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Koa'ki Meiru Urnight x3
Koa'ki Meiru Crusader x3
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian x2
Koa'ki Meiru Sandman x2
Koa'ki Meiru Wall x2
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear x1
Koa'ki Meiru Boulder x2
Kagetokage x2
Core Compression x2
Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru x1
Dark Hole x1
Diamond Core of Koa'ki Meiru x3
Mystical Space Typhoon x3
Fire Formation - Tensu x2
Fire Formation - Tenki x3
Bottomless Trap Hole x1
Torrential Tribute x1
Breakthrough Skill x2
Compulsory Evacuation Device x1
Call of the Haunted x2
Solemn Warning x1
Evilswarm Ouroboros x1
Number 104: Masquerade x1
Bujintei Kagutsuchi x1
King of the Feral Imps x1
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Tiger King x2
Number 50: Blackship of Corn x1
Number 101: Silent Honors Ark Knight x1
Number 106: Huge Rock Palm, Giant Hand x1
Diamond Dire Wolf x2
Noblswarm Belzebuth x1
Maestroke the Symphony Djinn x1
Abyss Dweller x1
Gagaga Cowboy x1
Largely Theory atm, but the couple tests of this build worked out well. Unsure on Kages as I haven't drawn them yet, but the Tensus have earned their keep, given how much they lead to either OTKing or just getting your opponent into a position from which they cannot recover effectively.
Probably gonna cut the second Dire Wolf for more options, as I have yet to actually want it. Giant Hand's not a bad opener on T1 though, if I have no way to maintain a Guardian.
Crusader is just absurd now because of Diamond Core. They are just BFFs.
Unsure on Core Compression. I want it because it has helped, but it feels winmoar, even with 4 copies of Iron Core.
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A 2nd Bear, maybe? You have 5 Fire Formations in the deck that you will want to turn into 1-for-1s with Bear, and a single one might not be enough for the job. I see you got 2 Calls you can use to bring Bear back if you really want it, but I think a 2nd copy would be more reliable.


I know this is not Rock Stun, but I think Grand Mole could be a good tech that gets rid of problem monsters while going back to the hand to keep your Koa'ki Rocks alive.


I don't really get how Compression (or any deck thinner, for that matter) can become a winmoar. Could you please elaborate on that?

I understand winmoars are cards that give you, usually unnecessary, advantage when you are already winning, and I can't see how Compression does that when it only thins the deck and sometimes fixes the hand.

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A 2nd Bear, maybe? You have 5 Fire Formations in the deck that you will want to turn into 1-for-1s with Bear, and a single one might not be enough for the job. I see you got 2 Calls you can use to bring Bear back if you really want it, but I think a 2nd copy would be more reliable.

I bearly want one. Why would I want 2?



I know this is not Rock Stun, but I think Grand Mole could be a good tech that gets rid of problem monsters while going back to the hand to keep your Koa'ki Rocks alive.

I have no space for a mediocre tech that doesn't add anything to the deck.


I don't really get how Compression (or any deck thinner, for that matter) can become a winmoar. Could you please elaborate on that?

I understand winmoars are cards that give you, usually unnecessary, advantage when you are already winning, and I can't see how Compression does that when it only thins the deck and sometimes fixes the hand.

It's only live when you have Core and a Koa'Ki Meiru in hand. Thus it's most likely live after you've set up and is just digging into cards after you're probably in a good position. That's how it's slightly winmoar.

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It's only live when you have Core and a Koa'Ki Meiru in hand. Thus it's most likely live after you've set up and is just digging into cards after you're probably in a good position. That's how it's slightly winmoar.

Thanks for the answer.


And now that Armz brought Emeral up, maybe you could drop that 2nd Dire Wolf you were unsure about to make space for him?

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