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Rank 4 Spirits

Sunn O)))

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What's the card next to Dark Eruption that isn't dark hole?

Oh, and the card next to Wyburstar that isn't Tsukuyomi?


"Creeping Darkness" & "Yaksha", respectively.


From looking at the deck, I don't think the Dark Eruptions and Creeping Darkness are good in it, and I would say they even conflict with each other: the former only has 6 targets and looks like it will end up as a dead draw often at 2; while the latter is quite difficult to set up, especially in the first turns, and eats your DARK grave resources needed for Wyverburster, including "Dark Eruption" targets.


The deck only has LIGHTs & DARKs except for 2 monsters so maybe you could take a Chaos approach and run BLS and Chaos Sorcerer? I'm not sure if the Collapserpent/Wyverbursters will be eating your LIGHT/DARK resources, though.

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This looks pretty fun. I tested a build that my friend gave me that ran 3 swaps and 3 legacy of yata garasu which was fun, though this looks like more of an xyz approach whereas his was control.


You could try BLS but you seem to eat into your grave a lot.

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Made changes.

-1 Rasetsu

-1 Yaksha

-2 Creeping Darkness

-2 Dark Eruption

+1 BLS

+1 Chaos Sorcerer

+1 MST

+3 Upstart Goblin


Took out Rasetsu and Yaksha because they weren't really doing anything, and their weren't Dark or Light. Creeping Darkness was a dead draw, and Dark Eruption wasn't great. Added BLS and Chaos Sorcer, but might taken them out if they don't test well. MST and Upstart Goblin are just there because I didn't know what else to add.

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