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Space Core Squared (Dyson Sphere Turbo)

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Shamelessly stolen from Kanokarob and modified. Stealth Union is a target for Cyber Nova, and Giganticastle makes an even 4 Level 9 Synchros. 4 RUMs is more than enough, especially with all the deck can do otherwise. I added some Level 8 Synchros and a Rank 4 to help maintain field presence if I can't go Dyson Sphere. Also Tuning is awesome.

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Lookin' better and better. Relinquished doesn't care, though. >:{D


Glad I got some honorable mention for the bulk of it. :) Looking back, Fortress Dragon should be in Side if not Extra. Not fully sure why he wasnt there to be gin with, though probably something to do with I was blinded by Level/Rank 9 spammage.

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Fixed the Extra to actually be functional. I might change around the actual monsters summoned, but 2 Level 8 Synchros and Paladynamo are working out. Most of the problem there is that all the good Level 8 Synchros are dragons, which hurts me if I use Hyper, but I'd rather have a not-dead Floatress, so Bri has to go to 1. I tried out Tunings, and they are GODLIKE. Get a foolish or in midgame, and you are good to go. Considering replacing the Spark for a Thought Ruler or Blader or Colossal Fighter. Thoughts?

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