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The Rage Game

TOM 3.5

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The game is simple. You post 3  things that would cause others to rage. Then someone posts 3 other things.


1.No using the same things someone has already used or overly similar variations.

2. Don't Spam

3. Keep discussion within the Topic related to the game(Ex:Questions about the game, Your 3 rage inducing  things, etc.)

4. Basically all other YMC Rules Apply(Ex:No Flamming,etc.)



My 3 things that would cause rage-

1.You purchase the latest AlienWare gaming computer and your excited to be able to play your games with no lag. When you're about to open it you think back about how long it took you to raise the $3000 to buy it. You open it up and realize it has an Intergrated Intel HD Graphics Card(The same one from every other $200 Laptop)

2. You finally beat an Optic at Call of Duty. The next day you get banned because every  Optic reported you for hacking(and their fanboys too).

3. You recieve a coupon that entitles you to $100,000,000. It expired yesterday.


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That's not irony.


Irony is the Torrential Tribute that let your opponent drop Judgment Dragon on you.


Irony is someone pointing out a mistake right after making it, or making it right after pointing it out.


And most importantly, irony is the use of words expressing something other than their literal intention.

Changed the game and title of the post to something more fitting. Sorry about not being on the ball.

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