching it in the midriff and making it grunt in pain and end the assault. Pikeru winced as the twin’s life took a further dent (LP 5100). “Grr, Savage Coliseum is still active, and lets me regain some of our lost points after battle.” (LP 5400) “Also with Coliseum active, my dragon has no choice but to attack, so now it’s her turn. Let’s just get the formality of that over with before the fun really begins” Curran readily took over with a twisted smile. The black scaled two faced dragon released a similar attack to her counterpart, which was similarly futile and defended by the stronger magician, although after Savage Coliseums effect activated again the twins actually came out of it slightly profitably (LP 5500). “Now that’s done, I can activate the effect of my dragon” Curran continued mercilessly. “By reducing its attack and defence by five hundred, your monster is sent straight to the graveyard.” There was nothing Erin could do about it this time, only watch helplessly as the great magician finally succumbed to the dark aura that engulfed it and was dragged down through the fiery portal that opened beneath him, leaving them defenceless again. “Aah... sorry Dorian. I couldn’t do any more.” With the magician gone she felt a little bit of her dragged down too. Although she was still determined to fight and win, letting the card she’d been given get defeated like that made her feel a little disappointed with herself. She felt certain he would be disappointed in her for not protecting it better. However as she looked awkwardly down as she faced him, he wasn’t angry like she expected. “Hey it’s alright. You did your best, and you used him really well. I’m just happy you used it at all.” “Um... thanks...” she mumbled. “Will you two please get a room?” the clearly agitated Curran yelled at them. “Cut out the crap, or at least wait until you’re in hell and out of my sight before you go all into it. Cuz that’s where I’ll be sending you very soon...” “Oh shut up!” Dorian yelled back. Curran was so shocked at him daring to yell at her it indeed made her stop, giving him chance to address Erin properly. “Erin, don’t worry about it. You’ve fought really hard here; you don’t have anything to feel ashamed about or need to feel bad just because that monster I gave you got beat in the end. You’ve really proved yourself to be a really tough fighter with a lot of spirit here; you just have to believe in yourself more.” “You... you really think so...?” she asked tentatively. She never received any real sort of praise before, not with the nuns at her orphanage or from the elders in Resistance training. Dorian nodded, he was still - despite everything - really enthusiastic about things turning out for the best. He was a lot more chipper than she felt about things. “I just don’t want to get in the way or let people down, especially... um...” “Erin, you haven’t let anyone down. Like seriously, don’t be so negative every time we have a little setback, you’re doing well. Ever since I met you when you first joined the Resistance, when we did that first mission together, you’ve done more than anyone could expect of you, and you haven’t let me down once. Come on, we can beat these brats, and then we’re going to be one step closer to defeating the Empire. One of us is going to kill Nero, just like we said we would, alright? Frankly right now I’m betting on you being the one to do it, if you keep getting stronger and stop doubting everything anyway.” Erin was surprised at the way he was talking. He always acted so cool and indifferent most of the time, and was always fully focused on mission. But now he’d just paused everything in the middle of a dire situation that could get worse at any moment, for them and the civilians of the city, blocked all of them and the little mage spirits out and just focused entirely on giving her a pep talk. But then it seemed to matter more to him than that. “You’re really special Erin; I’ve not met many people in my time who are like you. Yeah I’m not really a people person; I’ve never really wanted to get close to people again after the Empire stripped away everyone who was dear to me once already. But once I got over all the angsty bitter stuff... sort of... I started opening up a little bit after meeting my Resistance family. I still haven’t really felt the same way about anyone else like I did as a kid, or even wanted to. I certainly haven’t met anyone before who I’ve actually wanted to know more about or felt more... oh I dunno, I’m no good at this bit... connected to? Yeah I care about the gang back home, care about them like a family. Especially the big guy who’s really done a lot for me. But you... you’re different to them, and I feel differently around you. You’ve just got something else about you. No idea what, just something that really makes you stand out and makes me want to spend more time around you, y’know?” Erin sensed that this time she was the one blushing, and furiously at that. Still Dorian seemed to think he’d done a pretty good job at giving her a confidence boost, so that he could turn his attention back to the twin mages who were currently examining the handiwork of their ram servant and discussing tactics where to go from here. “Now come on, let’s do this. This duel’s getting really good now, better than the practise matches in training. We can beat this pair of jokers. Let’s do it.” “Huh?” Curran blinked as her attention wandered back to the human boy finally ready to get on with things. “Oh, are you two done now? Do you actually want to continue and need me now? Gee I’m glad we don’t have any of that mush to deal with in our world. Still, guess you and your stupid girlfriend need to stall for all the time you can get together now our two dragons are about to tear through you.” “We’re not...” Erin started weakly, but gave up on it. She didn’t know where to go with that sentence right now. “Look never mind... we’re ready, and still fighting on. You got anything more to throw at us?” “Heh, as a matter of fact, I do” Curran smirked evilly, setting one of the cards in her hand on the field face down. Then she showed the other to them, revealing another dangerous spell that made Erin flinch. “One face down, then I activate the spell Wave-Motion Cannon. This card stays face up on the field, and counts each of the standby phases that pass. On Pikeru’s next turn we can send this card to the graveyard, and slam you for a thousand points of damage. Then your resistance, your war, your sickening little love-in... It will all be over for you. Hahaha!” Pikeru joined in this victorious smugness as well, enjoying Erin’s aggravation. “So many dangerous cards on their field that could defeat us. We can’t avoid them all.” “Yeah. Actually now I think about it, if the feistier version of you is gonna provoke the enemies to do stuff like that, then maybe I was better off when you were all quiet and down.” Dorian grinned at her glaring at him, as he set himself for the task. “I’m kidding, but you’re right. So... looks like I’m going to have to win it for us this turn. Ha, that’s going to be quite a challenge.” “Not possible” Pikeru sniffed confidently. “We’re way too far ahead in every way for you to turn this around. But it’ll be funny to watch you try and fail miserably.” The twins both were both absolutely certain in victory this time, one way or another, grinning smugly as Dorian reached to his duel shield and the card that would have to be simply amazing to reverse this. Unconsciously Erin was holding her breath as he simply grinned back and placed his fingertips upon it. “Let’s just see. Draw!” He snatched out the card in a wide arc, revealing a familiar spell, and immediately activating it. “I play Allure of Darkness. As you two already know this lets me draw two cards, two shots at getting something to turn this, but at a gamble. Either I’ll have to banish a dark attribute monster from among them, or else both will get ditched to the graveyard straight away.” Erin was frozen in fright by that second prospect as Dorian went to his deck again. Even the twin spirits, despite the surely huge odds against Dorian drawing well, seemed edgy about it. Everyone watching was tense, unable to speak as he slowly snatched out the two cards, sweeping them out and tilting them to his line of sight. The bottom card made him wince. Heroic Gift, less than helpful. One shot gone. One left, the top card had to be the one. Sweating slightly, he snapped the two out to reveal the other. Monster card: a small orange fiend grinning maniacally back at him. Attribute... ‘Ah. I was just hoping I’d get you...’ “Alright, I’ll banish this little gremlin for the cost of Allure.” Erin, the few worried spectators in the rubble and the twin mages let out contrasting breaths of relief or irritation at this. “But don’t worry, because he won’t be gone for very long. Because next I’m activating the fourth of my set flurry of cards; Return from the Different Dimension!” A great vortex opened way above the confidently posing teenager, rippling like a giant paint swirl in the sky that revealed a gap into another reality. “By paying half of our remaining life points, every available monster that we’ve banished over the course of this duel can return to the field for this one turn.” Shrugging off the slight drain (LP 200), Dorian crossed his arms and followed the other’s gazes up at the swirl through which monsters started to tumble. First his own Gemini monsters Shadow Delver and Tuned Magician descended and landed deftly on the field. Following them was Erin’s spectral Necro Gardna, and to her surprise the dark clad ninja Dewdark. She couldn’t remember that being banished at first, but after a moment one possibility came to her. Dorian must have banished it for Future Samurai’s effect when he destroyed Gungnir, before he set that card. That strange move, had he done that just for this? Expecting Arcanite Magician to also return, she was surprised to see the fifth and final monster to emerge was instead the one Dorian had just banished; the small orange fiend that gave off a strange green aura, leaping down amongst the other taller monsters (Lv2, 800). “Alright, now let’s see if this works” Dorian cried out, suggesting this was a plan. “I use my one normal summon to release the hidden effect of the Gemini Tuned Magician, enabling it to become a tuner monster. Now I tune him with Shadow Delver to Synchro Summon a dragon who’s the real deal, and just itching to get his claws into your pretender. Black Brutdrago!” The ground between them erupted, and the already petrified people in the broken homes and shops cowered at the sight of a second mighty bull dragon powering out of the earth, bellowing furiously at the imposter before him (Lv8, ATK 3000). “Ha, that’s a bit more like it” Dorian smiled, a lot happier to have his key monster by his side. “Alright, now first things first I think. Bulldoze that little sheep.” Brutdrago was more than happy with this command, unleashing its stream of darkfire down at the ram butler that was looking bemusedly up at it a little way to Pikeru’s side. She tried in vain to protect it, but her light shield was obliterated by Brutdrago’s might, as was the fiendish butler. Immediately the fake Brutdrago it had created swayed violently without its puppeteer supporting it, staggering and flailing in a daze, although noticeably slower to fade away than the Beast and Hyunlei earlier. The real dragon helped it on its way though, grabbing the phony by its horns and driving his enforced skull into it with a devastating head-butt, reducing it to nothing in a blink and standing alone, roaring triumphantly. Pikeru just stared up at it open-mouthed in helpless shock. “Ah, that’s better. That ought to help improve our standing amongst the general public” Dorian grinned, his partner nodding in agreement. The chances of anyone really understanding what was going on or had happened here was remote at best, but hopefully taking down the aggressive beast might earn them some positive light. “Now that’s dealt with, back to the duel and these little problem children. I still have three monsters left, so best use them. I tune Erin’s Dewdark with Necro Gardna and my Synchro Fusionist to perform a second Synchro Summon.” The three monsters dissolved and went through the tuning process, and in a flash of electricity emerged a new Synchro. Polished silver armour glistened in the light as a warrior descended, a bare knuckle fighter with a billowing crimson scarf and kilt and mane of gold hair. The warrior clashed its fists; and a great clap of thunder went off in the crystal clear sky in time that Dorian had to yell excitedly over. “A divine fighter from the torn sky, this will be key to my victory. My Lightning Warrior!” (Lv7, ATK 2400) “Bah, I don’t see how that helps” Curran scoffed, unimpressed. “Neither of us has any cards left in our hands stupid. You couldn’t have summoned anything more useless from what you had.” “Ah, now I’m glad you mentioned what I had” Dorian ignored her with a flourish. “Because speaking of that, the effect of Synchro Fusionist now activates. Because it was sent to the graveyard as part of a Synchro Summon, I get to search my deck for any spell card with either Fusion or Polymerization in its name and add it to my hand.” Taking the offered card, he proceeded to attack. “Now to do something about that big heap of life points. Lightning Warrior, attack Dark End Dragon!” The boxer charged, driving an electrically charged fist into the jaw of the black dragon, knocking it into oblivion. A runoff of sparks scattered around the wincing princesses (LP 5200), but Curran swiftly countered. “Ha, fatal mistake! I activate my trap card, Chthonian Blast! Since you’ve destroyed my monster, I can activate this to destroy the monster on the field with the lowest attack points, which is our Light End Dragon. Then we both take damage equal to half of its attack on the field!” Erin scowled at the devious little girl laughing at them, helpless to stop this underhanded victory. “Hahaha, Bluey and Moody blown up a tree. B, L, Double E, D.I.N, G!!” she sang in delight, Pikeru skipping and dancing around with her. However Dorian had other ideas. “Not yet we’re not! I activate the quick-play spell called Super Polymerization!” The light dragon across the field was shuddering and writhing in agony as its body started to be torn apart by the traps power, but another swirling maelstrom was opening up above Dorian, as he threw his last remaining card away. “This card lets me take the listed materials of a fusion monster from anywhere on the duel field, and merge them together to create a new ultimate monster. For the one I’m going for I could use either of our dragon’s using this spell, but since yours has just tried to kill me, I’m not feeling particularly merciful now. So I’ll fuse the dragon type Synchro monster Brutdrago with the warrior type Lightning Warrior instead, to summon another Synchro Fusion monster!” Dorian’s two monsters were pulled into the vortex, and from it first emerged the tip of a giant silver lance, followed by an amber golden crest. Erin couldn’t help but step back and breathe in awe as the most impressive looking duel monster she’d ever seen broke free from its prison. A winged knight in sapphire and gold armour, clutching its mighty weapon in a clawed reptilian hand and hoisting it over its broad plated shoulder. Through a gap in the plate, a long powerful tail flicked out with a mighty trident like tip as an intimidating secondary weapon. The dragon’s red eyes flashed as it awakened, opening its jaws and unleashing the loudest, piercing scream of the day. A noise that clashed with the dying screams of the Light End Dragon, and Dorian had to yell with everything in his lungs over the disastrous cacophony. “Behold my Synchro Fusion, the great defender of its kind. Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste!” “Ah! What the heck is that?” Pikeru cried in panic at the creature. “Who cares, it’s too late for those fools” Curran snapped. “Chthonian Blast still goes off, and now the damage from its effect will finish them off!” Finally released, the light dragon exploded; unleashing a hail of flaming dragon bones and meat everywhere, coming raining down towards them, bringing their end. “Dorian, will this work?” Erin yelled over the force of the blast, trying to shield her face as bits of dragon bone and rubble crashed down around them. For some reason he was insanely unmoved by what was about to happen to them, casually looking up at his mighty knight as it lifted its lance and shouting back. “Yes. I suspected this would happen. But what they don’t know is, when Draco-Equiste is on the field, all effect damage aimed at us is not only blocked, but it’s reflected back onto them!” The twin’s went pale as the knight blocked everything with its spinning lance, parrying all the blast away before retaliating with fury, sending all of the force back their way. The duo cried and tried to cling onto anything as the wave of destruction and dead dragon smashed over them, leaving them shaking and fearful (LP 3100). Dorian was just stood there looking at them. He was no longer smiling. No longer as cocky or cool as before. He was just stood there, with arms crossed and glaring at them; in a disgusted, cold kind of way. Erin thought he looked odd too, and nervously tried to speak to him. “Um... Dorian?” He ignored her. The only thing he paid attention to was the lance bearing dragon floating down just over his shoulder. “Finish it” he stated simply. No emotion in it at all. No delight or arrogance or anything. Just an emphatic final statement. The kind of cold, killer statement someone would make at an execution. And the Draco-Equiste obliged. Swinging its lance high it charged forward, bringing the blade crashing back around at supersonic speed, bludgeoning both princesses in one sweep before they could move. Both Pikeru and Curran were launched screaming across the square, catapulted into the upper floors of the first building which they hit with a sickening crash, both silenced as they were knocked unconscious, before each floated gently down to the ground on a breath of air, landing together in a little heap (LP 0). “Yes!” Dorian shouted victoriously, suddenly responsive again as he clenched a fist in triumph before holding his hand aloft towards Erin, seemingly completely oblivious to what had just happened and the stunned silence across the area. “Yeah, we did it Erin!” “Y... Y...” she stammered back tentatively. Dorian was just stood there waiting for her to celebrate with him, totally unconcerned about the manner of that finishing attack. She was kind of shocked to see this behaviour in him, but as he stood there waiting for her to join him, she tried to ignore it. After all, the princesses had attacked them, tried to kill them even, along with attacking innocent people. Of course he would be angry, even if he was a little over the top, and she certainly shouldn’t feel sorry for them. She had to be stronger and ignore feelings like that. “Um... yes, we sure did” she managed to force a fragile smile and high five him. He seemed satisfied enough by this to overlook her still evident doubt as she looked around at the people slowly emerging from their hiding places, looking at them in what were hard to tell expressions; either in awe or wonder, or fear and dread. There was certainly some agitated whispers going around, Dorian scowled as he tried to hear what people were saying, while she turned her attention back to their defeated foes. “Hey look.” At the far side of the square, something strange was happening to the two princesses. Light and dark auras had enveloped their respective bodies, and it seemed to be altering their appearances, and their clothes as the mitres and dresses began to revert, back to how they were before. The pair were starting to shrink down to their original sizes, and their staves were changing back to their earlier weapons too. Curious Erin ran over, the reluctant Dorian quickly following her to make sure she didn’t get too close to anything that might be dangerous. It was at this time that Aerial, having finally lost the guards chasing him and slipped around the huge load of them waiting in a nearby street, emerged onto the scene and watched in astonishment as his seemingly victorious comrades approaching the two little spirits who were starting to come around. As they opened their eyes, the rebels noticed that the hazy sheen that had been covering both of them had vanished, restoring their sight to normal. “Ugh... uh... what... happened?” groaned Pikeru as she sat up, rubbing her little head underneath her dislodged scapegoat hat. “Where am I?” “I think... I think I’m going to be sick” mumbled Curran, bent over on her hands and knees and covering her mouth. “I feel like I’ve been hit by a Dekoichi.” “Hey? Are you two alright?” The twins blearily looked up at Erin as she asked, despite her partner’s insistence not to, how they were. Both mages blinked several times and screwed their faces up, as if trying to place something they couldn’t think of. “Oh... it’s you again. I remember now...” Curran groaned, still trying not to be ill. “The blue haired girl who watched me duel that blonde boy. Wow... when was that now?” “I’ve seen you before too...” Pikeru started slowly, before looking at Dorian. “Don’t know you though.” “What? You mean you don’t... ouch” Dorian grunted as Erin stood on his foot and interrupted his coming rant. “I mean... er, can’t you remember anything that happened? Anything at all recently?” “Um...” Pikeru began, pulling a face as she tried to think. “I don’t know. Last thing I remember was getting mad at this snotty girl who beat me in a duel, and wanting to get stronger. Then there was... what happened after that? Whatever it was, I feel awfully awful now. Why does my body hurt so bad?” “I think I remember being somewhere dark, like a super secret place” Curran tried. “I remember these faces... there was a really happy guy, and a really dark scary looking one too. We were... trying to get stronger to um... um... oh damn it I can’t remember!” Whilst the sisters struggled with their mental blocks, Erin pulled Dorian away to discuss it in a hushed conversation. “You think they’re faking it to get away?” He shook his head. “Okay. Then do you think they can’t remember because of whatever altered them into their older forms?” “Maybe. The last memories they appear to have are of duelling Alex and Clove, and then a little bit after that. Maybe everything during their grown up spell got wiped when they changed back?” “Maybe...” Erin shuddered. “I don’t like this Dorian. This idea that there’s two weird people out there somewhere, hiding behind the Empire, that did this to them... it’s really scary. And what do we do with them now?” she asked, watching the young girls pout at each other, oblivious to all the people staring at them. Erin could see a few of them were getting together and nervously bearing knives and pitch forks as weapons. “We can’t just leave them like this, they’ll get torn apart. Do we tell them what happened?” “No, definitely not” Dorian said. “Maybe we should just tell them they need to go home. If they go back to their world, hopefully that will just keep them out of trouble and getting caught up and used again.” She agreed. Trying to think of what to say to convince the princesses to leave before the mob found its courage, she and Dorian nervously turned back to the little spirits, who were watching them curiously, and went to approach them. No sooner had they taken a step, the air in front of them rippled, and Erin jumped back as the two ghastly butlers returned in front of them, both the white ram and black rabbit floating in the air with their blank expressions stoically intact and blocking their path. The duel spirits cried in surprise at the appearance of them, while Dorian’s grip tightened around Erin’s hand. “You two are still here? Come on, the fight’s over, okay?” The two creatures stared blankly back at him, adamantly blocking the way, infuriating him further. “Hey! Don’t you understand me? I don’t know what you two are, but the fights over. And given their reactions I’d say you’re not wanted here anymore, so you just go on and scuttle back to your real masters, let them know I’m coming for them, and leave those two girls alone... That all going in there?” Whether it went in or not was unclear, but Dorian was starting to get a reaction. The little servant’s bodies were both starting to glow with strange gold and purple light. It made Erin nervous. “Dorian...?” Curran seemed equally unsure about this. “Hey sis, that don’t look right. They look like they’re...” Pikeru had already realised what was about to happen, clutched by terror by it, and suddenly started yelling at the two butlers Erin and Dorian were backing away from. “No, no you mustn’t. Don’t do that! Hey, listen to us, stop it! Stop it at once, please! Hey, get away from them! Please run away!” “Run!” Dorian yelled, pushing the unresponsive terror-gripped Erin into action as the spectral servants lost all their features to become just shapes in the blinding light piercing their bodies. Erin was still too transfixed by it and the duel spirits crying out helplessly trapped behind them, Dorian had to pull her by the arm and throw her to the floor, diving on top of her, just before the two black magic made servants countdown ended, and both went off like a bomb. A wave of energy washed over her, picking them both off the ground and ripping her from Dorian’s grip, launching her in a low arc across the square. The force of the blast was so incredible, Erin had no idea how it didn’t kill her. Presumably the worst had gone over their heads when they hit the ground. Instead the force carried and left her in a heap some distance away on her back, burned and bruised all over and all the breath knocked out of her, but just about remaining intact. Groaning and groggy, she slowly looked around. The servants had gone, leaving a smoking scorched bit of ground where they’d gone off, and the twins had vanished without a trace as well. Somewhere to her left, Aerial had appeared from somewhere, ducking out from behind the cover he and several onlookers had taken. She shook her head and tried to focus, looking for Dorian. He’d protected her from the blast. Again he’d put himself in the way to protect her because she was too useless to do it herself, now where was he? He was okay, right? Furious with herself she glanced around, and suddenly her heart stopped as she caught sight of him. Dorian was lying away to her right and slightly down at an angle where the street was falling away; face down, a good thirty metres away, covered in double the burns she was and bleeding severely in places. But that wasn’t all. The blast had done even more damage than she’d first realised; it had ripped apart half the square. Now a giant fissure tore through the paved street from where the explosion had happened and stretching to the base of the theatre house behind them, breaking the street in half and leaving both sides angled slightly down and in towards the chasm. And Dorian was lying helpless and unconscious with half of him hanging into the open pit, teetering on the edge of the abyss. “Oh my god... Dorian, wake up!” she yelled. He didn’t respond. She could see his chest rising and falling, he was alive, but given the slight slope and how far over the edge he was already, he could go over at any moment. At once she pushed herself up and stumbled towards him. Blanking everything else around her, forcing herself against all the wounds inflicted on her, fighting for strength she no longer had left to give as adrenaline took over her body and drove her forward towards him as weight and gravity made him slip inch by inch over the edge, twenty metres away. Stumbling down across the unstable ground, hoping desperately he would wake up and pull himself free, ten metres to get to him before he fell. She was fading, she cursed and dug deeper as she slid down to the edge, just as gravity dug its claws into him and his unresponsive body started to tip over, five metres away as she stretched out her hand and dived. She slid right to the very edge, just as he tumbled over, her hand snatched at his wrist... Her fingers brushed against his skin, and nothing more. Erin hung over the edge of the crevasse clutching at thin air, reaching helplessly down into the pit as Dorian’s lifeless body fell, bouncing off the side and tumbling into the darkness below. She caught his final expression; devoid of emotion, his grey eyes closed, unknowing to the end and scarred across her conscience forever, before he disappeared into the abyss and was gone. “DORIAN!!!” --END OF ARC TWO-- [/spoiler] Now... I haven't been great recently... mentally... again. So now seems a fair time for me to take a short break from this and let everyone catch up again. If there is anyone catching up of course. So yeah, comment away please. [spoiler=Also] [/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AGATHODAIMON BANGTAIL COW Posted March 30, 2014 Report Share Posted March 30, 2014 [spoiler='Spoilers are for spoilers!']Killing off Dorian is a relieving alternative to the "THEY'RE GOING TO FALL IN LOVE AND DO DIRTY THINGS TO EACH OTHER AND THEY WILL BE HAPPY TOGETHER FOREVER AT THE END OF THE STORY" thing. Being as important of a character he seemingly is, I would have expected him to last another arc or two before dying, if I ever expected him to. Oh well, at least we can give Alex, Clove, and the other (somewhat) minor rebels some screentime, which will be nice. Is it me, or does the change from the princesses' burn Decks to something less burny feel like their Decks were changed out for the sake of giving them a more interactive Deck? It's not bad to give them those Decks, it just felt a little... strange. It doesn't feel like they would be running those cards if nobody said anything about their burn Decks being boring. I like how they were still trying to run a little bit of burning with the Coliseum and Wave-Motion Cannon, but it still feels as if they suddenly changed their Deck. Oh, and Curran probably could've won the game in the second chapter of the duel by CotHing Rapid Fire and playing that Gather Your Mind. I don't really know when you drew Gather Your Mind or if she played it back in Chapter 11 (I think she did, but that could be her pre-princess duel). But that's ok-ish, since it's easy to forget about cards that are in the Graveyard. On the bright side, I was really into the duel on Dorian's final turn. The RfaDD into those Synchros into the Fusion compared to the duel in 24 where Overdragon killed Venominaga over and over in awesomeness.[/spoiler] Get better, Matt's head. