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I just totally netdecked this...


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I'm totally original (41 = new 40)





3x Cyber-Tech Alligator

3x Giga Gagagigo

3x Terrorking Salmon

3x Castle Gate

3x Magical Merchant

3x Giant Rat

1x Sangan

1x Card Trooper




3x Soul Exchange

3x Swing of Memories

3x Silent Doom

1x Brain Control

1x Premature Burial

1x Monster Reborn

1x Sword of Revealing Light

1x Heavy Storm

1x MST




2x Dimension Wall

2x Birthright

1x Torrential Tribute

1x Mirror Force

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I seem to remember them saying "TRAP" for trap cards; I thought "REVERSE" meant that they were face-down.





How was I supposed to know that' date=' it's not like I ever watched the show or anything...


and this is a good deck how ?o.O


Because it uses Terrorking Salmon. Nub.




-1 Dimension Wall

+1 Magic Cylinder

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lol' date=' Castle Gate has 0 ATK. and your putting it in a beatdown deck right? this will fail.





i wouldnt be so sure. Hes using castle gate for the direct direct stratergy, not so much beatdowns. He dumps his vanilla monsters in the grave using Merchant/Trooper etc.... revives them... and tributes them for Gates effect to inflict mass damage

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This card cannot be destroyed by battle. Once per turn, while this card is in face-up Attack Position, you may Tribute 1 of your monsters of Level 5 or below, to inflict damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the original ATK of that monster.

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If you have them' date=' you should replace Terrorkings w/ Summoned Skulls. (2500>2400)


Otherwise, nice original deck = 8.733356/10



Summoned Skull is Level 6


Cyber Tech Alligator is the highest Level 5 monster to date, so it owns SKull

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