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What do you look for in Manga/Anime?


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Simply put, it's annoying and cheap.  It's not how real people act.


It's also unsophisticated and frankly lazy storytelling.

I don't see how it's lazy storytelling and not entirely sure what you mean when you speak of sophistication. Also, What happened to your name?


Plenty of people find Japanese school life as well as anime tropes/fake characters charming, myself included, but I do see how some people would not.


Side Note: If you want to be an "intelligent", hipster, holier-than-thee, "sophisticated" anime watcher, watch Legend of the Galactic Heroes and Monster and ditch Code Geass from your favorites list, otherwise you have s*** taste.




I kinda disliked shows that are dark for the sake of being dark. I loathe shows made only for fanservice with little to no plot. I hate asspulls. I hate stereotypical characters played straight to their stereotype most of the time. And I hate satellite characters. Shows I followed now are either shows that doesn't even take itself seriously, or shows that I watch for an entirely different purpose.

As many anime there are that fit those qualities that you hate, there are plenty that do not. See side note above. And also, what are satellite characters?





So you hate a lot of anime. And u be hating the bestest part.

Ok, what I was really going to say is this: Why do you hate it? 

I like et cuz a lut o raisins

1. Skirts instead of pants

2. funny

3. u need an environment, y not skool where learning always never happens

4. Kendo clubs sound cool in anime.

Reasons 1 and 4 get me. f***, I wish I could do kendo, just cuz swords. Even though I know it's nowhere near as glorious as swordfighting you might see in anime.

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The main problem is, writers had the same thought as you TGM, and assumed school to be the only place where things like romance can happen.

Oh, people can make out in a dumpster and call it romance, of course. But I feel school is one of the best places for it. I watch plenty of other romances that aren't always at school, and that works fine, but teenagers typically meet at school. Anime doesn't just HAVE to be at school, but school often explains things; ei its needed every couple of episodes at a minimum. An I'm not watching a 30 year old develop love, sorry.


"A character whose motivations and overall personality essentially revolve around their interaction with another, possibly more interesting, character with whom they really should be on an equal standing. Without this interaction, they would otherwise be pretty bland."


Teenagers in a nutshell. 

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But, love is never about the age and setting. Love can blossom even in the most unlikeliest of places, and what's wrong with 30 or so year-olds develop love? For me, that situation would even be better if written properly, as it is written in the eyes of a more mature character, who then acts unlike a drunk in love teenagers. Heck, I won't mind seeing any kind of romantical development when they are well written. Embittered middle-aged man who knew love once again, children playground love, old couple, all is good. Love trascends time and space, and this writers should try to not do the easy way all the time and start diversing their love scenarios.

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But, love is never about the age and setting. Love can blossom even in the most unlikeliest of places, and what's wrong with 30 or so year-olds develop love? For me, that situation would even be better if written properly, as it is written in the eyes of a more mature character, who then acts unlike a drunk in love teenagers. Heck, I won't mind seeing any kind of romantical development when they are well written. Embittered middle-aged man who knew love once again, children playground love, old couple, all is good. Love trascends time and space, and this writers should try to not do the easy way all the time and start diversing their love scenarios.

But they need to think of their audience too. People typically like people their age doing things. Not that they don't like the others, its just....rarer, and bit different, and not always carried out as good as what you are used to. 

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There's Garden of Words or what's it called for one thing which is both young and old :3 I think there are a few mature ones, but they're really rare because demographic.


Honestly, I actually agree with TGM that I prefer romance between younger people, but I wouldn't mind watching one with middle-aged people if it were done well... hm.

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IMO, here's what a sophisticated anime is like:

It doesn't use cliches, it does its own thing without relying on a cookie cutter formula. I'm referring to both scene construction and how the plot plays out.

But not only is the storytelling original, it works. The anime should make you feel something beyond superfluous brain bubblegum.

There should also be some kind of lesson or philosophy involved, or a statement about humanity as a whole. Something to make you think.

