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Endless Battle [Artifacts]


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3x Artifact Caduceus

3x Artifact Labrys

3x Artifact Moralitach

3x Artifact Failnaught

2x Artifact Begalltach

2x Artifact Aegis

2x Absorbing Jar



1x Dark Hole

2x Pot of Duality

3x Artifact Movement

3x Double Cyclone



3x Theosophy of the Artifacts

2x Malevolent Catastrophe

1x Bottomless Trap Hole

3x Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

1x Compulsory Evacuation Device

2x Call of the Haunted



2x Wind-Up Zenmaioh

2x Tiras, Keeper of Genesis

2x Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon

3x Constellar Pleiades

2x Number 61: Volcasaurus

3x Artifact Durandal

1x Shark Fortress



Side Deck


2x Effect Veiler

2x Maxx 'C'

3x Mystical Space Typhoon

2x Xyz Encore

2x Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror

2x Imperial Iron Wall

2x Rivalry of Warlords

2x Mirror Force


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Morphing Jar and Cardcar D should be in here and so should 2 Gaia Dragon and an M7 in the Extra.

Backrow isn't good in here so take out the Phoenix Wings, Bottomless and Compulsory.

MST should be run at 2 at least, you need as much backrow destruction as possible.

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Morphing Jar and Cardcar D should be in here and so should 2 Gaia Dragon and an M7 in the Extra.

Backrow isn't good in here so take out the Phoenix Wings, Bottomless and Compulsory.

MST should be run at 2 at least, you need as much backrow destruction as possible.


You need some legit backrow though, so your opponent doesnt stop attempting to nuke.

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You need some legit backrow though, so your opponent doesnt stop attempting to nuke.


I have no idea what you mean by this. If you are seriously suggesting that anyone would use Exciton Knight/Black Rose against this deck then there is something wrong with you. 


Also, I forgot about Call of the Haunted. It triggers your Artifacts when you don't have backrow destruction, so it is really good. I also find Cyber Dragon to be lackluster in here.

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