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Pre-LVAL Ghostrick deck


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So I see all these people posting their Ghostrick decks for after LVAL (and I can't wait for that either), and I think "Why don't I post the Ghostrick deck I'm currently using?"

And so here it is:


2x Ghoul

3x Jiangshi

3x Stein

2x Witch

3x Specter

3x Lantern

2x Tour Guide

1x Gagaga Gardna

1x Skull Conductor

1x Mystic Tomato [/spoiler]



3x Mansion

3x Book of Eclipse

1x Recurring Nightmare

1x Dark Eruption

1x Book of Moon [/spoiler]



1x Bottomless

1x Compulse

1x Needle Ceiling

2x Gravity Bind

2x Vanish

3x Scare [/spoiler]


[spoiler=Extra Deck(12)]

1x Maestroke

3x Alucard

1x Fortune Tune

1x TemTempo

2x Leviathan Dragon

1x Gachi Gachi

1x Herald of Faithful Light

2x Lion Heart [/spoiler]


On most occasions, it does remarkably well.


For the post-LVAL version:

-tomato, s conductor, gagaga gardna, maestroke

-1 Stein

-1 Lantern

+3 Mary

+2 Mummy

+3 Dullahan

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