However, an anime doesn't necessarily have to be super high-brow abstruse to be good. Take Gurren Lagann for instance. That anime was relatively low-brow and it was one hell of a ride; it's one of my favorite anime ever. However, the type of anime I usually like tends to be the type expressed above.

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IMO, here's what a sophisticated anime is like:

It doesn't use cliches, it does its own thing without relying on a cookie cutter formula. I'm referring to both scene construction and how the plot plays out.

I wish Yugioh were more like that. *shot*


Ok, in a serious talk now. People too often refer to "a event occurring throughout manga/anime a lot" as a cliche. And I suppose it is. BUT, life is series of things that are often very familiar in nature; this isn't bad, it is realistic. IMO, a lot of the "news" of the world sounds the same to me because all of these events have happened before. It all feels cliche/deja vu. But each one is just a tad different.

All animes are really cliche in some aspect, but that is what I call the "core". It shouldn't be a formula, but rather a core concept that plays out differently each time. I can't name an anime I've seen yet that played just like another. They are all different in their own ways, despite often relying on the same core.

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I wish Yugioh were more like that. *shot*
Ok, in a serious talk now. People too often refer to "a event occurring throughout manga/anime a lot" as a cliche. And I suppose it is. BUT, life is series of things that are often very familiar in nature; this isn't bad, it is realistic. IMO, a lot of the "news" of the world sounds the same to me because all of these events have happened before. It all feels cliche/deja vu. But each one is just a tad different.
All animes are really cliche in some aspect, but that is what I call the "core". It shouldn't be a formula, but rather a core concept that plays out differently each time. I can't name an anime I've seen yet that played just like another. They are all different in their own ways, despite often relying on the same core.

This is basically tropes vs cliches.

The line between the two is fuzzy and subjective, but the general rule of thumb is this:
If you like it's presence in the anime, then it's a trope/motif.
If you are annoyed by it when it surfaces, then it's a cliche.
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It doesn't use cliches, it does its own thing without relying on a cookie cutter formula. I'm referring to both scene construction and how the plot plays out.


But not only is the storytelling original, it works. The anime should make you feel something beyond superfluous brain bubblegum.

There's a limit to how you can make storytelling original. The only times where I've considered the storytelling itself to really be original is Baccano! and the Monogatari Series (the latter sort of). There are definitely some rules to how a story is built. Even in visual art, there are rules to composition.

However, the type of anime I usually like tends to be the type expressed above.

So basically my side note above.

There should also be some kind of lesson or philosophy involved, or a statement about humanity as a whole. Something to make you think.

A theme is also basically a storytelling rule though I do admit it is often omitted in many stuff nowadays.


I do find myself watching less "sophisticated" stuff recently considering how they are usually more relaxing and uplifting. Sometimes I don't even mind watching something I would usually consider shitty, but there is a limit to how shitty it can be since it can get unbearable.

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There's a limit to how you can make storytelling original. The only times where I've considered the storytelling itself to really be original is Baccano! and the Monogatari Series (the latter sort of). There are definitely some rules to how a story is built. Even in visual art, there are rules to composition.

So basically my side note above.

A theme is also basically a storytelling rule though I do admit it is often omitted in many stuff nowadays.
I do find myself watching less "sophisticated" stuff recently considering how they are usually more relaxing and uplifting. Sometimes I don't even mind watching something I would usually consider shitty, but there is a limit to how shitty it can be since it can get unbearable.

I think we can all agree that some stories are more original and/or innovative than others in how they're told.
And watch whatever you want dude.
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I just hate people whining about cliches. IT'S AN ANIME, IT'S ALL CLICHE

No, its just that just about every thought in the universe has been thought before, and so life itself is cliche. If you can't take life, then quit.


My, honest, real beef with people complaining about cliches is they tend to bag on an ENTIRE GENRE when they do. And the manga/anime is very different from all the others. Just because it has a ferris wheel does not make it a bad, typical harem. I once saw freaking gods fighting on a ferris wheel. Different crap happens, but you have to make do with limited areas.