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aerion Brightflame Posted March 31, 2014 Report Share Posted March 31, 2014 Well... Damn. That I did not expect: [spoiler='This spoiler contains a spoiler, so it's in a spoiler '] Seriously damn that was such a brilliant ending. I mean obviously I knew what was going to happen to Dorian, but daammn... I was not expecting it this soon, or that harshly towards Erin. Also just to highlight the point despite they fact you'll probably get annoyed at me for it; that's how you make an emotional character death; knowing the character, liking the character, and it being a very emotional moment. I think maybe the one touch I'd have liked is slightly more development of the actual relationship before then, just to make it all the more soul crushing for Erin. And yes, that does sound harsh, but I feel atm it would've been needed. Although this was such a lovely suprise that I'm sure you'll find some way to break Erin's spirit all the more. I, like Moron above me, spotted a duel error; couldn't one of the Twins have used Dark Ends effect first, then swung directly with both for game? Since you know... it made a lot of sense. As for the finish of the duel as a whole; Umm... I mean I liked the Draco-Equiste moment, but I just feel that it was slightly to long. And that like Moron the sisters decks just fell apart because it was so long, and that kinda... ruined it a bit for me. But it was at the least more entertaining that 3 chapters straight of burn. So. Much. Burn. (Speaking of which that better be the last of the burn unless you plan on bringing in Flamvell guy for the original) Other little bits; So... I'm left baffled as to whether the twins were actually evil or not. Since, from the impression that were possessed/corrupted for this duel, but the prior two they were acting of there own accord? Kinda makes sense. But clarification would be nice. [/spoiler] But no, it was a very good arc ender. Much better than the first arcs one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bahamut - Envoy of the End Posted March 31, 2014 Author Report Share Posted March 31, 2014 [spoiler='Spoilers are for spoilers!']Killing off Dorian is a relieving alternative to the "THEY'RE GOING TO FALL IN LOVE AND DO DIRTY THINGS TO EACH OTHER AND THEY WILL BE HAPPY TOGETHER FOREVER AT THE END OF THE STORY" thing. Being as important of a character he seemingly is, I would have expected him to last another arc or two before dying, if I ever expected him to. Oh well, at least we can give Alex, Clove, and the other (somewhat) minor rebels some screentime, which will be nice. Is it me, or does the change from the princesses' burn Decks to something less burny feel like their Decks were changed out for the sake of giving them a more interactive Deck? It's not bad to give them those Decks, it just felt a little... strange. It doesn't feel like they would be running those cards if nobody said anything about their burn Decks being boring. I like how they were still trying to run a little bit of burning with the Coliseum and Wave-Motion Cannon, but it still feels as if they suddenly changed their Deck. Oh, and Curran probably could've won the game in the second chapter of the duel by CotHing Rapid Fire and playing that Gather Your Mind. I don't really know when you drew Gather Your Mind or if she played it back in Chapter 11 (I think she did, but that could be her pre-princess duel). But that's ok-ish, since it's easy to forget about cards that are in the Graveyard. On the bright side, I was really into the duel on Dorian's final turn. The RfaDD into those Synchros into the Fusion compared to the duel in 24 where Overdragon killed Venominaga over and over in awesomeness.[/spoiler] Get better, Matt's head. Responses. Yay. [spoiler=Responses to ABC]Who do you think I am, Loki? :blink: I will not have that sort of smut here... yet. But you never know what to expect with me, other than as is pretty evident by now I quite enjoy killing people. And yes, Clove Alex Aerial and more will get more development in turn, starting particularly from Chapter 15. Honestly, this duel/chapter was written back in November (when Morphing Jar was legal, so don't hang me for using it this time), and is unchanged since then despite how it might appear in response to the burn deck comments. Before the duel Pikeru and Curran hinted they had received new cards to make them stronger after their defeats before, and the appearance of Light and Dark End will be clairifed a bit more in the next chapter. It wasn't a knee jerk reaction, they needed new bosses for this rather than the same cards again, and... well, you'll see. However 1) Cold Wave was in play, and 2) She drew Gather Your Mind with Morphing Jar. The cards in her hand that turn were Jar, Chain, Bribe, and the discarded Plaguespreader. I think in the original I had her have and set a spell unable to do what you described because of Cold Wave (it was written back in November can't remember exactly) but had to change it in the surgery. Yes! I'm really happy someone remembers that. :D Thanks man. I just loved it so much because Wilhelm wiped Leviathan down to 100LP with the first attack, destroyed it over and over, and then just said "just so you b*tch, I had a machine spare to boost Overdragon's attack a bit more and finish you with the first attack... but that would have been far too merciful..." That guy was screwed up in a good way :D Speaking of, I was playing Borderlands 2 and ran into this baddie called Wilhelm, who was like the main antagonists right hand man/enforcer and I was like "What? What a coincidence." But glad the finish did well for you. Thanks man.[/spoiler] Well... Damn. That I did not expect: [spoiler='This spoiler contains a spoiler, so it's in a spoiler '] Seriously damn that was such a brilliant ending. I mean obviously I knew what was going to happen to Dorian, but daammn... I was not expecting it this soon, or that harshly towards Erin. Also just to highlight the point despite they fact you'll probably get annoyed at me for it; that's how you make an emotional character death; knowing the character, liking the character, and it being a very emotional moment. I think maybe the one touch I'd have liked is slightly more development of the actual relationship before then, just to make it all the more soul crushing for Erin. And yes, that does sound harsh, but I feel atm it would've been needed. Although this was such a lovely suprise that I'm sure you'll find some way to break Erin's spirit all the more. I, like Moron above me, spotted a duel error; couldn't one of the Twins have used Dark Ends effect first, then swung directly with both for game? Since you know... it made a lot of sense. As for the finish of the duel as a whole; Umm... I mean I liked the Draco-Equiste moment, but I just feel that it was slightly to long. And that like Moron the sisters decks just fell apart because it was so long, and that kinda... ruined it a bit for me. But it was at the least more entertaining that 3 chapters straight of burn. So. Much. Burn. (Speaking of which that better be the last of the burn unless you plan on bringing in Flamvell guy for the original) Other little bits; So... I'm left baffled as to whether the twins were actually evil or not. Since, from the impression that were possessed/corrupted for this duel, but the prior two they were acting of there own accord? Kinda makes sense. But clarification would be nice. [/spoiler] But no, it was a very good arc ender. Much better than the first arcs one. [spoiler=Responses to Barty]Awesome. Thanks for the positive comments man :) I did think about it and it was talked about having an extra chapter in between 10 and 11 to do that, but decided it wasn't worth it and what was there sufficed at the time. I dunno, maybe. But there is a lot of story to go. They... could, but didn't. In the same way they could/should have used Dark Bribe to negate Gemini Booster and they would have won there and then. But they're... well not the best duelists in the world, and they were a bit enraged at the time, and that was part of their character. Although to be fair they didn't know what the set card was at the time (so using DED first would have been even more sensible... oh nvm) Um, do you mean that last turn, or the duel as a whole? Because you know, four duelists to all try and show off, I try to be sparing with three chapter duels. As for that guy... we'll see ;) That's... more or less it in a nutshell. But clarification can be given, they aren't so much evil as much as... naive and misguised and selfish? Thanks again for commenting though.[/spoiler] Updated character information and decklists will be up soonish, just need to pick out quotes. Also will be a short, very short, set of questions that will be very much 'So what do you think so far?' which I'd very much appreciate people taking 2 minutes over. Staggering on in the meantime. Any monsters/decks that people want to see in this at all (pre-Zexal era obviously)? Any belated guesses on the four guests in this arc (although two have been revealed)? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ren✧ Posted March 31, 2014 Report Share Posted March 31, 2014 Sorry that you haven't gotten a comment from me in awhile. I was just now able to finish chapter 12, hoping to finish chapter 13 tomorrow. I thought this portion of the chapter went much better, no more burn, which was nice. The sudden break in the duel to terrorize the townspeople was unneeded, I felt, and took away from the duel as a whole. When I first saw Arcanite Magician, I was a bit put off, but after you said something about Magician's Circle I was a bit more accepting. In truth, i just need to be less narrow minded about deck builds. The ending I thought was a little weak, but can't really place my finger on it. Perhaps it was just predictable, but maybe that was just me. The scene with Ursula was nice, getting to see a little bit more behind the scenes and get a look at these mysterious baddies. I honestly cannot wait to see her duel! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bahamut - Envoy of the End Posted April 2, 2014 Author Report Share Posted April 2, 2014 Sorry that you haven't gotten a comment from me in awhile. I was just now able to finish chapter 12, hoping to finish chapter 13 tomorrow. I thought this portion of the chapter went much better, no more burn, which was nice. The sudden break in the duel to terrorize the townspeople was unneeded, I felt, and took away from the duel as a whole. When I first saw Arcanite Magician, I was a bit put off, but after you said something about Magician's Circle I was a bit more accepting. In truth, i just need to be less narrow minded about deck builds. The ending I thought was a little weak, but can't really place my finger on it. Perhaps it was just predictable, but maybe that was just me. The scene with Ursula was nice, getting to see a little bit more behind the scenes and get a look at these mysterious baddies. I honestly cannot wait to see her duel! Rene, don't worry. I can hardly call you out for lack of comments or expect you to be on top of each chapter within two minutes of it being posted man. I'm just grateful for when you do talk :) As for what was said, it was... the lesser of three evils. I didn't want to start the duel in the square, although it would certainly have been possible for Dorian and Erin to arrive on what happened halfway through the duel and gone from there, but it would have caused other issues and would have missed out on that breather scene I wanted to get in. I certainly didn't want it to end in the theatre, for reasons you have/will see in Chapter 13. I... althought more support appears now Supreme is out, I should have made more of an effort to get more obvious spellcaster support in earlier duels with Gaius and Camilla. I've had stuff like Magical Dimension, Enlightment, Magician's Cross etc pencilled in her deck, but despite having her predominately use the Ice Barrier's spellcasters I haven't got them off, so it's probably fair tbh. I can just say 'she plays Ice Barrier Spellcasters' of such little backing I've given it in arc one. Still no love for Synchro Fusion :( I marked out like crazy when it appeared in Dead Zone. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Expanding this duel from two to three chapters allowed that scene to go in easier as I wanted to open with something beside the duel, and Urusula wouldn't have got explained properly otherwise and would have just disappeared off the face of the city for no reason. Which would have been poor. The wait... won't be too long actually. (Spoilers?) Except I won't be publishing anything for a little while. IRL stuff, job hunting, other issues, besides proof-reading and editing the whole of Arc 3 again to be sure of stuff. Would like this to return mid-April. We'll see. Hopefully the week or two of will give everyone a chance to catch up. In the meantime, the updated character summaries, decklists, and the new ones as well. And also a short 'how's the show so far?' questionnaire. [spoiler=Updated Arc One Character Bios] [spoiler=Erin Kazoku]“Hopefully if I keep fighting him, now there is nothing more he can take away, and defeat him, they’ll forgive me.” Age and Occupation: 16, Resistance Member Family: Melanc (brother). Associates: Vardus, Dorian, Aerial, Alex, Clove A teenager going through late puberty, tall and slim, very pale skin, long light-blue hair and blue eyes Clothing: White top and jumper and blue trousers and work shoes, standard issue Resistance cloak Having been rescued and recruited by the Resistance movement, Erin felt the immediate consequences of becoming ‘the figure-head’ and being a traitor; as her orphanage was burned down by the Emperor. Determined to end this cruel regime and make the world a better place for her brother Mel, she began her Resistance training and to participate in missions in the city. But the group encountered problems with every outing. Erin unwittingly led the Emperor’s and Demon’s charges to the arms vehicle dealer Reckage, and she watched the others battle against two vindictive duel spirits who tried to thwart them at various turns. As she spent time with her fellow fighters she learnt more about them and grew closer to them, in particular to a young man called Dorian, who developed a similar attachment to her. After discovering a set of imposters ravaging the city disguised as them, she struggled alongside him against the full-strength princesses, and watched helplessly as he slipped through her fingers into the abyss. Deck: Erin’s deck is an Ice Barrier-Spellcaster variant. The Ice Barrier tribe combine to maintain a steady defence against attacks and effects, and she only goes on the aggressive when pushed into Synchro Summoning the deck’s ace monsters. Her shy, submissive nature has also led to the inclusion of more defensive cards, along with a more expansive gift from Dorian in the form of a Synchro Fusion monster. Main Deck (28): Monsters: Caravan of the Ice Barrier, Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier, Dai-Sojo of the Ice Barrier, Deep Sea Diva, Dewdark of the Ice Barrier, Geomancer of the Ice Barrier, Mother Grizzly, Necro Gardna, Pilgrim of the Ice Barrier, Salvage Warrior, Shock Troops of the Ice Barrier, Strategist of the Ice Barrier Spells: Cold Wave, Lemuria the Forgotten City, One-Shot Wand, Pot of Avarice, Premature Burial, Salvage, Shrink, Surface, Water Hazard Traps: Damage Polarizer, Defence Draw, Destruct Potion, Graceful Revival, Magicians Circle, Ready for Intercepting, Torrential Tribute Extra Deck (4): Fusion & Synchro Monsters: Supreme Arcanite Magician, Arcanite Magician, Brionac Dragon of the Ice Barrier, Gungnir Dragon of the Ice Barrier Record: Gaius (win), Gaius & Camilla (no result), Camilla (win), Pikeru & Curran (win w/ Dorian)[/spoiler] [spoiler=Melanc Kazoku]“This isn’t our home. These aren’t our friends. Yours maybe. It’s all about you isn’t it! I hate you!” Age and Occupation: 7, none Family: Erin (sister) Associates: Chou is his friend in the Resistance Small for age, puny even, with similar hair and eye colour to his older sibling. Clothing: White and red T-shirt and long green shorts. Having been rescued by the Resistance from a city prison, where he was being held by Camilla as a lure for them, Mel was not as grateful as they would have thought. Instead he was still angry at the way Erin left him behind at the orphanage, where she’d asked for him to be dragged away. Feeling abandoned by her selfish actions and having lost all the stability in his life, he shunned her and the others for a time. He behaved badly out of spite and to cause trouble for his older sister, but she detected from him a little softening when she saw his reaction to the attempted assassination of Vardus. He especially dislikes Dorian; possibly more because of Erin’s attachment to him and panged pride than a genuine complaint. Deck: Mel uses a sub-type of monsters called Toons, which he received from his father, whereas Erin got her deck from their mother. The Toon monsters are easy to summon and can attack directly for massive damage, making them look powerful in the eyes of an inexperienced duelist, but their slow nature and vulnerable reliance on Toon World expose them. Mel often makes mistakes through either panicking or not paying attention or understanding, and also doesn’t appear to be above cheating to get his way. Main Deck (11): Dandylion, Manga Ryu-Ran, Toon Gemini Elf, Goblin Attack Force, Toon Summoned Skull Mystical Space Typhoon, Pot of Duplicity, Toon Table of Contents, Toon World, Vengeful Bog Spirit The Huge Revolution is Over Record: Dorian (loss), Chou (win)[/spoiler] [spoiler=Vardus Jackson]“I have fought many men and have killed many of them, and it is a hard and terrible thing to live with.” Age and Occupation: 32, Leader of the Resistance Family: Known to have two brothers. Associates: Nataka, Chetema, and rest of his Resistance ‘family’ Powerful dark skinned man, his body is covered in tattoos and his face has a horrific scar down the side. Clothing: Open purple coat, smart green trousers, adorned with many gold rings and jewels Vardus came to the Empire to settle down from years of adventuring and fulfil his thirst for knowledge, becoming a scholar and historian high up in Nero’s inner circle. When the war came though, he found himself on the frontline as commander of a unit, and his thoughts on the Empire began to change. With the announcement of the Purge he suspected Nero may want him eliminated, and faked his death when the Extermination Squad tried to take him. Now he runs the underground Resistance, where he trains his young charges and sends them into the city to be his arm. A lot of the rebel members are people he meant in the war or the children thereof, such as Clove and Skaro, along with city delinquents like Alex and Dorian. He is a lover of culture and rare items, and a meticulous and cautious strategist. Deck: Vardus is known to have a deck, but it is not confirmed what it is.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Nataka & Chetema]“These people are fighting the Empire Mel. They’re fighting the Emperor for people like us, for everyone who he has abused and taken everything away from.” Erin on the Resistance Age and Occupation: 61 and 31, Senior Resistance Figures Associates: Vardus, Resistance youths Nataka: An ancient warrior with a long white beard and bushy eyebrows, dressed in ceremonial robes Chetema: A grizzly, dreadlocked warrior who wears minimal clothing over his massive dark bulk Vardus’ left and right hands and lieutenants, Nataka met the Resistance leader head-on in the field of battle, where he was fighting for his home nation the Empire defeated. Chetema met him before then during his world travels. Nataka is principally responsible for the training of the young recruits, along with leading some missions, and Chetema maintains weapons and armour with his assistant. Decks: Nataka uses a deck centred on the ‘Six Samurai’ archetype, a warrior clan who can quickly swarm in great numbers and can take apart most enemy strategies with cunning and strength. Chetema uses the ‘Gladiator Beasts’ archetype, fierce animals who ‘tag’ in and out of the deck after battle to activate various effects, and calling out their most powerful beasts via the power of fusion. Nataka's Extra Deck (1): Six Samurai - Shi En Record: Clove (win) Chetema's Extra Deck (1): Gladiator Beast Gaiodiaz Record: Alex (win)[/spoiler] [spoiler=More Updated Arc One Bios] [spoiler=Dorian]“But I’m gonna take it all back from him... by destroying the Empire, just like he destroyed our lives. I swear... whatever it takes... But I think I’d feel a lot better about it if... if you were still there afterwards” Age and Occupation: 19, Resistance Member Family: Deceased. Associates: Erin, Vardus, Clove, Alex, Aerial A handsome teenage boy with longish dark grey hair, matching eyes, and a charming smile. Clothing: Dark red shirt, and black trousers and boots. Has a long matching coat with a large collar Seemingly Vardus’ most experienced and trusted of his young charges, Dorian leads Erin and the others on various operations to destabilise the Empire; always leading with enthusiasm and gusto, but showing a darker, violent side when faced with the guard. He uses his deck and a connectable pair of dual swords as weapons. He has a great affinity toward his fellow rebel ‘family’, having slowly opened up to them after losing most of his real family during the war, but he has a short fuse, blowing up at Melanc for his ungrateful and appalling attitude after the rescue that cost his friend Skaro his life. He considers his wild swings between moods as no big deal and something that everyone else has to get used to. After a solo assassination mission, he was almost fatally injured by Urusula, and he admitted to Erin strong feelings for her when she came to visit him. These feelings were tested when Alpha and Omega, wrongly thinking he was dead, demonstrated an imposter of him being killed. Sensing a chance to prove the Emperor a liar and murderer, determined to bring him down at all cost to himself, he put his injuries aside and went to investigate with Erin, another disaster that ended with his fall into a dark abyss. Deck: Like Mel, Dorian uses a unique sub-type of monsters known as the Gemini. Although they do not look much at first, inside them lurks a greater power ready to be unleashed. Dorian is a very aggressive duelist who attacks with his buffed up monsters and summoning more powerful aces using each method of Fusion, Synchro and even Ritual Summon, and is able to utilise different and inventive strategies to adapt to any given situation. Main Deck (25): Blazewing Butterfly, Darkstorm Dragon, Effect Veiler, Future Samurai, Shadow Delver, Synchro Fusionist, Tuned Magician, Cu’Chulainn the Awakened Allure of Darkness, Emblem of Awakening, Foolish Burial, Gemini Spark, Herculean Power, Miracle Synchro Fusion, Polymerization, Super Polymerization, Supervise, Swing of Memories, Trap Pause Damage Translation, Defence Draw, Gemini Booster, Gemini Trap Hole, Heroic Gift, Return from the Different Dimension Extra Deck (4): Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste, Superalloy Beast Raptinus, Black Brutdrago, Lightning Warrior Record: Melanc (win), Pikeru and Curran (win w/Erin)[/spoiler] [spoiler=Skaro]“We all knew when we started the Resistance, that one day we would lose a friend in battle for the first time. But that doesn’t make it any easier now it has.” Vardus on Skaro Age and Occupation: 23, Resistance Member Family: Clove (sister). Associates: Vardus, Erin, Dorian, Alex, Aerial A lanky boy with tanned skin which is covered in strange marks. Has a thin face and misty eyes. Clothing: Plain brown and gold clothes, although mostly covered up by the standard Resistance cloak. The older brother of Clove, Skaro and his sister joined the Resistance just over two months before Erin, having been found by Vardus in his efforts to keep a promise to their father. He was seen as another leader amongst the younger rebels, taking charge of a unit of himself, Clove and Alex when sent as a backup team to help the others escape the prison rescuing Mel. He sacrificed himself to help the others get away from Lady Camilla, and Erin blamed herself for his death having refused in fear to kill the knight minutes beforehand. Vardus forgave her as he understood how difficult an act it would have been for her to commit at that time. Although ignorant of this detail, Clove still holds Erin responsible. Deck: Skaro uses the Worm archetype, an alien race of reptile types that often utilize hidden flip effects, and summon their ace monsters via tribute. Main Deck (1): Worm King[/spoiler] [spoiler=Clove]“It’s very simple. Anyone who doesn’t fight for us against Nero is against us in my book, especially the guards. They deserve it for siding with him anyway...” Age and Occupation: 17, Resistance Member Family: Skaro (brother). Associates: Vardus, Erin, Dorian, Alex, Aerial Shorter than Erin, with a slightly pinched face and flat nose, cropped black hair, and brown eyes Clothing: A light green shirt and loose brown trousers, with standard Resistance cloak. A tough and spiky young girl, Clove joined the Resistance along with her brother when they were sought out by Vardus. During the war, he fought alongside their father, to whom he promised he would help his kids if he didn’t make it. The man did see out the war, but Nero, sensing an insubordinate leader in his army, had him arrested and executed on a trivial charge. This has warped Clove’s perception of all who oppose them, seeing anyone who ‘is not with us is against us!’, ignoring the mitigating circumstances for service for some of the guards. Despite her haughty and snappy attitude to the others she is fiercely dedicated to the Resistance cause; pushing herself to train and fight despite the toll on her body her fight against the duel spirit Pikeru had, refusing to accept her weaknesses. Deck: Clove uses what appears to be a pure-Plant variant of the Naturia archetype. By regenerating Naturia Pineapple as tribute fodder for the powerful Bamboo Shoot, or as a non-tuner for the Synchro Summon of other powerful monsters like Naturia Beast, she is able to limit or even lock entirely various enemy options to attack safely and aggressively. She supports this strategy with the majority of her spells giving her drawing or recycling options, and she has a knack of utilizing the phases of battle and the games mechanics with a much better understanding than many of the other rebels. Main Deck (10): Naturia Bamboo Shoot, Naturia Eggplant, Naturia Pineapple, Naturia Rosewhip Barkion’s Bark, Hand Destruction, Magical Mallet, Seed of Deception Breakthrough Skill, Nature’s Reflection Extra Deck (1): Naturia Beast Record: Nataka (loss), Pikeru (win)[/spoiler] [spoiler=Alexander]‘You have to fight better; you have to be smarter, just like Khan was. If you want to avenge him...’ Age and Occupation: 21, Resistance Member Family: Deceased brother called Khan. Associates: Vardus, Erin, Dorian, Clove, Aerial Tall and broad shouldered, short blonde hair and light stubbly beard Clothing: Leather armour covering smart if tight fitting shirt and tunic Good natured and light-hearted, Alex came into the Resistance a few weeks before Erin when he was noticed by Chetema trying to steal food from a shop. He had been living on the city streets for some time before that, having left his parent’s farm upset by the way they bowed to the Emperor after his older brother, the professional duelist Khan, was attacked and captured by the Extermination Squad during the Purge. He is a cheerful young man who gets on well with all the young rebels, he admittedly regards himself as not the brightest, but he is a fierce swordsman who often dual wields two swords. He is fiercely determined to get stronger and better, begrudging even after his victory over the duel spirit Curran when she attacked them, knowing he was fortunate and his brother would have done better. Deck: Alex uses the X-Sabers; a tribute to his brother after he gave him his deck the day he was arrested. Focusing on swarming the field for an all-out aggro assault his strategy is fairly straightforward; if something is ahead of you, attack it. His aces are summoned mostly by Synchro, his preference Hyunlei. Main Deck (10): X-Saber Paashul, X-Saber Uruz, XX-Saber Boggart Knight, XX-Saber Fulhelmknight Fire Formation - Tenki, Mystical Space Typhoon, Reinforcement of the Army, Saber Slash Skill Drain, Synchro Barrier Extra Deck (1): XX-Saber Hyunlei Record: Chetema (loss), Curran (win)[/spoiler] [spoiler=Aerial]“When it was just me and Gran, we had to live off what we could get... I went into the forest to hunt for anything additional she needed. Rabbits mostly, so I had to get good quick like.” Age and Occupation: 15, Resistance Member Family: Grandma (deceased). Associates: Erin, Dorian, Clove, Alex Shortest of the group, thin and athletic, has long green braided hair and emerald eyes Clothing: Loose ill-fitting tunic, emerald green and brown The youngest active member of the Resistance and its most talented archer, Aerial is chirpy and upbeat. He is often teamed with Erin and Dorian as Vardus became interested in their development, but can get overconfident given his behaviour towards Gaius after their ‘successful’ raid on the Empire’s gold carts. He can also get nervy and irritable, particularly around Erin and Dorian, but also when his quirks come to the surface, such as his dislike of meat and his recurring ability to put his foot in his mouth. Not as much is known to Erin about his background as the others, other than he was bought up by his grandmother, who died of natural causes still only quite recently. As the only rebel who had not been exposed by ‘an imposter’ in Alpha and Omega’s plan to root out the rebels, he went with Erin and Dorian to help them and managed to get rid of the twins butlers and their dark conjured monsters several times, but he could only watch from afar as the dark spirits exploded and Dorian fell into the pit the blast caused. Deck: Aerial is known to have a deck, but it is not confirmed what it is.