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PinkiePie.dek [Madolches]


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2x Effect Veiler

1x Madolche Chouxvalier

2x Madolche Cruffsant

3x Madolche Hootcake

3x Madolche Mageleine

3x Madolche Messengelato

3x Madolche Mewlfeuille

2x Photon Thrasher



1x Dark Hole

2x Forbidden Lance

3x Madolche Chateau

2x Madolche Ticket

2x Mystical Space Typhoon

2x Pot of Duality

1x Reinforcement of the Army



1x Bottomless Trap Hole

2x Madolchepalooza

2x Mirror Force

2x Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

1x Torrential Tribute




1x Blade Armor Ninja

1x Diamond Dire Wolf

1x Evilswarm Exciton Knight

1x Gagaga Gunman

1x Heroic Champion Excalibur

1x Leviair the Sea Dragon

2x M-X-Saber Invoker

3x Queen Madolche Tiaramisu

1x Maestrok the Symphony Djinn (Should I replace with Zenmaines or Fortune Tune?)

1x Number 101: Silent Honors Ark Knight

1x Number 104: Masquerade

1x Photon Papiloperative




2x D.D. Crow

2x Maxx "C"

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

2x Prohibition

2x System Down

2x Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell

2x Debunk

2x Imperial Iron Wall



Once PRIO is on DN, I'm going to find space for Anjelly.

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[quote name="Digi-Boy" post="6322561" timestamp="1387332996"] There's no space in the Deck for Warwolves unfortunately.  Can't afford throwing in an engine.[/quote] Sure you can. Cut the Thrashers, dualities, and the Chouxvalier. Bam, 5 slots for the Warwolf engine. Hell you don't even need to run tenkis. It's worth it, trust me.

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-1 Choux 

-1 Cruff

-1 Magi

-2 Thrasher


-1 Chateaux


-1 Palooza


+2/3 Spell Striker


+1 MST if no 3rd Spell Striker

+1 Duality


+1 Compulsory

+1 Warning


- Choux has no place in the deck. It's just pretty bad.

- Magi is good, but she's not good enough to warrant 3 of us as she's already searchable enough. Sure, you can dig into combo pieces, but Duality does that too.

- Spell Striker's important for making Hootcake -> Invoker + Tiaramisu plays. I prefer it to T.G. Warwolf because Spell Striker can be dropped at any time and can occasionally win games by himself.

- Thrasher's not good in this deck. Doesn't do anything either.

- Need more backrow, so Compulsory and Warning are needed. You can't afford to not play backrow because the deck doesn't do anything to stop itself from losing until you attempt to go off with the Hoot plays. 


On another note, I'd like to suggest switching Veiler for Maxx because of the fact that Maxx can throw itself in the gy at any time for a Hootcake play. It's a legitimate reason.

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