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Ratios: 17 / 9 / 15 / 15


3x Heraldic Beast Aberconway

3x Heraldic Beast Amphisbaena

3x Heraldic Beast Leo

3x Heraldic Beast Unicorn

2x Heraldic Beast Eale

2x Swift Hippo Dynatherium

1x Heraldic Beast Twin-Headed Eagle

3x Advanced Heraldry Arts

2x Heraldry Augmentation

2x Heraldry Reborn

1x Dark Hole

1x Foolish Burial

3x Mind Over Matter (Henceforth known as MOM)

2x Breakthrough Skill

2x Call of the Haunted

2x Trap Stun

1x Bottomless Trap Hole

1x Compulsory Evacuation Device

1x Solemn Warning

1x The Transmigration Prophecy

1x Torrential Tribute


2x Evilswarm Exciton Knight

2x Lightning Chidori

2x Number 8: Heraldic King Genom-Heritage

2x Number 18: Heraldic Progenitor Plain-Coat

1x Daigusto Emeral

1x Diamond Dire Wolf

1x Evilswarm Ouroboros

1x Lavalval Chain

1x Number 101: S.H.Ark Knight

1x Number 106: Giant Hand

1x Gagaga Cowboy


Heraldic Beast Eale and Heraldic Beast Twin-Headed Eagle:

I run 2 and 1 respectively because of the fact that double Eale drops can win games while Twin-Headed Eagle's just a niche card that's only main worthy because it's a "fourth" Aberconway that gets under Bottomless, as far as "Amphisbaena drop Leo" plays go. Eale on the other hand is a clutch late game and OTK card that's literally just a free extra 1000 damage at worst. It really is something I don't think I could cut to 1 unless something totally outclasses it.


Swift Hippo Dynatherium:

Free-to-drop Lv. 4 WIND Beast. While it lacks the consistency of Kagetokage, it makes it up in power. In my experience, though not neccesarily the best ever, players are wary to revive your cards unless they feel it will stop a combo of some sort in the future. So you simply don't drop it until you've made sure your grave is ready, which in a deck like this is not going to be a problem at all, especially with Call of the Haunted around. 


Heraldry Augmentation:

I maintain that it is not cloggy at 3. In fact, I miss it at times at 2. But I don't absolutely need more than 2 and I don't have the space to main it, as you can see, and there are other cards I'd like to max or fit in first.


Dark Hole:


*Clears throat* But yes, it is a serious combo-enabler in the deck that allows me to massively plus if executed at the right time because of Plain-Coat.



This is a card I thought looked really bad on paper. I still think it looks terrible on paper. But it does really well in practice. I probably do not need all 3, but it's certainly a nice card to draw into, and I want to draw into it as many games as I possibly can. Cannot bring myself to cut a copy. It is the MVP of the deck after Plain-Coat and Leo.


Trap Stun:

Another card I wish I could run another copy of, but I cannot find the space for it. Better than MST overall and really a card of the format.


The Transmigration Prophecy:

Really potent disruption card that is basically never dead in the deck. Being able to recycle MOM, Dark Hole, AHA, Amphisbaena, sometimes Leo, etc. allows me to continue plays regularly as well as restock a powerful S/T if I need to. It's definitely not something I'd main anywhere or in any given format, but given how this deck is once it's rolling and the fact that I can restock a searchable Miracle Xyz makes me want it.


Evilswarm Exciton Knight:

I run 2 because I commonly want 2 if I want 1 and if I have AHA the second one (after the first was stopped) is literally just 1 card away. It's also BFFs with Trap Stun to a silly degree. 


Number 8: Heraldic King Genom-Heritage:

It's not always good... but when it is, it's absolutely god tier and wins games all on its own. The only thing is that I'd probably cut the second for King Feral if I put Kages back in, simply because it's the most extraneous card in the extra deck. It's also nice that it's a Psychic-Type (hurr) so it can sometimes lead to OTKs by the second copy being there under Heraldry Augmentation.


Lavalval Chain:

If you open 2 mons you can put on board and AHA, it really does let you set up for the rest of the game. It's not terrible in the late game, either, just really potent T1. I'd originally cut it from the deck in favor of a second Dire Wolf, but I found myself steadily needing that second wolf less and less and instead going for this because of the combo and setup potential it has.


Number 106: Giant Hand:

More-or-less a tech, but one that's useful either T1, as a follow-up to Exciton, or if I can't quite OTK the opponent. Problem with it is that it's not so easy to drop it as to say I drop it when I need or want to. But, that's the nature of the extra deck anyways. Toolboxable answers.


After notes:

I really would like to fit Mystical Space Typhoons back in the main, as well as Burial from the Different Dimension or Monster Gate or the other cards I mentioned the numbers on, but there is absolutely no space I can find. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaalp plssssssss.


Also people really need to read Number 18. It's almost as bad as The Fabled Unicore now, honestly.


Willing to explain any other choices if you ask. Also willing to listen to innovative (ie something that's reasonable but I haven't thought of, not hurrdurr run twin-pronged attack) or good advice.

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Any particular reason you run 2 #18? it was my understanding you only need 1.

Why would I cut my win-con to 1 when:
A. They can nuke each other to continue plays for days
B. If I run only one of them and it gets solemned I lose

Like, running only 1 seems like you're just begging to be shut down without a single problem.

@Breakthrough: Running only 1 Negation trap seems bad, and I don't really wanna cut it to 0 entirely...

@mom: but it's so good ;A;
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I really would like to fit Mystical Space Typhoons back in the main, as well as Burial from the Different Dimension or Monster Gate or the other cards I mentioned the numbers on, but there is absolutely no space I can find. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaalp plssssssss.

Black, your Deck has the ability to burn through it's cards pretty easily. Would going above 40 honestly be that bad?
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Without a doubt the only card you could bring yourself to cutting is 1 MOM.

I agree.


Black, your Deck has the ability to burn through it's cards pretty easily. Would going above 40 honestly be that bad?

This wouldn't be bad.

43 cards= Burial, Gate, MST(?)

Or toss out one MOM and add 2 MSTs with the 43 scheme. 

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Why would you ever suggest a deck to go over 40 and especially to 43!


Also Blackship of Corn?

Only things to cut for it are 106 and the Second Number 8, but I don't really see the utility of Corn over 106 or the fact that the second Number 8 is needed pmuch any time you're playing anythign with Xyz.


Given that dracossack's a thign this format, it's a really good card to be sure you have.


I could cut it for corn, still, but I don't see the point when Corn doesn't really stop anything I can't otherwise stop.

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I was actually hinting at just going to 41 and adding a Monster Gate.

Well, 43 works fine for me. *Shot*

But your idea works too.


And is it really, really, really that bad to recommend someone go to 43? I'm still not seeing consistency issues anywhere between 41-45, but I said 43 because any higher would be an actual stretch. 

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