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Gimmick Puppet Humpty Dumpty & Gimmick Puppet Shadow Feeler

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When this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 "Gimmick Puppet" monster from your hand. You can only use the effect of "Gimmick Puppet Humpty Dumpty" once per turn.



Cannot be destroyed by battle. When you take battle damage from a direct attack while this card is in your Graveyard: You can Special Summon this card from your Graveyard in face-up Attack Position, and if you do, take 1000 damage. You can only use this effect of "Gimmick Puppet Shadow Feeler" once per turn. If this card as an Xyz Material would be sent to the Graveyard, banish it instead.


Two new Gimmick Puppets from Premium Pack 16. Humpty Dumpty is signifigantly less restrictive compared to the anime version.

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Less restrictive, but still really, REALLY crap. See, not only does it still consume your resources, but it makes little difference that you get him out. That's why Gordias Unite is better, because it does what this thing should: Copy levels. Puppets care little for Rank 4s, and odds are the only level fours you'll play are Scissor and Bomb Egg. Scissor needs to be NSed in order to mill a GP and Egg already noms on your hand. Hell, to put it simply GPs are all about nomming on your hand. If this guy were to summon from anywhere, it SHOULD have been the Graveyard. THAT'S where you find most of your Puppets. Not to mention, this guy still pales in comparison to Des Troy, and Des Troy is also crap.


If this guy was NS only, but copied the level of the summoned monster, THEN it would be good. As is, Humpty is still crap.

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I don't really see much point running Dupe when the only feasible target is a crap card. GPs are pretty inconsistent already, we don't need to add pointless combo cards for cards that won't even be used.

Necro Doll is also a target. If you add in Black Salvo, you'll have 1 potential target for each of the 3 Dupe's you can run.

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Shadow Feeler should have been a Tasuke Knight. After taking a direct attack, I don't want to take MORE damage just to revive him.


After testing, this is your answer:


Shadow Feeler can't die by battle. Its 1000 ATK will be useful when you sponge multiple attacks (although it's useless for the first attack after the direct one, due to taking 1000 damage). If you don't use Feeler to Xyz, it's a slight wall.


Also, Gimmick Puppets do have Puppet Ritual, which requires your LP to be 2000 lower than your opponent.


Is it a godsend? No. But it's handy.

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After testing, this is your answer:


Shadow Feeler can't die by battle. Its 1000 ATK will be useful when you sponge multiple attacks (although it's useless for the first attack after the direct one, due to taking 1000 damage). If you don't use Feeler to Xyz, it's a slight wall.


Also, Gimmick Puppets do have Puppet Ritual, which requires your LP to be 2000 lower than your opponent.


Is it a godsend? No. But it's handy.

I love the irony of a mod digging up a week-old thread from the second page just to answer a non-question.


And yeah, I realise now he's actually okay at what he does, I just still wish it was a Tasuke Knight, and that Humpty Dumpty could become the same level as what he summons.

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I love the irony of a mod digging up a week-old thread from the second page just to answer a non-question.


And yeah, I realise now he's actually okay at what he does, I just still wish it was a Tasuke Knight, and that Humpty Dumpty could become the same level as what he summons.


Nah, it was more because I've been testing Puppets and found Feeler to actually be useful. It's still a recent enough thread that it didn't warrant a new one.

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Maybe 2. I'm not a major expert on Gimmick Puppets, but I felt 1 wasn't enough once I realized how useful it could be, and it shouldn't conflict too much, even compared to the other Level 8s in the Deck.


Plus, it doesn't have any Summon restrictions, so you can use it with Gear Changer or Magne Doll to make non-Gimmick Puppet Rank 8s, which can give more flexibility. It only banishes itself if used as Xyz Material, so the slight walling is still useful.

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I feel like Shadow Feeler is just a gimmick.




Feeler probably isn't essential, but considering how much Gimmick Puppets want to set-up the Grave, but eat up the hand, Feeler is useful to avoid running out of resources, since if your opponent gets past your main Xyz, you may struggle a bit to make another play quickly. With Feeler, you do take damage by using it, but you aren't as completely reliant on Necro Doll, and Feeler isn't Puppet specific.

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