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I hope Boom doesn't get a nerf, and not just because I just got him. I've been a firm believer that he's strong but not OP, and we just need more viable neutral 7 drops. Dr. Boom sees so much use because he's the new standard for an otherwise mostly lacking mana bracket.


EDIT: Found an old post I made earlier this month over in the Hearthstone forums, and it turned out that quite a few other people were saying very similar stuff.


"I haven't pulled or crafted one yet to run in any of my decks, but I have faced against him a lot of times. I think a big part of it is that there's simply not enough other good neutral 7 drops, so he just seems stronger than usual. Plus without other good options, he gets played more often and thus lowers the diversity for that mana slot. Both could be solved with having more viable options without nerfing Dr. Boom directly.

There's Baron Geddon, Core Hound, Ravenholdt Assassin, Stormwind Champion, Troggzor the Earthinator, and War Golem. Some aren't fit for most decks, others are Legendary and thus harder to come by, and some are simply bad cards.
And he's honestly not that hard to deal with. He's strong but I don't feel he's OP, kinda like a lot of late game cards that people will complain about, such as Ragnaros."
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Not usually, unless I just get boned on the opening hand and have nothing but 5+ drops or something. Zombie Chow and Shielded Minibot are the epitome of good, high-value early game that's also good anti-aggro, and Mustard for Battle is great value as well. And of course there's always the guy button, gotta love that stream of 1/1s. I tend to have little issues stabilizing with cards like Truesilver, Sludge Belcher, and Antique Healbot, if I need to.


And I replaced two Piloted Sky Golems with Dr. Boom and Sneed's, so the 6 slot is actually more freed up than it was. I haven't used this new version yet, but I imagine it'll play the same, just with an even beefier late game.


EDIT: New Voltron animation, best thing in existence ever:


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Blackrock Mountain text strings have been found in the most recent patch note. A lot of them have been pointing toward some kind of pre-sale for the time, which is awesome because that confirms that it's an adventure that we're going to be getting.

On top of that, we found 3 card backs that are going to be added in March in the patch notes too. No images yet, but unlock conditions have been found apparently!

Molten Core
Reward From: License Detected
Note: purchase brm presale
Reward From: Ranked Season Play
Golden Celebration
Reward From: License Detected
Note: golden celebration cardback

And yes, that is a Ragnaros card back for March Ranked Play

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Blackrock Mountain text strings have been found in the most recent patch note. A lot of them have been pointing toward some kind of pre-sale for the time, which is awesome because that confirms that it's an adventure that we're going to be getting.


I'm calling it right now, next adventure's going to be dragon related. 

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Raging Ragnaros, the March 2015 Ranked Play season reward.

...So, what can use Gallywix well? Rogue is my 2nd-favorite class, and I wanna play around with this =D

It's a meta dependant legend from what I've seen. It seems like it'd be alright right now due to Druid and Rogue being popular again but it kinda sucks vs anything else tbh.
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After some digging around on the Hearthpwn forums I've found out some pretty interesting shit.


Some supposed leaked cards from the new adventure: 






From what I've seen no one can agree whether they're fake or not. 


Also some WoW player noted that the new cardback (see koko's post) looks very similar to "Sulfuras" which is apparently Ragnaros' weapon. 


Upon speculation regarding Blackrock Mountain (supposedly the next adventure) and taking the Rag cardback into consideration people are assuming that Rag will be a boss in the next expansion, however you can see the issue with that seeing as though we already have Rag as a card. 


The assumption is that Rag will be a boss who drops his weapon, the issue with that though is the boss's in Nax only dropped legendary cards, for this to stay accurate the weapon would need to be legendary.


Then again there's not much of a track record to go by though seeing as though this will only be the second adventure so who knows, Blizzard might just do something completely unexpected. 

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Blackrock Mountain confirmed!

Will run on the same schedule of Naxx of releasing 1 new wing a week. There are 17 bosses, with a total of 31 new cards being added to the game as a result. There will be interactions with Dragons.


Full post about it, with previews of some of the cards. The Dragon stuff right now is actually looking incredibly solid. Dragon vs Mech meta would be so sick.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Currently at 1565 gold. I've got no dailies right now and I'm really tempted to start an arena run, but I must persevere!


How do you have so much gold? I've reached my all time high (690) today and I was so proud of myself ;w;

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