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Karakuri Geargia


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Sora told me that Geargias were better pure. Like WTF Sora. (jk, he told me he didn't know and took a random guess)



Dunno how to fit that Crimson Blader in my Extra, it's full to the brim. I guess I could take Blackship of Corn out... yeah probably will do that...


I dunno about the Geargiagear, I'm playing with fire here with 3 Geargiagear and only 4 Geargiano. I had more MKIII, but that's so terribly dead in the hand, idk.


Geargiauger's actually really slow.


Wish I had something like Pot of Avarice (no, I'm not asking for it back). I flip Geargiarmor like 10 times in a turn and there's no point since there's no more Geargiaccelerator.


Considering trying to fit in a Dracossack in.


[spoiler='le me trying to fit Dracossack in']70Hb3T5.png[/spoiler]

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Seven Tools > Dark Bribe

I also believe you only need 1 Strategist and Auger is actually pretty bad from what I've found. It was overhyped to say the least.

Toss them out for either more traps or make room for a set of Upstart Goblin.

Also, Blackship isn't really that necessary as 101 does the same job but better, so take that out for a Dracossack.

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