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Emperor Nero VIII]“This is Nero we’re talking about. Nobody matters to him; he just cares about his own rule. Of course he will throw away the lives of a few unimportant guards if it benefits him in some way...” Clove on Nero Age and Occupation: 68, His Supreme Excellency Lord Emperor of the Empire Family: Unknown. Associates: Demon, Tessera, Longinus, Tectum, and other nobles Powerful and relatively athletic build for age, dark skin, and white hair and beard. See Imperial Order. Clothing: Wears royal robes of mostly velvet lilac and scarlet Having ruled the Empire for nearly fifty years now and conquering nearly every other nation in the last two or three, Nero is much changed from the leader that took power in his early years, and clings to his throne, filled with paranoid doubts and seeing enemies everywhere. As the Resistance begins to emerge in the capital and take root, he acts wildly to try and destroy them, pulling his vizier and advisor Demon from his current task to focus on finding and exterminating them, as well as ordering that the orphanage that raised Erin, the troublesome girl he has perceived as the face of the rebel movement, to be burned down in a show of might and intolerance of those who disagree with his leadership style. While most citizens live in poverty, he is seen to live in luxury with his pal Lord Tessera, drinking and planning parties in honour of himself. He is impulsive and temperamental, and even bullies his own ministers like Tectum and Longinus, while he watches his and Demon’s allies attempts to enforce his iron grip. Deck: Two years ago, Nero outlawed all duel-related aspects. Of course he doesn’t have a deck... right?[/spoiler] [spoiler=Gaius fon Rausenberg]“The orders I was given by him and that vizier. I complied... but that does not mean I agree with it.” Age and Occupation: 30, General of the Royal Guard Family: Unknown. Associates: Longinus, Camilla Very tall and broad, scarred face, black ponytail and pointy goatee beard Clothing: Wears heavy bronze armour, and carries a large two-handed sword and a large bronze shield Now an ex-general and commander of Nero’s armed guard, Gaius appears to have demoted somewhat for his failures against Erin and is currently placed with more mundane tasks upholding law and order in the city, and managing aspects of various palace business. He is involved however in the hoax gold train used as a lure to catch the rebels with a bomb, an idea of Nero’s that cost several citizen’s their businesses and lives. Gaius did not agree with such a method and is concerned about the Emperor, but had to lie in his report and say they got some Resistance members killed to avoid further repercussions to himself. However he is still held in high regard by his mentor Longinus and his fellow soldiers. Deck: Gaius uses an “Equip Warrior Gearfried” deck. It is entirely comprised of warrior type monsters and many sword based equip spells; the use of which trigger the effects of his most legendary fighters. His deck also contains more staple cards than the rebels can salvage, having access to a hidden vault for the guards use for fighting them, and in a sneaky preparation for his revenge match, one of these equip swords also happened to be an anti-water card, which was added specifically to help him defeat Erin. Main Deck (12): Gearfried the Iron Knight, Gearfried the Swordmaster, Gilford the Legend, Marauding Captain Divine Sword - Phoenix Blade, Lightning Blade, Monster Reborn, Reinforcement of Army, Release Restraint, Shield Crush Dark Bribe, Mirror Force Record: Erin (loss), Erin (w/Camilla; no result)[/spoiler] [spoiler=Camilla fon Rallis]“You’ve never been level with me, and you never will be.” Age and Occupation: 28, General of the Royal Guard Family: Unknown. Associates: Longinus, Gaius A slim, blonde beauty with a thin face, piercing emerald eyes and highly styled features Clothing: Fine silver armour with red robes underneath, armed with a silver sword and shield After her second attempt to capture Erin and the rebels ended in disaster, Camilla was incarcerated by Nero as punishment, only released when her mentor Longinus managed to talk the vengeful Emperor around. She is still demoted according to Gaius when he jovially greeted her upon her return, which she didn’t particularly appreciate. Her spell in the dungeons doesn’t appear to have made her any less cold or aloof, but she seems to have a begrudging respect for her comrade in the doghouse, and is still highly revered by the other soldiers who asked her and Gaius to help them clear up the battle in Uria slums. Deck: Camilla utilises a “Crippling Rose Token” strategy. Using cards like Black Garden, her deck aims to weaken her opponent’s monsters and destroy them with her ace Queen Angel of Roses, summoned and protected via the summoned tokens and paving the way for direct attacks. Her deck also features heavy draw power, several burn strategies, and the all-powerful Rosaria as an easily summonable alternative. Main Deck (15): Dandylion, Lonefire Blossom, Queen Angel of Roses, Regenerating Rose, Rosaria the Stately Fallen Angel, Rose Archer, Rose Fairy, Rose Tentacles Black Garden, Dark World Dealings, Fragrance Storm, Sacred Sword of Seven Stars Blossom Bombardment, Raigeki Break, Wall of Thorms Record: Erin (w/ Gaius, no result), Erin (loss)[/spoiler] [spoiler=Longinus]“I have known the Emperor since we were young, longer than anyone else in his upper circles. He will listen to me. I will make him see sense.” Age and Occupation: 64, Honorary Chief General of the Royal Army Family: Unknown. Associates: Nero, Gaius, Camilla Old and respectable warrior, still in decent health if gone slightly to seed in age, long hair and bearded Clothing: Ceremonial dress robes and warriors tunic, usually navy blue and light violet A legendary soldier and hero of several wars, Longinus has now ‘retired upstairs’ and is one of Nero’s most senior advisors, not that the Emperor treats him like it much. He shares Gaius’ concerns about the Emperor, who is his friend from a very young age and who he still believes will listen to reason with him if he persists. He has spent much of the last few weeks trying to convince the Emperor to go easy on his two prize students for their difficulties with the Resistance, eventually succeeding in getting Camilla released. However Nero has ordered him to double the guard’s numbers by forcibly conscripting citizens into the army. He has only recently become aware of the vizier Demon, who he is also worried about. Deck: Longinus does not duel.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Sister Joanne]‘All those kids she’d grown up with, all the sisters who’d raised her. All gone, because of her actions...’ Age and Occupation: 85, Head of Saint Alexis’ Orphanage Family: The Sisterhood of St. Alexis’ and its children, including Erin and Mel Decrepit and withered old woman, with knotty hands and hunched back. Still plenty fearsome though. Clothing: Typical nun-wear, with the simple clothes and hood and such Joanne was in charge of the orphanage Erin and Mel used to live in. After Erin started the trouble by confronting Gaius and sending him away, Joanne refused to follow her suggestion of running, saying there was nowhere they could go and the only chance for her sisters and the other children in her care was for Erin to be turning in and for the Emperor to be merciful on the rest of them. He wasn’t. The orphanage was burned down in an act of vengeance, with Joanne, her fellow nuns, and all the other children still inside.[/spoiler] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Debuting Arc Two Character Bios] [spoiler=Demon]“That vizier...he concerns me. He is dark, everything about him feels wrong. But Nero is blinded to it.” Longinus on Demon Age and Occupation: 33, Royal Vizier to the Emperor Family: Unknown. Associates: Alpha and Omega, Urusula, Gear, Nero Physical Description: Fairly tall, but most facial features are obscured by hood and cloak. Has pale skin. Clothing: Bulky black hooded cloak, heavy boots, concealing goodness knows what? A dark and mysterious man inside the Emperor’s inner council, not much is known about this figure, other than he appears to have been charged by Nero with finding a way to make him immortal. This task has been put aside for now in place of higher priority orders to deal with the Resistance taking root in the capital. Demon seems... not the most compliant person with these orders, and seems to follow the Emperor’s orders as a step to his own unknown needs. He has several followers to whom he delegates the problem of the Resistance onto, while he carries on with his true agenda in his hidden base in secret. Deck: It is probable that Demon duels, but if that is definite or what he might use if true is unconfirmed.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Alpha and Omega]“It will be a spectacular performance. We have just the show in store... We will lure them out, under the guillotine, and then it shall fall upon them” Alpha and Omega Age and Occupation: Unknown, Servants of Demon Family: Unknown. Associates: Demon, Gear, Urusula Physical Description: Alpha is tall, and wears all white robes and a happy ceramic theatre mask. Omega is shorter and broader, wears black hooded robes and an unhappy mask. Twin sorcerers of unknown origin, Alpha and Omega are two of Demon’s followers, and - presumably as his two most trusted allies - are delegated responsibility for wiping out the Resistance as Nero ordered. With Urusula and Jeremiah Gawp in tow, they travelled to the city and began to make their plans. At some point they encountered Pikeru and Curran; two young and naive spirits from the duel monster world who had also come to the city to find a way of breaking their ties to duelists and making peace for themselves, and persuaded them to join them in crushing the duelists who make them appear and fight one another. The full extent of their powers is unknown, but they have shown some ability related to teleportation, the conjuring of those foul butler creatures, and possession or mind control on the spirits. Deck: Pikeru and Curran mentioned receiving cards from their friends to help them get stronger and beat the rebels, meaning Alpha and Omega probably duel, although which cards were given is unknown.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Urusula]“I do what I want, whenever I want, or whatever my sweet Lord Demon wants” Age and Occupation: 30, part of Demon’s group and former Extermination Squad member Family: Unknown. Associates: Demon, Alpha and Omega Physical Description: Slim, attractive blonde woman, or would be if not for the cracked skin with pronounced veins and black eyes that blink from the sides. Clothing: Dark olive green dress with low cuts, long lace black gloves and stockings and green boots. Another of Demon’s followers and seemingly the only woman in the group, Urusula is an assassin and was formerly a member of Nero’s Extermination Squad; a team of fierce duelists who hunted down perceived threats to the Emperor such as Vardus and Alex’s brother Khan. The Extermination Squad was then turned on by the traitorous Emperor before they could usurp him as well, ordering Demon to take them down, but instead of killing Urusula he invited her into his group and took her away from the city. Bored over time of her life in his castle she is excited by the chance to go out hunting rebels again, and begged to go with Alpha and Omega on their task. She has an extraordinary ability to control a swarm of various insects that live inside her body, such as the flies she uses as spies across the city and a drove of attack hornets whose venom is deadly in large amounts. She is not used to failure; frustrated that Erin managed to stumble fortuitously out of her clutches, and with Omega took her anger out on Reckage by making a bloody spectacle of his body. However in her lust for violence she went too far and disobeyed her condition of keeping a low profile by murdering a priest at random, and Demon recalled her home. Deck: As an Extermination Squad member, Urusula definitely duels, but is unconfirmed as to what with.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Gear]“I could do with getting out of here for a bit too, and maybe going hunting a few amateur duelist wannabes again as well might help improve my mood.” Age and Occupation: 20, part of Demon’s group and former Extermination Squad member Family: Unknown. Associates: Demon, Alpha and Omega, Urusula Physical Description: Lanky, with unkempt, grizzly brown hair and badly shaven jaw. Has a mechanical right wrist. Clothing: Not seen in detail as of yet Another Extermination Squad member who Demon spared from Nero’s backstabbing and recruited to his cause, Gear works with the group on their goal, hidden away in a castle in the heart of the Empire. He was keen to go with Alpha and Omega when Demon told the group about Nero’s orders, but was made to stay behind as the leader did not want Nero to know he and Urusula were still alive and face the awkward questions it would raise. Instead he stayed behind with him and the large silent figure, seemingly doing research and tests on the large rune covered arch that is hidden in the castle...? Deck: Gear is proven to duel, but what he uses is unconfirmed.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Jeremiah Gawp]“In all my years and travels I have never encountered anything like him, not even in books.” Vardus on Gawp Age and Occupation: 26, part of Demon’s group Family: Unknown. Associates: Demon, Alpha and Omega Physical Description: Short, stout, flabby and loose skin, especially around wide mouth, and bulging eyes Clothing: Wears a tight blue and black wetsuit under the standard hooded robe A misfit even amongst the misfits that are Demon’s followers, “Gawp” was the newest recruit amongst them, and by far the least respected or well treated. When ordered to go with Alpha and Omega and assist them in destroying the Resistance, it was presumably this treatment that made him make the bold claim he could assassinate Vardus; the all-powerful man Demon described and guessed to be the rebel leader. Although sceptical of his chances, he gave his faithful servant a few ideas as to where he thought the Resistance might be hidden. Gawp quickly found the rebel base, whether he shared the knowledge with the others is unknown, but failed in his attack on Vardus and was killed in the fight. Deck: Gawp used the Frog archetype; a series of low level monsters that combine for various locks and combos. He had his deck with him when he attacked Vardus, but didn’t get the chance to use it.[/spoiler] [spoiler=The Silent One]‘The concealed figure simply stood there with his or her arms folded, and shrugged.’ Age and Occupation: Unknown, part of Demon’s group Family: Unknown. Associates: Demon Physical Description: Not much is known, other than being tallest and broadest member of this group Clothing: An all concealing wrap of blood red cloth; with a low hood, gloves, and all features obscured The final member of Demon’s group, not much is known about them other than their imposing size, that they duel, and for some reason they either do not or are incapable of speech. The being seems to be of middle ranking among the group if their position in the line of procession is anything to go, and appears to be the most detached of the group; not giving any indication or opinion on the Emperor’s order about the Resistance despite Demon asking them. Demon may have wanted to send this person to fight them, as it does not seem they were a member of the Extermination Squad like Urusula and Gear, but decided against it given their lack of enthusiasm. Instead they stayed behind and worked with Gear in the castle. Deck: This person is known to duel, but their deck is similarly unknown.[/spoiler] [spoiler=The Resistance: Mia, Doyle, Goro, Chou, and The Armourer]“We’re a family down here. All of us together, looking after each other as we fight the Empire, like the families Nero has taken away from us.” Dorian on the Resistance The rest of Vardus’ Resistance; who serve below ground in stricter roles to the cause rather than going into the city on active anti-Empire operations. They comprise of Mia; a stern and quite matter-of-fact woman who acts as Vardus’ secretary, managing his files and schedule and seeing to those who await meetings with him. Doyle; a nervous and fretful man with a kind heart, who works as the Resistance’s medic and whose expertise, along with his calm under pressure and Nataka’s help, saved Dorian from the poison of Urusula’s insect minions. The pudgy, balding and heavily tattooed Goro works as their cook, who lives underground with his young daughter Chou; a pretty young girl who has attempted to befriend Mel and keep him company. There is also another man in the team who is often referred to as ‘The Armourer’, who works with Chetema maintaining and improving the rebel’s weapons and armour. None of these people appear to duel regularly, although Mel sneakily tried to introduce Chou to it. Chou’s Deck (Borrowed): Majestic Mech - Okha, Skill Drain Record: Mel (loss)[/spoiler] [spoiler=Reckage]On the end machine was the head and torso, melded onto the front of the bike; arms hung out like a grotesque scarecrow for the handlebars, the head rolled forward lifelessly... Age and Occupation: 63, Mechanic and engineer of royal vehicles, and duels runner manufacturer Family: Unknown. Associates: Vardus, Erin Physical Description: Short and slightly built, old and wrinkled man. Clothing: Plain works overalls. An old mechanic who officially worked on the maintenance and upgrading of royal functional vehicles such as Nero’s personal carriages or haulage carts and so on, Reckage is actually an old friend of Vardus from way back, and is one of his outside supporters and suppliers. Once trained, Vardus sent Erin to take a look at the wares he was making, pick up a spec on them, and open negotiations. The wares turned out to be five restored and fully functional duel runners; old machines that once were used for turbo duelling tournaments and were then commissioned by the Emperor as war machines, thus capable of being used for transport, weapons, or high speed duelling. Rather despicably Vardus sent Erin because, as a cute young girl, it would play on the alone old man and soften him to come down on the high price he asked. However Erin was followed into the secret garage by one of Urusula’s ‘spy flies’, and later that night the kind old man met a horrific and bloody fate at the hands of the blonde assassin and Omega. Deck: Reckage did not duel himself, or at least did not appear to anyway. He merely enabled others to enjoy duelling in exciting new ways with his creations.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Lord Tessera]“And you didn’t think it worth a little look-see. See what we would have missed out on.” Age and Occupation: 25, Noble Family: Unknown. Associates: Nero Physical Description: Moderate size and build, although maybe quite thin. Has a pretty, feminine looking face, golden-ish eyes, and long, silver hair Clothing: Wears an all golden attire of large coat, suit, boots and silk gloves, and much jewellery A strange young noble who has appeared on several occasions through the story, usually to hang out with the Emperor. Nero seems to have some kind of fondness for him that does not extent to those in his official working capacities. During one evening in the palace drinking together, he credits Tessera with the idea of burning down the Saint Alexis Orphanage, and also suggests he was associated in some way with the Extermination Squad from two years ago. Despite this, the young lord does not appear to have an official role in Nero’s court, or a real job of any sort, and lives of his large inheritance. Instead he seems more like what he might consider a friend, as well as someone who organises events and parties for him from time to time. Tessera was also briefly seen in the theatre house watching the duel between Erin, Dorian and the twin duel spirits, along with an odd looking accomplice, having supposedly come out to have a look at what was going on simply out of curiosity. I wonder what the deal with him is...? Deck: Unknown, but probably doesn’t engage in duelling given his alliance with Nero.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Pikeru and Curran]“You can all go to hell for all we care, except our world’s existence relies on yours. Our world is connected to your stupid human world, so as long as there are people like you and Nero, we keep getting dragged over to fight and hurt each other in your stupid war.” Age and Occupation: Unknown, Princesses Family: Unknown. Associates: Alpha and Omega Physical Description: See the cards Clothing: See the cards! Pikeru and Curran challenged Resistance members on several occasions, having scuppered parts of their rebel missions against the Empire. According to them, they came to the human world to find a way of breaking their bind to the duelists who summon them and force them to battle against each other, and it was then they encountered Alpha and Omega. The masked duo convinced the naive young spirits that by fighting the Resistance and strengthening the Empire’s grip on the population, and its ban on all duel related actions, both of their worlds would be at peace, and they would gain the respect they craved from other duel spirits. Having lost narrowly to Clove and Alex, the princesses growth was accelerated by the twin’s magic, warping their minds to carry out their will, and they were also given cards and two strange butler creatures to help them. After they were defeated by Erin and Dorian they returned to normal, with no memory of what happened. It is unknown what happened to them after the explosion. Decks: Both princesses use burn decks that focus on searching out a low level monster and winning with its effect. Pikeru uses an “Anti-Cure” deck; using Nurse Reficule or Bad Reaction to Simochi to turn cards that would increase her opponent’s life points into damage while increasing her own, then calling on the Ancient Sacred Wyvern for maximum attack power. Curran uses a “Rapid-Fire Spell Burn” deck; quickly seeking out Rapid-Fire Magician, then burning through her spell heavy deck and her opponent’s life points using as many draw and searching spells as possible for a potential OTK. Combined the twins duel expanded and utilised many aggressive combinations, although they are hardly flawless at working as a team. The twin Light and Dark End Dragons also offer them powerful alternative final bosses. Pikeru’s Main Deck (27): Barrier Resonator, D.D. Unicorn Knight, Effect Veiler, Marshmallon, Nurse Reficule the Fallen One, Prime Material Dragon, Trust Guardian, Volcanic Queen Ancient Leaf, Cards from the Sky, Graceful Charity, Magic Planter, Nitro Unit, Pot of Duality, Rain of Mercy, Savage Coliseum, Soul Taker, Terraforming, Upstart Goblin Aegis of Gaia, Appropriate, Bad Reaction to Simochi, Breakthrough Skill, Brutal Potion, Call of the Haunted, Dark Cure, Destruct Potion Extra Deck (2): Ancient Sacred Wyvern, Light End Dragon Curran’s Main Deck (29): Dark Resonator *2, Masked Chameleon, Morphing Jar, Plaguespreader Zombie, Rapid-Fire Magician, Summoner Monk, Toon Cannon Soldier Allure of Darkness, Dark Room of Nightmare, Gather Your Mind *3, Magical Stone Excavation, Monster Reborn, Nightmare Steelcage, Pot of Duality *2, Premature Burial, Resonator Call, Toon Table of Contents *3, Wave Motion Cannon Call of the Haunted, Chthonian Blast, Dark Bribe, Fiendish Chain, Ring of Destruction Extra Deck (2): Dark End Dragon, Dark Strike Fighter Record: Alex (loss), Clove (loss), Erin & Dorian (loss)[/spoiler][/spoiler] [/spoiler] Questionnaire on the story so far. There's only eight questions, many of which can be answered with one word or more expansively if you prefer to give reasoning for your choices, which is obviously preferable, but really at this point any indication would be appreciated. Although a lot of the story is already written it is not yet completed and still could do with serious examination in places, and it would also be a help towards future projects. Reps will be awarded to anyone who takes the five minutes to fill this in: Who are your favourite character and least favourite character; in terms of basically who do you just like/dislike for any reason? Who do you think are the story’s strongest character and weakest character; in terms of who do you think has had the best portrayal/development/sense of character come across? As a whole, how happy or unhappy are you with/how do you find the setting of the story so far? As a whole, how happy or unhappy are you with/how do you find the plot of the story so far? As a whole, how happy or unhappy are you with/how do you find the technical, actual writing? As a whole, how happy or unhappy are you with/how do you find the duels in this story? Finally, what do you think, regarding any aspect you wish to comment on, is this story’s strongest aspect? And it’s biggest weakness? Also, spoilers are weird and screw up in such numbers :( Dunno why it just kept breaking down between Chetema and Dorian for some reason Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aerion Brightflame Posted April 2, 2014 Report Share Posted April 2, 2014 Questionnaire on the story so far. There's only eight questions, many of which can be answered with one word or more expansively if you prefer to give reasoning for your choices, which is obviously preferable, but really at this point any indication would be appreciated. Although a lot of the story is already written it is not yet completed and still could do with serious examination in places, and it would also be a help towards future projects. Reps will be awarded to anyone who takes the five minutes to fill this in: Who are your favourite character and least favourite character; in terms of basically who do you just like/dislike for any reason? Who do you think are the story’s strongest character and weakest character; in terms of who do you think has had the best portrayal/development/sense of character come across? As a whole, how happy or unhappy are you with/how do you find the setting of the story so far? As a whole, how happy or unhappy are you with/how do you find the plot of the story so far? As a whole, how happy or unhappy are you with/how do you find the technical, actual writing? As a whole, how happy or unhappy are you with/how do you find the duels in this story? Finally, what do you think, regarding any aspect you wish to comment on, is this story’s strongest aspect? And it’s biggest weakness? Also, spoilers are weird and screw up in such numbers :( Dunno why it just kept breaking down between Chetema and Dorian for some reason 1. Erin's my favourite, but tbh without Sabin round to steal some of her spotlight it's hard not to find her the best character. Least favourite is Mel because he's being a whiney brat. Or Nero tbh for not having had Gauis killed yet. Or even just the random Frog Guy who appeared and did nothing except be fodder for Vardus's sword. 2). Strongest Character...See Saying Erin makes me feel bad, but it's kinda to be expected given what the nature of the fic is. Weakest.... Mel. He's not grown in a positive direction, and his sense of character is very one dimensional thus far. But this might just be my (slightly irrational) dislike of him coming through. 3) The setting I'm happy with. I mean there's gaps in it at time like the status of technology, but it's kinda something I go along with more than worry about directly. 4) Plot wise.... I'm not entirely happy with, but that's more just because arc 1 felt so..... short and contained that it's not felt like a developing story thus far, and just snippets of Erins life pre the origional, which is fine given that's basically what it is. 5) Technical writing is fine, as is generally the case with your writing. I mean I've never spotted any vast technical faults, just story stuff. 6) Duels... it's mix and match. I don't think they've been as strong as say 24 (With one exception) but better than the origional given no outright glaring flares. The only issue with it is because it's become rather... dated due to how the game has changed since then. But I can live with that because of the premise. 7) For me it's the expansion into Erin's backstory. Given how she almost felt... shifted out of stuff in the origional, seeing this expansion is so good, and such a lovely thing to read. All I want to see now is the long awaited sequel to Armageddon =D 8) The first arc. Whilst it wasn't bad by any means, it was just so short and over so quickly it felt kinda lousy compared to this one which has been much better fleshed out, (Mostly because there's been actual breathing space between the action in it). That and a couple of mis judgements in how to write certain things in it did it in. There ya go. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
