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Monogatari Series (All of them)


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Finished Monogatari Series: Second Season recently, and it takes a spot in my favorites with two of its characters also being put on my favorite characters list. It has been a while since anything has been added to either list since I've gotten somewhat more cynical and critical and analytical. I call it developing taste, but you could also say I am more selective in what I am able to enjoy.


For those who have not watched it, ask yourself if you are even remotely patient. If you are not, then you may as well stay away from this series because it is 99% dialogue. At any rate, it is character-driven rather than plot-driven and focuses heavily on interactions and character development. Most of the problems stem from the main characters themselves, except in Nisemonogatari, rather than having some sort of outside villain. The characters are very unique and the final arc of Monogatari Series: Second Season takes one of the most radical twists on a cutsie character and the one of the most compelling changes from villain to sort-of-good guy I've seen yet.


The usual watching order, I believe is Bakemonogatari -> Nisemonogatari -> Monogatari Series: Second Season, with prequels and side stories fitted in somewhere I don't know where.


Anyway thoughts on it?


Also, obligatory who's your favorite character question.


Mine would be the girl in my avi and sig, Oshino Shinobu, as her arc in Second Season was one of the best and she's pretty badass in general. Next is Senjougahara, she is really harsh/mean but her selflessness and devotion is really heartwarming.

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I'm a few episodes in the first series I should be watching, not counting prequels. 
I feel I should watch prequels. God it was confusing as heck for the first hour.


But I liked it sense the start, weirdness and character development is cool.


And dat girl in yeh sig...awesum. I have something to look forward to even more.

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The production(and recommended watching) order is Bakemono -> Nisemono -> Neko(black) -> Mono S2. Chronologically, it's Neko(Black) -> Bake -> Nise -> MonoS2.


IF(and by If, i mean IF, and not when) kizu movie ever comes out, chronologically it comes before Neko Black and is the first thing to happen. It was suppose to come before S2 started but as you can see, no luck on that. Fucking SHAFT. Might as well just learn japanese to read the novels because that's faster than waiting for them to deliver, that's for sure.


Also best girl coming through


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