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The Grand Tournament[ROUND 2 TASK UP](Round 1 Results IN!)


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I felt like dyson sphere judged really unfairly and my card got really hated by him

OCG: 15/30  I gave you points because its the correct wording for the OLD cards. Not the current era of wording however.

Balance: 0/30 No. Go Away. A Quick Effect Gale is the last thing we need.

Uniqueness: 2/10  Standard "gain attack on synchro summon" clause, obvious rip from Gale, and adding that tuner is nice and all, but so many cards have similar effects.


the ocg may have been slightly old but it was still correct

giving it balance a 0 out of 30? what?

while it may seem powerful you still need to banish tuners which you need to setup in your graveyard, any deck atm wouldnt need it and even tho its a quick effect gale the only reason its actually hit is because of its support

now maybe the effect is powerful but this is what i got from another judge who seems more experienced and is also a mod


27/30 OCG
Needs a colon on the first line after the word "turn" and then would need a capitalization on "You". Needs a capitalization on "Add".

27/30 Balance
Seems quite interesting and very powerful, but the fact is that no Deck dumps a shitload of Tuners into the Graveyard easily and this card doesn't self-summon, so it's slow enough to be balanced.
9/10 Uniqueness
Seems a bit like Gale, especially since it's also a Winged Beast, but it's nice that it's a Shrink.


making the difference between both the judges quit massively


the last judge also gave me a 2/30 without giving a reason other than a quick effect gale no just no which doesnt give a good reason


also  where dyson gave to hapless chicken

Balance: 27/30: not seeing many issues here, if any.


when its about balance, and not about how weak the card is as the card really hasnt got much synergy and is quite situational,

and at the same time Aix gave the card 7/30 because of this


while im not hating on everyone elses cards i feel like the way the judges judged was really awkward and weird

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If you look at all the cards. no body got consistent good judgement from any 3 judges. Dyson gave some people high scores where as AIX game them a lower score. Everyone had one low score for the most part. If you don't believe me you can look at the judgments yourself. Also i didn't tell the judges they had to post their judgments. I told them they could just sent them to me. So no one owed anyone a reason. Each judge had their own style and basically every card got a different judgement from a different judge. That promotes competition and diversity. If all the judges gave the same judgement then there would be a lot less competition because there would be a bunch of people really high and a bunch really low. This way everyone's still in the game.

Also task 2 is already posted.

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Well that is your opinion. Everyone has an opinion so its nothing unique. You like to say you're not picking on other peoples cards yet there you go doing it for a second time. I believe all 3 of the judges are very good judges and their judgments are for the most part accurate. Maybe in your opinion your card was flawless but clearly the judges each have their own arguments to why it is good or bad. Your complaints are turning into spam so please stop.

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Unfortunately I have a great problem, when this evil delinquent, who probably is one of those racist commenters on COD,  hacked the system, I lost all my cards as a result and now have to make them all back again, I will try to finish soon but I am busy with some job opportunities. 

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Unfortunately I have a great problem, when this evil delinquent, who probably is one of those racist commenters on COD, hacked the system, I lost all my cards as a result and now have to make them all back again, I will try to finish soon but I am busy with some job opportunities.

They're back, read the latest thread in News for info. Also, why are these not up yet?
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