legendhiro Posted April 2, 2014 Report Share Posted April 2, 2014 I've finally gotten around to reading some of this. Hopefully I'll remember to keep up with it, unlike I did with Armageddon (I blame ADD). Reading stories like this one where the writer takes a really different spin on card battling and its purpose/presentation than the anime/manga makes me wonder what my own fics would have been if I hadn't chosen early on to set them within the anime/manga universe and therefor govern them by the same rules. As an amateur writer, writing a story where the basic rules of the universe were already established seemed like a fantastic idea, but now it just feels limiting. Oh well, hindsight and all. Anyway, I like the story (at least the chapter and a half that I managed to read before I caught sight of something shiny and lost interest. Bravo, BV. You've earned me as a reader. If I can actually get caught up anytime soon, I'll get in on answering the reedback questions you posted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AGATHODAIMON BANGTAIL COW Posted April 3, 2014 Report Share Posted April 3, 2014 Camilla and uh... I don't really know, respectively. Camilla's "I'm-better-than-you" attitude can be related to. As for the least favorite, there weren't really any characters that stuck out as being unlikeable to me, but this might be out of apathy. Rawal from Geneforge 5 is apparently unpopular among the fanbase, but I don't really dislike him either for the same reason. Out of the characters, Dorian feels really changed from when we first saw him. That might be because the "relationship" between him and Erin is really easy to spot. It's either him or Erin (she gets a big advantage just for being the protagonist) As for least-developed, I'm probably going with uh... probably one of the characters who existed for a brief moment and then died, like Skaro or Gawp. If you want one that hasn't died yet, then I'm guessing Alex. It's probably because he hasn't had time to develop as a character yet, but he feels a little like Clove but without the hostility. For the most part, I'm actually ok with it. I've always been more fond of settings that are less technologically advanced than modern times, and this seems like a mix of fantasy and modern. The duel disks don't feel that out of place to me. Again, I like it. It'd be even better if it turns out that Nero has justifiable reasons for outlawing duel monsters (well, more than Pikeru/Curran complaining about being used) and would later pressure Erin into reevaluating her stance and deciding if she should continue with the resistance or if she has some sympathy for the empire. Apathy dictates that I don't have an actual opinion of this. It's enjoyable enough for me to read, though that's all I can say. They're ok, with some exceptionally great moments like the end of arc 2. There are a few random cards that remind us that we can't really take the Decks 100% seriously, like the several anti-burn cards that Erin, Dorian, and others had for some reason. Aside from that, they're ok. I personally would love to see a protagonist that doesn't win 9/10 of their duels (and the remaining 1 are undecided), but I don't really know how you could incorporate Erin losing several times without spelling her doom or those duels being against Nataka/Chetema. I personally like the dark setting that doesn't afraid of having characters actually die, and the opportunity of not having one side defined as definitely-good and the other as definitely-bad is great. Geneforge influences me so. Several of the characters feel like they're twins of each other in purpose, personality, or other things. You did a good job at distinguishing Gaius from Camilla, but there are some that feel like they are the same person but two. Skilled Dark/White Magician Alpha and Omega are probably intentional and maybe won't become very distinguished from one another. Nataka and Chetema are also victims of this. I felt only minimal difference between Pikeru and Curran, and you did have a the chance to make them differ more than you did. Since in their single duels pre-princessdom they dueled Alex and Clove (and then both Alex and Clove dueled Nataka/Chetema), it makes me feel like Alex is just another Clove, but he's just... Alex. Not as hostile, but still somewhat Clove. He still has the chance to be developed into his own person, but right now he isn't. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bahamut - Envoy of the End Posted April 3, 2014 Author Report Share Posted April 3, 2014 I've finally gotten around to reading some of this. Hopefully I'll remember to keep up with it, unlike I did with Armageddon (I blame ADD). Reading stories like this one where the writer takes a really different spin on card battling and its purpose/presentation than the anime/manga makes me wonder what my own fics would have been if I hadn't chosen early on to set them within the anime/manga universe and therefor govern them by the same rules. As an amateur writer, writing a story where the basic rules of the universe were already established seemed like a fantastic idea, but now it just feels limiting. Oh well, hindsight and all. Anyway, I like the story (at least the chapter and a half that I managed to read before I caught sight of something shiny and lost interest. Bravo, BV. You've earned me as a reader. If I can actually get caught up anytime soon, I'll get in on answering the reedback questions you posted. Hooray, another satisfied reader :) All is well in the world, full of rainbows and fluffy kittens. Thanks man. There are flaws in it, some of which I'm just having to make the best of from the preset world to this prequel, and there's been a few 'oops... didn't think of that simple logic' on my part as well, but if people enjoy it at the end of the day that's cool and encouraging. Having the card game as a base helps as a starting point I think, and it can grow from there or ideas will just come along and present themselves. There's not gonna be any new chapters for a little while (got stuff on with work and trying to find new work and stuff) so there's a chance to catch up over the next two weeks or so. Hope you continue to enjoy. Questionnaires: 1. Erin's my favourite, but tbh without Sabin round to steal some of her spotlight it's hard not to find her the best character. Least favourite is Mel because he's being a whiney brat. Or Nero tbh for not having had Gauis killed yet. Or even just the random Frog Guy who appeared and did nothing except be fodder for Vardus's sword. 2). Strongest Character...See Saying Erin makes me feel bad, but it's kinda to be expected given what the nature of the fic is. Weakest.... Mel. He's not grown in a positive direction, and his sense of character is very one dimensional thus far. But this might just be my (slightly irrational) dislike of him coming through. 3) The setting I'm happy with. I mean there's gaps in it at time like the status of technology, but it's kinda something I go along with more than worry about directly. 4) Plot wise.... I'm not entirely happy with, but that's more just because arc 1 felt so..... short and contained that it's not felt like a developing story thus far, and just snippets of Erins life pre the origional, which is fine given that's basically what it is. 5) Technical writing is fine, as is generally the case with your writing. I mean I've never spotted any vast technical faults, just story stuff. 6) Duels... it's mix and match. I don't think they've been as strong as say 24 (With one exception) but better than the origional given no outright glaring flares. The only issue with it is because it's become rather... dated due to how the game has changed since then. But I can live with that because of the premise. 7) For me it's the expansion into Erin's backstory. Given how she almost felt... shifted out of stuff in the origional, seeing this expansion is so good, and such a lovely thing to read. All I want to see now is the long awaited sequel to Armageddon =D :cool: The first arc. Whilst it wasn't bad by any means, it was just so short and over so quickly it felt kinda lousy compared to this one which has been much better fleshed out, (Mostly because there's been actual breathing space between the action in it). That and a couple of mis judgements in how to write certain things in it did it in. There ya go. Thanks Barty. Yeah, this fic is by it's nature giving Erin more exposure than others so I guess she's gonna get props, but then in everything I've read here and IRL the main character is often not the most popular one (we've seen this Armageddon, 24, and even Dead Zone if Dion doesn't mind me saying. The same is true for me reading Hunger Games and Eragon). The concerns with the plot are justified to be fair, as there hasn't really been any sort of build up towards a set goal/end game as of yet and everything so far has been very much like an early part of a YGO anime; where its snippets of little situations with generic villians get dealt with swiftly. There have been seeds sown, but nothing major yet. This will be addressed shortly. Card games; um... by 'one exception', do you mean there was one exceptional duel that was really good in this story, or do you mean these are all average duels that are just all better than that horrific exception to the norm at the end of 24? :blink: And yeah, if they were worse than the original I'd have given up :lol: It is admittedly a struggle in places with these older decks, and there's a lot of new stuff I'd like to one day use back in the Xyz era. But then it does give chance to see old cards and think "oh yeah, I remember that monster. That was cool back in the day." Which is nice as the whole story is a bit of a nostalgia trip. There's a couple of ones coming up I'm quite excited about though despite this. Thank you for the honest and constructive feedback. Camilla and uh... I don't really know, respectively. Camilla's "I'm-better-than-you" attitude can be related to. As for the least favorite, there weren't really any characters that stuck out as being unlikeable to me, but this might be out of apathy. Rawal from Geneforge 5 is apparently unpopular among the fanbase, but I don't really dislike him either for the same reason. Out of the characters, Dorian feels really changed from when we first saw him. That might be because the "relationship" between him and Erin is really easy to spot. It's either him or Erin (she gets a big advantage just for being the protagonist) As for least-developed, I'm probably going with uh... probably one of the characters who existed for a brief moment and then died, like Skaro or Gawp. If you want one that hasn't died yet, then I'm guessing Alex. It's probably because he hasn't had time to develop as a character yet, but he feels a little like Clove but without the hostility. For the most part, I'm actually ok with it. I've always been more fond of settings that are less technologically advanced than modern times, and this seems like a mix of fantasy and modern. The duel disks don't feel that out of place to me. Again, I like it. It'd be even better if it turns out that Nero has justifiable reasons for outlawing duel monsters (well, more than Pikeru/Curran complaining about being used) and would later pressure Erin into reevaluating her stance and deciding if she should continue with the resistance or if she has some sympathy for the empire. Apathy dictates that I don't have an actual opinion of this. It's enjoyable enough for me to read, though that's all I can say. They're ok, with some exceptionally great moments like the end of arc 2. There are a few random cards that remind us that we can't really take the Decks 100% seriously, like the several anti-burn cards that Erin, Dorian, and others had for some reason. Aside from that, they're ok. I personally would love to see a protagonist that doesn't win 9/10 of their duels (and the remaining 1 are undecided), but I don't really know how you could incorporate Erin losing several times without spelling her doom or those duels being against Nataka/Chetema. I personally like the dark setting that doesn't afraid of having characters actually die, and the opportunity of not having one side defined as definitely-good and the other as definitely-bad is great. Geneforge influences me so. Several of the characters feel like they're twins of each other in purpose, personality, or other things. You did a good job at distinguishing Gaius from Camilla, but there are some that feel like they are the same person but two. Skilled Dark/White Magician Alpha and Omega are probably intentional and maybe won't become very distinguished from one another. Nataka and Chetema are also victims of this. I felt only minimal difference between Pikeru and Curran, and you did have a the chance to make them differ more than you did. Since in their single duels pre-princessdom they dueled Alex and Clove (and then both Alex and Clove dueled Nataka/Chetema), it makes me feel like Alex is just another Clove, but he's just... Alex. Not as hostile, but still somewhat Clove. He still has the chance to be developed into his own person, but right now he isn't. Thanks ABC (I'm sticking with that as calling you Moron feels... wrong... :mellow:) I apologise for the lack of Camilla in this arc, feel free to direct your complaints to Nero at this. She will return to a more prominant storyline in the third arc. Tbh Alex is a more helpful answer than Jeremiah Red-Shirt, but that's a good concern to raise and will work on him. I'm into fantasy too and tbh a lot of the world and story when it was originally made was lifted from stuff like Final Fantasy and Eragon (a lot from Eragon) I have to hold my hands up to that. That... would be cool, but unfortunately Nero is, tbh in hindsight, quite a badly written character. He has his moments and the odd line ("Tectum you blithering bag of bones!") But he is very one dimensional and very cliche and again with the Eragon reference is just a poor man's Galbatorix. However that plot-line... may... sort of... I'mmm saying nothing ;) The basis of this fic does give me a nice bit of scope for justifiably including odd cards with the old 'all cards are banned and the rebels have to scrape together with the best of what they can get their hands on' excuse, which I enjoy, cuz I really don't agree with the meta based comments others have previously raised. Fanfics just give the opportunity to use stuff you can't really in the game proper thanks to the power of top decking. And don't worry, I was appalled by undefeated Yusei as much as anyone and that's not cool. Again I'm saying nothing. Thanks for the nice comments on point seven (I have so much creative blood on my conscience...) and that's an interesting issue you raise with the last one. Tbh Alpha and Omega are what they are and are very rarely separate (although it does happen at some times...), but that's definitely a valid issue you've raised regarding the other six if you feel that way and I'm glad you did because that is poor of me if I'm pairing people up like that. I did try to make Pikeru the prim and proper one and Curran the snotty bratty one, which I think I did okay, but maybe there was not enough of a difference between them and possibly their duels made them merge a bit. But for the rebel guys that is poor of me and something I will have to look at, especially regarding Alex and Clove despite their 'own feature' chapters. They will be getting a lot more heavily featured from now on and maybe will grow into seperate roles naturally, but will have another through look at them before release as well as Vardus' chiefs. Oh dear dear me, I do seem to have suggested at a couple of upcoming things in this response haven't I? :) Thanks for the great feedback man. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ren✧ Posted April 6, 2014 Report Share Posted April 6, 2014 I did it! I finally got caught up! :D This last chapter started off by capturing my attention with Camilla, glad to see that she might be returning for a bigger role in Arc 3(fingers crossed). The little pause in the duel where Dorian all but kisses Erin's feet was a bit strange, but I did notice the steps you took to perhaps remedy the situation by poking fun at it yourself with some of the dialogue. Even still, I felt it to be a bit cliche, but probably necessary by what happens in the rest of the chapter, but I'll bring this issue up again in a moment. The change in strategy with Pikeru and Curran was appreciated. We saw it begin in the last chapter, which was nice, but the progression to the summoning of Light and Dark End Dragon was good. I should have seen it coming. The summoning of Draco-Knight was also very cool, glad to see one of my favorite cards being used. Alright back to what I was talking about before. The lovey-dovey scene between Dorian and Erin, albeit a bit awkward, I think was probably needed because then you go and FREAKING KILL OFF DORIAN! *regains composure* Sorry. The romantic in me died a little bit when I saw that, and I can't help but feel terrible for Erin. But, then the skeptic in me surfaced and wonders if Dorian is truly dead. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. Anyway, what I have been trying to get at, was that awkward bit of rapid character-relationship development was needed due to the possible death of Dorian. On to the questionnaire! Who are your favorite and least favorite character? Favorite: Camilla & Ursulla. They are both just so unique and bad-ass that I can't help but love them! Least Favorite: At this point, I'm really not fond of Vardus. His 'big and in charge' personality is hard to swallow sometimes and he seems to be a bit of a cut and paste character. Strongest and Weakest Characters? Strongest: Erin. Obviously, I mean the story is centered around her, so it just goes to reason that she would receive the best portrayal and development. Please don't take that to mean, however, that you haven't been doing a good job of working on the development of other characters. Just about every chapter we learn a little something about at least one minor(ish) character. Weakest: Vardus. This probably isn't a fair statement, but to me I feel like there is so much more to the Vardus character that we could be getting, which is probably why he is listed as my least favorite. It isn't that we haven't gotten a fair bit of his history and personality established, it's just that I've seen it all somewhere before. Hoping for something exciting and creative to be brought up involving him next arc. Happy/Unhappy with Setting? At first, I was a bit hesitant in regards to the setting. The almost medieval style with dashes of modern luxury was a bit off-setting, however; now that the story has progressed I have come to like it. Not to mention, if you had placed it in an era with absolutely no technology, cards like Cybers, Scraps, and Ancient Gears probably couldn't be used. Happy/Unhappy with plot? So far we have only the established plot of the Resistance vs. the Empire, with hints at something more devious at play. Right now I would say you have perfectly established the big picture, as one would expect from an introductory and first arc. As long as we get focused on some of the more detailed portions of the plot, I'll be satisfied. Happy/Unhappy with writing? The writing instituted has found a happy medium. It isn't so basic so as to make it sound like I am reading the work of a five year old, and yet it isn't so advanced that you sound pompous and pretentious. Happy/Unhappy with duels? We've already talked about the excess of burn duels, and so aside from that I'm really not bothered by any of the duels. Not to many have been downright amazing, but none have been unbearably dreadful to sit through either. Strongest Aspect? I would say your characters. Save a few untapped potentials(i.e. Vardus), you have agglomerated a number of extremely interesting characters that I am eager to see more of. In particular, your antagonists are superb :D Biggest Weakness? If I have to choose something, it would probably be the lack of subplots introduced so far. Obviously we had this Pikeru/Curran subplot and the Demon and Gang subplot going on, but most haven't really been explored a great deal. That being said, I wouldn't want too much more detail on these matters so early in the story. I expect will be getting more into as the story goes on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bahamut - Envoy of the End Posted April 7, 2014 Author Report Share Posted April 7, 2014 I did it! I finally got caught up! :D This last chapter started off by capturing my attention with Camilla, glad to see that she might be returning for a bigger role in Arc 3(fingers crossed). The little pause in the duel where Dorian all but kisses Erin's feet was a bit strange, but I did notice the steps you took to perhaps remedy the situation by poking fun at it yourself with some of the dialogue. Even still, I felt it to be a bit cliche, but probably necessary by what happens in the rest of the chapter, but I'll bring this issue up again in a moment. The change in strategy with Pikeru and Curran was appreciated. We saw it begin in the last chapter, which was nice, but the progression to the summoning of Light and Dark End Dragon was good. I should have seen it coming. The summoning of Draco-Knight was also very cool, glad to see one of my favorite cards being used. Alright back to what I was talking about before. The lovey-dovey scene between Dorian and Erin, albeit a bit awkward, I think was probably needed because then you go and FREAKING KILL OFF DORIAN! *regains composure* Sorry. The romantic in me died a little bit when I saw that, and I can't help but feel terrible for Erin. But, then the skeptic in me surfaced and wonders if Dorian is truly dead. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. Anyway, what I have been trying to get at, was that awkward bit of rapid character-relationship development was needed due to the possible death of Dorian. On to the questionnaire! Who are your favorite and least favorite character? Favorite: Camilla & Ursulla. They are both just so unique and bad-ass that I can't help but love them! Least Favorite: At this point, I'm really not fond of Vardus. His 'big and in charge' personality is hard to swallow sometimes and he seems to be a bit of a cut and paste character. Strongest and Weakest Characters? Strongest: Erin. Obviously, I mean the story is centered around her, so it just goes to reason that she would receive the best portrayal and development. Please don't take that to mean, however, that you haven't been doing a good job of working on the development of other characters. Just about every chapter we learn a little something about at least one minor(ish) character. Weakest: Vardus. This probably isn't a fair statement, but to me I feel like there is so much more to the Vardus character that we could be getting, which is probably why he is listed as my least favorite. It isn't that we haven't gotten a fair bit of his history and personality established, it's just that I've seen it all somewhere before. Hoping for something exciting and creative to be brought up involving him next arc. Happy/Unhappy with Setting? At first, I was a bit hesitant in regards to the setting. The almost medieval style with dashes of modern luxury was a bit off-setting, however; now that the story has progressed I have come to like it. Not to mention, if you had placed it in an era with absolutely no technology, cards like Cybers, Scraps, and Ancient Gears probably couldn't be used. Happy/Unhappy with plot? So far we have only the established plot of the Resistance vs. the Empire, with hints at something more devious at play. Right now I would say you have perfectly established the big picture, as one would expect from an introductory and first arc. As long as we get focused on some of the more detailed portions of the plot, I'll be satisfied. Happy/Unhappy with writing? The writing instituted has found a happy medium. It isn't so basic so as to make it sound like I am reading the work of a five year old, and yet it isn't so advanced that you sound pompous and pretentious. Happy/Unhappy with duels? We've already talked about the excess of burn duels, and so aside from that I'm really not bothered by any of the duels. Not to many have been downright amazing, but none have been unbearably dreadful to sit through either. Strongest Aspect? I would say your characters. Save a few untapped potentials(i.e. Vardus), you have agglomerated a number of extremely interesting characters that I am eager to see more of. In particular, your antagonists are superb :D Biggest Weakness? If I have to choose something, it would probably be the lack of subplots introduced so far. Obviously we had this Pikeru/Curran subplot and the Demon and Gang subplot going on, but most haven't really been explored a great deal. That being said, I wouldn't want too much more detail on these matters so early in the story. I expect will be getting more into as the story goes on. Delayed response is delayed. Thanks and glad you enjoyed it. Yeah, it was perhaps a bit OTT, but otherwise satisfied with how things went, and like you said given the timebomb on Dorian it had to go in. Still I'd like to think I've been steadily developing their relationship since Chapter 6 (only to wipe it out again). And I've wanted to use Draco-Equiste for so long. I know I could have used LED to make it and do more damage, thus wouldn't have needed Premature in place of Reborn to make the LP work, but I didn't want to summon it and not use either of it's effects (something that happens too often in my fics, currently getting annoyed about the lack of use of one monsters effect in future duels...) And the change in Pikeru and Curran... well this isn't the last we'll see of Light and Dark End Dragon. The questionnaire answers are good; especially the feedback on Vardus not doing a lot which I find interesting and tbh fair and not something I'd really realised before (see guys, this feedback is really necessary for me to find these things out). Maybe I've just taken him a bit for granted so far. I'm going to spend this week going over Arc 3 again and making sure everything's okay before starting up again, hopefully. Lack of side-plots is, well I like side-plots and one of my favourites that 24 readers might remember was the Prime Minister's sidestory which was very fun to write, but I'm not sure on this as chaptyers are long enough/too long as is. The next one and 22 especially, although the next one does make a big step in moving the story forward... Thanks for the feedback man. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ren✧ Posted April 9, 2014 Report Share Posted April 9, 2014 Delayed response is delayed. Thanks and glad you enjoyed it. Yeah, it was perhaps a bit OTT, but otherwise satisfied with how things went, and like you said given the timebomb on Dorian it had to go in. Still I'd like to think I've been steadily developing their relationship since Chapter 6 (only to wipe it out again). And I've wanted to use Draco-Equiste for so long. I know I could have used LED to make it and do more damage, thus wouldn't have needed Premature in place of Reborn to make the LP work, but I didn't want to summon it and not use either of it's effects (something that happens too often in my fics, currently getting annoyed about the lack of use of one monsters effect in future duels...) And the change in Pikeru and Curran... well this isn't the last we'll see of Light and Dark End Dragon. The questionnaire answers are good; especially the feedback on Vardus not doing a lot which I find interesting and tbh fair and not something I'd really realised before (see guys, this feedback is really necessary for me to find these things out). Maybe I've just taken him a bit for granted so far. I'm going to spend this week going over Arc 3 again and making sure everything's okay before starting up again, hopefully. Lack of side-plots is, well I like side-plots and one of my favourites that 24 readers might remember was the Prime Minister's sidestory which was very fun to write, but I'm not sure on this as chaptyers are long enough/too long as is. The next one and 22 especially, although the next one does make a big step in moving the story forward... Thanks for the feedback man. Always happy to share my thoughts :D And I guess it isn't fair to say that you don't have sub plots, I mean you can obviously see the beginning of quite a few. Its just that most haven't reached past their introductory stages, which is completely understandable at this point. I just expect them to get rolling within the next arc or so. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bahamut - Envoy of the End Posted April 18, 2014 Author Report Share Posted April 18, 2014 After a longer than planned haitus due to IRL issues, this story will shortly resume with Chapter 14... Will be posted on Tuesday the 22nd April. --- Several hours later ---- Ah screw it, there's not gonna be any more belated response. Tbh, having looked around this section more in my break, this fic does well to get as many comments as it does (this section really is dead at the moment despite a lot of new content and the club's starting up). But you never know, hopefully a new arc and new comments on this will get me going, both in terms of writing and IRL. The story continues where it left off, with what is the joint longest chapter of the arc. Not by so much over 13, and not sure how that actually happened, given a lot of the material within already existed, but it somehow did. Maybe it's just cuz being the opener, and by far the most important in terms of major plot development so far, as we start to head towards the main thick of the plot that people were asking for... (The chapters in this arc are a bit more rangey in terms of length, including at some stage the by-far shortest chapter). Anyway; enough of that. Welcome back, rejoice, enjoy, all comments whether regulars or newbies or even belated and about prior chapters would all be welcome at this time. :) [spoiler=Chapter 14]Chapter 14: The Devil In a moment, all of time stood still. Erin knelt at the edge of the pit, her shaking hand still reaching into the black nothingness infinitely beyond her into which her companion Dorian - or whatever he was to her now - had disappeared. The world around her disappeared into total insignificance. The ruins of the Uria slums square. The amphitheatre, homes and shops that had been torn apart by the rampaging fake monsters. The people of the city stood watching. All of it did not exist. It was just her, and the empty void of the chasm below her, ominous and black, about to swallow her soul just as it had swallowed him. “.............Dorian?” No response. “DORIAN!!!” Silence echoed back. No matter how much she screamed into the pit, or how long she knelt there alone, no reply came back. And it never would, no matter how long she stayed. Someone was telling her that, someone very far away from her, but she ignored them. She couldn’t believe it. She wouldn’t believe it. Dorian was down there, and somehow he had to be alright. He had to be. Maybe if she jumped in after... Someone was gripping her very tightly around her waist and trying to pull her away from the edge, before that idea could be acted upon. The action stirred her into movement, trying sluggishly to fight them off as they dragged her back. “What are you doing? Let me go! Dorian!” “Erin, we have to go!” Aerial panted, pulling even harder to get away from the edge and back up the slight slope down to it where the street could collapse under them and plunge them in at any second. “The entire elite guard is around the corner; they’ll be here any second. We have to run.” “I’m not leaving. I can’t leave. Dorian’s still down there...” “Erin, there’s nothing we can do! I’m sorry, but we have to go!” “No!” she still protested, but weakly now, shaking as she rounded on Aerial. She was crying as she yelled at him, too charged up with her own anger and pain to see he was visibly upset too, almost choking as she tried to make him see. How could he not see they had to stay? How could he be so heartless to leave and abandon their friend now? “No, I’m not going without him. We can’t.” “We have to! He’s gone!” She choked as the heavy finality of the truth hit home with his statement. She swayed slightly, and the shorter younger boy grabbed her hands to hold her in place. Although he wasn’t pulling anymore, his grip was firm and solid, holding her back from falling into the abyss after him. The sort of grip she had failed to make with Dorian. He was fighting off tears as well, and though she felt numb he was trembling too. “Please Erin, if we don’t run now, the elite guard will charge right out of that street and arrest us both on the spot” he told her as steadily and bluntly as he could manage, meeting her gaze and trying his best to keep firm and steady for her. “We have to go back and tell the others. Please...” Meanwhile, stood high above the teen rebels and the unfortunate civilians caught in the disaster, two more spectators watched. They had been present throughout the whole battle, observing from out of sight as their minions fought without interfering, until the end and their failure had become clear. The twins Pikeru and Curran had gone, but the failing princesses were of no further use. The duo stood in silence on the roof of the theatre as the rebels stood below them, taking in everything they’d seen. “Well I wasn’t expecting that” Alpha said, his ceramic