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Overrated/Underrated Anime/Manga

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What series have you found to be ridiculously hyped or not hyped enough?


For me, I think Sket Dance is an incredibly underrated manga; it's a gag manga that can not only make you laugh in hysterics, but also has great character development, has plenty of pleasant surprises and it can juggle drama just as well as its comedy. Someone needs to finish scanlating it since it's finished in Japan.


I actually can't think of something I find overrated at the moment, but I'm sure plenty of you have some in mind.

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*Goes through list of anime he watches....*

Well, I'mma grab a random one since most the ones I watch are underrated (with maybe the exception of Bleach, which I watched too long ago, and since then realized how overrated it is)


Hmmm....Nyan Koi was pretty good. The ending was a bit choppy IMO, but they could've made the series gone on for longer. 

Hilarious all around, and the girl the main has a crush on had a rare personality for anime. I liked it thoroughly.

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Also, I guess this isn't very fair, but One Piece always seemed way too overrated. Like, everyone says it's the best shonen battle anime ever, and I'm sure it's good, but it doesn't deserve that honor.


OK, I'm going to stop you right there. Before I actually watched One Piece, I would've agreed with you, but since I have, it's overrated for a good reason. It is the best shonen battle anime and it deserves that honor. The only people that don't like One Piece are people who haven't seen One Piece. Go watch and I guarantee you will like it.


For me, I feel Hunter x Hunter is slightly underrated, even though it has two series. I don't see enough people giving it the love it deserves.

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[quote name="Shotaro D. Gar" post="6338887" timestamp="1390270043"]OK, I'm going to stop you right there. Before I actually watched One Piece, I would've agreed with you, but since I have, it's overrated for a good reason. It [i]is[/i] the best shonen battle anime and it deserves that honor. The only people that don't like One Piece are people who haven't seen One Piece. Go watch and I guarantee you will like it.   For me, I feel Hunter x Hunter is slightly underrated, even though it has two series. I don't see enough people giving it the love it deserves.[/quote] Alright, tell me why it's so good. I remember watching between 100 and 200 episodes, and it wasn't anything special. Although, it seemed like an anime that gets better as it goes on, am I right? But either way, I don't think it will be as good as YYH, or possibly even DBZ. I'm not going to refuse to watch it, but it will be a very long time before I get to One Piece. I'm watching six anime right now, so yeah. But, as I said, tell me why it's so good.

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Understandable. One Piece is a little slow to get things done and it does get better as it goes on. A show needs to establish a foundation before it can get good because character development. Since you did watch at least 100 episodes, you stopped right before one of the best arcs, and if you did watch up to 200, then you would've seen the two good arcs of the series before it delves deeper into the world. YYH and DBZ are classics, I agree, but One Piece's author biggest influence in his works was DBZ's author, and it's very noticeable in the early parts of series.


As for why it's so good, it's kinda hard to explain without spoiling it, but let's just say, like YYH and DBZ, it has the perfect balance of drama, humor, and action. There's something for everybody and there's at least one thing or character that you'll. It's popular for reason. Give it a try when you have the time.

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I guess at the moment the only one I can think of is K. I haven't noticed many people here or anywhere else I go to that hyped for it before and while it was airing outside of Desu's club and I think it should be loved more.

I feel the same as you, but funnily enough, K has, like, 4 spin-off mangas going on right now and a 2nd season was greenlit a while ago.

So at least it seems to be popular back in Japan.


Alright, tell me why it's so good. I remember watching between 100 and 200 episodes, and it wasn't anything special. Although, it seemed like an anime that gets better as it goes on, am I right? But either way, I don't think it will be as good as YYH, or possibly even DBZ. I'm not going to refuse to watch it, but it will be a very long time before I get to One Piece. I'm watching six anime right now, so yeah. But, as I said, tell me why it's so good.

One Piece is a better manga than anime. The show's ridiculously long and the time to get to the really good stuff takes much longer through the anime whereas it's a much easier path through the manga.

Plus, they currently animate an episode per chapter, which makes for its pacing run slower than maple syrup on a tortoise shell.

...or something.

Hmmm....Nyan Koi was pretty good. The ending was a bit choppy IMO, but they could've made the series gone on for longer. 

Hilarious all around, and the girl the main has a crush on had a rare personality for anime. I liked it thoroughly.

Oh yeah, that one. I agree, she was different enough where she just slid past being generic, IIRC.

It could've used a sequel to properly settle the love triangle, but oh well.

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If you havent seen this film then youre missing out on a lot:


The whole movie has been posted on YouTube quite a few times so its not hard to get.


As for overrated the ones that stick out in my head the most are Attack on Titan and Sword Art Online

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Evangelion is overrated and needs to go away already.

Does anyone else here read/have at least watched Beelzebub?

Actually, Evangelion is probably the closest answer I'd have to give overrated. But I appreciate some of the hype though.


And yeah, it's not perfect, but Beelzebub could use more attention too.

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I feel the same as you, but funnily enough, K has, like, 4 spin-off mangas going on right now and a 2nd season was greenlit a while ago.

So at least it seems to be popular back in Japan.

I know about the manga (and 2 novels) and just found out about another one that started publishing this month, so yeah, it does seem to be popular in japan. But the sequel is a movie.


And I foolishly made that post without thinking of the manga at all, but that doesn't mean it doesn't seem to be a little underrated elsewhere.

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