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Trending: IRL TCG Lightsworns (w/Chaos)

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Yeah, this is about as budget as I can be; I don't shop online, and I don't often go to locals, especially since my parents don't approve of me wasting money on Children's Playing Cards (TM). Since I'm often behind on getting enough Trade-Bait, I also have a hard time getting what I need through trades, so....

... ehh, but anyways, here's my list (going by the current Banlist).


3x Judgment Dragon
1x BLS-EotB
2x Jain
1x Ryko
3x Lyla
2x Lumina
2x Card Trooper (<---Until Raiden comes to the TCG)
1x Garoth
1x Plaguespreader
2x Wulf
1x Evilswarm Azathoth
1X Evilswarm Obliviwisp
2x Necro Gardna
1x Lightray Diabolos
2x Chaos Sorcerer
1x Honest
1x Veiler


2x MST
3x Solar Recharge
1x Charge of the Light Brigade
2x Monster Reincarnation
1x Book of Moon
1x Foolish Burial
1x Dark Core
1x Enemy Controller


1x Starlight Road
1x Beckoning Light
1x Breakthrough Skill

2x Zenmaines
1x Maestroke
1x Temtempo
1x No. 17
1x Mechquipped
1x Starliege Paladynamo
1x Catastor
1x Scrap Dragon
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Utopia
1x Iron Chain Dragon
1x Gachi Gachi

... welp, fire away.

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