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Dog King.

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3 Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame

3 Blackwing - Bora the Spear

3 Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow

3 Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North

2 Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn

1 Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite

1 Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind

1 Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honour

1 Dark Armed Dagon


3 Black Whirlwind

3 Pot of Duality

2 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Allure of Darkness

1 Book of Moon

1 Dark Hole

1 Cards for Black Feathers


3 Icarus Attack

2 Mirror Force

1 Delta Crow - Anti Reverse

1 Solemn Warning

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Compulsory Evacuation Device

1 Bottomless Trap Hole


1 Blackwing Armed Wing

1 Blackwing Armor Master

1 Ally of Justice Catastor

1 Armades, Keeper of Boundaries

1 Vulcan the Divine

1 Black Rose Dragon

1 Scrap Dragon

1 Dark End Dragon

1 Diamond Dire Wolf

1 Gagaga Cowboy

1 Abyss Dweller

1 Maestroke the Symphony Djinn

1 Number 66: Master Key Beetle

1 Ice Beast Zerofyne

1 Daigusto Emeral


Current format and also usable for next format.

Nothing really changes except the side deck for new format.

And possibly hand traps etc, except not sure what to use etc.

oh and hi.


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Wait..are you...who I think you are o.o


OT: This build looks identical to the one I came 3rd with at locals last week, except I personally find triple blizzard a bit too cloggy.


Have you tested lance? It's nice to protect the shura/sirocco opening play as the deck can suffer if the normal summon plays get stopped if your hand doesn't have much. Other than that this looks pretty solid.

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Wait..are you...who I think you are o.o


OT: This build looks identical to the one I came 3rd with at locals last week, except I personally find triple blizzard a bit too cloggy.


Have you tested lance? It's nice to protect the shura/sirocco opening play as the deck can suffer if the normal summon plays get stopped if your hand doesn't have much. Other than that this looks pretty solid.

-1 blizzard

-1 cfbf


+2 lance


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Idk I meant it because it's just always an easy side-out card if you have nothing else to switch out for meta-hate, honestly I would just keep it in the main and put aside like a compulse or something into the side from the trap line-up, can't see much else put aside, everything else is pretty relevant.

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This is my current build; YJF10sG.png


You could honestly just side lance or main 1 it's not really mandatory but just something generally to consider testing. I personally find blizzard not really necessary at 3 but if it works out for you then it's cool I suppose.

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well i havent really tested much of 2 blizzard but 3 blizzard never really dead draws or anything

but for next format ill probably remove 2 mirror force or something for whatever hand traps will be better veiler or maxx c depending on the meta, or i might add some weird tech or something idk


also sometimes, well rarely i find myself in situations where i wouldnt mind making a rank 3 with kalut and gale or 2 kalut, but extra space is tiight so not sure on this 

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