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[Buddyfight] Strongest Weapon! (Dragon World)

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Size 1: (11)

4 Bronze Sheild Dragon (6k Defence is still invaluable, even if the power is rubbish.)

4 Thousand Raiper Dragon

3 Spike Shoulder Dragon (Call cost gets partially mitigated, but the big thing is it lets you go for a 3 crit opening turn)


Size 2: (11)

2 Pile Bunker Dragon (Penerater uno)

2 Drum Bunker Dragon

4 Drum Bunker Dragon "Barrier Breaker" (This be my buddy, essentially for the logic of being 6k on a penetrator, making for crazy pressure, even if it'll die after a turn)

3 Rising Flare Dragon (Basically it's just a solid option all around)


Size 3: (1)

1 Super Armourdragon, Buster Cannon Dragon (Because I do not care for the centre, I loath this thing, even with Knuckles guage charging, this deck gets horribly guage intensive after a while)


Impact: (4)

4 Gargantua Punisher!! (Remains the best impact in the game for a good reason, and it's utterly brutal here)


Spells: (17)

4 Blue Dragon Shield (Best attack negator. Seriously, getting Guage from it is so awesome)

4 Green Dragon Shield

3 Day of the Dragon (Here's the mean, you combo this with Knuckle, letting you basically cast this for free whilst wiping the field, and then clinching things with free damage/Gargantua)

3 Dragon Grimore

2 Dragon Destroy


Items (7)

3 Dragonblade, Dragofearless (It seems an inferior item to Dragobrave, but the point is, it's meant to be a stand in for the real item, so no actual costs is really good.)

4 Steelfist, Dragoknuckle. (The real point of this deck. It's proven remarkably good from testing, since you know passive pressure and all that, plus it has really mean combo's in here)


I am waiting for Dragonic Charge to be a thing desperately here. Since, the faster I can burn into my Gargantua (And have it usable) the better.


The deck sounds really really solid in practice. Size 2 line-up is a pain in the arse, but it's the best that I can make out. Otherwise... damn does it hit hard and fast.

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