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Mythics (Jan 2014)


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Hate it or not, dragons are still pretty powerful, even though this isn't completely orientated around the rulers like previous builds of this were, instead they are just used as support for the mythics and blue eyes engines.






Monsters - 22 -


3x Blue Eyes White Dragon

3x The White Stone of Legend

3x Mythic Earth Dragon

3x Mythic Water Dragon

2x Flamvell Guard

2x Card Trooper

1x Debris Dragon

1x Blaster 1x Redox 1x Tempest 1x Tidal

1x Magician of Faith


Spells - 15 -


3x Cards of Consonance

3x Trade-In

3x Dragon Shrine

1x Burial from a Different Dimension

2x D.D.R

1x Foolish Burial

1x Gold Sarc

1x Dark Hole


Traps - 3 -


3x Royal Decree


Extra - 15 -


1x Armory Arm

1x Armades

1x Ancient Fairy

2x Black Rose

1x Stardust

1x Scrap

1x Cowboy

1x Maestroke

1x Big Eye

1x Dracossack

1x Felgrand

1x Heliopolis

1x Dragluon

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