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[Fanfiction] Thar's YCM Pairings (PG-16)


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When I read it, I didn't see any errors per se. Can't wait for the next one which I assume is Chaos Sonic-x-Saabeloe? (Because I know people have been planning that)


I think I'm just gonna wait and see if Cherz and Desu plan to finish it. If they don't, I'll give it a shot.

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Got a pretty good kick out of this recent story. Raine's cameo was beautiful. Like Raine. Gotta say that or he really will shoot me. Nothing I noticed or at least nothing I can recall that was grammatically incorrect although I apparently missed at least one thing. So it was a surprisingly more solid read then things that have been edited.


I liked what you were going with here. Sort of a bad hentai angle on things or at least made me think of that when you put in two total animu twins and characterize them the way you did.


I think I'm just gonna wait and see if Cherz and Desu plan to finish it. If they don't, I'll give it a shot.


We plan to release it in a three pack bundle with Try Hard Ons: The True SoraxAdvo Story and YCM On Ice and Tons of Gay Sh*t Happens.

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We plan to release it in a three pack bundle with Try Hard Ons: The True SoraxAdvo Story and YCM On Ice and Tons of Gay Sh*t Happens.


So will you be making a separate thread for those or something? Either way, I'm really looking forward to these.

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So the thing is I was kidding about writing all that stuff but Cherz wasn't kidding about it. So it looks like BossxSabguythingamajig might be a thing she makes me write. :,(
Just nobody tell her about you know what.

Got it, dude.

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So the thing is I was kidding about writing all that stuff but Cherz wasn't kidding about it. So it looks like BossxSabguythingamajig might be a thing she makes me write. :,(


Just nobody tell her about SoraxAdvo and YCM on Ice and Gay sh*t Happens.

You've already told me Desu.



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It already did, unless you want a whole 8+ pages of you doing things to said pizza that only I could ever imagine. Worth the risk of begging?


Oh really? Well I haven't really been keeping up so I had no idea. You should link me to it 

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