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So I've been testing a bit on DevPro and Artifacts are a really amazing deck. The build is nowhere near final and I could end up adding things like Chaos-End Master, but this is it for now.


Monsters: 22

3x Artifact Beagaltach

3x Artifact Moraltach

3x Artifact Failnaught

2x Artifact Caduceus

2x Artifact Labrys

2x Artifact Aegis

2x Absorbing Jar

1x Morphing Jar

1x Honest

3x Cardcar D


Spells: 10

3x Artifact Movement

3x Double Cyclone

3x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Dark Hole


Traps: 8

3x Theosophy of the Artifacts

2x Malevolent Catastrophe

2x Call of the Haunted

1x Solemn Warning


Extra Deck: 15

3x Artifact Durandal

2x Constellar Pleiades

2x Number 61: Volcasaurus

1x Wind-Up Zenmaioh

1x Shark Fortress

1x Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon

1x Number 19: Freezerdon

1x Full Armored - Crystal Zero Lancer

1x Constellar Ptolemy M7

2x Gaia Dragon the Thunder Charger


Nothing is set in stone yet, but a lot of choices were just very nice ideas that I had. Cardcar D is amazing in this deck since you never Normal Summon and you normally just set lots and do everything in your opponent's turn.

Ghost Ship is just easy Rank 5 fodder.

Only 2 Absorbing Jar because as soon as someone knows what you're playing, they won't attack into sets so it becomes fairly useless. Way too predictable and easy to play round.

Still pondering on whether to actually play proper backrow, but I don't really know what to add if I take it out.

Also still not sure of the ratios of some of the Artifacts. Moraltach is easily the best and will always be played at 3, but unsure about the others. They seem to be doing ok so far.

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On my testing, I've found that actual backrow is pretty shitty in this. You want to be mass wiping as soon as possible and it just clogs on the artifacts themselves.

I think Failnaught is a 3-of because of the fact that he can get himself back from the Graveyard and set it so you can infinitely loop him for a constant wall + backrow threat. As is the Bureido that draws you an entirely new hand in most scenarios.

Double Cyclone and Ghost Ship seem pretty gimmicky and not worth it imo. I would rather play Call of the Haunted seeing as how it triggers all of their effects when you use it during their turn which allows you to pull up Red and blow up something like Orange and Blue for a good amount of removal and advantage renewal.

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Double Cyclone is not a bad gimmick it is pretty necessary in this deck. It is almost always live and is always a +1. It may not be quite as needed when I put in MalCats.

I agree as far as backrow is concerned. It just gets too cloggy and is never necessary. I think I will keep in Book of Moon and Warning though because the deck can have issues with Stardust. Also Moon can recycle Morphing Jar is some situations. Apart from that, all backrow is going.

I will take out 1 Ghost Ship for the third Failnaught and see how that goes. Ghost Ship is pretty good to get your Rank 5s out easily, but more than 1 might be too much.

Call of the Haunted slipped my mind completely. I will definitely add it.


So overall, 

-1 Ghost Ship

-1 Lance

-1 Bottomless

-1 TT

-1 MST

-1 Stag

+2 Call

+2 MalCat

+1 Failnaught

+1 Zenmaioh


Sounds good.

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That extra material though... you do need that extra material, because chances are, you can easily run into a Dprison or compulsory, and you wasted an extra monster. plus, with #19, you can use his effect for that artifact usefulness goodies. you can detach from him instead of the artifact xyz. 


Personally, I'd up Card Car to 3, just in case.

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That extra material though... you do need that extra material, because chances are, you can easily run into a Dprison or compulsory, and you wasted an extra monster. plus, with #19, you can use his effect for that artifact usefulness goodies. you can detach from him instead of the artifact xyz. 


Personally, I'd up Card Car to 3, just in case.


I would like to run 3 Cardcar but space.

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In my experience with the deck I've found that you'll want Moral, Fal and Beagal @3, with the others being @2; with the exception of Labrys, who is pretty much a 0-2 card really. No offence to the guy but the problem is is that he doesn't really do anything like the others do.

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Yeah I have found that 3 Labrys was too much. I will swap the numbers of him and Beagal round.


Also taken out Book of Moon for the 3rd MST since Book was doing very little. And I've taken out the Ghost Ship for the 3rd Cardcar.

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