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January Archfiend XYZ/Synchro

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Well, since we're entering a new banlist I guess I might as well try getting into the game for a while again. Basically some minor updating to my old deck, mostly in the form of the Extra Deck. I know this is not an optimal build, so I'd enjoy some suggestions.


Monsters 20


[2]Archfiend Emperor

[3]Trick Archfiend

[3]Archfiend Calvalry

[3]Tour Guide

[2]Masked Chameleon

[2]Summoner Monk

[2]Effect Veiler

[1]Armageddon Knight


Spells 10

[2]Falling Down

[2]Mystical Space Typhoon

[1]Archfiend Palalabyrinth

[1]Book of Moon

[1]Foolish Burial

[1]Allure of Darkness

[1]Mind Control

[1]Dark Hole


Traps 11

[3]Call of the Haunted

[2]Archfiend's Roar

[2]Fiendish Chain

[1]Bottomless Trap Hole

[1]Compulsory Evacuation Device

[1]Torrential Tribute

[1]Raigeki Break


Extra Deck 15

[1]Jeweled Red Dragon Archfiend

[1]Red Dragon Archfiend

[1]Thought Ruler Archfiend

[1]Crimson Blader

[1]Stardust Spark Dragon

[1]Ancient Fairy Dragon

[1]Black Rose Dragon




[1]Maestroke the Symphony Djinn

[1]Lavalval Chain

[1]Leviathan Dragon

[1]Mechquipped Angineer

[1]Fortune Tune

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What does Fortune Tune do here exactly?

If you don't even know that much, why are you commenting on archfiends?

It's a TGU+Heiress Xyz that makes it relatively easy to both set off an recycle Heiress for future searching, while stalling as they attempt to remove it as painlessly as possible.
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Pretty much exactly that. Fortune Tune is harder to get rid of than Zenmaines, and is pretty much guaranteed to get off a search due to Heiress in the process. It also recycles itself so I don't have to run like 2 of it. Only downside is that it puts the 2 materials for it into the deck, and of course it can be ran over by a lot of stuff. Still, I prefer it to Zenmaines 3/5 times.

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