white mask grinning insanely despite any feelings to the contrary as they looked down on the devastation. “Even with our gifts, they were still unable to kill the rebels. To overcome such odds, and like that... those kids are more resourceful than they look...” “Useless brats!” Omega grumbled darkly, sounding just as furious as his dark tragedy mask made him look. “I told you we should have given them our trump cards.” “Humph! And I told you it would be careless to expose them and that the cards we did give them would be enough. Besides, I’m not letting some obnoxious little girl get her filthy hands on that card...” Alpha paused as a small white object, glistening with a faint light, appeared and rose in front of him. A purple aura shrouded card appeared in similar fashion before the black clad sorcerer. Both took their monsters back without comment. Alpha cracked his neck and looked to his far right, where he could just about see the guard moving in a few streets away, coming towards the square to deal with the aftermath, before leaning over their perch and focusing his blank eyes back on the rebels. “Oh well, it doesn’t matter now. Our experiment with those brats may have failed Omega, but we have proved one thing in the end...” Omega nodded, joining his associate at the edge, a dark ball of black energy materialising in his raised hand, as he lined up the two standing near the edge of the bottomless crevasse their conjured demon’s explosion had created. “That if you want something done right...” Alpha mirrored his actions with the conjuring of a white energy sphere. “ do it yourself...” “Wait a moment.” Both sorcerers gasped, the energy balls they were about to fire down on the youths extinguished as they turned to the speaker who had appeared from nowhere behind them. Further along on a higher part of the roof to them was their hooded master, stood looking down on the scene with a slight amused smirk, they could see nothing more of his expression. Immediately the two masked men knelt and bowed, their voices becoming slightly different while addressing him. “Master Demon, please forgive us for our failure...” “We were just about to...” “Guys, relax. There’s no need to grovel so weakly for this.” Indeed the masked pair was shocked out of their apologies as he casually dismissed their failure to kill the rebels. They did not understand why he was so happy. Yet there he was, grinning to himself as he looked down on the pair as the young green-haired boy seemed to have finally convinced the girl to come away from the edge and they darted off, disappearing into the crowd to their left just before the guards arrived from the other side. The girl still looked distressed as they ran, her eye-catching hair clear in the crowd, Demon watched her go and did not speak until the pair was out of sight. “What you managed to do was good enough, but I think we’re done here. You will go back to the castle now and resume your previous duties in my absence.” “But Master, I do not understand” Omega blurted, as the guard stormed into the square below to find nothing but distressed civilians and started with an aid effort instead. “The Emperor has ordered you to exterminate the Resistance, which you ordered us to and we have failed, ‘cept for one of their number.” “And what of the rebels?” Alpha asked. “What do you intend to do Master?” Demon paused for a moment, chuckling to himself before answering. “I will deal with Nero. But I can’t imagine Vardus and his Resistance are going to be too active for a while after this. Especially his poor little girl over there...” He trailed off, as new possibilities formulated in his dark mind. The sorcerers had failed in their objective yes. But because of that failure he may accidentally have been presented with something better. Something very interesting, that could prove to be much more beneficial in their long term future. A new possibility he was keen to explore... “Master?” the sorcerers asked tentatively and broke his concentration. He waved them off. “You’ll be informed in good time, but I need to take a closer look at this development for myself. It’s like you originally suggested Alpha... this could yet work. But now I need you to go back and supervise the others. You’re off the hook.” The masked men mumbled their gratitude, but Demon dismissed that too. “Oh don’t milk it. But before you go... Alpha. My arrival here took a lot out of me. If you would...” The happy mask nodded obediently, raising his gloved hand once again to create another shimmering white light, which Demon became bathed in as well. The hooded man cringed and shook for a few moments as he was enveloped in the light, panting slightly when he was released and clutched his heart. But even still he smiled, and indeed appeared less stiff in his movements as he got over the initial shock. “Ah, that’s better, I needed that. Damn teleporting. Now be gone. I will clean up here.” The duo nodded without further question, creating a portal with their combined magic to the castle base and stepping through, disappearing as it closed behind them. With them gone, Demon turned back to look over the city streets, ignoring the injured and traumatised people being cared for and helped by the soldiers below, just staring out far across the falling capital, grinning to himself, and plotting... ... Everyone was waiting for them when they returned, and it was dreadful. Erin and Aerial spoke to no-one as they passed through the waterways of their underground hideout and their various comrades by, but their miserable expressions, and indeed the absence of their third team-mate, made any need for words redundant. The occasional shake of the head was more than enough. For the horrified, disbelieving Mia, who buried her tears into the shoulder of the stunned medic Doyle. Clove and Alex, forced to stay below until their names were cleared and the deception exposed, initially ran over in delight to hear what they expected to be positive news, only for the sight of just the two of them returning drained the happiness out of them, leaving them both speechless and numb. The cook Goro saw them pass from a distance across the water, ushering his young daughter back inside their room to shield her from what he had realised had happened, as they headed towards the office to make their report to the elders. Aerial did most of the talking, Erin just stood numbly beside him, speaking only when asked. Nataka sat to one side, usually so stern and unemotional, now open mouthed and blinking in disbelief at what was heard. The barbaric Chetema crushed his chair as he flopped into it, not even registering he was sat on the floor as he ran his massive hands through his dreadlocks, his wild eyes wide in shock. But by far the worst was Vardus. He wailed and roared at the news of Dorian’s death, in a way Erin and Aerial hadn’t expected from him as he flopped down on his desk, his great shoulders heaving up and down as he despaired into the sleeves of his coat. When their story was complete he ordered them to leave between great sobs. They did reluctantly, backing shamefully out of his office as his two trusted lieutenants tried to be supportive either side of him, hastily ushering them to leave him be to grieve. The pair left through Mia’s reception to find the other Resistance members had dispersed out of sight, possibly to mourn as well. They stood there awkwardly for a while, neither knowing what to say. “...I’m sorry Erin” Aerial tried after a time, tentatively putting a hand on her shoulder. “I... I dunno what to say to you to help right now. There’s probably nothing I could. But in the future, if you ever need to talk or anything... you know where my door is right?” He waited as Erin stood stock still and sniffed. Then her fists tightened. Slowly she turned her back to him, shrugging off his hand, turning and walking away, leaving him stunned with a bitter reply. “Leave me alone.” She left him quickly behind, first walking as fast as she could, before breaking into a full out run. Shoving past the rebels armourer without even noticing she’d hit him in her rush, as she tried to hold it together until she reached the safety of her room. Bursting in the door and past Mel, who yelped at her sudden intrusion and immediately began questioning her as she stormed past with trivial, stupid questions. She didn’t want to answer any of them. Ignoring him completely, pulling herself onto her top bunk, burying her face in her pillow as he tried to climb after her, she finally released the damned swell of misery that had built up inside her heart in floods and floods of tears and wails, lamenting the loss of her Dorian... ... A week passed, and nobody felt any better. All above ground operations had been put on hold for now, until the group leaders could assess the situation in its full aftermath and decide how to move forward again. Vardus spent all his time in his office now, never emerging like he did before, not even for meals. Meanwhile the young rebels continued to train, although in shorter sessions that were highly subdued. In one combat session in particular, the two boys and girls were paired off for sword-fighting. Aerial took his sentence against Alex grimly without the usual complaint, and the farm boy was hardly rubbing his hands at the prospect as he usually would as he fetched his weapons. With a sigh, Erin picked up her training sword and shield, and faced off against Clove, to begin this heartless and pointless exercise... Whack! “Yeow!” Erin yelled as Clove’s blunted weapon smashed into her leg before she’d even realised she was attacking. The girl herself had already darted back out of reach of retribution, dancing back and readying herself to start again, grimly determined as ever she glared at her. Erin scowled back; already feeling a massive bruised lump developing on the back of her leg. Something that despite the mood seemed to give her opponent the briefest flicker of smug satisfaction, just the tiniest hint of a smirk... ‘Why would I want to be in a team with you when disaster seems to follow you everywhere?’ Erin shook her head, frustrated at getting distracted. But the memory of before swimming in front of her eyes refused to budge.‘Ever since you joined everything has gone wrong for us. Yet I’m sure Vardus won’t see it that way; not when you’re his favourite. You’re a jinx on all of us...’ The next few seconds flew in a confusing blur. There was a savage scream from Erin, followed by a wild lunging swing that forced Clove - surprised as she was - to duck sharply under it, clipping Erin’s side with a counter strike on the way through. The blow only maddened her further, swinging her sword back and crashing into Clove’s shield with such venom it was nearly smashed back into her face, and the force of it knocked the shorter girl to the ground. The fight was brutally one-sided after that. Erin kept swinging at her with strike after strike, relentlessly battering Clove’s increasingly dented shield as she crawled backwards, in no position to possibly fight back and just trying to get away from her. Still Erin refused to let up, hammering away and ignoring everyone shouting at her to stop, until finally Chetema waded into the fray; grabbing her by the collar of her jumper and sharply yanking her back, throwing her away. Blind with rage Erin made to charge at him, but thankfully Alex - completely stunned by what was happening – reacted to grab and hold her back in time. Free from the onslaught at last Clove responded furiously, and was having to be similarly restrained by Aerial, clinging on for grim life as she struggled and cursed. “What the hell was that?! You were trying to take my f***ing head off you b****!” “You started it you sneaky little w****! I’m gonna...” There was a clang of metal against stone, silencing everyone. Chetema had struck the ground with his giant sword and stood towering between them, seething in anger at their behaviour. Now everyone had heard the commotion and come out to look. Even Vardus emerged from his study to see what was going on, Nataka by his side. Clove knew to back off then, but Erin was too stubborn. Elbowing her way free from Alex, dropping her training sword, she picked up a real one as she marched off. “I’m going out!” “Wait. Don’t you dare walk out of here missy” Vardus called croakily at her. But there was none of the usual authority in his voice, and Erin was already off, storming up the steps to the training platform and running away, disappearing into a tunnel. “Erin? Erin! Come back here!” he kept yelling, but she didn’t. “Maybe you should go back inside sir. You need sleep” Nataka offered kindly, placing a hand on his shoulder. Vardus grunted, and shuffled his way back into the office, leaving the second in command to deal with it, which he set about doing. “Chetema, Aerial, Alex. Go find Erin and bring her back before she does anything stupid.” The assigned team saluted and quickly set off in pursuit. Someone tried to stealthily slip out and join them, but they were swiftly caught by the eagle-eyed samurai. “I don’t think I gave you an order Clove.” “What? You’re going to keep me down here again?” she exclaimed furiously, exasperated by the elder warrior shaking his head at her. “I think - on the basis of what we just witnessed - that it would probably be best if you were not the one to find Erin, wouldn’t you agree Clove? I will assign you a task assisting with the others when you have calmed down, until then I forbid you to leave. Understood?” Clove frowned, but muttered that she did. Nataka went back inside to deal with their indisposed leader, leaving her standing alone in the training area, arms folded as she glared hatefully out at the tunnel that wretched Erin had just fled away through... ... Half an hour later, and the still seething Erin was sat outside a small cafe in the Raviel slums, swirling a coffee and irritably tapping the ground with her boots. She knew she’d done it now. Vardus and the other elders would be livid with her when she got back, but she would have face it eventually. In the meantime she would have to calm down, and try to reflect on everything that had happened in the last few weeks. Things were getting out of hand. No matter how hard she tried things always got worse, and she seemed to fail abysmally at everything. Maybe Clove was right, although she was in no mood to admit it to that stuck up girl. What the hell was her problem? Agitated, she drained her cup in a gulp. All around her in the little outdoor section of the cafe, the scared glances and hushed whispers from the other customers were not helping. She wasn’t surprised. The Emperor had quickly spun the events at the Uria theatre house his way, blaming terrorists for the many deaths and ruined homes, and campaign his efforts to find those responsible and ensure peace and safety for his people. Those present knew the real truth, but many believed the Emperor. Now here she was with her duel shield on her arm, its silver guard glistening in the sunlight, and her short sword hanging from her waist. Erin grumbled, but she refused to leave. She might have before, but now when she thought about Dorian... no, she wouldn’t hide who she was any longer. She was a member of the Resistance, fighting to free these people who had lost as much to the Empire as she had, risking her life every time she came outside. And now here these people were, muttering about her and shaking their heads. The blind, ignorant, stupid worms. She slammed her cup down as she looked down the street. Marching towards her were two guards; low ranking recruits judging by their basic chainmail armour and standard issue sword and shield. The sight of them made her blood start to boil again; they looked like they had been called for. Furious she stood and left the cafe, but she walked between the majority of the other customers and swore at them as she passed. “After all I do for you people, you ungrateful scum. Some of you don’t deserve to be freed.” No-one dared respond to her, leaving her free to walk out of the shop and down the narrow street. Erin glanced over her shoulder at her pursuers. The guards were still a safe distance back, just trailing her for now rather than breaking into full chase. This continued for a few minutes, until she spotted a small dark alleyway between two shops. She casually walked inside, so that they would certainly notice. She would not run. She would not hide any more. The two guards turned into the alley to find her waiting for them, sword already drawn. With a bellow the first one charged straight at her, and Erin retaliated likewise. The fight was short and bloody. Faster than him in his cumbersome mail, she parried his attack away and stabbed him through the stomach; the helpless guard lurched forward clutching the bloody gap in his ribs and spitting up further blood. The second one quickly followed, forcing her to spin to block the attack, but he was swiftly dispatched with a slash at the exposed neck. Choking and clutching his leaking throat the man staggered back; his jugular cut through. Without thinking, without mercy, she stepped in and drove her blade back home again, putting the helpless man out of his misery. As she withdrew it he slumped to the ground, dead. Then she turned back to the first one. He was crawling along the ground, clutching his stomach. He was crawling towards what appeared to be a small transmission device; it must have fallen from his person when he fell. Now he was trying to radio for backup while she wasn’t looking. Foolish traitor. She walked up beside him and stood on his outstretched hand, making him yelp despite the mesh gauntlet. Kicking the device away, she kicked him in the ribs until he rolled over. The two looked at each other; the man staring up into her cold, deadened eyes, pleading for mercy. Begging to be spared. “You think that if I begged for mercy, you would show me any?” Erin asked, her voice cold and bitter. The guard gulped and started to cry, and mouthing in prayer. She looked at him pitilessly. ‘Pathetic...’ She thrust her sword into his neck, killing him instantly. Not that death stopped her frenzy. Her rage took over again. Erin continued to stab at his neck, and then smashing at the helmet with her sword, denting it with each blow caving in the dead man’s skull, tears streaming down her face. She did not stop, until someone caught her arm from behind. “I think he’s dead now.” Cold panic rushed through her veins and flooded her senses. Expecting a third guard to run her through any second, Erin flailed and struggled free of the grip of the person, hacking blindly at them with her sword as she spun clear, her blade clanging straight into a shield. The black, skull emblazed shield raised ready to meet it as she found herself face to face with the person who had appeared behind her. The man was a bit taller than she was as she looked up at him, but his skin was just as ashen white as hers. An open hooded black robe covered most of his body, only his chin and thin mouth visible, curling into a slight amused smile as she stared wide-eyed up at him. Frightened she backed away, allowing the man to relax and lower his shield, showing it was a duel functioning model. Curiously it was on his right arm rather than the left like hers, having to raise it across his body to block her as effortlessly as he had. It was then that she noticed his pale left hand was resting inside the folds of his cloak... on the hilt of a wicked looking sword slung at the waist. She gasped; he had that and hadn’t even drawn it?! “You’ll break your sword doing that.” Erin flinched as the man spoke calmly, as if her attempt to cut his head off was something trivial and no need of complaint. “That poor man was only fulfilling his destiny you know? To live in servitude, trying to provide support for a future family, doing what he must to endure the trials of this world and the Empire we live in.” “Who are you?” Erin blurted, jabbing her sword at him despite her fear. “What do you want?” Still smiling in his creepy way the man raised his hand for calm, before pulling back the hood, making her gasp again. The man looked half dead. His face was thin, the cheeks were sunken and hollow, as if there was almost no flesh and the skin was just stretched directly over the skull. His eyes were similarly sunken, and although they looked faintly like they were once dark black, they were starting to mist over and lose their colouring. Only his spiky, swooping style of jet black hair looked remotely vibrant or alive. Whoever the guy was he certainly had a theme going, and a cliché one at that. But he was smiling at her in a way, attempting to anyway, to seem pleasant, and that was the most distressing thing. “Please Miss Erin. It is Erin isn’t it? Of course it is. Allow me to introduce myself. I am known simply as Demon, having discarded my real name long ago, and I am the royal vizier and a trusted advisor to the Emperor himself. But please, don’t let that title frighten you. Not all demons are wicked, just as not all angels are divine.” “Demon? H... How do you know who I am?” she demanded as he bowed slightly to her, still put off by this unnerving title despite his attempted assurance. But another thought slowly ebbed at her fear and replaced it with burning hatred, retaking battle stance. “You said you were with the Empire?” “Hmm, yes and no...” The man Demon smiled, twisting his thin features. “Although I work in an official capacity within the Emperor’s inner circle, I would not go so far as to say I am ‘with’ the Emperor in terms of allegiance. Quite the opposite in fact. Truly I despise the foul old despot as much as you and half the citizens of this world do. Like you, I can see firsthand how his tyranny squeezes the life out of us all and drives this world into an endless downward spiral of misery and suffering. I want to change this. That is why I have sought out you, who shares these feelings and seeks an answer.” “Huh, you look like you’ve had the life squeezed out of you already” Erin snapped, trying to suppress her fear by simply shouting at him. “Like I have anything in common with someone like you.” “Ah, but we do Erin” Demon continued, smiling every time she shivered and took a backward step away from him. “I have seen your struggles against the Empire. I have learnt how you wish to take revenge on those who took your parents from you. How you joined the Resistance to gain that revenge and have fought, but your efforts are found futile and you make little difference to the world. Now you have seen yourself become hated and feared by the very people you risk your life to free, and you slowly lose more of the people you care about. I have worked for the Empire for a while now, and I know, as I think you are beginning to realise, that the Empire cannot be defeated. But by working together; we could achieve something greater. We can start again in a new world, without the Empire. Where you can live happily and in peace. With your little brother perhaps. Sounds good right?” This guy was starting to get in Erin’s head. She knew she was a highly wanted woman, but some of the things he’d alluded to were too close to just be common knowledge. He knew about Mel, the closest and most precious thing to her, but also this reference to losing more people she cared for... she shuddered, that was no guess. “Ah, what the hell do you know about what I want or care about?” “Because I find you a talented and interesting young woman Erin” Demon smiled as if he was expecting her to take that as a compliment. “Thus I have done my research. Believe me; I want to help you here.” That tore it. This man might claim to be like her, but he was with the Empire. He openly confessed that. And not just anyone in the Empire either, but one of Nero’s closest allies, despite what he said. Now he said he wanted to help her? This was too much for her frayed state of mind. She had already failed with her sword, but this time she lashed out in the way she felt much stronger; by activating her duel shield. She was not going to listen to this raving madman and servant of the murderous Emperor talk to her like this, especially if he was gonna reference Mel, and... and... “Get away from me! I’m warning you!” Demon simply chuckled at her, and activated his own shield. “Oh really? Well ain’t that gratitude for you. Still, that’s not a bad idea. It is said that two people can truly connect on a higher level in the heart of battle in a duel. Maybe it was this lack of finding unity Nero was truly aiming for when he banned it...” He glanced around the alleyway, and the two dead bodies of the guards in mild disgust. “A bit cramped, but sufficiently hidden from prying eyes, I doubt we will be disturbed. Now then Erin, let us have a duel. Through conflict, you may come to understand me, and yourself. Understand how our goal is common, and that we can achieve it together.” The two took stance a few feet apart in this dark, narrow alleyway, preparing for battle, as Demon snatched his opening hand with his left, looking mad as his clouded eyes flashed with excitement. “Now prepare yourself, as we take our first steps on our journey together. It will be hard, and the losses may be great, but I have faith we will emerge together at the end...” He cocked his head and grinned in a further abnormal way, making her wince. “ Utopia.” “Duel!” “I don’t go anywhere with freaks like you! Draw!” Erin snapped as strongly as she could, drawing her sixth card. A new kind of ice monster that was a recent addition to her deck, along with several others bearing the name. Ignoring the rest of her hand, she went straight for it. “I summon Blizzard Falcon!” An unnatural chill swept through the dingy alley as the large blue bird with ice covered wings emerged in front of her, protecting her from the sinister man opposite (Lv4, ATK 1500). “Next I activate the field spell Lemuria the Forgotten City. As long as this card is on the field, all of my water monsters gain two hundred attack and defence points.” A small scale illusion of the aquatic capital surrounded the area, raising her falcon’s strength (ATK 1700). “And with that done, now would be the perfect time to activate the effect of my Falcon. Once while it is face up on the field and its attack is higher than normal, I can slam you for fifteen hundred points of damage immediately!” Beating a gale with its wings, the falcon released a flurry of icy dagger like shards. Erin expected him to duck beneath his shield from this. He didn’t. Instead he opened his arms and willingly let every icy blade strike and shatter against his chest. To her disbelief Demon straightened up after the flurry breathless, with a large amount of damage done, but his expression was unchanged. In fact he sniggered (LP 2500). “Oh? How aggressive you’ve suddenly become. Certainly not like how you duel from what I’ve heard of your previous exploits. What prompted such a change in your style I wonder?” “Shut up!” Erin demanded. “I might have fought defensively against your masters cronies before, but now I know that got me nowhere but near defeat. Now I’m going to take it to you from the first turn instead and make you all pay for what you’ve done.” She didn’t pay attention to the fact she was shaking, instead aggressively snatching a violet shaded card from her hand without the slightest thought as to how to use it and slamming it into the slot. “One face down card, and I’ll end my turn. You want some of me, try and take it! That’s all you Empire lot do!” “Charming” Demon scoffed. “But if that’s what you want, I’ll gladly oblige. I draw, and activate a ritual spell card from my hand. Contract with the Abyss!” “You’ll activate what?” Erin spluttered, sure she hadn’t heard him right as he held the spell card aloft. Was he going to do what she thought? A terrible chill ran through her as it triggered her dark thoughts. Indeed, it was a ritual spell. “Ritual Summon?” ‘But the only other person I know who uses Rituals is...’ “Yes, a Ritual Summon. Surprised?” Demon smirked. “Now I assume from the incredulous look on your pretty face you are aware that by activating this spell, and by sending monsters from my hand or field to the graveyard as sacrifice, I can summon the Ritual monster the spell specifies from my hand. Or rather in the case of this card, any Ritual monster I have that is dark attribute. I have all the components I need, at which point the effect of one of them activates. Because the monster I’m attempting to summon is of the darkness, I can use Ritual Raven to serve the entire tribute. Now come, my mighty ritual monster!” The spectre of a bizarre little bird appeared briefly as he reached out a hand, before it was graphically absorbed into the flames of the ritual. From these flames emerged a tall, menacing fiend; with muscular tainted skin, crimson devil wings sprouting from its back and many horns and spikes beside, the devil lord ominously silent compared to the excited Demon. “Bow to him, Dark Master Zorc!” (Lv8, ATK 2700) “Grr, so what?” Erin snapped, quickly trying to beat her memories down until this dangerous looking issue was dealt with. “You might have lucked out getting everything in your opening hand, but you still used most of it up to summon one monster. One I’ll cream soon enough.” “Humph. We’ll see about that...” Demon shrugged. “But for now, I’ll show you how powerful Ritual monsters are in my hands. I activate the effect of Zorc. Once per turn, he allows me to roll a single dice. Depending on the number rolled, it will either destroy one monster, all in your control, or all of mine.” “It has a dice effect?” Erin was completely thrown by this as a dice appeared in Demon’s hand, watching him roll it around his bony knuckles. Now he was going to use a dice? What the hell was with this guy? Her reaction amused him. “That’s what I said. You might dismiss Zorc’s power, but I do not. In fact I have absolute faith that it will provide me with what I need. And I will prove it to you now. Dice roll.” With that the skeletal looking man launched the dice, which landed right at Erin’s feet. Landing on... “A three, just as I believed it would be” Demon smiled satisfactorily. “Now Zorc’s corresponding effect is triggered. One monster you control is destroyed!” Erin gasped as the fiend raised a clawed hand, and a dark aura engulfed her falcon. Paralyzed in place, it was helpless to prevent the dark master drawing a wicked sword slung from across its back and vanquishing it with merely a touch with the cursed tip. The path cleared, Demon punched towards Erin. “Now Zorc, attack her directly!” Erin raised her shield as the fiend launched a cleaving sweep of the sword. It passed through her with some heavy mental brunt, but nothing like her last duel against the two spirits. It left her breathless and trembling, but not physically harmed (LP 1300). Zorc sheathed the sword, his duelist delighted. “You see already Erin, the faith I have in my deck? I have the same faith in you, and would like you to have the same in me, because I can lead you to what you desire. That is if you believe in me.” “Bah, you just got lucky once” she scowled dismissively. “It proves nothing.” “Heh, luck? Yeah right. I don’t need luck. I have faith” Demon scoffed. “It is unshakable and unbending; an unbreakable bond of trust between me and Zorc, just like all of my Ritual monsters. And because of that bond, it will always give me what I need without fail. You can be assured that he will never backfire on me. This is just the start of what I want to show you. But for now, I’ll set two face downs. Turn end.” “About time, my turn” Erin snatched wildly at her card, ignoring it in her anger for her pre-planned move. “I activate the spell Premature Burial. By paying eight hundred life points, I can special summon a monster from my graveyard and equip it with this card.” Erin ignored the crippling sensation making her wince as the card drained her of strength (LP 500), but it was worth it as the arctic bird resurfaced. “Blizzard Falcon returns, with its effect reset and ready to go.” That was the plan. However Demon merely scoffed at it and reacted. “Pfft, predictable. I activate the quick spell Twister. By paying five hundred of my life points, one face up spell or trap is destroyed.” Erin glowered in frustration as she expected to lose the falcon again along with eight hundred points for nothing. However the falcon did not disappear. Instead the twister ripped into her field spell Lemuria, the short range illusion of the marble palace fading around them and returning to the abysmal alley. “Hey what gives? Why my field spell?” she shouted as Demon shrugged off his spell’s cost (LP 2000). “I have my reasons. Primarily that I believe your field spell will cause me more trouble in the long term than your little birdie does. Especially if you used it like you did against that dunce Camilla before to attempt to summon a strong Synchro monster somehow...” Erin almost dropped her hand in shock as his remark hit a nerve. Not because he knew about her duel with Camilla, when she had last used Lemuria. Both were servants of Nero, it was reasonable to assume he could easily find out the details of their match. But what shocked her was that she had suddenly felt compelled to look at what she had drawn, and there it was. The Deep Sea Diva, the card which she had combined with Lemuria to defeat Nero’s prized knight. And somehow, somehow, she had a crawling feeling that Demon hadn’t just guessed what she had drawn. Somehow...he knew. “Sorry if that unnerves you, but it’s nothing sinister. Of course I looked for information of your duels against Nero’s minions” Demon confirmed while she was stunned. “Now with Lemuria gone, Falcon’s attack returns to normal and its effect cannot activate, unless of course you have another attack raising card, which I doubt is likely. So, what else can you show me Erin? Come on, release your potential.” ‘Don’t be absurd. How can he know? You’re just being stupid; letting his mind games get to you.’ She cursed herself as she restudied her hand, formulating a backup plan. ‘Alright, I don’t need Lemuria. I can still get to my Ice Barrier Synchros with Falcon. But I’m not gonna play your game and do it your way...’ “I activate Medallion of the Ice Barrier. This card lets me add any Ice Barrier monster to my hand.” Recklessly ignoring better options she snatched bloody-mindedly for her selected ally. “I add the tuner monster Geomancer of the Ice Barrier to my hand. But it won’t be there long as I use Card Destruction, to discard all cards in both our hands and draw and equal amount of cards.” Both duelists performed the exchanges in varying degrees of calm, or not. “Next I activate the trap Limit Reverse. This summons a monster from my grave with less than a thousand attack points. My target is my Geomancer.” The mirror carrying maiden rose from the dead (Lv3, ATK 800). “Now then...” “Ah ah ah” Demon interrupted, wagging a finger mockingly. “Sorry, but I’m one step ahead of you again. The trap Discord! For the next few turns with this card in play, neither of us can Synchro Summon!” “What?” Erin gasped, completely flummoxed by yet another counter. “How did you...? I don’t even...?” “Ha, surprised Erin? You shouldn’t be. After all, this duel is just like the Resistance versus the Empire” Demon sniped with malicious glee. “Every time you try to rise up and attack me, I immediately put you back down, pushing you two steps back. Everything you try to overcome me with, it fails inevitably! So what do you do now Erin, huh? Where does your faith in the Resistance take you? Only this far?” Demon stopped laughing at Erin’s despondent looking reaction. “Aw, what’s wrong? Look, like I said, I’m here to offer you a chance to get out of this negative cycle. We can help each other escape this spiral and reach a place where no suffering exists, if you choose to believe in me. You don’t have to accept right away of course; this must all be a lot to take in and be hard to understand given all you’ve been through. So this is just a friendly introduction so we can become friends. Now, what will you do?” Erin frowned as she looked at her last two cards. There wasn’t a lot, but maybe, if she was lucky. “I summon Blizzard Dragon to the field.” A human sized sapphire blue dragon appeared before her, standing proudly on its haunches (Lv4, ATK 1800). “Then I’ll activate his effect. Once per turn he can target another monster on your field. During your turn, that monster can’t attack or change position.” Demon’s expression barely flickered in response to the dragon enveloping his demonic lord with an icy breath, freezing it in place, before she placed her last card. “I end my turn with a face down. Turn end.” “Alright, then let’s see where my faith in my deck gets me this time. Draw!” Demon swiped a card from his deck, grinned, and revealed it instantly. “Excellent. I activate Magic Planter. By sending Discord to the grave, I can draw two cards, and now we can both Synchro Summon again.” Ignoring her surprise he snatched two more cards, before reaching out to his demon master once again. “Now he might not be able to attack, but he can still clear the field for something else to! Zorc’s effect grants me one dice roll, and I think you know as well as I do how this is going to end!” “No! I don’t believe it!” Erin snarled defiantly in reply, clenching her fist. “It can’t happen again!” “Ahahahaha! Oh, but it will” he promised darkly. “Dice roll!” One more he launched the dice at her, she watched frozen with fear as it flew towards her, landing once again between her feet. Tumbling over once, then twice, to reveal it had landed on... “What?” she gaped as the singular dot stared up at her. “That’s not... How the hell are you doing that?” “I told you. It’s because I have faith” Demon laughed, giddily looking up at the dark enshrouded Zorc. “Now because a one was rolled, Zorc’s effect reaches its maximum power, destroying every monster on your side of the field. Pave the way for a clear attack!” Once again the three monsters were crippled by a violet aura, and with one sweep Zorc obliterated them all, sending all the energy from their demises billowing like a wave over Erin as she ducked behind her shield. “Bah, you won’t get that clear attack yet!” she rallied angrily. “I activate my trap, Torrential Reborn!” “What?” Demon blinked suddenly, for the first time looking genuinely surprised as suddenly a great tidal wave poured out of Erin’s opening trap card. She mimicked his misplaced grin back at him. “When my water attribute monsters are destroyed, I can activate this card to special summon every one of them destroyed at that time.” All three monsters rose from the swell of water, all this time in defence (Dragon DEF 1000, Falcon DEF 1500, Geomancer DEF 1200). “And with that done, Torrential Reborn has a second part. For every monster summoned at this time, you also take five hundred points of damage!” The wave surged forth, washing over the dark vizier. Again he made no attempt to protect himself; Erin winced as he embraced it, letting the attack wash over him. As his life dipped to parity with her, another bout of laughing overcame him (LP 500). “What’s so funny now?” she demanded. “How do you expect to win me over like you keep blabbering on about when you act like such a demented creep!?” “Ahahahaha... but don’t you see Erin... hahaha... I am winning you over!” he declared with joy, stood there under the illusion of being soaking wet and shivering in shock with his arms open, making her jump. “You are starting to believe in me... hahahaha... that cards proves it! You knew... you knew Zorc would destroy all your monsters. So you set that card to counter it and deal maximum damage! Haha!” “No, I set it because it was in my hand and the only sensible thing to do” she sniped, but he just cackled. “Fine, believe that if you want. We’ll try something else then. I activate the effect of Mist Archfiend in my hand. This level five monster can be normal summoned without tribute!” A skeletal fiend with huge claws and wings rose up from a cloud of fog (Lv5, ATK 2400). “However, during my end phase it will destroy itself having done this, and I’ll take one thousand points of damage” he continued, holding up another spell. “I would lose then, unless this works. I activate the spell Reasoning. This lets you pick a number from one to twelve, and then cards will be picked up from the top of my deck until a monster is revealed. If its level is what you picked, it will be sent to the graveyard with the others. However if you are wrong, it will be summoned. So...” His expression darkened as he waited for her decision. “Trust me; I have absolute faith in what the card this spell will reveal will be. It will be a level two tuner monster. You really want to pick two here.” “Hey, I thought I was the one who got to pick?” she snapped, but she was already unnerved. ‘This can’t... these crazy effects... and his luck... it can’t possibly hold out. He’s bluffing. He wants me to play into a trap, goading me into a mistake! But it won’t work. I’m stronger now. I won’t be dictated to by a creep like him!’ She screamed in frustration “I won’t be controlled by you! I call level three!” Demon shrugged. He’d let her have her chance. So the Reasoning card took effect, and began turning over cards one by one from his deck. A lot of spell cards of various kinds passed, before finally a monster came to hand. Erin tensed as Demon studied it with a critical expression, smile permanently in place. “Oh dear Erin... if only you had a little bit more faith in me... I summon the level two tuner monster Dark Tinker!” “No way!” Erin yelled as the small spider like fiend appeared briefly, instantly tuned with Mist Archfiend, and below them Demon held out his hand up toward the new monster emerging above him. A terrifying armoured warlord in silver robes, snarling horribly, wielding a wicked scythe as its red eyes flashed. “If you cannot take the decisive step towards a better world, then there is nothing you can do but be buried hopelessly by the Empire!” Demon roared over the noise. “This monster will force you to make your choice! Rise the mighty king of fiends and enforcer of my will. Dark Highlander!” (Lv7, ATK 2800) Erin was so scared stiff of this huge new monster; she paid no attention to Demon as he returned a card to the top of his deck, before turning back to her. “Now Highlander, rip apart that pesky falcon!” Highlander obliged, annihilating the bird with supreme power. Erin winced as the blast washed over her, but Demon wasn’t done as he revealed his last card. “Now my patience is starting to wear thin, so I’m going to give you one last chance. I activate the spell Share the Pain. Both of us must release a monster we control. I’ll sacrifice my trusted servant Zorc.” The fiend disappeared, leaving the helpless Erin with a choice. “So Erin, here are your crossroads. But your choice should be obvious, shouldn’t it? With Blizzard Dragon, you could continue to stall Dark Highlander, until you find a way to defeat it. Whereas your Geomancer, while it could defend itself with a similar effect, you would have to sacrifice your drawn card to use. But you should know that not every monster in my deck is of the dark variety. And the fact that it’s a tuner monster won’t help you either, because my Highlander also has an effect that prevents Synchro summoning. No, your choice should be obvious. You have to keep Blizzard Dragon...” Erin winced as his expression hardened. “However, this is where I advice you against that, but instead to believe in me, and your ice deck, and do something extraordinary. To pull a miraculous change out from seemingly nothing but a hopeless situation. I know it’s hard. But sometimes the hardest decision is to do what seems beyond all logic and reason. To take a leap of faith, to take the risk with the highest stakes, that may present the greatest reward.” Demon closed his eyes, when he spoke, he sounded somewhere far away. “I think Share the Pain can reflect the two of us, no? We have both suffered much, for various reasons. But through suffering we’ve both become stronger, and if we could join together and dare to try to achieve something others cannot comprehend; to reach for a place with no Empire, no oppression, no pain and suffering... nothing could stop us. By taking that bold step towards Utopia, we will be rewarded for our endurance of the hurt and misery we have shared. Now make your choice Erin. Take the leap of faith. I know you will land on solid ground.” Demon opened his eyes and relaxed, and waited for the stunned Erin to move. “I...” she started doubtfully, but stopped. She didn’t know what to do. Yes, everything Demon said was true. It should be obvious. The stuff about joining together, all this stuff about Utopia, she didn’t get that at all. But two words in particular stood out and stuck in her mind. Two wonderful words, resonating clearly, that for years she had wanted to hear, and now would give anything to make a reality.‘No Empire...’ “Alright Demon, let’s see where this ‘faith’ takes me! I release Blizzard Dragon!” The vizier nodded as the ice dragon sank, and Erin went to her deck for that one shot at the miraculous change to a hopeless situation he’d described. About the state of this duel, and the Empire. “Then I draw!” ‘This card?’ she thought, as she saw the image of a level eight ice monster in her hand. Ordinarily that would have been a useless draw for this situation and that would have been it. But as she stood there examining the card, she realised that right now, it wasn’t. There was a move she could make. Albeit not a winning move, but one that would at least give herself a chance against this servant - disobedient or otherwise - of the Empire. But it would have been impossible; if she had done what she thought was the right thing last turn and kept Blizzard Dragon. She gasped and looked at the pale vizier smiling at her, trying not to tremble. This... this couldn’t be. ‘I don’t believe it. He... He was right... He’s always right...’ “Damn it, I’ll show you where you can stick your stupid faith!” Demon blinked as the young girl suddenly shouted at him, slamming her drawn card into her duel shield. “I release Geomancer to tribute summon a monster, which has a special effect. I can tribute summon this purest ice maiden with a single tribute, as long as the monster used is a spellcaster type. Now appear...” A crystal rose in front of her, shattering to reveal a teal haired girl in a white and blue outfit, winking and laughing as she swung a giant ice mace. “My own noble monster, Blizzard Princess!” (Lv8, ATK 2800). “Interesting, that princess certainly packs a punch. One equal to my king Highlander” Demon mused, looking up at his growling king with a smirk. “However, she might match him, but she cannot beat him.” “Then a tie is what it will be!” Erin shouted, drawing her sword and pointing towards Demon. “Princess, show them your strength and take down that so called king!” The teal princess charged straight into battle on her duelist’s behalf without hesitation, swinging the huge slab of ice on its chain dangerously. “Well if that’s what you want, then we will oblige you!” Demon roared back. If he was surprised, he didn’t show it. “Highlander, take your scythe to that upstart and put her back in her place!” The demon king roared and charged to meet the princess, both royals fearlessly swinging their weapons as they met in the middle. Both landed their blow; the princesses’ ice mace smashing into the side of the demon king’s head just as his scythe slashed through her ribs. Both monsters cried in pain, and were obliterated simultaneously. Both duelists were caught in the powerful blast that resulted, having to shield themselves, but both emerged unharmed. Erin was hunched over and having to take deep breathes to steady herself, but still managed a smile at her perplexed opponent. “I end my turn...” “You know if I draw a monster with five hundred attack or more it’s over right?” Demon snapped. “Of course I do, but you won’t get one” she smirked wickedly. “I’ll put my faith in that.” Demon was taken aback for a moment by her certainty, but quickly recovered to his usual grin. “Heh, just checking. But if that’s what you want to put your new found faith in, I won’t crush it for you.” She didn’t know what he meant at first, but he disarmed his duel shield, ending the match without result. “I think that will do for our first meeting. You are everything I expected you to be Erin, albeit with a few surprises. You fight with great tenacity and guts, even if you get sloppy in your wild anger. But if you can learn to embrace that anger and control it, you could become very powerful. Enough to prevail over our... common enemies, shall we say? Only then can you save those people who truly deserve Utopia.” Demon extended a hand to her. Erin looked at it, but she backed away, glaring at him. He didn’t seem too offended though. With a shrug and sweeping his hood back up, he turned and walked away. “Well, maybe that was a bit much to ask right now; I can understand you are still loyal to the Resistance, even if it is misplaced. I promise I shall make sure you and your friends are left alone for now; providing you guys don’t do anything stupid that really pisses the Emperor off of course. That would make all our lives difficult and neither of us wants that right now. I suggest you be patient for now, and channel your rage. Rise through the ranks in the Resistance until you are in a position of influence and trust. Only then will you be any help to me, and remember...” He looked back to grin at her one last time. “Helping me, and taking that leap of faith, is the only way you can help yourself and achieve your desires. Enjoy your day.” He waved as he departed, leaving her to slump against a dumpster and take it all in. She couldn’t believe what had just happened. She’d just duelled a close ally of the Emperor, and fought him to a standstill. The guy was weird beyond belief; she should just dismiss him as a raving lunatic. But he was so calm and in control, and never doubted himself when taking all those risky effects, unlike she did. She didn’t understand much of what he was talking about, and she didn’t like how he knew so much about her and her family. She felt her chest for her teardrop necklace for strength. But at least she had survived and was able to walk away, for now at least; she doubted most got off that lightly against him. And the duel had ended they were both down to equal life, with no cards left; it would have just become a game of next draw wins. She was quite pleased to have achieved that as she turned to leave this place; she felt she’d gotten better. Until she thought about it, and something she had missed before... “Hey... wait a minute!” She spun, and found herself yelling into a deserted ally. It was dark, but it was long. Surely he didn’t walk that fast to be out yet, and he hadn’t looked in any hurry when he strutted off. He’d disappeared. A chill ran through her and flooded her senses, making her backpedal. Glancing around in fear, she became very aware that the two guards she’d killed were still here, their bodies lying in pools of blood, and they were starting to smell and attract vermin. She felt sick. She had to get out of here. Forcing her body to move she bolted in the opposite direction to the strange man, hoping to put as much distance and as many obstacles between him and her as possible. As much distance from his premonitions and haunting comments about her. Comments that, if she was honest, weren’t all that far from the truth... As she fled out of the alleyway in her distress, she ran straight past a second set of dumpsters near the end, barrelling into the street and for the nearest place she could get underground. As she lost herself in the street crowd, a shorter figure emerged from the hiding place she’d taken between the bins. Clove looked into the street after her fellow rebel, her expression mixed with confusion and doubt. ‘What the hell was all that about?’ ... Later that evening, Longinus found himself knocking on the heavy oak front door of Lord Tessera’s mansion. He’d never come here and associate with the man if it wasn’t official business, but the army needed funding for weapons for all the new recruits that he was supposed to be hiring, or conscripting by force as the Emperor was so adamant. Nero was also typically unwilling to put his hand in his own pockets for this either, but he granted Longinus permission to levy the upper classes for it, as not even they were exempt, and Tessera was the last to pay up. So here he was at the door of the young lord’s grand estate, a huge complex in the inner city belt with a great golden mansion at the heart of it. Longinus found the place garish and out of place in the city. Eventually the valet answered. “The Lord of the house is not in at the moment” he told him snootily. “And he will not be back til late.” “Then I shall wait for his return. Let me in Severus.” The man Severus grumbled, but let him. Longinus disliked the doddery old manservant as much as his master, but tolerated him. Following the stooping valet with thinning hair upstairs through the fine halls of the mansion, he was settled in the drawing room to wait. “I shall inform the master of your being here as soon as he returns” Severus told him. “Please make yourself comfortable in the meanwhile.” Longinus never needed much invitation to do so. As soon as the butler closed the door, he got off the couch he had settled on and helped himself to a fine bottle of red he’d spied on the far cabinet. Tessera wouldn’t mind, he wasn’t much of a drinker anyway. Pouring himself a drink he went to resettle himself on the couch again, but as he returned to it he spotted something lying on the desk in the corner of the room. Tessera’s writing desk was open, and today’s post was lying on it. He must have been out all day, which seemed odd to Longinus. A rich playboy; it wasn’t like the man had any commitments or duties to fill his time so fully, given how often he complained about being bored. But one envelope was lying apart from the rest and lay open, and it looked strangely bulky. Curious as he sipped his glass of wine, Longinus checked to see if Severus was coming back, before proceeding to investigate. Picking up the envelope from the desk, he was surprised as something fell out, landing at his feet. Checking for anything else about to fall out, he found only the letter hastily stuffed back inside. He reasoned that perhaps Tessera had opened this letter first, found something urgent, and had to dash out. If that was the case, its contents must be grave. First he picked up the dropped object. It was a curious little item; a small triangular wedge of soft metal, he guessed an alloy of some sort; it was a golden colour around the edges, with sparkling sapphire blue bits between these gold rims. The piece fitted nicely in the whole of his large palm; he tossed it up and down, testing its lightness. ‘How very curious’ he thought, taking another sip of wine before flicking open the letter; ‘My lord Here is the second piece of the puzzle that M found. I hope it meets your expectations. Rest assured that all efforts are now being made into finding the final two pieces. I’m getting excited now my brother. Soon we will have all we need for the rebirth. Nothing is going to stop us. That fool Nero won’t know what hit his precious Empire as it crumbles to nothing under her judgement, thanks to you. Your wisdom is our inspiration as ever. You will guide us all to the light of the cleansed world. Thank you my Lord. Until then, keep yourself safe. We will find them while you do your part. Pistepse stous tesseris Sofous. A’ Longinus frowned, taking another sip of wine and reading the note again. It was short and to the point, lacking in any real detail, but it sounded ominous enough. What was unquestionable was the talk of the downfall of the Empire somehow. ‘Tessera must be a Resistance supporter or something’ he thought. ‘But that doesn’t sound completely right from reading this. It sounds... I don’t know.’ Either way, he wasn’t hanging around here to find out. He was taking this straight to the Emperor. He would know what to do. Whatever this traitor had planned, Nero would find out, and have his head before it happened. Pocketing the letter, he decided to take the mysterious puzzle piece to. Whatever it was, it sounded important from the note. Head slightly spinning but decision made, he turned to leave. And he immediately choked. Partly because of the thin young man staring back at him from an inch in front of his face. And partly because of the sword that was simultaneously driven straight into his chest. “Going somewhere Longinus?” Tessera cried wildly, eyes wide and swivelling, twisting the sword and making the chief groan in pain, forcing him onto his knees, choking up blood with more spurting out of his chest. “You always were a snivelling old fool sucking up to Nero, but clearly you don’t know when to keep your nose out of things that don’t concern you either.” Still the warrior kept struggling, it amused him. “Well now you don’t need to worry anymore Longinus. You don’t need to worry about a thing...” Smiling evilly, Tessera pulled the sword out of Longinus’ chest. Then he drove it straight back through his face.[/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ren✧ Posted April 21, 2014 Report Share Posted April 21, 2014 Finally found time to read through this chapter, and let me say that it is my favorite so far. I think the character development that Erin undergoes is extraordinary, and has created a character that I love much more than the goody, innocence that permeated her being before. And I absolutely love how you highlighted such a change with the duel, pushing her to an offensive strategy instead of her normal defensive one. I could fangirl about this for quite some time. Vardus, too, was given some character. I enjoyed seeing him weak after Dorian's death, and the fact that you didn't have him bounce right back is enjoyable as well. I don't know if this is result of the feedback or had already been prewritten, but regardless, good work. I find myself much more interested him now than I did before. Demon's character was interesting, to say the least. I was expecting something...different. However, I do like what you did with the character. His manipulative stance in this chapter casts him in a much brighter light than before. Also, the jab at yourself for falling into a character cliche was nice. I always enjoy authors that realize when they have inserted a cliche into their story and they fully embrace it. Clove's little spy scene peaked my interest, I want to see how she handles the situation. And this plot development at the end is the cherry on top! Absolutely loved it and the ominous nature has left me wanting more. Despite the fact that this was quite a lengthy chapter, I barely noticed time move by as I read it, which is something that I think authors should aspire for. Like I said, this is by far, in my opinion, the best chapter we have seen thus far. Loved it! Nothing more to say :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bahamut - Envoy of the End Posted April 21, 2014 Author Report Share Posted April 21, 2014 Finally found time to read through this chapter, and let me say that it is my favorite so far. I think the character development that Erin undergoes is extraordinary, and has created a character that I love much more than the goody, innocence that permeated her being before. And I absolutely love how you highlighted such a change with the duel, pushing her to an offensive strategy instead of her normal defensive one. I could fangirl about this for quite some time. Vardus, too, was given some character. I enjoyed seeing him weak after Dorian's death, and the fact that you didn't have him bounce right back is enjoyable as well. I don't know if this is result of the feedback or had already been prewritten, but regardless, good work. I find myself much more interested him now than I did before. Demon's character was interesting, to say the least. I was expecting something...different. However, I do like what you did with the character. His manipulative stance in this chapter casts him in a much brighter light than before. Also, the jab at yourself for falling into a character cliche was nice. I always enjoy authors that realize when they have inserted a cliche into their story and they fully embrace it. Clove's little spy scene peaked my interest, I want to see how she handles the situation. And this plot development at the end is the cherry on top! Absolutely loved it and the ominous nature has left me wanting more. Despite the fact that this was quite a lengthy chapter, I barely noticed time move by as I read it, which is something that I think authors should aspire for. Like I said, this is by far, in my opinion, the best chapter we have seen thus far. Loved it! Nothing more to say :D Damn this section. It's about time I got some friggin feedback on this awesome chapter... *grumble grumble* Oh hai there :D Thanks Renegade. Well, I'm glad for the positive reaction. I had high hopes for this chapter. When Dion was reading it the first time I'm sure he won't mind me saying he was marking out as well (particularly around hyper hardcore mode berseker Erin being amazing). Erin's character has been (somewhat deliberately) been a bit all about being shy and naive and helpless, as her starting point from which to transform from. Now we have definitely seen the start of her fall from innocence and change from helpless little orphan girl to the woman she will one day become... Fangirl away as you see fit :D Vardus... was mostly pre-written, although that scene was originally part of just one hugh chunk of a paragrapgh lumped together, and that section was later pulled apart and tweaked to put more emphasis on him and his reaction. Vardus also has his growth to go through, as do Clove (love that fight scene) and Alex and Aerial (spoilers for chapter 15?) But the critisism of Vardus is valid and hopefully he will make some improvement soon as well. Demon was the first villian I ever created, so understandably originally he was cliche and generic as hell. He improved as I went along, but there's stuff I want to do with him in this story particularly regarding his character. The 'faith' gimmick is new in terms of word usage, even if it is an expansion on his original theme. But he is twisted and he will have plenty of moments within the story to come. ;) I also hope the scene with Alpha and Omega's perspective at the start clarified a few things regarding Pikeru and Curran. Finally, at the fourth attempt, Tessera gets a mention (of sorts). But yes, very serious plot development... (and hints of sub-plot development that you might like...) Overall awesome, and just glad to finally get a comment on this as I really liked this chapter. Though that does remind me to ask a question I've been meaning to for a while: How long does it actually take you guys to read some of these chapters; roughly/on average? Cuz I do in future fics (If I do any future fics) feel I will need to keep them shorter and snappier and this has perhaps put some people off, although would like to know how long it does take in peoples day to read these chapters? