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How I've Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Game [Jan 14 Laval Quasar/Synchro]

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You've learned to stop worrying by running a non-interactive deck?


Don't like this Deck myself and I don't run it, but I've played against it quite often and I can't say I've ever seen anyone use Call of the Haunted. How's that test?

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You've learned to stop worrying by running a non-interactive deck?


Don't like this Deck myself and I don't run it, but I've played against it quite often and I can't say I've ever seen anyone use Call of the Haunted. How's that test?

I f**king love this deck. Laval Synchro is something I left behind for Xyz archetypes, and I felt like revisiting this deck would be a good start.

Anyways, considering how much this deck revolves around the Graveyard, Call works like a charm.

It also makes great MST bait by chaining it and bringing out Handmaiden, so she hits the Graveyard again. :3

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Also, while I love Synchs, you could get away with some Xyz.
But space looks somewhat tight, so...
I said Turbo Warrior earlier, I meant Boost. xD
Run Inferno for lolz?

Considering how tight space is, Inferno Reckless Summon might not be a good idea.
Unless you were referring to something else.
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While you're not running any necessarily bad cards, this deck looks rather unfocused. I'd rather run Quasar.dek, Red Nova.dek, or remove those 2 and the means to summon them. Then turbo your deck up with Gold Sarc, Cardcars, Upstarts, Maxx "C" and the like. Oh, and the Flamvell engine is unneeded in practically every Laval variant.

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While you're not running any necessarily bad cards, this deck looks rather unfocused. I'd rather run Quasar.dek, Red Nova.dek, or remove those 2 and the means to summon them. Then turbo your deck up with Gold Sarc, Cardcars, Upstarts, Maxx "C" and the like. Oh, and the Flamvell engine is unneeded in practically every Laval variant.

It's a bad idea to have both Red Nova and Quasar?
Where can I find variants of each?
And why is the Flamvell engine bad? It makes Level 8 Synchros a breeze to get out.
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Woops, forgot about this.


This is my current Quasar build, for reference: http://i.imgur.com/UM0E177.jpg


As you should probably know, you need a Level 1 non-Tuner in order to make Quasar. I rely on Fader and Scarecrow, but Boost Warrior works too. Drop everything not related to making Quasar, except for 2 Ladies, 2 Cannoneer and a Blaster, they are really useful cards overall. And then add acceleration: Cardcar, Maxx C, Vortex Trooper, Duality, Upstart, One Day of Peace, Gold Sarc. There are a lot of options and you should play as many of them as posible, since your goal is getting Rekindling as fast as possible. You can also drop your Trap lineup if you need space, the deck will do just fine without it.


And while I haven't played a Red Nova variant, I imagine that the best way to summon it is 3 Tenders + Lancelord + Lady. You can get that Graveyard setup with a single Transmission Field, so you can effectively summon Red Nova with only two cards. Forest Sprite could help in there too.

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Can't get on DN now, but Red Nova is happening a lot more for me.






Woops, forgot about this.


This is my current Quasar build, for reference: http://i.imgur.com/UM0E177.jpg


And while I haven't played a Red Nova variant, I imagine that the best way to summon it is 3 Tenders + Lancelord + Lady. You can get that Graveyard setup with a single Transmission Field, so you can effectively summon Red Nova with only two cards. Forest Sprite could help in there too.

I still feel Red Nova is good to fall back onto, but perhaps I should Summon Quasar before I say that.

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