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Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Maker Legend Series - January 2014 [Round 4 started!]

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Please reference to THIS for information on tables and scores!



Yes folks, it's that time again. Time for another YCML! This time hosted by yours truly instead of our previous host Jenny, we'll be sticking with the same formula though. Only difference is that these will be more frequent now, let's say... YCML will happen at the beginning of every new TCG format. How's that for a new change?

For those of you who might be newer to YCM and don't know what the Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Making Legend Series is, think YCS (Yu-Gi-Oh! Champsion Series) except a lot smaller and a lot more convenient. Far less travel costs to them too! And sign-up could never be easier! If you'll look further down the post, you'll see an application. Just simply fill it in and post it in the thread, easy as that!

There will also be feature matches, just like a big tournament! These will be written by fellow member Welche and posted in the thread for all to see. If you would like to help with the feature matches, please contact me over PM with an example of your work and I'll see whether you'll be a good fit for the job.

Of course, there's just one other little tidbit to take care of: for such a big event, there must be a payoff somewhere. Why yes, you would be right. If 24-32 people enter, then we'll attempt to make it a priority to get prize support in the form of Donator status on DN. However, this is NOT set in stone as of this moment.

[spoiler=Rules]1) Upon submitting your application, you must submit your decklist in to Jenny by January 4th, 2014. This is so that we can make sure that everybody is using the same deck throughout the tournament, as changing is illegal!
2) This tournament will be held in Swiss Match format. Games will be played in 2/3 and best scoring players will proceed on into Top 8/4.
3) Unsportsmanship CAN get you a disqualification. Remember that when playing your opponents.
4) If your match has been chosen to be a feature match, please make sure that one of the Feature Match writers is watching before you start playing. This is so that they can get a first hand interpretation of what happened in the duel and actually write the feature match out!
5) Post results of your matches in this thread so that we can keep check of who's won. To make sure that you aren't just lying, please have your opponent verify that the score is correct by saying something to the degree of "Confirming" in response to your post.
6) If for some reason you find yourself in need of a time extension, you may appeal to me over PM about the problem and we will attempt to find a way to resolve it. If you still have not played after the first time extension and it is a time zone issue, a draw will be dealt out to both players. If a player has simply been inactive, they shall receive a match loss.
7) This tournament will be going off of the TCG January 2014 banlist.[/spoiler][spoiler=Application]Username:
Name you wish to be addressed by:
Dueling Network Username:[/spoiler][spoiler=Members]Deck List Handler

Feature Match Writer(s)

Luquier / Koko / Ojama Knight
Emblem Black / Josh / Marsuvees Black
TechGenusMaster / Vizor / TechGenusMaster
Barty Breaker Dragon / Barty / Ratskin
A I X / Aix / AixDivadis
D.A._Saitama-Onepunch Man / D.A. / Sightless Reality
Dem the Dragonphile / Dem / StrikeOfTheChampion
The Hounds of Anubis / Chandra / Hounds of Anubis
Mugendramon / Marcos / BlindMonkey
evilfusion / evilfusion / skielinfiniti
Toph / Lunar / Demon Chick
jabber2033 / jabber / jabber2033
Bringerofcake / Bringerofcake / Bringerofcake
Wildflame / Wildflame / Wildflame
Pacmanexus / Pacmanexus / -Pacman-
kanokarob / kano / kanokarob
.wat / Champion / Tour Bus
Vector Nightmare / Nightmare / Nightmayre
.Ash / Ash / Snowy93
Sacred Airride / Airride / GenexAllyRemote
Venoshock Voltex / Voltex / Frex
Canadian / Canadian / Canadian
Loyalist / Loyalist / chrisl123
Xirno / Xirno / Plaguespreader
Scarlet Witch / Star / Star of Ash
Saberzauls / Kabasaurus / theworm55
DysonSlinky / Slinky / Rage of the Slinky[/spoiler]

Round 3 finishes at 12:00AM GMT January 26th. Please PM me for a 1 day extension if needs be!

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