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AGATHODAIMON BANGTAIL COW Posted April 21, 2014 Report Share Posted April 21, 2014 I wasn't really expecting to comment this frequently, but I guess I am. First of all, I loved the trust theme that was in all of Demon's cards. Especially Zorc, being the Ritual fan that I am. Seeing how he performs his Synchro Summon in the worst order possible (as in Reasoning is luck-dependent and as such it'd be better to play it before Mist Archfiend), it raises a question. What exactly are the consequences of losing a duel here? Judging by the duels with Gaius and Camilla, I suppose they simply knock out the loser or otherwise causes exhaustion, but wouldn't that put Demon in the mercy of someone who avidly dislikes and doesn't trust him? [spoiler='Because spoilers.']Longinus is another character I wasn't expecting to be offed so quickly. I honestly expected him to remain an important minor character that stood around until about the time of Nero's demise. I should've expected Tessera to have a role besides the one conversation with Nero, though if I did, I probably would have thought it would be in support of him.[/spoiler] As for your question, I would probably say forty minutes to an hour. While that is a considerably long time, a lot of that time is spent on me having other tabs, including a second YCM tab, that constantly distract me. I could probably read each chapter in 10-15 minutes if I don't think of what's going on in the other parts of the community. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ren✧ Posted April 21, 2014 Report Share Posted April 21, 2014 It probably takes me a good twenty to thirty minutes to get through a chapter. Although, I tend to get distracted while reading things on the computer, so that might play into it as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bahamut - Envoy of the End Posted April 22, 2014 Author Report Share Posted April 22, 2014 I wasn't really expecting to comment this frequently, but I guess I am. First of all, I loved the trust theme that was in all of Demon's cards. Especially Zorc, being the Ritual fan that I am. Seeing how he performs his Synchro Summon in the worst order possible (as in Reasoning is luck-dependent and as such it'd be better to play it before Mist Archfiend), it raises a question. What exactly are the consequences of losing a duel here? Judging by the duels with Gaius and Camilla, I suppose they simply knock out the loser or otherwise causes exhaustion, but wouldn't that put Demon in the mercy of someone who avidly dislikes and doesn't trust him? [spoiler="Because spoilers."]Longinus is another character I wasn't expecting to be offed so quickly. I honestly expected him to remain an important minor character that stood around until about the time of Nero's demise. I should've expected Tessera to have a role besides the one conversation with Nero, though if I did, I probably would have thought it would be in support of him.[/spoiler] As for your question, I would probably say forty minutes to an hour. While that is a considerably long time, a lot of that time is spent on me having other tabs, including a second YCM tab, that constantly distract me. I could probably read each chapter in 10-15 minutes if I don't think of what's going on in the other parts of the community. Thank goodness you are :) The consequences of defeat vary depending on the environment, the people involved, and other factors. Usually in these relative normal/low key duels losers are exhausted or mentally drained, which was Gaius' intention to wear Erin out so she couldn't resist arrest and have her Ice Barriers attack his guards anymore. Not neccessarily knockout, although that might happen, but too weak and fatigued to resist any more attack thereupon for a while. Of course there are varying circumstances (see below). Demon would be aware of all this, but let's just say he would have been fine/safe even if Erin had won... Demon made a big show of it with his faith talk, but he knew he was safe as he already had Share the Pain in his hand if Reasoning went wrong. The same applies regarding the draw he didn't take at the start of that last turn, if you paid attention or reread it... Longinus will do more for this story in his death than during his life. As for Tessera... I thought I'd dropped him in enough times before to raise suspicions, but his role will become more clear soon.... It probably takes me a good twenty to thirty minutes to get through a chapter. Although, I tend to get distracted while reading things on the computer, so that might play into it as well. Thanks for the feedback on this Rene and ABC. Good to know as over half an hour of your time (focused time) would be too long and offputting for people which might explain some dropoffs. Anyway, I've kinda got other issues with job applications and so on at the moment so coming here and updating this thread can't be top of my todo list at the moment (Esp given how it took 3 days before the latest and in my mind best chapter got a response despite views, can you really blame me?) As much as I love writing I've got to put other stuff higher priority right now. However; I am still quite a way ahead in terms of where I am to where this is posted to, and since Rene and ABC have commented regularly and have been waiting for this for a while, I'll put up Chapter 15 now. A chapter that sees us start the third arc proper; for time has passed in the capital, and much has changed. Prepare yourselves readers (as I forgot to do this before Chapter 14...); for the woes to come to Erin and the Resistance, in the form of a mysterious artefact, southern goose, a man dressed all in white, an invitation to a suspicious party, a stolen truck, a bitter rivalry, torture, and the awakening of a terrible beast... Enjoy; starting with a chapter which barely features Erin at all. Also, see if you can spot the first guest character of the arc. :) [spoiler=Chapter 15]Chapter 15: The Tetragram Time passed. The bleak winter months went by, and a heavier snow than usual hit the capital that year, forcing most of Sen’nenki to grind to a halt. A lot of people in the slums didn’t make it through. Living underground in the freezing waterways was difficult enough for the rebels with their resources; they all knew for many elderly or sick in the hovels above it would be impossible. They cursed the Emperor for allowing such things to happen, thus their resolve to defeat him burnt stronger, and saw them through. During the first of these months was Mel’s eighth birthday. Erin managed to force her feelings down for a day to do something low-key for him with Doyle, and a few others dropped by. As a present, she gave him a ring placed on a chain he could wear around his neck, which made him cry at first, but once over the shock of this item so similar to their dad’s he liked it. Erin herself turned seventeen in the later weeks of the cold winter. She told no-one, and aside from a small present from Mel did not celebrate. Eventually the bitter season passed, and the roots of spring started to pull through and the city returned to normal, as did the Resistance. Nataka and Chetema both started heading topside more often with the other charges; returning with Intel, equipment, and sometimes a new recruit. The youths continued to train hard throughout all this time, sometimes given the odd mission, but mostly this time was spent on recruitment and building resources. Erin found this work tedious. She understood it was important, but she was impatient. Every day they weren’t actively trying to topple the Emperor was a day wasted, and another day’s worth of death. As for that Demon guy... he had told her to wait and get stronger, rise up through the ranks, but she had no idea how long she was meant to wait for, or even if she wanted to. As for getting stronger, that was frustrating, as the others all seemed to get the more important tasks now; receiving opportunities ahead of her. Her frustration grew and she became prone to more outbursts, shoving her further down the order. Aerial tried to talk to her, but she always shunned him, preferring to be alone. Mel tried too, and although she was softer with him, she could not burden him with her thoughts. So she grew more and more detached. In her self imposed isolation, she sometimes found herself stopping and staring into the waters running around her, and wondering who was looking back at her in the reflections. She saw herself, but it always felt like there was another presence looking back at her as her memories flowed around her. Sometimes she jumped back and blinked, thinking she’d seen a pair of soulless, cloudy white eyes staring back at her. Sometimes it was worse. They were grey. One day; Erin was summoned to Vardus’ office. She entered to find him at his desk, playing Chetema at chess. As she entered and stood to attention, Vardus continued with his move, ignoring her completely as he studied the board, until she grew impatient enough to ask. “You wanted to see me sir?” “Five minutes ago” Vardus replied bluntly, taking Chetema’s knight without looking up at her. He too had changed over the winter. He was not quite the Vardus she had first met and had welcomed her to this place with such enthusiasm and vigour. He was still very rarely seen outside of his office, continually locking himself up in his room, doing things in secret from the rest of them. Erin scowled at his rebuke, but waited for him to eventually lean back in his chair and talk to her. “I just wanted to let you know that we have some important operations coming up in the next few weeks. Operations I have spent months planning, that could take significant time off the length of this war and determining its fate. Operations I want you to be involved in. However, unless you buck your ideas up in training, they are things I am going to have to look elsewhere for people to fill the roles you were pencilled in for. Do you understand me Erin?” “Sir, I’m doing the best I can” she retaliated, trying to control her temper. “I do everything asked of...” “Asked of you, which hasn’t been as much as the others, is it?” Vardus finished for her. “I know you are frustrated by your limited opportunities recently, and that others have been considered for promotion before you. It’s easy to see in you, although I can’t see why you consider yourself the best candidate for promotion at the moment. Clove and Alex have both been here longer and done a great deal more for me in their time here, and they also seem to have a bit more control over their emotions nowadays.” Erin cursed to herself. She was genuinely happy for Alex when he was promoted to a junior commander level, but since Clove had officially became a senior rank above her she had become even snarkier, and keen to lord it over her at any opportunity. She looked up at the mantel, upon which sat the stone tablet inscribed with the names of the Resistance’s honourable dead, including the two previous incumbents of those ranks. Eventually she had bitten, telling Clove she was no replacement for her predecessor, her brother Skaro, which prompted another fight. Vardus was still glaring at her as she turned her focus back to him. “There are extenuating circumstances for me sometimes losing my emotions.” “For a while perhaps, but you have to move on” Vardus told her frankly, simultaneously taking another piece off the barbarian. “We are fighting a war Erin. You have to get used to the inevitable losses and learn to move on like the rest of us.” “Humph, you changed your tune” she snapped, earning a vicious glare. One that still intimidated her, and certainly she couldn’t hold up to it for long. Diverting her gaze away from his, she looked down at a table nearby. There was a book lying open upon it, written in some old language, and with it a picture of a strange diamond shaped object. “What’s that?” she asked, genuinely curious. “What? Oh, that” Vardus grunted. “It’s an item I’ve discovered recently, called a Tetragram. According to that book, it was once used by the most powerful shamans and mediums in ancient times, as a device for communication with gods. I’m sceptical about such things, but naturally such an object piqued my curiosity, so I’ve been doing some research to learn its location so I can add it to my collection.” “Uh huh, productive. Well, you find it?” she asked. Vardus nodded, studying the board as the barbarian tried one desperate and audacious looking move. Erin didn’t understand chess, but she was thinking more about something else. “Wait, that’s not why I saw Aerial packing his gear on my way here is it?” Indeed, she had noticed the archer carrying some thick winter wraps away from the armourers earlier, which she thought had gone back into storage with winters passing, and collecting one of his favoured bows of the range. Vardus nodded again. Suddenly her heart leapt. “Am I going?” She had barely got her hopes up when Vardus shook his head. “Nope, you’re not. I’ve already asked Alex and Clove to go, along with Aerial, and they were all excited to accept. What you are going to do is stay here and train our newest recruits, and teach them how to duel to the standards we need them to fight the Emperor’s protectors with... You needn’t be getting stroppy about it missy. I thought you wanted an opportunity to do something ‘productive’ to impress me, something that directly combats the Empire, rather than collect trinkets for me. Those are your orders, now do them. Checkmate by the way.” Infuriated, the barbarian flipped the chessboard in a savage’s fury, sending pieces everywhere. This gave Erin all the excuse she needed to storm out of the office herself without a hypocritical rebuke, slamming the door behind her. Vardus sighed and shook his head after her. ‘What am I going to do with her?’ ... Late the next evening, and the trio had arrived at their destination. Far away in the northern reaches of the Empire, amongst the snowy peaks of this blizzard stricken region, it had taken the best part of a day and a half’s travel by horse and cart to get here from the capital, plus a few hours climb by foot to find the entrance to the hiding place of the object of Vardus’ latest desires (this wasn’t the first time they’d done something like this for him after all). Now the three stood in their bulky winter coats at the entry of a small cave in this isolated mountain that had been transformed into a temple; a set of stone steps leading up into an entrance held up by grand carved pillars. Somewhere inside the catacombs beyond was the item. Pulling tightly on his coat, Aerial fidgeted uncomfortably as they surveyed the entrance. “L-l-l-l-l-let’s just get inside. I-I-I-I’m freezing out here” he stuttered through chattering teeth. “Aw, birdie-brain doesn’t like the cold” Alex jibbed, punching him in the arm jokingly. “Shut up, both of you” Clove snapped, the boys immediately silenced by her harsh attitude before she took the first step up into the temple. “C’mon, let’s go.” Cautiously climbing up the steps, past the pillars and out of the driving snow, they entered the foyer of the temple and discarded their padded jackets, freeing themselves up to use their weapons, just in case. They expected booby-traps here. Looking around the darkened foyer, it was pretty bleak and uniform in design with only more pillars and statues for worship, but at least it naturally guarded against the cold and wind. At the centre of the open room was a larger, grander statue, and printed on the ground in front of it was a seal. Checking the coast was clear, Clove lead the way over to examine it. Vardus had told them the temple was built in honour of a duel spirit, but this woman - if it was the spirit in question - looked too human. An elegant looking woman was carved from the stone, with long hair reaching far down her back, wearing a flowing dress and crown, and holding a long stave in both hands. A small axe-wielding demon rested on her shoulder. The woman glared down at them disdainfully. She may have been stone, but there was something about her haunting gaze that made Aerial gulp. He found her very frightening to look at. Ignoring him, Clove read the inscription she had noticed at the statues base: “Within the walls of my temple, all beings are considered equal, and are tested as equal. Past the seal, under the eternal gaze of the queen of all fates, all of your powers will be sealed beyond here.” Alex looked from the text back up at the queen’s gaze, and followed it back down again to the seal on the ground behind them. It was a circle, with four smaller circles intersecting the circumference, then all filled out with many runes. “Guess she means that then. What does it mean ‘all of your powers sealed’?” “Who cares, let’s just get the item and go! I hate the cold” Clove sniped at him again, taking the lead and marching past the statue towards the back. Aerial and Alex shrugged at each other, before following on. The steps that took them deeper into the caves were narrow, grim passageways lit by torches attached to cold, wet rock walls loaded with ancient runes and drawings, mostly of a macabre and threatening nature. The group proceeded in single file, Clove leading the way, pausing to examine anything that might trigger a trap or pitfall. The path forked and diverged at regular intervals, gradually leading them into what was becoming a complete maze of identical tunnels. Aerial had bought a compass, but for some reason it wasn’t much use down here; instead just spinning around in a useless fashion. The gang continued to head down, occasionally finding a dead end and having to turn back on themselves and try another route, sometimes finding a door to a long deserted room, but with only one goal in mind and reinforced (by Clove) they proceeded deeper and deeper into the heart of the mountain temple. After an hour or so of this, the steps finally ended and the path levelled out to a curved track. Cautiously Clove waved them forward, the boys drawing their preferred weapons as they moved towards the curve and the room beyond. Alex nudged Aerial in the back, completely by accident, making him jump and fire an arrow wildly that thankfully missing everyone and dug into the roof. “Oops, sorry man.” “Ah.... ah... ah... it’s alright, just nervous” Aerial panted, trying to look away from Clove glaring at them. Prepping another arrow in the string, they moved forward, albeit with her moving to the middle and him now on point, which made him even more nervous. “The rooms we found back there” Alex said after another minute, making the other two jump and curse again. “They remind me of our home. Do you think they were built at similar times, by rival tribes like?” “I couldn’t care less!” Clove scowled at his obliviousness. “We’re not here for a massive dig to discover all the history and secrets of this place, Vardus can do that himself. Let’s just get out of here and with the object. This place gives me the creeps, and you’re not helping.” She swallowed at the sight of another wall carving of various painful fiery deaths in a war like scene. “You’re not the only one...” Aerial stammered, looking at the next and similar carving. There were a group of four people, tied to stakes and suffering similarly fiery deaths, either as a punishment or sacrifice in some way. Behind them rose an ominous looking shadow... “I don’t like this place, this...” “False stone” Alex interrupted, making the distracted Aerial halt stock still. Indeed a suspicious looking stone was sticking out of the floor a little bit a few inches ahead of him, no doubt an activating device for a careless trespasser to step on and trigger some kind of horrific death, given the little holes in the walls either side. They skirted around it and carried on, refocused on the path as it curved around. The end of the tunnel was nowhere in sight. “You think we’re getting near the end...” “At this point I’m not expecting an end” Aerial shivered at his own prospect. “Now you’re just being paranoid. There’s gotta be an end at some point... right?” “Shut up!” Clove said again suddenly, darting a little ahead of the boys in a stealthy way as she did. “Clove, would you please knock that off?” Alex complained at last, as the boys caught up and he waved a sword at her. “You’ve been nothing but abusive all trip. We’re gonna leave you down here if you...” “No no, shut up!” she snapped at him, but this time it wasn’t in a nasty way. Instead she seemed anxious, frantically waving and trying to shush them. “I hear voices ahead...” “What?!” Aerial replied in shock, a little too loudly despite her warning. Frustrated, Clove punched him in the stomach. That quietened him down. As they stood there while he was recovering, straining their ears, they could indeed hear that Clove was right. There were voices ahead, coming from around the bend, although they couldn’t quite make out what was being said. Everyone exchanged nervous glances and shivered. They had not been expecting company. “Crap... who is that?” Aerial whispered, having recovered his breath. “What do we do now?” Nervously, Clove drew her sword and waved them forward. The trio moved as slowly and quietly as they could, creeping around to the end of the tunnel. The curve was gradual and there was little to provide cover for them as they approached the end, leaving them having to press stealthily against the wall and hope the relative darkness would cover them as they came to the mouth. The tunnel opened out into a comparatively spacious chamber, which given the amount of similar paths that branched off from it looked like some kind of intersection. They were coming out of one of three at this end, there was the high ceilinged room with strengthening pillars built half into the walls running down either side and with more ominous runes in between each, and at the opposite end were another three archways above them, all led up to by steps. Halfway up the middle set of stairs and looking up at the matching arches stood the owner of one of the voices they’d heard. A woman with long dirty blonde hair and in a dark olive green dress with minimal back covering and matching boots, her black lace gloved hands firmly on her hips as she stood with her back to them, her shield’s attachment clamped over the left lower arm. Below her at the base of the other sets of steps were two other figures, also with their backs turned and looking up at this woman. Across this large and unobstructed junction though, there was no way they could get past these people and into any of the arches without being noticed, so Alex held back the others to listen. The other group seemed to be having an argument. “Bah, I can’t believe we came all the way down through these damp slimy catacombs, and now they want us to go back up again?!” the blonde woman stamped in fury. “What the hell were these stupid ancients playing at? No wonder they all died off. Anyway, I say the treasure room has to be this way.” “Are you stupid? The middle path is way too obvious!” one of her cohorts moaned from the base of the right hand arch to them. He was a younger looking man from what they could tell, with pale skin exposed by his sleeveless brown biker jacket and long dark coloured hair, and was similarly armed with a shield, albeit they couldn’t see much of it from this angle on his blocked right arm. He sounded fed up with something. “That’s bound to be a fake with traps. I say we go this way!” “On what basis do you come up with that as a better idea?” the woman shouted back at him. “And you needn’t just stand there and point!” she then snapped at the third person. A towering figure, wrapped entirely in the folds of a blood crimson cloak and hood, was silently jabbing a gloved finger in the direction of the left hand arch. “Come on Urusula. They might not speak, but they have pretty good instincts” the long haired man in the jacket admitted. “To be honest, if any of us if right about their hunch, I’d say it’s probably them.” “Well then why don’t you two go that way, and I’ll go this way and find the object myself?” the leader snapped, finally rounding on the others and revealing her face to the rebels. It was pretty horrid thing to reveal. Her eyes were solid pitch black. Her face was pale, but tinted with a sickly green around the veins that rose close to her skin. The woman blinked as she glared down at the young man, and her eyelids closed from the sides in an abnormal, sickening manner. Horrified, Aerial let out an audible gasp. Immediately the woman’s head snapped up to look straight in their direction, black eyes narrowed. Her colleagues turned at her alertness, peering into the tunnels as Clove tried too late to silence him. “Who’s there?” the woman demanded harshly, glaring into the dark tunnels with a twisted glint of an expression. “Might as well come out now, we’ll only come back there and find you anyway.” “Shoot. Now what?” whispered Alex. “There’s no way we can sneak past them now, but we can’t just leave. We’ve come all this way; I don’t want to go back with nothing if we can help it.” “Yeah, but I don’t think we should get into an outright fight with those guys if we can avoid it. Maybe if we back up and wait for them to come, and hope they split up and we can jump one of them?” “Oh as if they’re going to be that stupid Aerial!” Clove snapped at her hopeful ally, instead loosening her shoulders in readiness. “You heard that woman right? It sounded like they’re looking for an object too, and I’d put money that they’re after the same one as us, and they’re in our way. They don’t have to go anywhere if they don’t want to. We’ll just have to go out and back ourselves to win any fight they start.” Her resolve wasn’t going to be argued with, so with her at the front and Aerial apprehensively readying an arrow over her shoulder, the rebels emerged from their hiding place, trying to look as tough and brave as possible. As the intruders revealed themselves, the other group exchanged surprised looks, or at least the two unmasked ones did. “Who are these guys?” the young man asked. “Anyone we know?” “Hmmm...” the blonde woman examined them carefully, trying to place them. “I don’t think so.” “Hey, easy guys. We’re just adventurers exploring these ruins like you” Alex started, trying to diffuse any potential tension as best he could. “We got no quarrel with you strangers.” “Bah, yeah right. What kind of kids are gonna randomly come somewhere this remote just for a bit of fun and adventure?” the young man shrugged. The rebels could see more of his face now, such as his badly unshaven jaw and deadened brown eyes. Given his dismissive reaction, he seemed in no mood to discuss the matter. “Well whatever, doesn’t matter to us who you are. Urusula, you deal with them.” “With pleasure” the woman smirked, opening her mouth wide. The teenage rebels all shivered at this peculiar action, none of them having any idea what she was doing. Nobody moved a muscle in fear, as the young man simply stared despondently at them along with the wrapped up ally, waiting for their leader to take care of them. But as the seconds passed, nothing seemed to happen. The rebels looked at the blonde woman; she was just standing exactly as she was with her jaw hanging open, but whatever she was trying to do, it didn’t seem to be working, especially given the surprised and anxious look on her face. Baffled, the other two foes looked up at their panicking leader. ‘What on earth is going on? My swarm... I can’t get them to listen to me. It’s like they’ve all gone to sleep, and nothing I can do wakes them up. What the heck is wrong with me?’ Desperate, she thought back to when her group had entered the sanctum. ‘Your powers will be sealed beyond here... Is this... is this what that statue in the front foyer was talking about?’ Finally she lost her temper and gave up trying to call her dormant powers. “Well don’t you two just look at me needing to do everything for you like helpless babies. You try!” she snapped at her hooded ally. The giant figure shrugged and raised their gloved hand towards the rebels who again flinched, expecting the worst. But again nothing happened. Slowly the mysterious figure looked at their hand, before shaking their head at the infuriated blonde woman. “Huh, nothing doing for you either? Guess we’re all mere ordinary mortals down here” the grizzly young man grumbled. This comment earned him some abuse from his blonde friend, but he ignored it with the same miserable look. Aerial shuddered as he looked at the guy. There was something disturbing about him, and also; was it just him, but could he hear something... whirring? Maybe it was his nerves. Not smiling, the guy lifted his duel shield slightly. “Guess I’ll have to take care of you the old fashioned way.” “Hey!” Clove snapped at the opposing group, arming her own duel shield. “I dunno what you were trying to do just now, but you old freaks aren’t gonna scare us off. We came here to find an object, and we’re going to be the ones leaving it. You wanna fight for it, I’ll give you one.” “What?! Who are you calling old and a freak?!” the blonde woman known as Urusula yelled at her, a vein in her temple visibly bulging. “You watch your mouth brat!” “So, you’re here looking for the Tetragram as well huh?” the young man asked, his forthright and indeed accurate guess surprising the rebels. “I’d imagine you are; it’s not like there’s anything else worthwhile to look for down here. It certainly seems to be an interesting little artefact. But too bad for you, we’re also under orders to find that particular item, and we’re...” “You can shut up too!” Urusula rounded on him; the other one also glaring at him through their folds. “What are you blabbering all that out for? Next you’ll be telling them who we’re under orders from.” “Eh, I think we all know what each other is here for already, might as well get it in the open” the young man shrugged, uncaring about the reprimands as he turned slightly to the rebels. “Anyway, point is that there are two of us going for one object, but it will be leaving with us. You guys might act tough, but you’re not gonna have anything on someone like me. You’re just scared little kids. Go home.” “Hey, who are you calling a scared little kid? You look no older than us, or you wouldn’t if you took some care of your appearance” Aerial chirped up suddenly, surprising even himself. The man’s eyes narrowed. “What does my appearance matter?” the man whispered vehemently. “What’s the point in taking care of how I look, when my body is so broken... You’re just a stupid and brash kid, you know nothing. Now I suggest you run away, before I rip you apart... limb, from, limb...” “We’re not going to do what you tell us” Alex vowed firmly, bravely stepping forward before his allies. At this the figure in the blood coloured cloak shifted slightly. “You’re going to have to make us go, and if that means a duel, so be it. You want the same artefact as us; you’re going to have to beat us for it.” “Oh really?” the guy sniffed, his hidden duel shield activating behind him. “This ought to be a laugh, and I could do with something to cheer me up. In fact think I could probably destroy all three of you kids in a single turn by myself, while my associates saunter off and collect the object.” “Ha, you think so? Go ahead and try” Clove smirked as Alex armed his duel shield. Aerial also sheathed his bow and attached his own lightweight, bird emblazoned silver shield that hung over his quiver, still scared, but determined to help the fight. Ready for the challenge, the grim young man rolled his neck, the bones cracking uncomfortably. His associate Urusula seemed to have other ideas however. “Bah, I’m in charge here, I give the orders. You’re so full of yourself Gear, even if you are a miserable little twerp.” She had descended from the steps now, taking her place beside the others and activating her own duel shield. On her right, the silent partner had produced their own and was clipping it to their large arm. For the first time since they’d come out of the tunnel, Urusula smirked twistedly. “Alright, so how about we settle it like this? Three single duels, best of three takes the prize. What do you say?” “I’d say what sort of assurance are you gonna give us that you won’t just run off and swipe our prize even after we whoop you?” Clove retorted sarcastically. “What do you expect me to promise you? You’ll just have to trust in adventurer’s honour” Urusula laughed. The hooded accomplice made a sort of inaudible, growly noise at her, but she waved it off. “Yeah yeah alright, it’s not like we have to worry about losing anyway. Besides, who knows what kind of effect duelling in this place, in the temple of a legendary duel spirit, might have on us huh? You do enough damage here, and it might make your doubts irrelevant. Now then, I’ll take on the bratty girl.” Clove was delighted at this decision, as Urusula pointed at her. “Oh, you’re smiling now. Clearly you need to be given your spanking girl. Somorrakh, you want to take that big fellow of theirs right?” The figure nodded once. “Good, I thought so. Gear, that leaves you with their young archer friend then.” “What?” the young man called Gear rounded on her dejectedly. “Seriously, you’re going to waste me? Against... him?” Aerial swallowed as Gear indicated him. Urusula made it plain that the decision was not up for discussion. “Ugh, fine, whatever. Maybe this’ll make you give me some respect.” The third, hooded ally silently marched to the left of the room, directing all their focus and pointing at Alex. This daunting behaviour made him shudder. So far this mysterious person had not said a word, but their actions seemed to carry a great degree of weight amongst their companions. He had to stay strong and not let himself be intimidated though; matching the opponent step for step with the bravest face he could put on as the two groups fanned out, ready to face off. Aerial almost sprinted into position, ready to fight, until his still reluctant opponent turned to face him, thus revealing all and making him gulp. Inside the open leather jacket, half of his chest was covered in rusty metal, with a flashing red light over where his heart would be. The metal patchwork stretched both ways, under his jeans, grafted onto the right side of his neck, and onto his arm. The entire right arm was a mechanical apparatus of pistons and wires and cogs, all covered in rust and moving with a scraping, grating sound. The front of the shield was similarly rust riddled. Gear scowled at him and opened himself up to his staring, revealing the hydraulic wrist that was spinning back and forth and making the horrible sound, before readying himself. The girls stayed where they were in the middle, grinning confidently at each other. There was a pause, as six decks shuffled. Then everyone took battle stances, snatching their opening hands at the same time for their contest for the coveted prize, five voices shouting at once. “Duel!” “Ladies first” Urusula smirked, reaching for her sixth card. “Draw!” “Don’t you mean age before beauty right?” Clove taunted back, making Urusula’s veins throb again. She’d found a hole in this woman’s temper and was keen to needle at it. “Grr, you are an obnoxious little thing aren’t you? But my insects will soon knock the attitude out of you. I summon ‘Koa’ki Meiru Beetle’ to the field in attack mode.” The stone ground opened up slightly with the creation of a magical duel monsters portal, enabling a very large stag beetle with a mighty tri-pronged set of horns scuttle out onto the field (Lv4, ATK 1900). As it hit the field, something about it; this beetle appearing before this woman, made Clove’s neck crawl. ‘An insect deck? Is that woman...? No... It can’t be. Don’t be silly. I’m just getting as jumpy as the guys.’ “Scared already?” Urusula laughed, misinterpreting her reaction. “Bit late now. Next I activate the continuous spell ‘Spider Lair’. Once per turn, I can target an insect monster I control, passing on its effect, which you’ll be finding out more about later. For now I’ll set one card and end my turn, at which point I must reveal an insect type monster in my hand, else my Koa’ki Meiru monster is destroyed.” She revealed a small black beetle with a set of pincers. “I end my turn. Go ahead brat.” “Gladly, I draw” Clove replied, drawing a small monster. She was happy she had already got what she wanted, but another tuner would be useful later. “I activate the quick spell ‘Hand Destruction’ during my standby phase, forcing us both to ditch two cards. So any monsters you’re holding onto to keep your beetle safe are going. Then we both draw two.” Urusula scowled as she indeed dropped two monsters. “Now still in my standby phase, I activate the effect of ‘Naturia Pineapple’. Since it’s the only monster in my graveyard and I have no spell or trap cards on the field, I can special summon it at this time. Then I summon ‘Naturia Rosewhip’, and tune it with Pineapple to Synchro Summon!” The tenacious looking weed and tropical fruit appeared briefly, before aligning their powers for Clove in the form of the mighty emerald lion ‘Naturia Beast’, snarling furiously at its opposition (Lv5, ATK 2200). “Now you’re in trouble. Because as long as my Beast is on the field, any spell cards you were thinking about using will be negated” Clove smirked, making Urusula frown. “Now Beast, wipe out her beetle.” With a savage roar, the lion swiped away the beetle with a mighty paw, eliminating it effortlessly. Urusula winced as she took the slight amount of damage with her loss (LP 3700). “Impudent little girl. Your beast might stop me activating any new spells, but it can’t do anything about the one I already have active. Spider Lair’s effect triggers. Because you did battle with a monster I had previously targeted with this spell, your monster is now forced into defence mode, and it won’t be able to go back on the attack while my Lair is still on the field.” Clove scowled at the inconvenience of such a spell as her beast knelt with a similar expression (DEF 1700). “Fine, whatever. I’ll set one card and end my turn.” ... “Seriously, why have I got to be paired up against you?” Gear moaned at Aerial as they watched Clove and Urusula’s opening exchanges. “Honestly, a former tournament finalist duelist like me, demoted to have to deal with the likes of you. This is an absolute joke.” “T-t-t-tournament... finalist?” Aerial stuttered, forgetting about the insults entirely. This guy was a tournament finalist? Obviously this would been a few years ago when duel monster championships were legal and extremely popular, but he was sure that the Emperor had most of the top duelists hunted down soon after his decree against the practise, and that this guy - if he was telling the truth - had to qualify as that. Anxiously he tried to think back; of any finals he’d watched as a kid, trying to place the man’s face or name. “Wait, are you... Gear Roberts? The rising turbo duel star?” “Grr, yes!” Gear snapped irritably, which was surprising behaviour for someone who had just been recognised as a famous duelling star and respected as such. Aerial was stunned. He remembered now. “Wait, I saw your final. You were up against the champion... ah, ah, I can’t remember his name now... challenging for the title. I saw it on TV that day. You’re the guy that had that monster crash, aren’t you? I didn’t think you had survived. I certainly didn’t think you would be alive now, not after the Purge.” For the first time there was a flicker in the despondent expression of Gear at the mention of the Purge, but Aerial missed it in his self-built up fright. “But you were really good. What happened to you?” “What happened to me? Why should you care? Especially when it’s bloody obvious what happened to me!” Gear pulled up his jacket, revealing more of the poorly maintained mechanisms grafted into, indeed replacing, most of his right side. “I might not have been killed in the outright sense, but when that bastard champion made me crash, my life ended. Everything I wanted or cared about was ripped from me, along with half my body! And all for the entertainment of the likes of you! Now I’m just kept going by all these cold gears and wires, and I can’t stand it!” Aerial swallowed as the depressed finalist’s tone turned even darker, increasing his spiralling alarm. “I might have been the rising star in the past, years ago. But not anymore. That me is dead now. As dead as I should be, and when I tear through you, as dead as you’re going to feel! Draw!” Gear ripped a card out of his duel shield with his good left hand, adding it to the grinding metal right before snatching another. “Soon you’ll feel what it’s like to be broken and cast into life’s garbage dump. I summon ‘Scrap Beast’!” Aerial jumped in alarm. Scrap? The Gear Roberts he remembered from the final didn’t use Scrap, he used machines. But sure enough, facing him now was a small wolf like creature made up of various spare parts and bits of junk, growling threateningly at him (Lv4, ATK 1600). Any preparation he might have just formed for himself was thrown out again now. Behind the beast, Gear cut a similar expression. “My Scrap monsters might look like useless broken junk, but that’s where their real strength lies. More than enough to bury you comfortably” he sneered, and revealed another card. “I activate ‘Scrapstorm’. To use this card, first I have target Scrap Beast. Then I can send one other Scrap monster from my deck to the graveyard, and draw one card for my hand. However Scrap Beast is then destroyed.” “You’re going to destroy your own monster?” Aerial was astonished, as the various cards went to their appropriate places. Baffled, he watched the little snarling beast simply fall apart into bits. “Ha, of course I’m going to destroy that useless monster. Especially since it’s best effect activates when it’s destroyed by the effect of a card with Scrap in its name. When this happens, I can add the monster I just sent to the grave via Scrapstorm to my hand as its replacement.” Gear revealed the added monster from his graveyard, reshuffling his hand with a horrible grinding of his metal wrist and a disapproving frown. “See, this is why this is such a waste of my talent. I can’t see this match lasting long.” “Hey, what do you mean by that?” Aerial responded angrily. “I’ll show you. I might not be some hotshot championship duelist, but I’ve been trained real hard by the best people I know to fight using these allies of mine, to help protect me and my friends and everyone else in the Empire.” Gear raised an eyebrow in surprise at his sudden, albeit stuttered outburst. “I... I’m not afraid of you.” Gear shrugged. “Whatever, then you’re a bigger idiot than you look. But moving on, I activate the spell ‘Foolish Burial’. This lets me send another monster of any kind straight from deck to graveyard. Then I’ll play the continuous spell ‘Scrap Lube’. This revives a monster in my graveyard, albeit with its effects negated. When either leaves the field, the other card is destroyed.” It was the Scrap Beast that was resurrected over the milled monster, its broken parts being glued together by the light aura of the spells power (ATK 1600). Gear threw another card into his duel shield beside the spell. “Well, I’ll end my turn with a face down. So little kid, what are you gonna do now? You really think you stand a chance against me? I’ll soon break that little fantasy.” Right now Aerial, despite the bravest facade he could make, had no idea how to possibly respond to that question. ... Alex and his opponent watched the opening exchanges of the other duels in silence, before turning to face each other. The Resistances new junior commander studied his foe, this Somorrakh as their blonde friend had called them. They must have been a good seven foot tall or close to it, and had a bulky frame or shoulders to match their imposing height. Either that, or that all-covering cloak and hood they wore came with a lot of padding. Every bit of their body was covered meticulously by it; the hands with thick matching coloured gloves, heavy boots poked out under the low rim of the cloak, and under the low hood a scarlet wrap mummified their face and neck. Not even their eyes were visible. Alex wondered how they could see, but obviously this mysterious person could somehow. His more pressing concern was how to get around them. The figure stood there silently, watching him through their mask as he or possibly she for all he could tell folded their huge arms, the heavy blood coloured shield upon it facing him directly and displaying a blazing pattern. “So... your friend said you would want to fight me out of us guys?” he stuttered. The figure nodded once. “Any reason in particular might I ask?” He got no answer, but he should have expected as such. The figure just stood there, unmoving. He might not be able to see their eyes, but he could feel them burning into him, like the crest of their shield burnt. Agitated by this behaviour, Alex turned his attention to his hand. It wasn’t bad; in fact it contained some of the strongest cards in the X-Saber’s arsenal. He just had to make sure he used them the best he could. “Er... I’ll go first then?” No objection. “Let’s just have a fair contest for the item we want alright?” To his amazement, the hooded figure nodded again. He wasn’t expecting that. Slightly unnerved, he drew his card. ‘Alright, no pressure commander. Vardus has put his trust in me, and he will be expecting us all to do well, even in these unexpected circumstances. But he believes in us, just like Khan believed in me when he gave me the X-Saber cards. So we can’t let him down, and I won’t let the guys down’ He drew his card, tipping it see another unusual Synchro support card. ‘Synchro Deflector? That could be useful. If I can summon a Synchro monster, then they will have to summon a strong monster to beat it. But if they attack it, I can use this to destroy that attacking monster. So let’s get to it. Nothing too over-committed now, just play naturally.’ Plan set, Alex began against his voiceless opponent. “I summon ‘XX-Saber Boggart Knight.” The silver plated warrior beast rose impressively from its portal before him (Lv4, ATK 1900). “When Boggart Knight is normal summoned, its effect lets me special summon another X-Saber from my hand, but I can’t use this monster as material for the Synchro Summon of anything but another X-Saber. I’ll summon the tuner ‘X-Saber Pashuul’ this way, and then tune the two together. Synchro Summon.” The broadsword wielding warrior appeared briefly (Lv2, ATK 100), before the two disappeared in a swirl of rings and stars. There was a flash and a glint of gold, as ‘XX-Saber Hyunlei’ somersaulted forward onto the field, drawing its sword as it stood to face its foe (Lv6, ATK 2300). If they were surprised by this, their reaction was hidden, although there was a slight movement from amongst the folds. Alex took it as a small double-take. Did that mean this enemy was knowledgeable? He had no way of telling. “I set two cards face down” he continued regardless, the backs of two hidden cards appearing either side of the gold plated samurai. “Um... your move.” The cloaked duelist drew like a ghost, snatching their card with a surprisingly graceful motion that defied their mighty frame. However as they added to their hand, he or she seemed awkwardly hesitant. Their hand hovered over their cards, seemingly unsure what to do. Maybe they weren’t as knowledgeable as Alex thought. He was mystified. What was this guy’s problem? The hood turned sharply to look over at Urusula who was considering her next move and gesticulated at her, seemingly helpless. However she seemed to know what the problem was. “What? You need someone to dictate your moves? Seriously, I am not doing commentary for you” she snapped. Somorrakh continued to implore for help anyway. “Oh for hell’s sake, if you can’t speak then use the damned audio device our lord made for you. That’s what it’s there for.” Somorrakh slowly looked at their duel shield, before flicking a switch of an additional attachment under the guard. Alex couldn’t see it, but he heard something bleeping and a digital sounding voice saying “duel shield audio description, start up”. The cloaked duelist gave Urusula a sign of thanks before resettling themselves, clearly in a great deal more comfort now, although Alex was completely thrown. So that was it? All his opponent had wanted was a way to explain their card’s effects to him? That seemed a bit noble given the circumstances. They also had one on hand already, but hadn’t realised until Urusula told them. So did that mean his opponent was slow, or simply not used to technology? Certainly audio description was rarely used even back when duelling was legal. Either way he had to focus, as the opponent selected their opening move and forcefully placed it onto their duel shield. “What the heck is that...?” That was a half reptile, half bird, all monstrous abomination to nature. Appearing in a burst of dark flame, the skull shaped head of the bird cocked to observe him, the creature spreading its leathery wings to simply float on midair (Lv4, ATK 1900). Baffled, Alex listened for the audio description: “Volcanic Rocket: When this card is summoned; you can add one card with ‘Blaze Accelerator’ in its name from your deck or your graveyard to your hand.” “Volcanic?” Alex asked, as the silent foe drew again, revealing the added card before immediately placing it into their duel shield. Below the rocket bird appeared a machine with a gun barrel and large ammunition slot, a launcher of some kind, stood on a tripod. That must have been the card ‘Blaze Accelerator’ then. Alex didn’t know what it did, but he wouldn’t find out as Somorrakh immediately withdrew it and placed another card on the field. The small cannon disappeared, to be replaced with a sturdier, steely, triple barrelled rocket launcher. Alex swallowed at the audio description: “Tri-Blaze Accelerator: Activate only by sending ‘Blaze Accelerator’ to the graveyard. You can send one pyro-type monster from your hand to the graveyard to destroy one monster your opponent controls, and inflict five hundred points of damage. However you cannot conduct the battle phase this turn if you do.” ‘That launcher can do all that? That means they don’t even need to attack me!’ Alex panicked. This was a disaster. His strategy of luring the enemy into attacking Hyunlei, and walking into Synchro Deflector, was now useless. Somorrakh was already holding up a monster and loading the launcher. A fiery, three headed creature appeared above the launcher, disappearing into the ammunition chamber. The cloaked foe punched towards him, and the bullet creature was fired screaming into Hyunlei. Unable to react fast enough the samurai was caught straight in the ribs and was obliterated, and Alex had to duck behind his shield to deflect the damage (LP 3500). However... “Volcanic Scattershot: When this card is sent to the graveyard, inflict five hundred points of damage. If this card is sent to the graveyard by the effect of a ‘Blaze Accelerator’ card, you can send two more Volcanic Scattershots from your hand or your deck to the graveyard to destroy all monsters your opponent controls.” “What? Ah!” Alex grunted as the blasting creature rocketed through the air and crashed into his shield with double the force he was expecting. Enough force to knock him back a few steps (LP 3000). “Alright, but remember your Rocket can’t attack me this turn because of that.” Somorrakh didn’t seem to care. Instead they had revealed another spell: “Soul of Fire: Your opponent draws one card, then banish one pyro-type monster from your deck. Inflict damage equal to half of that monsters attack. You cannot enter the Battle Phase during the turn you use this effect.” Alex backed off further as his hooded adversary relentlessly went for their deck, once so nervous about conducting their duel with him having no knowledge of what was going to happen and now in full gung-ho attack mode now he did, unleashing the wrath of another flaming behemoth as they revealed their choice. Before him appeared a ‘clawed and armoured beast’ with a flaming tail and plated face, spitting flame as it shrieked at his comparatively small form (Lv5, ATK 2400). The Volcanic slashed at him, Alex was thrown sideways as the clawed paw smashed into his shield with enough force to lift and throw him a few feet, nearly landing on top of Clove who was waiting for Urusula to draw, having to take evasive as he landed with a worrying crash. With a groan, Alex sat up and rubbed his back (LP 1800). “Ow...” “Hey, what gives?” Clove demanded of the watching duelists, her opponent seeming especially smug and the paralysed Aerial looking even more terrified. “How come that attack had that effect?” “Ha ha, you expect me to know?” Urusula cackled. “But I’d suggest it is simply a question of our location. Being a temple to a duel spirit, this place must be filled with an unusual air. Me and my friend here can see and feel it flowing all around us, but you poor little pups of this world couldn’t possibly comprehend such things. However you should be happy, doesn’t this give you your ‘assurance’ you were demanding earlier? Now if you beat us, not that it’s going to happen, you know you’ll be safe to take the prize.” “Grrr, you sneaky b...” “Save it Clove.” Astounded, Clove was silenced as Alex pulled himself up behind her. He was wincing with discomfort and slightly breathless, but shook himself out of it. “I’m fine, just a little stunned that’s all. Aerial, really I’m fine, don’t worry. They’re right. It’s just an effect of where we are.” “Are you mad Alex? You can’t just believe them like that.” “Can’t I?” Alex asked, turning to face his opponent. There was something about them. “If it was just her, or the mechanical guy, I’d be inclined to agree with you, but not him. I might be wrong, but I don’t think that guy would resort to such a trick. Would you?” The crimson hood shook once. “See, they’re legit, or at least that one is. Come on, like she said, this gives us a chance now. We have to fight Clove, we’re junior commanders now remember? Lot of faith has been put in us. And I think Aerial is looking to us” he added in an undertone so their young friend wouldn’t hear him. “Come on. Let’s win. Hey, you got anything else you can throw at me?” A very low growl came from the hood, before both of the last two cards in their hand were placed into the duel shield. Alex staggered back into position and took the card Soul of Fire granted him, along with his draw. Watching him get up, Clove nodded. “Alright Alex, let’s do this. Don’t worry Aerial” she gave her companion the encouraging sign he looked like he needed. “We got ya covered. Now bring it on!” No sooner had she said that, and Alex and Urusula drawn their cards, then their opponents reacted. “Trap activate; ‘Gorgon’s Eye’! Now for the rest of this turn, all your defensive monsters lose their effects. Now your annoying beast is crippled!” “Needlebug Nest: Send the top five cards of your deck to the graveyard.” Neither move seemed greatly alarming at first, but to Aerial they were, as he watched in terror as the beast and master were paralysed by the glare of Urusula’s trap, and as two spectral creatures rose from the cards that flew out of Somorrakh’s deck, that he and Alex recognised two more Volcanic Scattershot and what was coming. The two fiery creatures thudded into his shield, driving him onto his haunches (LP 800). He was down and hurting, and Clove’s best monster was nullified and weakened and so was she as the vindictive woman was lining her up for something big. “Now your little pussycat’s annoying ability out of the way, I’m going to make things really unpleasant for you. I summon ‘Pinch Hooper’ from my hand.” Urusula grinned sickly, blinking in her abnormal way with her black eyes. The cricket-like bug that flew past Urusula wasn’t in itself the most terrifying thing she could produce now, but... (Lv4, ATK 1000). “Then I’ll activate the spell ‘Insect Imitation’, something your Beast is powerless to stop right now. By releasing Pinch Hopper, one stronger, nastier insect is hatched from deck that is one level higher to it. My beautiful ‘Grasschopper’ is summoned.” The bug’s body split and turned to dust, and its wake came a giant praying mantis, armed with two deadly looking blades (Lv5, ATK 2350). Urusula wasn’t finished yet. “Also, Pinch Hopper’s effect now activates. When it is sent to the graveyard, I can special summon ‘Cross-Sword Beetle’ from my hand.” Another large beetle, this time with a set of four pincers, scuttled out beside the mantis (Lv4, ATK 1800). “Damn it, is that all you got?” Clove snapped testily, trying to sound like she wasn’t frightened. Her effort did not come across as well as she hoped, as Urusula smirked at her. “Of course not honey. Cross-Sword Beetle’s effect. When it’s on the field with another insect-type, all of my precious bugs can inflict piercing damage to your monsters! Grasschopper, sharpen those sickles of yours and drive them through that tame little beasts heart, by destroying her Naturia Beast!” The Beast roared as the mantis ripped through it with lightening speed, Clove grunted as she took the difference as damage (LP 3350). Urusula, thoroughly enjoying this, kept up the assault. “Beetle, attack her directly!” The beetle charged. Clove tried to dodge out the way, but stopped at the last second when she realised she was about to dive on top of Alex. Caught in two minds, the beetle crashed into her side, sending her flying into the wall just behind him anyway, she crumpled over in a wincing heap (LP 1550). Urusula was almost cross-eyed with excitement as she licked her lips at Clove. Clearly she enjoyed inflicting pain. “Oh god that’s good. Come on honey, can’t you stand already? I’m not finished playing with you yet.” Aerial gulped as Clove didn’t respond. She was flat out near to Alex, who was struggling to sit up. Across the field from them their three enemies were all comfortably in control. His opponent in particular, the hotshot pro duelist Gear, was stood there spitefully taunting him as his hand was shaking as it hovered hesitantly over his deck as it had for the last few minutes, unable to act. “Come on kid, what’s wrong? You’re the only one still standing, so don’t keep me waiting. You want that Tetragram? Well now you’re gonna have to step it up. The friends you were clearly depending on to win for you aren’t doing too well, so looks like you’re going to have to do something pretty special against me if you don’t wanna let them down. So let’s move. It’s not like you stand a chance, or your friends. What can anyone like you ever hope to accomplish against people like us?” Gear’s mocking rang in his ears. The other two were looking at him expectantly at him now too, her with her creepy black eyes that blinked sideways and laughing crazily at him, and that other ones faceless glare transferring all their imposing weight on him. All of it was getting to him; he was too intimidated, too scared to even move. ‘Clove’s down. Alex is in pain. I’m screwed. Best two out of three in the catacombs of a temple that inflicts real damage? Overall situation; not good...’[/spoiler] EDIT: No hyperlinks today because I've been f***ing around with them for over an hour only for half the duel section to get deleted on posting, so f*** it, I've got too much to do and it's too much hassle. Sorry to have to say this again, but as ever, more comments equals more likely/swifter updates. Really simple guys. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Synchronized Posted April 23, 2014 Report Share Posted April 23, 2014 Gotta finish Chapter 15 and then I'll post an actual comment :p Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bahamut - Envoy of the End Posted April 23, 2014 Author Report Share Posted April 23, 2014 Gotta finish Chapter 15 and then I'll post an actual comment :P *sees comment* *gets ridiculously excited as clicks link* *sees this* [spoiler=....] [/spoiler] Hey! I could have this reported for spam you know!! <_< But I'm happy you're still here and reading and going to comment, and thank you for the above like. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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