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You guys ever been accepted into a closed beta?


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Due to my recent acceptance into a few of the closed betas out there I'm curious as to who else has applied and got in, or even failed!


Some of the more recent ones that I've had is Elder Scrolls Online, Hearthstone and Infinite Crisis. Opted in/applied for them and got my keys pretty quickly.


Any of you guys ever done the same? Which games have they been for?


(Also feel free to close this off if it's against the rules or has been done before).

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I've been in a few. I got into Dawngate, though I never played it. I played a lot of The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot, though I eventually got bored of it. I've also gotten into Firefall, but I never played that far into it. The only closed beta I've really had an extended amount of fun with is Hearthstone, which is absolutely fun and amazing.


I'd like to get into Heroes of the Storm.

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Just two of them:


Counter Strike Global Offensive: I played it. I sucked balls at it. But I had fun in it. Games were like, 2-3 minutes so I wasn't ever even really mad that I was losing. I recently bought CS:GO during the winter sale so I look forward to becoming "okay" at the game.


Elder Scrolls Online: The Beta times are always when I have work. Like, the beta closes at 9, and I usually get home around 8:50-something. From what very, very little I played it seems dumb. Like, you wake up in prison and some guy tells you "Hey! We're gonna set you free!" but like... there doesn't actually seem to be anyone guarding your prison cell, and since it's an MMO there's like, 30 other guys marathon-ing out of the prison cell, the same prison you just came out of like it's a god damn clown car or something. Then the terrible tutorial is like :"pick up this sword!" "beat up this skeleton!" but there's like, 30 other guys there beating the hell out of this stupid skeleton. It didn't seem that interesting to me...

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Just Hearthstone.  Love it. 



Elder Scrolls Online: The Beta times are always when I have work. Like, the beta closes at 9, and I usually get home around 8:50-something. From what very, very little I played it seems dumb. Like, you wake up in prison and some guy tells you "Hey! We're gonna set you free!" but like... there doesn't actually seem to be anyone guarding your prison cell, and since it's an MMO there's like, 30 other guys marathon-ing out of the prison cell, the same prison you just came out of like it's a god damn clown car or something. Then the terrible tutorial is like :"pick up this sword!" "beat up this skeleton!" but there's like, 30 other guys there beating the hell out of this stupid skeleton. It didn't seem that interesting to me...


Isn't against the TOS to talk about that?  Just wondering. 

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I've been in a few. I got into Dawngate, though I never played it. I played a lot of The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot, though I eventually got bored of it. I've also gotten into Firefall, but I never played that far into it. The only closed beta I've really had an extended amount of fun with is Hearthstone, which is absolutely fun and amazing.


I'd like to get into Heroes of the Storm.


Ahh The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot! I went Eurogamer 2013 and met up with a few of the developers in the indie section for that game, was fun to listen to them and stuff. Played it for like half an hour and got like a little postcard thing, was awesome.

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I've been waiting a bit more than a month for a Hearthstone key; applied for Elder Scrolls Online pretty much the day it was announced; applied for Dota 2 when it was a closed beta but friend gave me a key earlier. Didn't apply for CS:GO but I did play it at a friends. I don't have the best of luck with that stuff.

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Mind the NDAs, people. Lot of things in here you shouldn't talk about.

That said, I bought Guild Wars 2 early and played during the beta weekends of that. Sadly, I think I played more during the beta than post-launch. That game just doesn't do it for me.

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Rusty Hearts and Firefall. I think I've gotten a few invites into closed betas but never actually cared enough about the game to check it out. I still find Rusty Hearts to be pretty fun (was playing it half an hour ago) and as for Firefall I guess I didn't really get into it as it was fairly bare bones in terms of what to do at the start and I'd get to bored. I did hear it got better (the changes I've heard about didn't interest me) but recently I've heard it's been getting worse. I did check out Warframe when it was in its Open Beta weekends but I never actually got a beta key for it.


I've also gotten into Firefall, but I never played that far into it.


*Whispers.* You're welcome.

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