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Revenger, Dragruler Phantom


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Revenger, Dragruler Phantom
Grade 3 Shadow Paladin 11000 Power
Act (V): [CB1, Choose 2 “Revenger” Rearguards, Retire them] During this Turn, this Unit gains 10000 Power, and if your opponent has 4 or less Damage, choose 1 oppponent Vanguard and inflict 1 Damage.
Cont (V): If you have “Illusory Revenger, Mordred Phantom” in your Soul, this Unit gains 2000 Power
Cont (V): Lord

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........why it is cb1?

that's just too low for free damage. sure it can't kill. but thats just retardedly over powered at 1. and shadows sac units all the time, so i dont see it being a problem at just 2 sac for an unblockable hit.

i'm at odds with this being what it is.

and it gaining 10k while doing it. it's just. wtf.

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Yay, it's the DARK Dragon Ruler we all have waiting for. Too bad it came for the wrong card game.


On a serious note, This being ACT can turn matches aropund easily, especially if you have got yourself rushed or double critted.

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