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Probably will be my irl Since it's dirt cheap save for the recharges and It's hilarious to play.



1.) Mill Your Deck with Lightsworns

2.) Ram Shells into stuff to deal massive damage with Counter.

3.) CotH/Circle Back Hammerer(Preferably multiple!)

4.) BURN THE OPPONENT TO THE GROUND (Especially if You have Spiritual Fire art! 2400 Damage after the Hammering? Yes pls)




Extra is whatever except the chains and Emerals.

The LS engine is one I've been kind of messing around with for a while and I don't really know how I want to handle it. Obviously the Rykos and Lylas, but other than that...I dunno.

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Made some changes.

Blaster wasn't very useful, so I dropped him and a Jain for Luminas, since Volcanics ended up dead in hand a bit more often than I'd like, plus it adds more milling power.

Dropped the Kurenais, despite how much I like them (They were the only thing I could really drop and not regret), and added in 2 dualities to increase early game consistency. The deck doesn't SS until late game, so It works out well.


As long as the deck gets a second or third turn, it usually can stand its own for until the Hammerers are ready to be brought out. The Counters are surprisingly vital in dealing damage, since the deck doesn't have too much damage outside of scatters and them, other than battle, but they can easily be wasted, so occasionally I'll be short of using hammerers for the kill because Counter did little. Might want to find room for Cylinders or something, to alleviate that trouble.

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