Just because vampire series are typically blah blah blah doesn't mean crap. They all go differently. 

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I just hate people whining about cliches. IT'S AN ANIME, IT'S ALL CLICHE
No, its just that just about every thought in the universe has been thought before, and so life itself is cliche. If you can't take life, then quit.
My, honest, real beef with people complaining about cliches is they tend to bag on an ENTIRE GENRE when they do. And the manga/anime is very different from all the others. Just because it has a ferris wheel does not make it a bad, typical harem. I once saw freaking gods fighting on a ferris wheel. Different crap happens, but you have to make do with limited areas.
Just because vampire series are typically blah blah blah doesn't mean crap. They all go differently.

This is basically tropes vs cliches.
The line between the two is fuzzy and subjective, but the general rule of thumb is this:
If you like it's presence in the anime, then it's a trope/motif.
If you are annoyed by it when it surfaces, then it's a cliche.

A big part of what makes a cliche a cliche is your being annoyed by its resurgence. Also I think you need to redefine your meaning of cliche a bit, claiming that all of life is a cliche O-O
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A big part of what makes a cliche a cliche is your being annoyed by its resurgence. Also I think you need to redefine your meaning of cliche a bit, claiming that all of life is a cliche O-O

Ok,ok. A LOT of life is just the same events. Our personalities can be similar, but we are all different, which makes it not cliche a the same time. 

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Ok,ok. A LOT of life is just the same events. Our personalities can be similar, but we are all different, which makes it not cliche a the same time.


Likening a person to a story-telling tool is a bit arrogant. You determinalistic twat.

Also cliches are bad by definition, and if it's not bad, it's not a cliche.
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Likening a person to a story-telling tool is a bit arrogant. You determinalistic twat.

Also cliches are bad by definition, and if it's not bad, it's not a cliche.

By definition, life is a cliche. It is overused idea. And it is bad. 

Also, people by nature are quite predictable once personalities have been determined. I know how chaotic people are and how UN-Predictable they are, but we cannot predict people or their actions, we can merely predict their nature based on what we see/personality. Stretching this a tad here, but life is quite chaotic and sporadic, yet still somewhat predictable.

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By definition, life is a cliche. It is overused idea. And it is bad. 
Also, people by nature are quite predictable once personalities have been determined. I know how chaotic people are and how UN-Predictable they are, but we cannot predict people or their actions, we can merely predict their nature based on what we see/personality. Stretching this a tad here, but life is quite chaotic and sporadic, yet still somewhat predictable.

I think we differ in ideology.

Anyways, we should get back to the actual topic of this thread before we get too carried away lmao: what we like in anime.

I really like anti-hero protagonists in anime. It's not done all that often, but when it is, it's done great. Just look at Lelouch or Kiritsugu.
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Not an excuse for writers to keep reusing plot points over and over again. Make a twist, play it differently, or just use something else.

But there is ALWAYS a twist present; some may just be too ignorant to see it.

You can't just say "oh event A occurs here....this whole anime is cliche blah blah blah" when you have different universes, different characters, different story, and a different order. And forgive me for saying that romance often follows a cliched path. I hear they are called dates.

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To be honest, the main thing I look for in anime is general opinions of it. Whether it's good/bad and for what reasons, then I use those to see if I want to check it out or not.

That, and if it's a premise that'd interest me. While people raved about Watamote and said it was great, the cringe-worthy humor that came with the show was something I knew wouldn't interest me. Whereas people say Samurai Flamenco is a piece of crap, but the show sounds like something I'd really enjoy, so I'm gonna check it out regardless.


So I end up liking a whole bunch of stuff: TTGL and KLK for over-the-top action, Death Note and Code Geass for awesome antihero shenanigans, High School DxD for the plot, etc. Different reasons come with different shows.

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