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[CFV] Rest of Promo Pack 12 Cards

Maeriberii Haan

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Shadow blaze dragon
G3 / POWER: 11000 / GUARD: 0
[Auto](V)<LB4>:{CB1, retire 2 of your
ShadowPaladin RG} When this unit
attacks a VG, you may pay the cost at
the end of the battle. If you do so, select
up to 2 of your opponent's RGs and
retire them.
[Activate](V):{CB1} This unit gets POWER
+2000 during this turn.
[Continuous](V/R): Lord

Dragon dancer Arabera
G2 / POWER: 9000 / GUARD: 5000
[Auto]: {CB1} When this unit gets called
onto a RG circle, you may pay the cost.
If you do so, Select 1 of your Flame dragon
VG, it gets POWER +5000 during this

Stealth beast Bandit ape
G3 / POWER: 10000 / GUARD: 0
[Auto](R):{Send this unit to the bottom
of the deck} When this unit's attack hits
a VG and you have a Murakumo VG, 
you may pay the cost. If you do so, 
Draw 1.

Cheer girl Carol
G1 / POWER: 6000 / GUARD: 5000
[Auto]: When this unit gets called onto
a RG circle select 1 of your other Spike
Brothers unit, it gets POWER+2000
during this turn.

Egg juggler
G1 / POWER: 6000 / GUARD: 5000
[Auto]:{SB1} When this unit gets called
onto a RG circle from your soul and you
have a PaleMoon VG, you may pay the
cost. If you do so, draw 1.


Will a PM Dindrane be useful?


Also, SP dragon seems quite good.

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